NaNoWriMo Part 4
I sat, cross legged with a group junior generals.
"So I predict that Kai's army will attack soon. Knowing their brash leader they will go on the offense." Knil twiddled his blond, blood stained hair. He was once an assassin for Haze's army until he noticed that I would pay him more and give him easier tasks than murder.
"Knil. Any more info on Haze's army? They probably won't take on us anytime soon but it's good to know about them." Era grinned. She had lacy brown hair that went to her knees. I known her since middle school and she's a force to be reckoned with. Era is good at manultipalting people to do her bidding and making crafty plans.
"Yeah. Their top ninja is named Oki. She's pretty optimistic for an assassin I must emit. Oki will try to talk with you first but usually she's setting up a trap while doing so. Haze is a very serious guy. He's no super strong but super quick. He can make a poisonous gas when he opens his mouth so if he wants to chat, it's a trap." Knil laid back in his red chair.
"But should we steal their strategy and make it our owns?" Era questioned.
"Maybe. But we shouldn't rely on it unlike them. Also if you want to have a good name, don't have tons of assassins ok?" Knil pulled a leaf with a rubber band around it from his pocket.
"Oooooooooh! Whatcha ya got there mister ninja sir?" Quora leaned forward in her seat. A former tribal princess before the war, she is very interested in others cultures.
"A leaferrete. It's a leaf that you can use as a leaf or a cigarette. Haze's father invented it says every other person. In reality MY grandma created it. Also unlike other cigarettes, they don't harm the lungs as much but don't give you a high. You can grind up stems of Gosstell leafs to make a gunpowder like substance. Then you put it inside the curled up leaf and blow. It will make smoke because a lot of forced destroyed it. But if you blow to hard nothing will happen because it must be at the right speed and force. Also the best part about them is they make you look cool." Knil smirked. Quora gave him a small appusaule and a hug.
"Thanks mister Knil for teaching me." Quora giggled. Knil's face turned bright red.
"Not that sly for a ninja eh? Mister cool guy." Era grinned.
"I-it's nothing like that ya, ya... Watch ya trap!" Knil barked while Quora clung to him. I must admit that Era has a knack of making people go back to 'normal'. Era laughed and grabbed her mug. She put her finger in the strange liquid and mixed it.
"A recipe from your home land?" Quora asked.
"Shut up you pint size brat. It looks like your face is begging a fist. May I give it one?" Era turned her eyes to slits. Quora fled back to Knil who rolled his eyes at this scene.
"So how did it go with Mishi?" Asked Knil. My forehead broke into a sweat.
"Oh~. You fell in love didn't ya?" Smirked Era. I brushed of her teasing and got straight to the point.
"Mishi's army is a huge threat. They're taking over in the masses. Their leader is smart but has a huge ego so we can use that to are advantage. He also has wind magic so he can easily get over walls and huge objects."
"Thanks. So we should get a air force. Alright. I'm on it." Era nodded. She stood up, excusing herself from the conversation. I gave her a nod and got jobs for Quora and Knil.
"Knil you should take a group of teens and train 'em a bit, Ok?" I asked. Knil gave me a 'yes ma'am' and left.
"Quora, go get a group of merchants that are about to travel and give them the drill."
"Alrighty!" Quora hopped out of her soft velvet chair and ran off. I let out a tired sigh and put my feet on the ground.
"Ugh... What is on the agenda next." I picked up my calendar and check if I had a meeting tomorrow. On the next day was a meeting set with Kai. I groan a loud groan and fall on the carpeted floor. "First Mishi, now Kai!?" I stomped out of meeting room in a huff and to my room.
Kai? Why Kai of all people? Why does that annoying ball of energy want to talk to me?
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