"Thank you for calling FedEx, my name is Julio, how may I help you today?" Said the customer service representative in a monotone voice.
"Hi yes, so I was wondering could you by any chance be able to tell me where my shoes are?" Illiana said while gently tapping her fingertips across her knee.
"Yes, may I have the tracking number?" He responded.
"Ah yes the tracking number is..." Looking down into the messed up numbers made from lipstick stains she paused.
"Um could you give me a minute? I seem to not be able to distinguish the numbers I wrote in lipstick.
P.s. I FUCKING hate FedEx not you just the machine! I called THREE times and in those three times the damn machine HANGED UP ON ME."
Chuckling softly he agreed that the system was a tad bit insane.
"So, the tracking number is. 771641243740"
Humming Julio, looked at his monior to see where the package was located at the moment.
"So, it appears that it has been returned to the seller. Which is in Virginia. I do apologize for the inconvenience."
Blinking in disbelief Illiana stared forward not really seeing what was in front of her.
"Does that mean I would have to contract the seller?"
"That would be correct ma'am"
"Oh... alright then. Thank you for helping me. Have a nice day Julio."
"No problem Illiana, if you could take a quick survey at the end to rate, how I did I would appreciate it." He ended this conversation politely.
After he disconnected an automated voice said between a 1-5, one being not so helpful and a five being very helpful, how did your experience rate?"
Clicking 5 quickly Illiana, ended the phone call.
Taking a second to breathe in she yelled.
Illiana's ire did NOT end till three hours later, suffering from a burning stomache ache, heart burn probably but she found her zen. Contracting the seller, she NOW was going to pay for the shipping again but in the end she would get her fucking shoes!
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