So if you've never seen Heathers this is all you basically need to know.
Hi I'm Veronica I'm sad but at least I got my friend Martha. Oh wait now I'm pretty and popular thanks to Heather, Heather, and Heather now they are "friends"
Candy store
Heather. C wanted to be mean to Martha and Veronica was like no. Heather. C: Are we gana have a problem you got a bone to pick we've come so far why now are you pulling on my dick. Welcome to my candy store. Veronica: sure
Than the amazing JD was like hi don't do that. Veronica: can I have your name. JD: no
Fight for me
Curt and ram: hey JD you're gay. Wow they got into a fight and the beautiful trench coat Waring JD is winning. Veronica: daaaamn he's hot and he can fight.
Freeze your brain (my favorite)
JD: Want a slushy? Veronica: no. JD: Want a slushy? Veronica: No. JD my moms dead I move alot and I have depression. So want a slushy? Veronica: yeah. Now they are dating.
Big fun
Hey we're teenagers let's be stupid. Heathers: let's dress this pig up like Martha. Veronica: no. Heather. C: your dead.
Dead girl walking (also my favorite)
Veronica: well I fucked up I'm gana die hey JD sex? JD: that works for me.
Veronica: Hey I had dream with Heather let's go kiss her ass. Oh no we accidently killed. JD: yeah I didn't do this on purpose or anything.
The me inside of me
Veronica: let's fake a suicide note. Veronica as Heather. C: wow I'm pretty and sad because of it so no one knows me for me.
Heather. M: help. With Kurt and ram there gross
Blue (another favorite)
Kurt and ram: sex? Veronica: no Kurt and ram: sex? Veronica: no.
Heathers: you had sex withe them. Veronica: no I didn't. Students: slut. Heather. D: I'm the queen of highschool.
Are love is god (once again favorite)
JD: hey look I'm the best character. I love you Veronica. Hey let's get them back by saying they're gay and shooting them. Don't worry the bullets are fake. Veronica: okay. JD: oh wait no there not. Ram and Kurt: we are dead now. JD: veronica I love you (and I love JD more now)
Kurt's dad: I hate my dead son he was gay.
My dead gay son (another favorite)
Rams dad: well I love my dead gay son. And I'm gay. Kurt's dad: me too. Let's fuck now. Rams dad: okay
Veronica: stop killing people and just be teenagers. JD: okay I'll stop being crazy. JD: no I won't.
Teacher: let's do this thing for Heather.
Shine a light
Teacher: hey everyone sad no well I'm a wreck.
Lifeboat. (Oh look another favorite)
Heather. M: I'm sad and want death because my kinda boyfriend Kurt was gay and now dead and my best friend is dead to.
Heather. D: well I'm a bitch so go die.
Shine a light reprise. (Once again favorite)
Heather. M well I'm going to die now so. Imagination Heather. C well you're going to die alone so here pills.
Veronica: bitch get those goddamned pills out of you mouth if everyone jumped of a bridge would you to. Heather. M: probably. Veronica: no don't kill yourself. Heather. M: okay
JD: ooo let's kill Heather. D. Veronica: no I'm leaving you. JD: my mom killed herself and it's people like hers fault.
Veronica: fine I'll stay with you just no more violence okay. JD: okay I promise JD: no I don't
JD's dad: look at me being an asshole. JD: *shoots air* veronica: why. JD: it's funny. Veronica: no it's not I'm leaving you.
JD: hey Veronica's parents Veronica wants kill herself bye
Martha: ram didn't kill himself he's not gay I know because I love him and he wrote me a note. Veronica: I wrote that and fuuuck you. Veronica m I did that to save her from JD.
JD: hey Heather. D get everyone to sign this or o tell everyone that you were friends with Martha. Heather. D: okay but no-one cares about her. Martha I heard that.
Kindergarten boyfriend (my least favorite)
Martha: I dated ram in kindergarten and I had a dream about him. So I'm going to jump off this building.
Heather. D: sign? Veronica: no Heather. D: I'll fake yours like I did Martha's. Veronica: what happened to her?
Yo girl
Heather. D: she tried to kill herself she's fine tho. Others: she's hurt and you're truly a Heather. Parents: hey sweetie don't kill yourself. JD: I'm breaking in your house now.
Meant to be yours (my 2nd favorite)
JD: hey look who's crazy (and L's favorite) and is going to explode the school but I don't want you be hurt and I love you. Veronica: I'm dead . JD: oh no I'm sad, well time to go explode the school. Veronica: no I'm not
Mom: veronica is dead no! Veronica: no I'm not. Mom: let's scream at each other for a minute. Veronica: I got to go die possibly see you
Dead girl walking reprise
Veronica: Okay well I'm going to save a school that is rude to me. JD put away that bomb JD: no I'm an asshole. (JD: no I'm not) Veronica: *shoots gun at him* JD: I'm dead. JD: no I'm not.
Veronica: well I'm going to take this to the field and die. JD: no you're not.
Damaged (my favorite of them all)
JD: Give me the bomb I'll die for you. Veronica: okay asshole. JD: I love you and I'm really sweet. Veronica: wait no I'm just now realizing you're the love of my life. *BOOM* To late (and than L cry's for an hour or so)
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Hey Martha and Heather. M let's be friends. Martha and Heather. M: okay
Well I'm still crying because of JD wait here is a alternate ending that I like
JD: *sings half of damaged* Veronica: hey I have an idea let's run and let the field blow up and be happy with are friends Martha and Heather. M it might make slight damage to the school and maybe one or two people will fall so let's go. JD wow that really smart but I'm kinda bleeding so can we go to a hospital. Veronica: yeah sure. And with these people giving JD love and putting him in some therapy (but never telling the cops he killed people) he was less crazy and everyone is happy and L can stop crying L: no not yet
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