I guess I got tagged ?
1. So I'm maybe almost 170 cm 67 inches long ? I do't know if I got it right I am from Europe afther al.
2. I am a cheerleader and show dancer
( an awful one of course )
3. I am 13. ( me afther some time: now 14 ye)
4. I play games but not that many to make me a gamer , and I played growtopia until the end of 2016 , yes why just why? I don't know and the worst part is I threw 3 years at that game of my life, sad isn't?
5. I don't have pets allergic to all animal fur, sad .
6. I'm quite weird in realy life but i'm already weird in here so...meh
7. My birthday is 03.03 what means ♓ yayaya 🎉
8. I jave blue and grey, but a little green eyes?
9. I cry when I want to and , I will not cry most of the times when and an animal dies . yes burn me in flames , torture me , drown me, burry me alive I know I have not shed a singel tear or a sob when an animal dies . And im mean af when you first meet me so stay away.
10. I draw but i suck at it ( and you swallow and spit) >:) heh
11. I am quite savage to children aged
4 - 10 , so keep children away from me.
12. I like coffe and tea but mostly cofffe , wait no I like tea more nope coffe aaahg, idk.
13. I like to eat weird thins like icecream cones and frozen peas yes I eat them cold .
14. I like dogs and cats and all types of animals im just scared of them .
15. I like the smell of rain and sun sets, I also like to take pictures of weird shapes of clouds and cherry blossoms .
Like thiiis .
And thiis ( I like the 🍑 colour).
( it looked cooler in real life )
Sooo the 15 people .....
I have no idea who should I tagg cause I dont know anyonee , like at all
Welp I am sorry you don't have to do it of ya don't want to I don't want to do this to.
Wlep art not mine
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