Hypnotizing (About Self-Harm)
-I don't know which one is more mind-blowing,
-The blissful silence that follows,
-Or the biting zings that come before,
-The red rivlets dripping down my limbs,
-The deep crimson leaking through my flesh,
-Dark reminders of all the mental anguish,
-White lines just more entries in my autobiography,
-Every scar a dark day pain won,
-Each healing slit showing my strength,
-Soon they fade into mere marks,
-Though their memory isn't erased,
-Each blemish a painful reminder of internal agony,
-But also reminders of the day pain didn't fully win,
-No pain will slow me down,
-No internal agony will break me this day,
-I'm stronger than a sum of my life experiences,
-A lesson my son is learning,
-A story filled with many bumps and potholes along the way,
-Used to teach future generations that life doesn't have to be at us,
-Even if the crimson droplets fascinate,
-No matter what, there are those who need us,
-We can't selfishly lose our life force,
-Life and growth are more important,
-Love and kindness make the world spin,
-Those that feel constantly broken,
-Are the best ones to help the lost causes,
-Even when they feel like a lost cause themselves,
-But even lost causes are worthy of love,
-They deserve to know that their hearts mean more with life inside them,
-Their limbs better warm and colored,
-No sharp instrument is needed to show this lesson,
-No intense waves of guilt for one's actions,
-Just life, love, and warmth…
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