I woke up to the warm golden glow of the sun shining through the window. Sighing I looked around the white undecorated hospital room." I hate it here" I muttered as my nurse Stella walked in smiling brightly like always. "Good morning Rosie! How are you feeling" she said cheerfully using her nickname for me. "Just peachy" I responded sarcastically as she handed me my meds and some water. Stella was the only person who visited me and talked to me on her own time.
She had black hair that went down to the middle of her back. Which was always in a high ponytail or messy bun. She was tall and skinny with bright green eyes and a cheerful smile. I always thought she was pretty, unlike me with my pale sickly looking skin, thin boney frame, dull brown eyes, and equally dull brown hair. I sighed and took my meds like usual and washed them. Down with the water.
I bet you are wondering why I'm here aren't you? Well to be honest, I don't know. I don't remember much, the only thing I remember is two names. Mine and the name Ty, I can't figure out who this person was to me though. I sometimes get visions, but when I do they are blurry. Once in awhile the visions make my head feel like it's on fire or being stabbed with hundreds of pins and needles. The doctor says that these visions are just memories. Problem is I don't know if I want to remember if it causes me more pain, but sometimes I can't help but be curious so I ask anyone I can. All I get in response is a sympathetic look and the words "you need to remember on your own."
I hate not knowing and as the days go by I get worse instead of better, I know I don't have much time left to live. Stella says I'm getting better, but each day I feel my soul slowly slipping away from my body more and more. I don't want to die, not without knowing who this Ty person is. Everyday is the same agonizingly slow cycle of wake up, take my meds, eat, do nothing, and sleep. The visions also get clearer as I get weaker, One night the vision was so clear I could see almost everything.
I still couldn't hear dialogue or see words but I could see faces, actions, and items clearly. In that vision there was a boy with blue hair under a tree, I had a feeling it was Ty. The boy smiled and blushed saying something I couldn't hear then looked down. Soon the scene changed and there was a tearstained paper with words that I couldn't read. I know I had seen that paper somewhere, it's the paper on the table across the room from the bed.
I was now curious what did the paper say, I've never read it but now I want to. "Stella can you grab that paper over there for me please" I asked pointing at the paper on the table. Stella looked a bit hesitant but did what I asked. I smiled weakly and grabbed the paper from her with shaky hands. Once I had unfolded it I started reading the words and teared up. I felt memories of Ty start to slowly come back, I was now crying remembering what happened to him.
I still don't know why I'm here but I can die peacefully knowing at least some of my past, but I don't want to die here. I know this sounds cheesy but I want to die where I met Ty, under the apple tree. I told Stella and my doctor my request and luckily they complied. The next day something told me it was my time, I smiled as I sat under the apple tree and spoke my last words. They were simple but the meant everything to me "I'm coming Ty, I hope you waited for me." I closed my eyes and breathed my last breath falling into a peaceful and eternal sleep.
A/n:hey guys I hope you enjoyed this short story and as you can tell it's a part 2 to Apple Tree. I decided to let you know what happened to Rose. You're probably wondering why she's there well that I'll leave to your imagination. Anyways thanks for reading please vote and comment, bai💙
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