I've had a lot f time to think lately, which probably isn't good. Why? Because my dear reader, I get caught up in the fantasies. which is probably a bad habit. But... a certain time is going to come, and i'll have to be as persuasive as i can. There is going to be the time when i tell my parents about Henry and I... not that its anytime soon, but its going it come eventually and if i'm on top of it i can spend a few months -or years- fixing it to be as perfect as possible... cuz oh good god it has to be. So I've talked to my mom, not on us, but just love in general. She actually gave me a list of requirements! what is wrong with my family!? It doesn't matter... so with more thought i kinda put together a few small statements... again i'm not telling them any time soon, probably my Junior or Senior year is when i'll tell them... that's the plan at least. so here's just what I've scrapped up for an extremely ruff draft...
You always say, fall for someone who won't hurt you, who will treat you right. Make you happy. No one meets those expectations better than Henry. He can brighten any day with just a simple hello. You also say someone who has a good job, i can't really say anything yet... but he so talented, it wont take much for him to get a job! It's his fault i love him! But that doesn't give you a right to hurt him! pleeeaaase don't do that!
ugh! This chapter sucks!!!!!!!!!! Anyway the point of this chapter was to ask you guys, how do you convince your parents not to kill someone! I'm so afraid of what my dad's going to do! he's overprotective and i don't want anyone to get hurt... I don't know how accepting he's going to be! This chapter is so stupid, i'm just going to end it now... bye!
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