hey guys so I have some theories on unis hardcore quest season 2 series so let's get on to it I don't think the d gang or I like to call them the dark crew I don't think there gone reasons when Nick and uni entered the cave they saw two skeletons one smelled like Jon Jon isn't dead is he but the other one wasn't identified at all I think that skeleton is dawn well how do I know this when Ashlie uni Nick and the others found the grave they also found a book that Jon wrote and it mentioned dawn in it and saying how Jon needs to find dawn of course we know Jon didn't write this but what if it was the Jon from the jonstoner universe we saw them once in the first season so I think there gonna come back in this season also when they showed Jon the book he said he heard voices then he yelled make it stop or something along those lines but he said it in dons voice also you know the f crew fashlie funi fick fawn Fon I don't think there gone either we saw them a couple times I'm the first series and we saw fawn once in the second series and they escaped in Jon's jonstoner series so I don't thing jonstoner d crew or the f crew are gonna be gone for this series we also see new characters in the new series and I do think they know something.
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