SPN- Gabriel's new game
Gabriel was just minding his own business, robbing a candy store in the middle of the night when a siren went off. Why was he doing this? You ask. Well...let's just say his powers were on hold for a moment.
"......shi-." Gabriel cursed and was about to zap himself out when two police officers shouted "PUT YOUR HANDS IN THE AIR!" From behind him.
Gabriel remembered that he couldn't zap himself out, and grouched. Why couldn't he just have some candy?
He decided to amuse himself. "Like I just do not care." He sang softly, smirking as he was arrested.
He could just kill them, or make them hallucinate. But what would be EVEN funner? Sam bailing him out.
Gabriel found his new game to play.
Time skip to a phone call
"You did WHAT?!?"
Sam could be heard from all the way in Alabama.
"Yeah.....but you'll still love me. Can you come bail me out?" Gabriel asked through the phone.
Sam was furious, but decided to keep a calm voice....for now.
"Yes. Of course. But your not off the hook, Gabriel. This behavior....it's not exceptable. And NO I DON'T!!" Sam told him firmly.
"Sam....we've been dating two years. Denial is a joke now. " Gabriel said and Sam swore he could practically hear his grin.
"Alright, I'll be there soon." Sam huffed, ignoring his comment. He ended the call and went to go get ready.
Sam pulled into the police station, grumbling. He walked through the puddles of rain, getting his shoes wet.
He opened the door and walked to the desk. The officer looked up and nodded. "Here for..Gabriel?" He asked.
"Yeah. I am." Sam said, rubbing a hand through his hair.
"Ah. Well we have a problem with that. You see, we've diagnosed him as either immensely drunk, or insane." The man said, standing up.
Sam huffed and mumbled something. He sighed. "The latter." He said and they headed to Gabriel's cell.
Gabriel was happily waiting on a bench, looking completely content.
Sam sighed again. "Hey Gabriel." He said as the officer opened the cell door.
Gabriel's face lit up.
"Sam! I knew you'd come and save your prince charming." Gabriel said hugged Sam the first chance he got. Sam rolled his eyes. "Let's go." He said and they began for the door.
Gabriel and Sam pulled into there drive way and Gabriel smiled. He was acting awfully innocent and oblivious to what he had done. But Sam knew better.
"Alright, Gabriel, we need to talk." Sam begun as he parked the car. Gabriel nodded and began leaning his head against Sams shoulder. "Yes we do. I missed you in jail Sammy..." he began.
Sam pushed him away. "Gabe, you WERE IN JAIL." Sam said matter of factly.
Gabriel smirked. "I know. Pretty hot, right?"
Sam shook his head in frustration. "No! It's not hot! Stop it." He said as Gabriel tried to play with the hem of jacket.
"Gabe, this is a serious issue. Dont do it again, okay? Promise." He asked firmly.
Gabriel sighed teasingly. "Fiiine. I won't get caught again." Gabriel said, getting out of the car before Sam could say anything.
Sam heard a noise. Actually, several noises. Foot steps. He looked beside him, and Gabriel wasn't there. Oh no...
He sat up immediately, grabbing the gun he kept by his bed. He crept foreword, silently.
As soon as he reached where the noise was coming from, he almost shot. But there he found Gabriel, surrounded by something. A LOT of somethings.
"Gabriel!! What are you doing?" Sam asked, putting down his gun and stepping foreword.
"I GOT US SOME CANDY, SAM!!" Gabriel exclaimed, holding up bags of candy. That was the stuff surrounding him.
"From the town over. I didn't rob this one. And didn't get caught!" Gabriel said proudly. Then sirens started to sound from outside.
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