Fire Keeper x Male Reader (Lemon)
(Y/N) or as he's called by most people, Ashen One placed the Cinders of Prince Lothric upon his Throne, finally all five Lords of Cinder had been returned to their thrones, and the Ashen One's quest would soon come to an end.
He turned around and jumped down from the Prince's Throne landing close to the Bonfire, he looked up and saw the Fire Keeper of the Firelink Shrine walking towards him with her usual blank expression on her face, the Ashen One stared at the approaching maiden with barely disguised want.
Ever since he had first laid his eyes upon her, he couldn't get her image out of his head, he would always talk with her whenever he returned from his adventures in this harsh and wretched land, she was always there to help him harness the power of the sovereignless souls he would gather throughout his adventures, making him more powerful or just offering him advice on who to talk to at the Shrine.
She had been at his side through everything, encouraging him and giving him the strength to carry on through this gruelling quest, despite every death he suffered and every time he felt close to turning Hollow he held on, for her...
His faithful Fire Keeper.
"The five lords sit their five thrones, all thanks to thee, most worthy of lords" the Fire Keeper said as she observed the Cinders of the Lords placed upon their thrones, it had been a long journey and it had resulted in many, many deaths both his own and others but (Y/N) had accomplished his task, and now he could challenge the final guardian for the right to link the fire.
"Thank you Fire Keeper" (Y/N) said happily.
"Ashen One, with the Lords as thy witness, bend thy knee afore the Bonfire's Coiled Sword, and let the Lords embers acknowledge thee as their true ruler, a true lord, fit to link the fire" she said as she stood before the Bonfire, her beautiful face highlighted by the orange glow of the flames.
(Y/N) walked to the Bonfire and did as she asked, bending his knee before the flames and waiting for the Fire Keeper to grant him the title of Heir of the First Flame, she walked beside him and looked to the five thrones that held the Lords of Cinder.
"Noble Lords of Cinder" the Fire Keeper began, as she said the words the Cinders of Aldrich and the small body of Ludleth of Courland were set aflame, Ludleth's body turning into a pile of ash with his crown resting on top.
"The fire fades... and the lords go without thrones" she continued, the massive skull of Yhorm burned along with the three helmeted heads of the Abyss Watchers, finally the head of Prince Lothric was set aflame.
"Surrender your fires... to the true heir" she said, from the Cinders of the Lords small flames rose and were drawn towards the Fire Keeper's hands, the flames came together and a small ember rested within her hands, she walked to (Y/N) and held the flame above his head allowing the ashes to fall upon his head.
"Let him grant death... to the old gods of Lordran, deliverers of the First Flame" she said as the flame left her hands and merged with him, (Y/N) started to worry though, this would probably be the last time he could see her before he set off to do battle with the guardian of the First Flame, then he would link the fire and then... who know's what would happen to him?
Perhaps he would awaken centuries later as the other Lords of Cinder had, and have to do battle with another Champion of Ash, and the worse part would be that his beloved Fire Keeper would have been long since dead, he had to do this now before the final battle...
"Fire Keeper, I wish to tell you something of great importance before I leave for my final battle" (Y/N) said as he suddenly took her small, flame scarred hands into his own, armoured hands, the Fire Keeper was surprised at his action and blushed from the intimate contact.
"Y-Yes Ashen One... what is it thou wish to discuss?" she said as she tried to quell the heat that rose to her cheeks, in her service as the Fire Keeper to the Firelink Shrine she had never been affected by one of those born of the Ash like this, she had seen many champions arise and fall into the hopelessness of becoming Hollow, yet for some reason this man had found his way into her heart, she yearned for his touch, to feel his lips upon hers, to feel him hold her body against his own with those strong arms of his, and for him to make her his.
"I have held a great emotion within mine self, I hadn't the courage to express this feeling until now, and if I were to finish this quest and be incapable of return, then I wish to tell you now" (Y/N) said, he removed his helmet and held the Fire Keeper's hands once again as his (E/C) eyes gazed lovingly upon her face.
"Ashen One... wh-what are thou trying to convey unto me?" she nervously asked, hope swelled within her heart that her feelings would be returned by the Champion of Ash, even if they were Undead, they could still feel the emotions of the living such as love even in such a brutal world as this.
"My maiden, I-I love thee..." he said nervously, the Fire Keeper's heart skipped a beat at those words, a sense of fulfilment came over her and a smile graced her lips knowing the one that captured her heart returned her feelings, the Fire Keeper raised her masked face towards (Y/N)'s own despite her lack of eyes to see with she could feel his eyes upon her.
"My lord... I cannot deny thine heartfelt feelings, I also love thee" she said as she closed the distance between them and their lips met in a soft kiss, after a minute the two pull apart when (Y/N) remembered the gift he had for his Fire Keeper, he had already granted unto her the Soul of a Fire Keeper which would allow her to heal the Darksign if he ever had the misfortune to have it, now he had one final gift for her.
The Eyes of Fire Keeper, something that she was supposedly forbidden to possess, yet he wanted her to look upon him and see the world with him after her had saved it, hopefully side by side from the tower behind the Firelink Shrine.
"I have a gift for you, I hope you will accept them" (Y/N) said as he opened the Fire Keeper's hand and placed the two eyes in her open palm, her face morphed into one of disbelief and worry as she felt what was within her hand.
"...Ashen One, are these... are these eyes?" she asked him, (Y/N) grew nervous of her reaction hoping he hadn't overstepped his bounds.
"How gracious of thee, Ashen One, the very things we Fire Keepers have been missing..." she said as a small smile came to her lips, (Y/N) sighed in relief that he hadn't offended her.
The Fire Keeper then did something utterly unexpected, she raised her hands to the white crown that covered her eyes and carefully removed it, (Y/N) watched in awe as her full face was finally revealed to him, it was beautiful...
She then took the eyes and placed them into the white orbs that hid beneath the mask, the eyes seemed to be absorbed into the milky orbs that she had formerly until her once blind eyes turned sparkling blue, the Fire Keeper blinked a few times before she gasped in awe.
"I-I can see... I can see the Shrine! The Bonfire!" she said in happiness until she turned and gazed upon her champion, she took in his handsome features and felt her heart race as a wetness came betwixt her thighs, she slowly walked towards (Y/N) raising her her small scarred hand up and gently caressed his cheek, running her thumb over his cheek.
"Ashen One, I... I can see thee, I can finally set mine eyes upon thy face..." she said as she rubbed her thumb across his cheek, he raised his hand up and laid it over her own that was on his face, her smile never leaving her lips.
"Ashen One, my thanks for the eyes thou'st given to me" she said as a tear fell down her cheek, it was a tear of both happiness and sadness.
"But... Fire Keepers are not meant to have eyes. It is forbidden" she said sadly as her hand left his face, the Ashen one was confused about this and he was worried about what the implications were.
"What? Why is it forbidden for you to possess eyes?" he asked with worry in his voice, he didn't want her to be harmed or punished for having these eyes, he would kill any that tried to so much as lay a finger upon her.
"These will reveal, through a sliver of light, frightful images of betrayal... a world without fire" she said fearfully, (Y/N) felt very ashamed of the fear she was showing now and quickly brought her into his embrace, her small robed body pressed into his chest as he tried to soothe her fears.
"Ashen One, is this truly thy wish?" she asked as she rested her head upon his chest, (Y/N) remained silent for a while and thought upon this decision, if he linked the fire he would die and leave her to die all alone after confessing her love for him, for the first time in his existence he decided to choose what he wished, over what all others desired.
"Yes, this is my wish, I will sacrifice the flame, so that I could have you... my beloved Fire Keeper" (Y/N) said with determination in his voice, the Fire Keeper gasped in surprise, this man would choose her over the flame? Her heart was truly warmed by this sign of love and affection, did he truly wish for her that much?
"Of course, I love thee, and will do as thou bid'st" she said, she was a little afraid of seeing a world without flame, but her new eyes had granted her a vision of tiny flames, precious embers that would dance within the dark, giving her some comfort that even if her beloved did choose to let the First Flame fade they would continue on.
The two looked up at one another before sharing another kiss, only this one was more passionate, the Fire Keeper pressing herself against (Y/N)'s armoured chest as her arms went around his neck, (Y/N) responded in kind wrapping one of his arms around her slender waist while his other arm travelled upwards his hand coming to rest on the back of her head, taking some of her long white-blonde hair between his fingers, pulling her deeper into the kiss.
The Fire Keeper felt the heat from her lower regions grown warmer, as if an ember had come to rest within her and was steadily building into a flame, she moaned lightly as (Y/N)'s lips left hers and attacked her neck quickly finding the sensitive spot, in response to this unknown stimulus she raise her right leg and rested it upon the Ashen One's left hip, this encouraged him to continue with his sensual assault driving the Fire Keeper wild.
"I-I cannot hold myself back any longer..." she said as she held onto the Champion of Ash, she took his face into her hands and made him look at her, both Undead's eyes were clouded with the lust to have each other, and luckily they were alone.
Andre had left the Shrine to gather new metals to forge with, the Old Handmaid had left along with him to resupply her wares, Greirat and Patches had gone off thieving around Lothric Castle together, Irina had moved herself away into the lower region of the tower behind the Shrine, Cornyx had taken a foray back to the Great Swamp to recenter his Pyromancies, Karla had left to go somewhere withing the graves possibly to practice her Dark Miracles, leaving the two all alone in the Shrine...
"Take me" she said, (Y/N) slammed his lips onto hers again the two Undead kissing each other hungrily, they were kissing so hard that they started walking backwards until the Fire Keeper's back hit the wall below the steps, she gasped when her back met the stone and instantly (Y/N)'s tongue went into her mouth causing her to moan more urgently, he then started to slowly remove the woman's black robes she wore, the crown she wore had been crown dropped in the ash by the Bonfire the polished metal reflecting the light of the Bonfire's flames, as (Y/N) worked to remove her robes she also helped to remove his armour, the metal knight's armour he wore fell from his body landing in the ash along with the Fire Keeper's crown.
After some work with the robes they finally fell from her shoulders, the black robes pooled around her feet exposing her lithe body to the Ashen One, the light of the Bonfire's flames adding a certain beauty to her pale skin, she stood before him wearing only a pair of white panties her breasts exposed to the open air, (Y/N) looked over her body in awe.
"A-Ashen One, please don't stare... tis embarrassing" the Fire Keeper said as she crossed her arms over her breasts and stood before the Champion of Ash almost bare, he blushed at how cute she was acting and reached out taking hold of her slender shoulders and making her face him.
"Do not be embarrassed my fair lady, your beautiful" he said before he leaned in and reconnected his lips with hers, she eagerly kissed back as her long white-blonde hair tickled the bare skin of her back, (Y/N) gently placed his hands in the Fire Keeper's hips and slowly ran his hands up her sides drinking in the softness of her skin, she whimpered slightly as his hand travelled closer to her breasts before they closed over her mounts his thumbs running over her pink nipples, making the woman moan in pleasure as he went back to kissing her neck, nibbling on the skin lightly as he shed the rest of his armour and clothes.
After a few minutes the two Undead stood together in the light of the Bonfire naked and kissing each other hungrily, the Fire Keeper's back still pressed against the wall as he touched and caressed her body, his lips latched onto the nipple of her right breast making her moan as her pussy grew damper, the sounds she was making (Y/N)'s cock grow hard and poke her in the thigh making her whimper again, (Y/N) backed away a little giving the Fire Keeper some room as she looked up at him with half-lidded eyes.
"Jump" he said, she wrapped her arms around his neck and jumped towards him, wrapping her legs around his waist as he held his hands under her firm butt before pushing her back against the stone wall again, he lined up his cock with her entrance and looked to her eyes asking for permission, the Fire Keeper looked into his (E/C) eyes before nodding her head, after getting confirmation he moved forwards and plunged himself into her unexplored territory making her body suddenly go stiff, he felt something warm and wet come from within her and saw some blood leak from where he had penetrated her.
"Y-You have touched the darkness within me!" she gasped out as a mix of pleasure and pain overcame her senses, her arms tightened around the Ashen One's neck as she tried to get used to having a man inside of her, after a minute of getting used to it she kissed him again and nodded her head once again, (Y/N) started to move his manhood slowly in and out of her warm pussy, making her eyes close as the pleasure overcame her making her hold onto the man between her legs tightly with her arms and legs, as he rocked his hips thrusting deep into her making her moan with each thrust, his lips found hers again muffling her moans which were starting to grow more and more urgent as (Y/N) fucked her, bringing her closer and closer to her release.
"Your so tight..." (Y/N) said as he thrust into her with force, making her body jump and jolt upwards, making her gasp from the force and the feeling she got from (Y/N)'s dick slamming into her virgin pussy.
"Ah! This is ecstatic, more! Please, give me more!" the Fire Keeper said as she held on, suddenly he pulled out making her whine in displeasure but he didn't let her go, with one arm around her waist and the other around her shoulders he started to walk away from the wall towards the Bonfire, when he reached the Bonfire he slowly lowered the woman to the ashen ground laying her on her back and spreading her legs before going inside her again, making her cry out once again, the ash on the ground started to stick to their sweaty bodies as he roughly thrust into her making her legs and body writhe in pleasure, suddenly she rolled them over and climbed on top of him bouncing up and down on top of him as she rocked her hips, she had her hands on the Ashen One's chest for support as she moved herself up and down his shaft, his hands travelled up her body again, moving from her hips and over her stomach before they cupped her breasts and gave them a firm squeeze making her moan loudly as he pinched her nipples.
The Fire Keeper's moans started to grow more urgent as she felt something within her, she felt the muscles around her stomach and lower body start to twist into knots, the heat from within growing hotter and hotter as she felt herself coming closer to something she had never experienced before, she had heard of it as she listened in on talks between Karla and Anri when she visited the Shrine and now she would finally get to experience it, (Y/N) also felt something swelling deep within him and knew he was close now.
"My lady, I-I'm going to cum!" (Y/N) said as he held onto her hip with one hand while his other hand was upon her face, one of his fingers inside her mouth.
"Inside! I want you to release thyself inside of me!" she said as she moved faster, the two Undead felt their releases coming closer and closer, until with a final thrust (Y/N) came inside of the Fire Keeper, he felt the walls of her pussy tighten around his shaft as she screamed in ecstasy own orgasm rocking her beautiful body, the feeling of the knot in her stomach suddenly coming undone sent waves of pleasure through her body, suddenly they both were coated in a warm, life giving flame as both of their Ember's were restored from their love making.
The Fire Keeper twitched as she rode out the last waves of her release, her body covered in sweat tht glistened in the light of the Bonfire's flames, her eyes looking up to the roof of the Firelink Shrine before they lowered to gaze upon (Y/N), then she fell forward resting her head upon (Y/N)'s bare chest as he started to play with her long, white-blonde hair, a satisfied smile stretched across her pale lips as she tried to catch her breath.
"That... was... incredible" the Fire Keeper panted as she laid upon his chest, with him still inside her.
"Yes, yes it was..." (Y/N) said as he brushed some of her hair away from her face and laid a gentle kiss upon her brow.
"Dos't thou think we shall be together like this again... after the First Flame is gone from this world?" she asked in a timid voice, making (Y/N) look down at her, in truth he wasn't sure if fate would play out as it had, for all he knew once the flame had faded away the Abyss would rise and claim all of the land with it's darkness, but if such a thing were to happen then he, and everyone else would defend this Shrine until their deaths.
"Yes, I do" (Y/N) said as he wrapped his arms around her body, holding her warm body close to him as they lay on the floor of the Firelink Shrine, the Fire Keeper looked up at him with her normal face.
"And if anything comes from this new age of darkness, that would seek to harm you or this shrine... then I will face them and prevail, then I shall return to you, I swear this to you" (Y/N) said as she looked deep into his eyes, tears of happiness falling down her tender cheeks, she jumped up at him and kissed him again pouring her love into the kiss which her returned eagerly.
"I thank thee, (Y/N)" she said happily, (Y/N) looked at her in shock, she had never called him by his name before it had always been Ashen One until now, suddenly she moved herself ontop of him again, grinding her pussy against his cock making him groan as he went hard again.
"Ist thou ready for round two, my Champion?" she asked seductively as she ground herself against him more forcefully, until he took hold of her hips and pushed inside her once again making her moan lustfully as they made love by the warmth of the Bonfire once again.
"Hehehe... well, this is certainly entertaining, I think we came back at just the right time..." Patches said as he squatted behind a pillar in the upper level, above the five thrones where the Lords of Cinder once sat, watching (Y/N) and the Fire Keeper having sex with each other right next to the Bonfire with a shameless smirk plastered across his face.
Patches started to fall to the stone floor but was caught by a pair of skinny arms before he was lowered to the ground, the figure tucked his dagger away into his belt after using the blunt end to knock Patches out and peeked over the edge and saw that (Y/N) had gotten on top of the Fire Keeper and was thrusting into her hard, making her cry out in pleasure as the ash from the floor stuck to their bodies and got into the maiden's hair, the man smirked slyly under his Thrall's Hood as he backed away, dragging Patches away quietly so as not to disturb them, he knew that if (Y/N) knew Patches was spying on him and the Fire Keeper he'd probably kill him.
"Don't you worry my friend, old Greirat will make sure this stays private..." Greirat said as he carefully walked out of the Shrine, dragging Patches behind him.
After their fun in the Shrine, (Y/N) left and defeated the Soul of Cinder but chose not to link the flame, the Fire Keeper arrived and held the flame in her palms as it died, her beloved stood at her side with a comforting hand upon her shoulder as the light of the First Flame faded away, and darkness began to settle around them.
"The First Flame quickly fades..." the Fire Keeper said as the flame grew smaller and smaller.
"Darkness will shortly settle" she said, her body trembling slightly as she knelt before the now empty Bonfire, (Y/N) saw her fear and knelt beside her wrapping his arm around her shoulders, while the other arm held his weapon, ready just in case anything tried to attack them from the encroaching dark.
"But one day, tiny flames will dance across the darkness" she said as she took comfort from the feeling of her lovers body against hers, she knew he would protect her no matter what and leaned herself against him as the darkness came ever closer.
"Like embers linked by Lords past..." she said before she turned her head and kissed him on the lips, one last time as the flame flickered and finally died, plunging the both of them into darkness.
"(Y/N), heares't thou my voice still?" she asked as she moved her own arms around her lover, his own arms wrapping around her tighter in response, despite the fear in her heart she smiled as the two of them held each other in the dark...
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