Neopilitan x Male! Reader 2
I leaned forwards using one of my arms to hold myself off the wall to avoid squishing Neo, the other one was wrapped securely around her waist for support we were kissing passionately our tongues never staying still.
She had her arms wrapped around my neck and her legs were around my waist, her pink and brown hair flowing freely down her back.
I have to say her skin felt silky smooth against mine, it somehow felt even better with all the sweat from our 'fun' earlier.
Yeah we were both naked and we were both exhausted and sweaty, our lips separated and we were both breathing heavily.
"Wow... that was... Intense" I said looking into her brown and pink eyes.
She looked up at me gasping for breath as well only soundlessly, she smiled happily tightening her hold on my neck.
"Can't believe we broke the desk..." I said as we both looked at the desk, currently in pieces on the floor.
"I guess we were a bit too rough..." I said causing her already red face to darken further and a seductive smile to spread across her face.
She moved her head forwards and kissed my cheek, I immediately felt my face heat up.
"Hahaha yeah... I guess two times is the limit for a desk that old, at least we can cross doing it against a wall off our list now" I said with a chuckle.
She Blushed heavily at that dirty remark then began laughing quietly as we disentangled from each other and started getting dressed.
I put on the last of my clothes while Neo readjusted her top after we get our clothes looking more presentable I put my arm around Neo's waist and we leave the warehouse together.
As we go outside we look to the sky and see that it's really late at night.
I feel a tug on my sleeve and look down to see Neo pointing at the nearby rooftop.
"You want to look at the stars together?" I ask, she smiles up at me and nods her head several times.
"Okay let's go" I say with a smile I pick Neo up bridal style earning a small blush as I start running.
Neo and I run towards the wall and I use my awesome parkour skillz to reach the rooftop.
I leap up the rest of the way and land on the roof, I look down to Neo and she's smiling at me with a little note in her hand.
I set her down on the ground and she unfolds the note.
{Do you always have to show off to me?}
I chuckle at this earning a raised brow.
"When I'm with you sweetheart I've gotta be impressive!" I say striking a heroic pose.
She shakes her head at my display and hits my arm playfully.
We walk to the edge of the roof and sit down to gaze at the stars, she leans her head onto my shoulder and I wrap my arm around her shoulder.
(I'm having such a good day today...)
It had been hours since we followed (Y/N) and that girl into the warehouse.
I wanted to go save him but for some reason Yang, Blake and Weiss stopped me.
They dragged me back to the dorm and I noticed the nose bleeds they all had, however when I asked them about it they refused to talk about it.
"B-but guys why did we leave (Y/N) with that girl?!" I asked very upset.
"Trust me Ruby, he didn't need our help" Weiss said her voice sounding weird because of the bloody tissue stuffed into her nose.
Blake and Yang had similarly bloody tissues that they had just removed, their noses had stopped bleeding but I was worried...
"But guys, what if he's been taken by Roman? or worse?!" I say getting more frantic as the bad thoughts run through my head.
"Yeah... I guess I just kinda panicked after what we all saw" Yang said as a blush creeped onto her's, Blake's and Weiss's faces.
"Why? what did you all see...?" I ask worried.
"U-um I'll tell you when your older Rubes!" Yang says quickly.
I'm about to reply but suddenly my scroll goes off, I look down and it's (Y/N)!
"Guy's (Y/N)'s calling me what do I do?!" I asked.
"Answer it you dolt!" Weiss says removing the tissue from her nose.
I answer the Scroll as the others listen in quietly.
"Hey Ruby" I say as I walk back into Beacon.
"(Y/N)?! Where are you? are you okay!?" she shouts.
"Um... yeah I'm fine Rubes I'm just getting back from my date, I'm just entering the campus now" I reply.
(Why does she sound so panicked?) I wonder to myself.
"O-oh yeah... eheheh how did that date go?" She asked.
"It went great thanks Neo went back home and I took a shuttle here, But now I'm exhausted I'm going to head back to my room and sleep, So I'll see you and Yang tomorrow okay?" I said as a yawn climbed up and escaped from me.
I hear the other girls whispering something in the background before Ruby comes back on the scroll.
"Uhhhh... Yeah Sure talk to you tomorrow bye!" She then hung up.
"Huh. Weird..." I say to myself.
Then I shrug my shoulders and continue to walk towards my room, lucky for me I get a room to myself guess that's a perk to being a one man team.
I reach my room and walk in getting changed into my pyjama bottoms leaving myself shirtless, I walk over to my bed and fall into the softness of my covers slipping into a deep sleep, filled with dreams of a naked Neo, ice cream and talking Grimm having a tea party?
Unknown to (Y/N) he didn't return to Beacon alone...
Neo had sneaked onto the roof of the shuttle and followed him back to his room, she didn't want the night with him to end so fast.
However she was still tired from all their 'fun' earlier.
She opened his dorm room window and saw him asleep in his bed, she blushed at the sight and decided to just go to sleep here.
She took off her clothes folding them up neatly before placing them on the nearby desk, and leaned her umbrella against the chair.
Now wearing nothing but her bra and panties she walked over to the bed and slid under the covers snuggling up to (Y/N) with a blush on her face.
The blush went even deeper when he wrapped his arms around her body in his sleep, pulling her closer to his chest.
She smiled to herself at the affection and went to sleep in his arms.
I woke up with a really warm feeling in my arms I look down and am slightly surprised at what I see.
There in my arms is a sleeping Neo, now if this was any girl other than her or Ruby I'd be worried.
Neo because sometimes she'll do stuff like this because she likes spending time with me.
And Ruby because of the times I've slept over at her and yang's house and she'd have nightmares, she'd climb into bed with either me or Yang for comfort.
That would usually lead to a lot of teasing from yang or stern looks from their dad.
I smile at the memories as I look down at Neo's sleeping face.
(She's so adorable...) I think to myself with a blush, she stirs and opens her eyes smiling at me.
"Good morning cutie" I say leaning forwards and pecking her on the lips.
We get up and get dressed during the dressing I remember some of the dream I had last night.
"I don't know why those Grimm had British accents..." I said earning a confused look from Neo who didn't have her pants on yet.
"Uh sorry... had a weird dream last night" I said embarrassed she laughs at that and picks up her pants after we're both dressed our stomachs growl, I chuckle at Neo's embarrassed blush.
"Shall I go get us some breakfast? We can eat in the courtyard if you want" I say, she nods her head and we walk off together.
As we walk through the halls we pass team RWBY's room and I remember how Ruby sounded last night.
"You go on ahead Neo, there's something I've gotta do quickly" I say to her she leans in and kisses my cheek before walking off.
I stand there blushing until a voice snaps me out of my trip through lala land.
"(Y/N)!" I looked up and saw (Y/N) standing in the door in front of my sister with a dreamy look on his face.
"Good morning Yang, I was just-" he didn't get to finish his sentence before she grabbed his arm and yanked him into the room.
"You mister have a lot of explaining to do!" Weiss says sternly.
He looks around confused at me, Blake, Weiss and Yang.
"W-what did I-" he asked.
"Unnananana..." Weiss says waving her finger in his face.
"(Y/N) what were you doing with that girl yesterday?" Yang asks sounding hurt.
"Ummmm..." he sounded very worried.
Suddenly his face turned from shocked to mad.
"Did you four follow me around yesterday?" he asked crossing his arms.
This got all four of us to look around guiltily.
"That's not what we were talking about (Y/N)!" I exclaimed.
"What happened with that girl from yesterday?" I asked.
"You mean Neo? we ate some ice cream and spent some time together" he said.
Yang, Weiss and Blake all turn red at that...
(Y/N) looks at us then his face seems to pale considerably.
"But what about the warehouse?" Ruby asked.
(Oh thank Oum that she at least didn't see anything, I'd never hear the end of it from Yang otherwise!) I think to myself relieved.
"Uuuummmm..." My mind goes blank as I see the other girls waving NO! behind Ruby.
Suddenly I come up with a great excuse!
"Well... you see Ruby, what we were doing was..." I say.
"(Y/N) don't you dare!" Yang says her eyes beginning to turn red.
"WE WERE TRAINING IN PENETRATION!" I say a bit too loudly.
Suddenly the other three fall down with massive nose bleeds and a stunned look on their faces.
"Oh my Oum! are you guys okay?!" Ruby says in a panic kneeling down beside her sister.
"U-uuummm well if that's all I'm goonagonowbye!" I say dashing out of the dorm quickly.
I run all the way to the Courtyard and see Neo sitting on a bench waiting for me.
trying my best to hide my red face I walk over and sit beside her, but it seems it was all for nothing because she put a piece of paper in front of me.
{what's wrong?} she writes with a concerned look on her face.
(Oh well I may as well tell her...)
I take a deep breath and look at her.
"Well you see... you know what we did last night?" I ask.
{How could I forget?} she writes sending me a suggestive wink.
"W-well you see..." I said feeling very awkward.
She grips my hand her face showing more worry now.
"W-we kind of had some unexpected watchers last night" I stuttered.
Her face explodes into a blush and she hides behind her umbrella, she scribbles onto the paper frantically before passing it to me.
{WHO WAS IT??!!!}
"Uhhhh... My friend Ruby's sister and two of her friends... It seems they were following us yesterday" I said my own face heating up more.
She passes me another piece of paper and I look at it.
{Do you think they will spread it around?!}
"I don't think so... I mean Yang will definitely tease me about it to no end, but the others will probably leave it alone" I said reassuringly.
She lifts her umbrella up but her face is still a shade of red to rival Ruby's cloak.
I put my hand on her chin and turn her to face me.
"Hey, I love you Neo" I say moving forwards and pressing my lips to hers.
We stay like this for a few seconds before breaking apart huge grins plastered on our faces, I stand up and take Neo's hand she stands up linking her arm with mine as we walk off to get our breakfast.
Back in team RWBY's dorm the girls are trying to recover from the sudden shock they just received.
"Oh. My. OUM!" Weiss exclaims.
"He's definitely your friend Yang! How shameless can he be?!" She continued her face scarlet from the blush and the blood.
"D-don't blame me for that Ice queen!" Yang retorted, still pinching the bridge of her nose.
Blake sat nearby with fresh tissues stuffed into her nose, and Ruby was looking between them all very confused.
"If he wanted to train in penetration... why didn't he just ask Weiss?" She asked.
This cause the already very flustered Weiss to turn around and look at Ruby with rage and shock.
"A-as if I-I'd ever train in 'penetration' with him!" She yelled, this earned a smirk from Yang.
"I can't believe he said that!" Yang said trying to hold in her laughter.
This started another argument between her and Weiss, while Ruby sat down with Blake.
"Maybe we should go find him and you know... just let him explain" Ruby suggested.
this got several nods from the others who were still nursing their bloody noses.
(Y/N) and Neo sat down together in the lunchroom and were just finishing their food, unaware of two things.
Firstly the four girls (three of which had just recovered from their blood loss) currently looking for them.
And the fact that (Y/N)'s least favourite person Cardin Winchester was currently walking over to their table.
"Hey Babe what are you doing with this loser?" he said sending Neo a flirty look.
Neo gave a dismissive sigh while (Y/N) felt his rage build up.
"How about you ditch this nobody and come sit with, someone who can take care of you properly" he said reaching towards Neo.
Neither (Y/N) nor Neo appreciated that comment, she gave a venomous look which made him flinch.
while (Y/N) simply stood up, walked over to Cardin, placed a hand on his shoulder with a friendly smile...
Before suddenly grabbing Cardin by the throat and slamming him through a table sending food flying, He then grabbed a watermelon and smashed it over Cardin's head before stomping on him yelling very dirty curse words at him.
After the 15th stomp he walked back "WHO THE FUCK ARE YOU SPEAKING TOO?! YOU GORILLA FACED FUCK!" he shouted earning a lot of surprised and terrified looks from the other students.
Neo sat there retracting the blade she was going to pull out of her umbrella, a smug, aroused smile spreading across her face at the sight.
"GET UP! GET THE FUCK UP!!" (Y/N) continued to yell.
Cardin didn't move and his team that was sitting nearby were to terrified to intervene.
"FUCK YOU THEN!" (Y/N) said waving his hand dismissively as he walked back over to Neo who wrapped her arms around him and walked with a smile on her face as they left the lunchroom.
Suddenly team RWBY enter the lunchroom and see the carnage left behind they ask around and are shocked to learn about how their friend savagely beat Cardin down like that.
"Oh no... this is not good" Yang says looking at the unconscious Cardin with smashed melon over his head.
"We've gotta find him! Fast!" Ruby says.
The girls all leave the lunchroom to find their friend...
Meanwhile (Y/N) has calmed himself down as he and Neo walk around in the fresh air, She tugs on his sleeve and shows him a note she finished writing.
{I love it when you get sadistic}
She had a seductive smile on her face and ran her fingers across his chest.
He chuckled lightly at that, "Yeah I just can't stand that guy..." he replied.
She placed another note in his hand.
{How about we go back to your room and I can help you forget all about that fool?}
(Y/N) felt a smile spread on his face and leaned in for another kiss, which was interrupted when Neo's scroll buzzed earning frustrated sighs from the both of them.
She looked down and texted back she wrote on another piece of paper.
{I've got to go now, duty calls} was written with a sad face next to it.
"Oh okay sweetheart..." (Y/N) replied sadly, but he perked right back up when she kissed him again.
{I'll see you again soon okay?} she wrote.
"Yeah sure! after all you know where I'm staying now" he replied with a smile.
The two lovers kissed once more and she walked away to the shuttles with a satisfied smile on her cute pink lips.
Meanwhile (Y/N) walked away suddenly remembering something.
"OH! That's right I was supposed to go on a mission with team JNPR today!" he exclaimed dashing off to find the other team.
(Not as much fun as team RWBY but still Nora is good for some chaos...) he thought to himself.
"At least it'll get me away for a while, I can't believe they stalked me on my date..." (Y/N) said sounding indignant.
He shrugged his shoulders and his smile returned, "Oh well, Maybe Pyrrha can give me some advice"
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