Visiting the 50 states (Ralbert)
antonio "racetrack" higgins is a city boy through and through. like,,,, can navigate the subway in his sleep and can tell you the best restaurants by street corner without having to think about it type city boy. he loves the energy of the city and the whirlwind of people and sounds and just everything about living there. but he's also adventurous and chaotic and JUST impulsive enough to be down for this
now ALBERT. don't get me wrong, albert loves the city, it's his home, but,,,,,, i also think he grew up in a much more rural area so he misses the,,,, sort calmness and warmth that hangs over areas without the hustle and bustle. so while race is d o w n for the idea, albert DEFINITELY came up with it. it's whirlwind-y enough for race, and albert can show race how it's done when you're not in the city that never sleeps.
A/N: Sorry about not editing (I'll probably actually make this a one shot later)
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