Forever is a long time- TVD- Part 1
Caroline walked down the busy road, shuffling her way through the people.
The sky was a clear and bright, the sun reflecting on her blonde hair.
But she wasn't enjoying it. She wasn't enjoying anything. It had been 2 weeks after Stevens death and she was still grieving. It weighed her down, like a magnet to a fridge.
Alaric was in Mystic Falls, watching over the girls while she took some time off for herself, as Elena had called it. But she still worried about Lizzy and Jo, every second.
Everyone in the town square was busy getting around, and radiated a happy aura. How could the world just go on like that?
When someone so important to her died, they could still smile? She didn't know how they could. She didn't know what to do.
That's right. The bubbly, optimistic, happy go lucky, sassy Caroline didn't know her next move. But how could she? She was all alone, and had no idea what to do.
And where was she now? Non other than New Orleans. It was one of the few places she had a purpose to be in. And NO SHE WAS NOT HOPING TO RUN INTO KLAUS. TOTAL DIFFERENT REASON.
Caroline entered a bar. It was cool and buzzing with people. She sat down at a stool at the bar and slid a lock of blonde hair behind her ear. Then, a bartender can up to her.
"What can I do for you?" She asked, a bit exhausted. Caroline huffed and smiled. "Anything you have....Camille" She answered slowly while looking at her name tag.
"Rough day, huh?" She asked, going in the back. Caroline laughed wryly.
"You could say that." She said, playing with the floral hem of her white tank top.
Then, Camille came back and handed her a shot. Caroline smiled at her gratefully and Camille returned it before walking off to another customer.
Before she could do anything, she felt a presence behind her. She turned around to be face to face with a grinning Klaus. "Hello love. Didn't think I'd ever see you here."
Caroline swallowed. "Klaus." Is all she could say. Here he was, smiling and happy. "Your here." She said.
"Well yes, this is my home." He said and sat next to her. "What brings you here, love? So far away from Mystic Falls, and your girls?" Klaus asked, taking a sip of her drink.
"Why am I here?" Caroline repeated, grabbing for her drink, and looked down. "Because...apparently I need some time off. Some time alone." She admitted.
"And why is that, love?" He asked, suspicion dancing in his eyes.
"Because he's dead. Stefen's dead." Caroline blurted out, and covered her eyes. Maybe if she couldn't see the world, it couldn't hurt her anymore.
"..what? Who killed him? I swear, I promise that I will find them, and rip there heart out of there bloody chest." Klaus whispered, the grin wiped right off his face. "...I'm sorry Caroline." He said and embraced her.
She hugged him back, forcing the tears back. She was so tired of crying. "He...he wasn't murdered. He sacrifices himself. So we could send Katherine back to hell once and for all."
She sighed before pulling back, finishing her drink and slamming it down on the table. "That's EXACTLY why I'm here. To distract myself from the WONDERFUL woes of my life." She retorted and wiped her face.
"I understand." Klaus said and caressed one of her locks of hair.
"I promise to help you do that. Here. In New Orleans. I can finally show you all the beautiful places I promised. Gardens. Landmarks. Historical grounds. That is, if your up for the challenge." Klaus said, grinning faintly.
There. That was the goodness she had always hoped for. Not the murdering, narcissistic, egomaniac he hid behind. And 3 years ago, she would have refused to spend another minute with him.
But today.....well maybe today could be different. Maybe today she would allow here some happiness. She still had the girls in the back of her mind, but maybe she could let that go for a moment.
She may not be in control of what she has become. Vampire, mother, friend, widow, lover, headmistress, and so much more. But she could control right now.
"Yeah. I think I am."
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