Thank you NekoCatLover for suggesting this!!
Unicorn: Wtf
Jack: Wtf
Unicorn: Jack?
Jack: How u know meh name?
Unicorn: Jack, I'M MARK.
Unicorn: Who the fuck was in that hoodie...?
Jack: I don't believe u.
Unicorn: "The only reason I'd jump off a cliff is if you had trampoline at the bottom." "O-okay fine! Let's just be quiet!! Signe's sleepin' here ya know?!" "Come over. I need a hug, Mark, please." "Mark... I think. I think I love ya."
Jack: O h.
Jack: *tearing up* Mark?
Mark the unicorn: yeah?
Jack: Let's fix this.
Mark the unicorn: I think I need to find the guy in the hoodie who knocked me out.
Felix: *walks in, wearing a hoodie* o shit
Mark the unicorn: *spears him*
Felix: I don't do majic!
Mark the unicorn: Bu-
Ethan: *poofs in, wearing a hoodie* TIZ I!!! I IZ THE HOODIE MAN!!!
Ethan: *Makes Jack a unicorn*
Jack the unicorn: Goddammit Ethan.
Ethan: GAY UNICORNS AWAY!!! *poofs Jack and Mark to unicornlandia*
Jack, Mark and Felix were never heard from again. No one suspected ETHAN.
Alright! There ya go! X'D Suggest more stuff if you'd like ta see more!!
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