Neopolitan x Male! Reader 3
I had arrived at the docks and saw team JNPR waiting for me, they all seemed happy Jaune was talking with Pyrrha and Nora was zipping around Ren talking energetically.
I was still kind of mad at my friends for spying on me during my date, I avoided them when I went to my locker to retrieve my buster sword (W/N).
I quickly ran towards team JNPR hoping that we would leave before team RWBY caught up to us.
"Hello (Y/N)!" Pyrrha greeted me happily.
This caused the rest of the team to turn towards me Jaune and I fist bumped while Ren bowed and Nora...
"(Y/N)!" she yelled running over to me and talking a million miles an hour I could barely understand her.
"Well I suppose we should get going" I said quickly.
"Yes , let's get this mission underway..." Ren said pulling Nora away onto the ship.
I walked with Pyrrha and Jaun and stood by the open door watching as the ship was begun to take off.
"(Y/N)!" I heard someone call my name I turned around and saw Yang looking at me from the dock with a sad and worried expression on her face.
I gave her a disapproving look as the ship closed it's doors the rest of the way and flew off towards our mission site.
I continued to look out the window as the Bullhead flew further and further away from the academy.
I watched as the Bullhead that (Y/N) boarded flew away, the look he was giving me made me feel sad.
(Why is he so mad? did that girl turn him against us?!) thoughts of (Y/N) becoming an enemy and fighting me and the others flooded my mind making me worry more.
"I've got to get the others and try to find him. Fast!" I said as I turned and ran towards the garage while pulling out my scroll to call the others.
(We've got to talk to (Y/N) and find out what's going on with him and that girl!)
I felt a hand on my shoulder and turned my head to find Pyrrha looking at me with a face that I could only describe as a concerned big sister look.
"Are you okay (Y/N)? you look a little down" she said.
I took a deep breath before looking at her fully.
"I had a disagreement with my friends in team RWBY today..." I said felling depressed.
We sat down on one of the seats on the ship and the others joined us.
"Want to tell us what happened?" Jaune asked.
"It might help to get it off your chest..." Ren said.
"Yeah! come on! tell us what's bothering ya!" Nora said loudly.
I look between them all and sigh.
"Well you see I'm dating this really nice girl and I just found out today that my so-called friends were spying on me during my date" I said.
"Go on" Pyrrha said.
"Well you see this morning I was going to introduce her to them one at a time because she's quite shy, but they yanked me into their dorm room and tried to interrogate me about her, and they also did something very...
inappropriate" I said feeling my face heat up.
This seemed to catch the others curiosity as they all seemed to lean in.
"T-they kind of saw me and her being 'intimate' with each other..." I said in embarrassment.
This made them all turn red and shifted around uncomfortably, Pyrrha recovered first and looked at me still blushing furiously.
"W-well I'm sure that you will be able to make up with them, when we get back to Beacon we'll sit down and talk it over, okay?" she said with an awkward smile.
"Yeah, okay" I said smiling back as the Bullhead flew on.
I had gotten a call from Yang that (Y/N) has left the academy with team JNPR, we had to find him and talk with him before it was too late.
As I ran into the courtyard I saw Weiss and Blake waiting for me with worried expressions, they must have gotten the call from Yang too.
"Weiss! Blake! did you get the call from Yang too?!" I said.
"Yes we did, She says she's going to take bumblebee to find them and try to talk to (Y/N)" Blake said as she placed a hand on my shoulder to reassure me.
"But what if... (Y/n)'s one of the bad guys now..." I said as tears began to build in my eyes.
"Hmph! He's have to be a fool to work with people like Torchwick, especially when we've beaten him so many times" Weiss says.
"I-I guess your right..." I said back to her, but I was still worried...
(Yang, you've gotta find him soon...)
I zoomed along the roads in Vale on my Bumblebee overtaking cars and traffic to reach the place that (Y/N) and team JNPR have gone too.
"Damn! if only we could have talked to him at Beacon..." I said as I dodged another car.
"And what's worse he almost killed Cardin right in front of other students, he might be expelled for that kind of violence!" I said with worry.
(Even if that bastard did deserve it...) I thought to myself.
Luckily I had found out where they had gone before leaving the campus, I sped out of the city towards the area they headed to.
Their mission was to clear out a large swarm of Grimm from a section of wilderness, however there were reports of white fang activity in the area, which means that girl and Torchwick might be there...
"I've got to get there fast!" I said kicking Bumblebee into high gear and speeding off to find my friends.
The bullhead touched down and team JNPR and I walked out of the ship.
Me a blushing mess, Nora with a smirk on her face, Ren looking impassive as usual, Jaune stuttering and awkward and Pyrrha...
Well she was holding the bridge of her nose from the nose bleed she had when I explained how I got away from team RWBY.
"Was that excuse really that dirty?" I asked as she wiped away the few blood drops that had escaped before she stopped the bleeding.
"W-well (Y/N) y-you see..." Pyrrha begun awkwardly as she let go of her nose.
"HAHAHAHAHAHA THAT WAS HILARIOUS! I KNEW YOU HAD IT IN YA (Y/N)!" Nora said while laughing loudly.
Ren sighed loudly at Nora's antics while Jaune tried to regain his composure.
I just looked around confused as hell when suddenly I heard growling from the tree's around us.
We looked around and saw several packs of Beowolves and Ursa surrounding us We drew our weapons and leapt into the fray!
Nora yelled excitedly as she smashed Grimm with her giant hammer, Ren moved around the battlefield killing Grimm with his bladed SMG's and his martial arts, Jaun and Pyrrha teamed up with each other killing the Grimm with their swords while blocking with their shields.
As they did this I drew my Bustersword and cut apart several beowolves easily, it took a lot of practice and skill to wield (W/N) as I could.
I slashed in a wide arc slicing one of the Ursa nearly in half I then turned my attention to the other Urasi slaughtering them easily, it seemed that with every cut more and more of my frustration melted away.
(Nothing like killing Grimm to lighten a bad mood!) I though to myself as I slashed apart another Beowolf, Suddenly I felt claws slash my back destroying my shirt the ragged pieces fell of my body and hit the ground.
"THAT WAS MY FAVOURITE SHIRT YOU JUST RUINED!" I yelled angrily at the Grimm behind me, I turned around and slashed it into bloody chunks before kicking away the severed head.
I heard a yell from behind me and I turned and saw something very bad, the White Fang had arrived and was attacking us ferociously.
I ran to the others and stood with them holding my buster sword towards the white fang soldiers.
We engaged the White fang soldiers as they charged towards us firing their guns and waving their weapons at us, we charged and took them out easily yet it seemed that more always came.
"How many of these guy's are there?!" Jaune yelled as he deflected some shots from the grunts.
Nora charged in yelling about breaking their legs with her hammer, Ren followed her silently Jaune and I charged with them and (Y/N) followed behind us with (W/N) poised to cut.
Somehow he had lost his shirt and I felt a warm rush on my face from his exposed upper body, he slashed his way through the White Fang soldiers leaving them wounded and unconscious.
Suddenly the fight seemed to take a turn for the worst when several new people appeared there was a young man with silver hair and black clothes, a tall tan girl with green hair and clothes, and none other than Roman Torchwick himself.
"Well well well what do we have here, a bunch of kids meddling where they aren't wanted" Torchwick said as he lit his cigar.
At that voice (Y/N) stopped fighting and looked at Torchwick confused, like he wasn't expecting him to be there.
"(Y/N)! What are you doing?!" I yelled as he stopped attacking and stood there looking very unsure.
"Ah... so your the young man Neo has been seeing for so long..." Torchwick said with a smirk.
(Wait... what's Neo's friend doing here?) that's what I thought when I saw him.
"I know you. Your Neo's friend" I said very confused about what was happening.
"Her friend and business partner, along with the White Fang my boy" he said that smile never leaving his face.
"Wait so you mean... Neo's?" I said starting to feel a pit open in my stomach.
"Yes, your girlfriend is working for the bad guy's, and she's done a very excellent job so far..." he said.
"Right Neo?" and then my world fell down...
She walked out from behind him with a smile on her face, which disappeared and her eyes widened when she saw me standing there.
"N-Neo..." I said sadly feeling a strong pain in my chest, it hurt so badly that I fell to my knees dropping my sword.
"(Y/N)!" yelled all of team JNPR as they broke off from the fighting and retreated.
I saw several White Fang soldiers approach me but I also saw that Team JNPR needed my help.
Ren and Nora were exhausted and barely standing, Jaune was trying to hold off one of the enemy who refused to let go of his shield, and Pyrrha was bleeding from several shallow wounds.
I stand back up intent on helping my friends before it was too late, only to be attacked by a young man with silver hair, he launched several strong kicks at me which I blocked with the flat of my blade.
I looked over to see Neo looking between me and the silver guy with a worried face, I continued to block his attacks until I saw an opening and delivered a strong slash to his leg slicing it off.
He fell to the ground holding his leg that sparked and crackled as he cursed at me.
(Cybernetic legs...) I thought as a blank, emotionless mask overtook my face this has to be the worst day of my life...
I just didn't care anymore I was so hurt and angry I wanted to kill everyone and get away to be alone, I raised my sword and attacked the White fang that rushed me slicing them apart.
I continued to kill the people who rushed me until they began to hesitate to approach me their eyes wide in fear, I looked down at the young man from earlier trying to crawl away I walked over and kicked him hard in the side forcing him to flip over.
I raised my sword above my head ready to deliver the killing blow...
(Y/N) stood above Mercury with (W/N) raised up for a killing blow, team JNPR looked on in horror at their friend who moments ago killed several men and now looked to kill another person.
The blade falls towards the young man who's raised his arms up to protect himself suddenly the blade is caught by a pair of green sickles, (Y/N) looks up to see Emerald trying to hold off his attack.
He snarls in rage and kicks her hard in the chest sending her flying, the sound of a gunshot rings out and (Y/N) rolls away from a shot by Torchwicks cane.
He stands back up and walks towards Torchwick with a murderous look on his face, Roman fires again but (Y/N) slashes the projectile out of the air, Roman fires again and (Y/N) deflects it with the flat of the blade towards Emerald the explosion knocking her out.
Roman begins to panic and fires for a third time as (Y/N) runs towards him the projectile hits the ground before him making a big explosion, but with a beastly roar (Y/N) fly's through the flames with (W/N) ready to cleave him in half.
His blade is stopped mere inches from Roman's face cutting his cigar as he stumbles back wide eyed, (Y/N) looks down and see's Neo holding his blade back looking at him with sad, conflicted eyes.
He applied more force to the blow causing Neo to slide back slightly, she looked at him with worry as their weapons separated in a shower of sparks.
Roman scrambled up and fled a distance away behind several White Fang soldiers who watched the fight in fear, if this guy could force the silent and deadly Neo back what kind of monster could he be?
The two stare at each other intently Neo still looking conflicted about what she had to do, this was her (Y/N) who made her feel loved in ways that noone else ever has and now because of this plan she might lose him forever.
(Y/N) kept a look of dark rage on his face he felt hurt, betrayed, angry...
Suddenly Neo dropped her sword and rushed forwards, (Y/N) got ready to defend himself from an attack, only to feel Neo's arms wrap around him and her soft lips press against his own.
(Y/N) was very surprised at the contact and dropped his weapon too, he instinctively placed his hands around Neo's back and waist as they kissed.
team JNPR, the White Fang grunts, Mercury and Emerald all looked on with eyes wide and mouths hanging open, "WHAAAAAAAAAT?!" came a loud yell from everyone.
I didn't understand, why was Neo working with these people?
"Seem's your subordinate has become disobedient, Roman..." came a voice, Neo and I broke our kiss and she was shaking.
I looked down and saw that her eyes had turned white, that only ever happened when she was afraid...
(Is that it?! is she being forced to do this by this person?!)
I looked up and saw a woman with long black hair, glowing orange eyes, wearing a very long red dress.
I held Neo tighter to myself, I didn't like the look of this woman.
"She will have to be, disciplined..." the woman said gathering fire in her hand.
I pushed Neo behind me to protect her, she looked up at me with tears brimming in her eyes.
"It'll be all right Neo, I'll keep you safe" I said as i glared towards the woman.
(This might be bad... I'm exhausted, and my semblence is unreliable! we might have to flee.)
Suddenly I heard a loud roar of an engine, I looked back and saw a flash of bright yellow crash into the White fang thugs.
"(Y/N)!" came the loud voice of my best friend, Yang had come to help.
She stood up on her bike and jumped off, the bike hurtled towards the woman and Torchwick, but the woman blasted it with a fireball.
Yang began a frenzy of punching and kicking, taking out every enemy she could before she and team JNPR came over to me and Neo, we all formed up ready to fight them if we had too.
"Foolish children, you cannot hope to beat us..." the woman said, she smiled as she drew a bow.
Suddenly there was an explosion close to her , she was thrown away landing awkwardly.
We looked over in shock and saw Roman Torchwick, he had shot at her and now had a frown on his face.
"ROMAN! what are you doing?!" she yelled at the man.
"I won't let you hurt Neo!" he said firing another shot with his cane.
The woman dodged the shot again, she shot at him with her bow but he dodged.
"What about our plans?! we had a deal!" the woman yelled. as her two young thugs ran over to her.
"Yeah about that... consider our deal, terminated!" he said shooting three projectiles towards the woman, she blocked them with a shield before attacking back.
She, the green girl from earlier and the remaining white fang charged at us.
Team JNPR handled the white Fang thugs, Pyrrha seemed to be doing the best out of them despite her injuries.
Yang fought the green girl with Neo, they were managing to overcome her with their flurry of attacks.
And me and Neo's friend Torchwick fought the woman in red.
Torchwick shot at her, and she growled and unleashed fire at us, we dodged and kept on trying to attack her.
"Seem's Neo really loves you kid, if I don't make it out of this you make her happy got it? If you hurt her I'll make you pay!" Torchwick yelled as he barely missed another of the woman's fireballs.
"Yeah, I get you, when this is all over your going to explain everything!" I said back blocking a blast with my sword.
Torchwick holds out one of his cigars and lights it on a passing fireball.
"Fine by me kid!" he says as he takes a drag, lets out thee smoke, and starts firing again.
Torchwick lets several shots fly while i run towards her, she blocks the shots but her eyes widen in shock when she see's me so close, she made a large shield and blocked my slash.
I was then thrown back violently by one of her attacks, I had been burned slightly on my arms, luckily with my aura I'll be able to heal it without and scars.
I rush her again and my blade locks with a weapon she had made, I looked at her with a lot of anger.
(It's her fault, she's the reason my Neo got caught up in all this! If I take her down then Neo can be free!)
I hear a cry of pain behind me, I whip my head around and see Neo and Yang have beaten the green girl, However that silver haired boy had dragged himself towards them and somehow hurt Yang, she was bleeding from the leg and Neo had run over to help.
Yang looked a little hesitant to have Neo help her, but she accepted it regardless, Neo hit the guy over the head and knocked him out cold.
Team JNPR had finished up the last of the white Fang thugs, they ran to help me along with Yang and Neo.
Suddenly I felt a horrible pain in my chest, I looked down and saw a molten blade jammed into my body, it hurt horribly and I looked up to see that woman smirking at me.
"(Y/N)!" I heard Yang scream.
I felt the molten material burn my insides, Yang and the other attacked the woman and she jumped away, before I could fall Yang grabbed me and laid me down on the ground.
The others came over to protect me, I felt warm, wet blood pool under my back and soak into the soil.
"Oh man (Y/N)!, Just hold on okay! HOLD ON!!" Yang yelled panicked.
I looked over and saw Torchwick and some of team JNPR shooting at the woman, she dodged and blocked the shots but didn't get close, I then felt something warm in my hand.
I looked and Neo was beside me gripping my arm and my hand tightly, tears were streaming down her face as she silently cried, begging me to stay alive.
I smiled sadly at Neo, I raised my other hand to up and cupped her cheek, she looked at me with more tears falling down her face.
"Look after him... okay?" I heard Yang say as I felt heat rise up around me, Neo nodded her head and set my head on her lap, I saw Yang stand up her hair blazing more than I've ever seen it before, she charged firing her Ember Celica at the woman.
"H-hey... Neo?" I said, damn why is my voice getting quieter?
She looked down at me, I felt her tears fall onto my face.
"W-when this is all over... and your not working for an evil lady anymore... do you want to try and go to Beacon with me?" I asked.
She looked at me with a sad smile, Heck I wasn't even sure I could get through this okay, but I guess I just wanted to let her know that she could go there after all this.
I winced as I felt another burning pain in my chest, the wound still seemed to be burning.
"Heh... looks like Ill need more than my aura to fix this shit..." I said indicating my smoking wound.
She looked at me desperately, she squeezed my hand begging me not to go, I began to feel very light...
The corners of my eyes are going dark...
It's suddenly harder to breathe...
N-Neo where are you going...?
I suddenly hear a noise nearby and see a strange figure standing over me.
W-who are you?
(Whispers in the darkness)
I-I don't understand...
The figure reaches down with a well muscled arm, the other holding a sword way to large for a normal man to wield.
I reached up and grasped his hand.
And the darkness consumed me...
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