NaNoWriMo Part 5
My room had light blue blinds and light blue pillows. The bed's wood was white laced with blue fabric. I go to my marble desk, taking a brown hair band from a basket. I pulled my hair into a ponytail and slipped off my shoes. I threw off my dress for a fluffy, dark blue night gown. I put my umbrella shaped hat onto the desk and grabbed a wipe. I looked into the mirror above the desk and rubbed my makeup off with said wipe. While I was making my way to my bed I heard a knock at my door with a swinging noise following right behind it.
"Yeah?" In front of the open door was a girl with poofy brown hair. Her red earrings shined in the sunlight just like her grin. A wave of disgust goes right over my emotions. "How did you get past the whole security?" I glare.
"With this hoodie, dummy!" She hands me a light brown hoodie with rips and barges into my room.
"HEY! WATCH YOUR MANNERS KAI!" I scream. The scream didn't phase her one bit and she laid on my bed with her black boots on. WITH HER SHOES ON. "GET OFF! GET OFF! GET OFF!"
"Fine, fine... You don't have to be so rude ya know..." Kai rolled her eyes and stands on the carpet. "So how's ya day?"
"Fine until you showed up..." I grumbled. By now I would usually serve my guests tea even if they were a peasant. But no for Kai. She's rude, annoying and clumsy with drinks. How is she a warlord besides she has rock magic? The world may never know. Her father, Ian was a honorable man unlike his daughter. The sight of her breathing makes me want to vomit.
"Oh. But to bad! So I want to talk about a few things! This will take only a half of a hour so you can bare though this." Kai patted me on the back.
¨But your meeting is tomorrow you idiot." I glared. She makes a mocking gesture and rebutts.
"Well I got here early so why it do it now!" Kai puffed her cheeks. I look away swiftly.
"Fine. Tell me what you need."
"Well, I wonder if we can trade some of our troops for resources. We don't have enough food to feed everyone because..."
"You had too many festivals. Like always." I sigh. The irresponsible girl bites her lip.
"Yep. I got a little trigger happy with them and I had a festival that lasted three month." Kai says slowly. I nod at her stupidity until it settles in.
"WAIT! You gave out free food for 3 WHOLE MONTHS STRAIGHT! THE HELL? WHERE DID YOU GET ALL THAT FOOD!?" I slap Kai over the head with my hand covered with ice.
"Ow ow ow! That stings!" Kai rubs her head in pain. That little brat deserved it though.
"Not as much as the pain of your suffering kingdom you bozo!" I cover my fist with ice and knocks on her head. "Hey? Smarts? Are you there?" Kai jerks back, still petting her head.
"Ouch! Well, can we please trade? Pretty please?
"I'll take some soldiers off your hands but you don't get any food. It's your fault they're starving you know. But I'll make a peace treaty with your kingdom for five months if you give me... 50 warriors. No. 5 elites, 45 non elites. Deal?"
Kai sucks her thumb, thinking. "Ugh... Fine. I'll get them here in at least a month. But in the meantime you can be working on the form. O-"
"Yes yes yes! Just get out of my room!" I grab Kai's brown poofy hair and pull on it.
"Stop it! Stop it!" Out of the mad lass' hair came small stones aimed at my face. I duck, still holding onto the brat's hair. The source of the attack hit the ground, spraying pebbles everywhere.
"THEN LET GO!" Kai screeched. I let go and the pebbles stopped coming out of the hair forest. Kai stands up and rubs off some dirt from the rocks. "See ya, Aya..." Kai stomped out of my room, slamming the door behind her. I groan and find nothing to value was shattered. Many things were now dirty and ugly but not broken. I chuck my body into my bed and close my eyes. Stupid Kai... She'll pay... Some how....
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