Asia Argento x Male! Fallen Angel! Reader
It was night time in the city of Kuoh, and in the town's abandoned church a group of four Fallen Angels were beginning a ritual to remove a Sacred Gear from Asia Argento, a blonde, former Nun, however they were about to have unexpected visitors, a peerage of Devils and one more... very unexpected guest.
"Jeez... these four are total idiots, rebelling like this and setting up shop in the middle of Devil territory... I suppose I better get down there and knock some sense into them, and get them out before Gremory or Sitri kills them" said a young man with (H/C) hair and (E/C) eyes, wearing black jeans, a white undershirt, with a black hoodie and a black leather jacket on top, with the hood pulled up over his head, this was (Y/N)
He suddenly vanished from sight and appeared in the woods close to the church and started walking, until he found the church, it had been long abandoned and he casually walked toward the doors, kicking them open with a loud boom and strolling inside.
"Hey, I'm not late for the party am I!?" the young man yelled out, his voice echoing through the church, until the alter slid aside and a small group of Exorcists ran up the steps lead by a crazed looking guy with silver hair, it was Freed Sellzen.
"Who the hell are you, huh!?" Freed asked in a crazed voice as he aimed a gun at (Y/N).
"Me? I'm (Y/N), and I'm just here to kick some ass and have a few laughs" (Y/N) said with a cocky smirk on his face as he stood in front of the group in a stance that showed he wasn't worried.
"What the hell is going on up here! We don't have time for-" yelled a girl who came up the steps, it was a young girl wearing a loli maid outfit, and blonde hair tied up with a black ribbon, her eyes were blue, she froze when her eyes landed on (Y/N), widening in fear.
"Hey there, remember me?" you young man said as he looked at Mittelt with a smirk.
"O-Oh no... (Y-Y/N)! Wh-What are you doing here!?" Mittelt asked in a scared voice.
"You four really fucked up your orders, so I'm here to bring you back to Azazel, to explain your actions" (Y/N) said as he let out some of his power, scaring the Exorcists and terrifying Mittelt.
"Don't just stand there you idiots! GET HIM!!" Freed yelled, making the Exorcists lunge to attack the young man, who stood there with a neutral face.
"No don't-" Mittelt called out, but it was way too late, in a second the group of men were all hurled back as (Y/N) swung his weapon, the force behind the blow sending the men flying, with blood coming from their bodies as they were wiped out in a single swing!
"Man... the entertainment sucks, so far this party's been a major bust..." (Y/N) said in annoyance, as he set his weapon beside him, it was a tall Halberd decorated in the era of the Three Kingdoms, this was the Spear of Lu Bu.
"Why you!? AAARG!!" Freed screamed as he shot at (Y/N) while charging him with his ripoff lightsaber, (Y/N) simply twirled his halberd, deflecting the bullets before he pulled his arm back, letting out a roar as he thrust it towards Freed, spearing the crazed priest in the chest and lifting him up off the ground, then (Y/N) started to rapidly swing the Halberd, slashing Freed multiple times until he smashed the man's body into the floor of the Church, killing Freed in the process.
"Now then... are you going to be a good girl and behave, or do I have to get rough?" (Y/N) asked as he rested his Halberd on his shoulder, giving Mittelt an annoyed look.
"K-Kala! Raynare! Dohnaseek, HELP MEE!!!" Mittelt called out fearfully, looking very close to wetting herself from the bloody mess.
"Mittelt! What is going on!?" Raynare called out as she, Kalawarner and Dohnaseek rushed up out of the basement of the church, until they froze at the sight of their dead followers, and the very annoyed looking (Y/N) stood in front of them.
"Oh no..." Raynare said, her legs shaking, she couldn't believe she'd been discovered, and it was too late to begin the ritual and get the Sacred Gear!
"Wh-What the Hell are you doing here...?!" Dohnaseek asked, the stutter not hidden well in his voice.
"Simple really, I'm here for the girl, and your sorry asses" (Y/N) said in annoyance, fixing the four rebel Grigori with a deadly glare.
"Wait, please, we were only following orders!" Raynare said, seeming afraid of the consequences of her actions.
"Yeah, not Azazel's orders, his orders were to watch the boy, and bring the girl in, instead I hear that Raynare killed the boy, and you four brought the girl out here to steal her Sacred Gear, and because of you pulling this shit I had to come here on my day off, when I should be playing Witcher 3 Wild Hunt!" (Y/N) said angrily, maintaining his glare at the four.
"Keep him busy! Hold him here until the ritual is finished, then we can beat him!" Raynare said before she rushed back underground, leaving Mittelt, Kalawarner and Dohnaseek to fight the son of the leader of their faction.
"Come on, there's three of us and only one of him, if we work together we can defeat him!" Dohnaseek said, sounding arrogant, making (Y/N) 'tch' in annoyance at being underestimated by such low class traitors.
"Right, let's go!" Kalawarner said as she, Dohnaseek and Mittelt summoned their light spears and threw them at (Y/N), who growled and deflected the spears before he charged at the Fallen Angels, who rushed to try and stab him.
"Haaah!" (Y/N) yelled as he swung his Halberd at Dohnaseek, shattering his Light-Spear and cleaving him in half, this shocked the other two Fallen Angels enough for (Y/N) to lunge and grab Kalawarner by the throat, he then slammed her to the ground before he stabbed the spear part of the Halberd through her heart and into the ground, leaving only Mittelt alive.
"Well, what now?" (Y/N) asked, looking very unimpressed, Mittelt spread her wings and went to run away, when (Y/N) pulled his arm back, getting his aim straight and throwing his weapon at the loli girl, spearing her with the Halberd and pinning the girl to the alter and killing her.
"Pathetic..." (Y/N) said as he walked to the opening in the ground, as he left the Fallen Angels bodies vanished, leaving only black feathers behind as he de-summoned his Sacred Gear and went after Raynare.
(Y/N) walked down the steps and through a hallway into a chamber, where he found Raynare standing in front of a cross, it was the Fallen Angel's way to possess and transfer Sacred Gears, and chained up to said cross was Asia, who was unconscious as she hung up in an uncomfortable looking way.
"NO! No, it's not ready!" Raynare yelled, before (Y/N) spread his six wings and flew toward the alter, breaking the chains holding Asia up and plucking the girl from her place on the cross, Raynare looked at (Y/N) in fear as he punched her hard in the face, sending her flying down the steps and landing in a heap at the bottom of the steps.
"Fucking low ranks, reaching for stuff they don't deserve" (Y/N) said in annoyance, he walked down the steps carrying Asia with one arm, he then grabbed Raynare by the leg and drag her up the steps, making her hit her head on each step as he went up to the Church's main hall.
"Hmm, well now I suppose I should-" (Y/N) said as he got ready to return to his home, when suddenly the doors of the church were slammed open and three Devils came into the church, one was a small girl with white hair and a stoic look on her face, a blonde haired boy with a sword and a brown haired boy with a red gauntlet on his right hand, the last one was the boy Raynare killed, Issei Hyoudou.
"ASIA!!" Issei yelled as he looked at Asia, who was in (Y/N)'s arm, (Y/N) raised a brow at the three Devils, sensing their power and not feeling too impressed, they were still too weak to cause him issues.
"Oh look, more gate crashers for the party, sorry but the party's over, try coming a bit earlier next time" (Y/N) said as he adjusted his hold so he was holding Asia around her waist, with Raynare on the ground at his feet.
"Who are you, and what are you doing with Asia!?" Issei demanded, making (Y/N) narrow his eyes at the kid.
"That's not your business, Devils" (Y/N) said as he summoned a teleportation circle and sent Raynare off ahead, not wanting her to wake up and cause him issues, it'd be a pain in his ass otherwise.
"I disagree, considering this is my territory, and your not welcomed here" said a girl with long red hair, blue eyes, and very big breasts, followed by a girl with long black hair tied back into a ponytail, big breasts and violet eyes, (Y/N)'s eyes narrowed at the sight of them both.
"Heh, could've fooled me..." (Y/N) scoffed as he laid Asia down, then he summoned a teleportation circle, planning to teleport himself and Asia to the Grigori Headquarters.
"Asia!!" Issie yelled as he charged at (Y/N) with his Boosted Gear pulled back in a punch, (Y/N) however summoned his Sacred Gear, and swung it at Issei, hitting him with the axe part of his Halberd, burying the axe blade into Issei's chest and hurling him back towards the others.
"ISSEI! You... how dare you hurt my cute servant, You will pay for this!" Rias said angrily as she summoned her Power of Destruction, letting her aura come out, as her Peerage got ready to attack.
"I wouldn't do that if I were you..." (Y/N) said in a dark voice, releasing killing intent from his body.
"Oh? And why is that?" Rias said, sounding overconfident, probably assuming that (Y/N) was a low class Fallen, likely a follower of Raynare.
"Because your outclassed!" (Y/N) said as he spread all six of his onyx coloured wings, startling the Devils, making Rias's eyes widen at the implications of facing a Fallen with so many wings.
"S-Six..." Rias said as she started to sweat and tremble slightly, since the number of wings would show how powerful an Angel, a Devil or a Fallen Angel is, and having six wings makes him a powerful enemy, one she and her peerage couldn't beat in their current level.
"That's right, six wings, now would you kindly back off!" (Y/N) said as he let some of his power leak, making the Devils tense from how intense it was, he definitely outclassed them in power.
"Unless you want to face my spear?" (Y/N) said as he summoned his Sacred Gear, his Halberd, making the Devils go further on guard.
"A Sacred Gear?!" Akeno said in surprise as she looked at the Sacred Gear, feeling it's power, along with the others, who were trembling at it's power.
"Yep, the Spear of Lu Bu, to be exact, now..." (Y/N) said as he swept the Halberd and picked Asia up ina bridal carry, he then wrapped his wings around himself and Asia, whose head was resting against his chest with the Onyx coloured feathers holding her close.
"See ya, Devils!" (Y/N) said as another transportation circle appeared, he heard Issei yelling at him to stop and give back Asia, before the magic circle took him and Asia back home, where his father Azazel would decide what to do with the girl.
The light of the transportation circle flashed before it faded away, I was standing in my dad's office with the nun in my arms, she was wearing a white night dress and nothing underneath, I have to admit she's pretty hot.
That long, blonde hair, this smooth, silky skin, and her body was nothing to ignore, she was beautiful, but she was probably scared of Fallen Angels now, thanks to that Bitch Raynare and thos useless fucks.
"Well now, I see your mission was successful?" dad said, I looked up and saw him smirking at me as I held the girl in a bridal carry, she was very light, and it kind of felt good holding her like this.
"Yeah, I had to kill three of them, the dumbasses seemed to thing they could defeat me because there were more of them" I said as I walked to one of the sofa's in dad's office and laid the girl down, she made a soft sigh as she moved slightly before her eyes opened, they were a nice shade of green.
"KYAA! Wh-Who are you? Where am I? Wh-What happened?!" she asked worried as she looked around confused and obviously scared.
"Please calm down now, your safe alright miss Argento?" dad said as he got up from his desk and walked over to us, he was wearing the kimono he normally wore when he was relaxing.
"H-How do you know my name?" she asked as she looked between me and dad nervously.
"Oh that's right introductions, my name is Azazel, I'm the head of the Grigori and leader of the Fallen Angels, and this here is my son, (Y/N), he's the one who saved your life" dad said as he patted me on the back, I saw that she seemed even more scared now.
"Oh no, please... I-I don't want to use my Sacred Gear for evil anymore, I don't want to hurt anyone!" she said as tears gathered in her eyes, I reached towards her, she flinched and shut her eyes tight, probably expecting to be hit or something, I placed my hand on her head, my fingers touching her soft hair as she looked at me.
"Just chill alright? No one's gonna hurt you here" I said as I looked her in the eye, I noticed she seemed to be calming down a little, and her cheeks went slightly pink too.
"I'm guessing this has something to do with Raynare? I apologise for my subordinate, she was supposed to bring you here but instead she decided to disobey her orders, and try to take your Sacred Gear for herself"
"She... was supposed to bring me here?" the girl asked as she looked around dad's office, seeing all of his stuff.
"Yes, you see miss Argento, I heard about your situation and I wanted to offer you a place here, under the protection of the Grigori... but I see that went well" dad said in an annoyed voice, he wanted to study her Sacred Gear too, as well as having her work with us, maybe as a nurse or something?
"Well that's what happens when you send her of all people on such an important task dad, I mean the stuff from before should have said she couldn't be trusted!" I said annoyed, after the crap from Raynare and her pals before you'd think he would know better than to trust them of all people.
"Yeah, I guess your right..." he replied as he rubbed the back of his head, looking at me apologetically, while I huffed through my nose at him.
"You mean... she did this before?" the girl asked as she looked at us.
"No, you see... Raynare and I used to be a thing" I said in annoyance.
"What thing? I don't understand what you mean" she asked as she tilted her head cutely, jeez how sheltered was she in the fucking church!?
"She used to be my girlfriend, but I dumped her sorry ass after I found out she was only with me for power, and to get perks from dating the Leader's son, I ain't putting up with that bullshit" I said in annoyance, that was an annoying and painful part of my life, just glad it's over, she nodded her head in understanding this time.
"Speaking of which, we will have to decide her punishment later, since you were a victim of her crimes, we'll need you to be there as well miss Argento" dad said as he smiled down at Asia, probably wanting to test her character, or he was planning ways to experiment with her Sacred Gear.
"O-Oh! Okay, so... what now?" she asked as she looked down nervously, she probably thought we'd try to extract her Sacred Gear too.
"You'll be staying here, under the care on my son (Y/N)!" dad said with a carefree smile on his damn face.
"Wait what!? Why me damn it!?" I asked as I looked at dad annoyed, he just gave me a shit eating grin.
"Well like you said, I need someone I can trust, and who better to trust then my own son? besides... I saw how you were looking at her, she might be good for you" dad said with a wink, hinting at me doing 'that' with her, I had to admit I wasn't that mad about it, it would be nice to have her staying with me for a bit.
"Alright fine, what's your name?" I asked her as I reached my hand out for hers.
"A-Asia sir!" she said as she looked at my hand, then took it, I then helped her stand up and then put my finger in front of her face.
"Alright first, cut the sir crap, I'm not that old! Now come along Asia, let's get you settled in for tonight, and we'll have someone get your stuff" I said as I started to lead her out of my dad's office, taking her to where my room was so she could sleep while I watch a movie, or maybe play some Witcher 3, or something.
"O-Okay, I hope you'll take good care of me!" Asia said as she walked with me, I noticed that she was looking at our hands, with slight pink on her cheeks, it seems dad was right, she might just be mine.
We soon reached my room, and Asia looked around, seeing my double bed, which was sat in the corner of the room, a wardrobe and a set of drawers, the colour scheme of the room was (F/C) and (S/F/C), in front of my bed was my 28 inch flat screen TV with my console plugged into it.
"Alright, you'll be sleeping in my bed tonight, and I don't want to hear any arguments" I said as I brought Asia to a bean bag and sat her down next to me while I grabbed my controller and turned on the console so I could load the game up before I play it.
"What's that thing, (Y/N)?" Asia asked curiously as she looked at the menu curiously, wondering what all the titles it was showing were supposed to be.
"You haven't seen a Playstation 4 before Asia?" I asked, as Witcher 3 was being downloaded.
"N-No... the church didn't have such things, they said they were... sinful and would distract me from my faith..." Asia said as she looked down sadly, I felt bad for the poor girl, she might've been a saint but she still deserved to have some friends, or know a bit more about the world.
"Man those priests really kept you isolated, well... this is a game console, you use them to play games, like the one I'm currently downloading" I said as I handed Asia the case for the game, she looked at it curiously.
"Witcher 3... Wild Hunt, what's this about?" she asked, seeming interested in the game, and gave me a small smile that actually made me feel a bit happier.
"Well you see, it goes like this, the game is about a man called Geralt, Geralt of Rivia..." I started off, it would take some time to explain it to her, maybe the game will finish downloading while we talk?
(Y/N) and Asia spent a good deal of tie talking to each other, him telling her about the story of the Witcher series, with Asia paying close attention from how engaging it sounded, and when the game was loaded he showed her the gameplay, Asia was in awe at how good the graphics were and the combat, eventually as he played she fell asleep leaning against him, so he put her to bed before he played a few more hours, then he climbed into bed, sleeping on top of the covers.
When he woke up the next morning he felt a weight on his chest, he looked down to see Asia had cuddled him in her sleep, and she had a smile on her face as she slept, at first he was kind of surprised, then he smiled and pulled her closer also wrapping his wings around her body, then he went back to sleep holding Asia close.
Soon enough Asia woke up, feeling something warm around her body, she looked and found large, black feathered wings around her body, feeling the soft, black feathers against her body, and then she looked and saw that she was cuddling (Y/N), her face went bright red, before she smiled from how peaceful he looked in his sleep.
"See something you like...?" (Y/N) said, making Asia's jump slightly before he opened his eyes, looking at Asia with an amused smile on his face, seeing her all flustered and embarrassed.
"I-I-I'm sorry!!" she said as she looked at (Y/N) nervously, he chuckled and rubbed her head before he laid her back down, resting her head on his chest again and relaxing as they were both wrapped up in his wings.
"Relax Asia, I'm not mad, in fact, I rather like having you here with me~" (Y/N) said flirtily, making Asia's face turn even redder than before, she then started to relax and started to enjoy her position, laying in bed with him for a while, perhaps it wouldn't be so bad here?
A month had passed since Asia was saved by (Y/N), and they had gotten very close to each other, with Asia growing feelings for the Fallen Angel, she cherished her time with him, Azazel and the other members of the Grigori, Azazel mentioned to them about how he had met Issei, at first Asia wanted to go and meet him, but Azazel then showed her a recording of that meeting where Issei said about having Asia in his harem, and how he missed out on her, but now he seemed to have moved on and was focused on Rias now.
This upset Asia quite a bit, because she thought he wanted to be her friend, only to find out he was only interested in her body, this also really pissed off (Y/N), he was very tempted to go to Kuoh and kick Issei's ass, but he instead chose to stay with Asia, comforting her and showing her how much she was worth to him, and soon enough she forgot all about Issei and chose to stay with (Y/N), she even fell in love with him and they two started dating.
They would spend time together in the Grigori Headquarters, or take missions together, and in their free time, he would take her out to show her new things around the world, and play games and watch movies and Youtube videos with her, this also allowed Azazel to study her Twilight Healing, and show her how to use it more effectively, and all too soon, they had a chance to test it out...
(Y/N), Asia and Vali were accompanying Azazel to Kuoh Academy, to attend a peace conference between the three factions, Asia stuck close to Azazel and (Y/N), holding (Y/N)'s hand as they walked together into the school.
"So this is Kuoh Academy... I wonder if Issei and his friends are here?" Asia wondered as she looked around at the school, also seeing the three factions hovering above the school within the barrier that was around the school.
"If he is, and he tries anything, I'll kick his ass so hard he'll be choking on my foot..." (Y/N) said as he pulled Asia closer to his body, making the blonde former nun blush and smile at the affection.
"Hey, stay away from him, he is my rival, and my destined fight!" Vali said as he turned and walked backwards, glaring at (Y/N) angrily.
"I'll leave him alone, if he stays away from Asia, got a problem with that?" (Y/N) replied, giving Vali a look that said he'd kick Issei's ass regardless, they two gave each other a glare before Vali turned around and walked away.
"Your so protective..." Asia said with a smile as she leaned against (Y/N)'s side, liking the warmth that came from his body, they kept walking around together talking with other Fallen Angels, until they came across a familiar voice.
"ASIA!!" came a call, both Asia and (Y/N) looked to where the voice came from, only to see a boy with brown hair rushing towards them, however her stopped when he noticed (Y/N) was there, and was holding Asia so close.
"It's you! What the hell are you doing here, and what're you doing with Asia!?" Issei said as Rias and the others all approached, looking at (Y/N) cautiously, the night in the Church still fresh in their memories, though they felt confident that since the peace conference was on he wouldn't start a fight.
"Isn't it obvious, we're here for the peace conference, just like you and I guess your friends here are" (Y/N) said as he gestured to the others behind Issei, Akeno visibly tensed up as she glared at (Y/N), along with the others, including Rias who looked at (Y/N) with disdain.
"I will excuse your trespass this time, since the peace treaty is ongoing, but I will not tolerate unsanctioned forays into my territory" Rias said in a high and mighty voice.
"Like I'd ever waste my time coming to this boring place, we have much more fun with the rest of the world, right babe?" (Y/N) said as he stepped up and placed a hand on Asia's shoulder, now standing next to her.
"So you must be Asia, the girl my pawn was so desperate to save... I can sense you have a very interesting Sacred Gear, perhaps I could-" before Rias could finish her sentence, (Y/N)'s power flared, as well as his bloodlust, making the Devils tremble.
"Let me make this very clear, tomato, Asia isn't some toy for you to play with, and you... your lucky Vali's called dibs on you, otherwise I'd kick your sorry ass for what you planned to do with my girlfriend here" (Y/N) said as he glared at Issei, the boy then went into shock at those words.
"G-Girlfriend!?" Issei said, looking to Asia in shock, not wanting to believe that she had fallen in love with one of the Fallen Angels.
"Y-Yes it's true... (Y/N) and I have been together for a long time now, he makes me very happy..." Asia said with a smile, leaning against (Y/N)'s side as he wrapped an arm around her shoulders.
"For now... but when the time comes, he'll abandon you" Akeno said glaring at (Y/N) more, this pissed (Y/N) off.
"Hey don't go projecting your pathetic daddy issues on us, traitor" (Y/N) said angrily, making Akeno's eyes widen in shock as she stepped back.
"Hey! Don't talk to Akeno that way!" he said as he summoned his Boosted Gear, looking at (Y/N) like he was scum, and then (Y/N) growled and unfurled his now eight wings, making the Devils step back in fear, he was only one level down form being at Kokabiel's level!
"Let me make one thing clear, you weakling, I can say whatever the fuck I wish to, and if you want to say anything about it then by all means step up" (Y/N) said as he summoned the Spear of Lu Bu, releasing his power and killing intent.
"You think that'll scare me? I'll beat your ass and save Asia from your clutches, and add her to my harem!" Issei said with a cocky smirk on his face.
"So Azazel was right, you were just after my body... your such scum Issei!" Asia said angrily as she unfurled her own black wings, shocking Issei out of his anger.
"What, no... how, did you become a Fallen?!" Issei said in disbelief.
"I would like an explanation as well, how did you reincarnate that girl!" Rias demanded, in response (Y/N) flipped her off with a smirk.
"I believe we can answer that question" came a familiar voice, the group of devils and the two Fallen Angels looked over, and saw Azazel and Michael approach them.
"To put it simply, Michael here reincarnated Asia as an Angel" Azazel said with his usual shit eating grin on his face, at seeing the couple.
"Yes, and afterwards, she was allowed to fall, so she could be with her lover, though it was quite sad that she didn't wish to stay with us" Michael said, though he kept his serene smile.
"So you mean Asia..." Issei said as he looked at Asia, who was blushing so red, steam came from her ears.
"Yes, after she became and Angel, she and (Y/N) had a steamy night together, he took her virginity and they've been together ever since!" Azazel said with a chuckle, before Asia almost fainted from embarrassment.
"Dad, could you not tell people about mine and Asia's sex life?" (Y/N) said in annoyance, the Devils then looked at (Y/N) in shock again.
"D-Dad!?" the Gremory peerage said in disbelief.
"Oh that's right, allow me to introduce you all to my son, (Y/N), and his lover Asia" Azazel said with a smug grin on his face, and (Y/N) giving them a grin that matched his father's, the Devils were twice as worried now, they couldn't touch hi since he was the son of a leader.
"Well, come on son, I believe we've got some stuff to do before the meeting" Azazel said, (Y/N) nodded and took Asia's hand walking away from the Devils together, heading off into town to enjoy some time together, as they walked Asia smiled up at (Y/N) lovingly.
"I love you (Y/N)..." she said as she pulled him down and kissed him on the lips, he then kissed her back, wrapping his arms around her waist and picking her up, making her yelp so his tongue could invade her mouth, she was now being held with her legs wrapped around his waist as they kissed.
"I love you too Asia~" (Y/N) purred with a husky grin on his face, making Asia tremble in lust, a feeling she had become very familiar with after her time with (Y/N).
"Hey love birds! You can do that later on, let's hurry up and get to the spa, for some relaxing and sake!" Azazel called out, making the couple laugh as (Y/N) set Asia down on the ground.
"R-Right, s-sorry Lord Azazel!" Asia said with red cheeks as she bowed in apology, (Y/N) chuckled and took her hand walking up beside his father.
"Just like his old man... I'm so proud" Azazel said with a shit eating grin, wiping a fake tear as they walked to the spa and hot springs together.
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