Yandere Simulator | Taro Yamada x Ky Silver x Ayano Aishi | I Win
Ayano Aishi=Yandere-Chan/Yan-Chan; female
Her Table:
Role=Antagonist *in this*
Club=None *players choice irl*
Persona=Devoted, Possibly Dangerous *added dangerous*
Crush=Senpai (Taro)
Strength=Dependent on Physical Education
Ky Silver=female; pronounced Kah-eye ((Kai))
Her Table:
Role=Protagonist/Main Character
Club=Martial Arts
Persona=Loner, Protective
Crush=Taro Yamada
Strength=Physical and Mental
Taro Yamada=Senpai; male
His Table:
Role=Main Character *in game*, Student
Crush=Ky Silver
Persona means "the aspect of someone's character that is presented to or perceived by others."
~Ky's POV~
--Day 1; Week 2--
I am walking to school with my best friend, Budo Masuta, to our school that we've been going to for a while. It's called Akademi High School. Budo and the other members of the Martial Arts club are really the only friends I have. Once Budo had offered me to join the club, since he is the leader and all, of course I had said yes!
He knows that I've got potential in his club, plus I am his closest friend (possibly), so he gave me that offer. Especially since there has recently been multiple murders around campus last week, maybe even continuing into this week or more! He wants to make sure I know how to protect myself, and I appreciate that. Budo is like an older brother to me.
Budo and I are talking about having a battle during club today for fun. We love play fighting, which is what we are doing while walking. We are just shoving each other back and forth, blocking fake punches, etc. It's really fun.
"What do ya say, Ky?" Budo asked me, gently shoving me, still in the fake fight.
"Duh! I'll totally kick your butt!" I exclaimed playfully, shoving him right back, a bit harder than how he did to me. He laughs, I smile.
"Suuuureee, you will.~" He teases as we make it to school, now it's my turn to laugh.
"We'll just have to wait and see then! Plus, I am second strongest in the club behind you, ya know." I point out, standing by the front gate with him.
He nods, agreeing with me.
"Yup, I know! I knew you had potential for this club! Anyways, I've gotta go and set up before class! See ya later, Ky!" He calls over his shoulder as he rushes to the Martial Arts Club room.
He knows I would've helped him set up, but he would always say that he can deal with it himself.
I wave to him as he leaves.
Someone taps my shoulder gently so I turn around, only to be face to face with another Martial Arts Club member, Sho Kunin.
Sho has dark brown hair and brown eyes, he is also wearing a Martial Arts club bandana, just like the other members.
I have my strawberry-blonde hair down with the bandana holding my fly-away hairs back and out of my face. My hair is straight with slight curls at the ends.
"Oh! Hey Sho! What's up?" I ask, greeting him with my usual smile. He smiles back at me.
"Hey Ky! Nothing much, how about you?" He replies, and I shrug.
"Nothing much either." I respond and he nods.
"So, do you wanna spar later?" Sho questions and I start to get excited.
"Yea! When?" I say happily, excitement gleaming in my amber eyes.
He chuckles and replies, "How's lunch sound? By the fountain?"
I nod.
"'Kay! I'll talk to ya then, Sho!" I wave goodbye as I head inside the school, knowing class starts in a few minutes. He waves back and heads inside too.
I take off my outdoor shoes and replace them with my indoor ones, and then I head to my class, class 3-2.
As soon as I walk in, the students who are already in there stare at me, which makes me slightly uncomfortable. I just ignore them and sit at my seat in the back, everyone watching my every move.
I soon had enough and look up at everybody.
"Why are you all staring at me like that?" I ask, sliding down in my seat slightly from embarrassment.
They all snap out of it and get back to their own things, only one boy relatively answers my question.
He has teal hair covering his right eye (his right, our left), same color eyes, and I know straight away who he is. His name is Sora Sosuke, and he's apart of the drama club. Sora is considered the Teacher's Pet around the school, from what I've heard.
"Sorry, Silver-Chan, we were all just in a daze and stared at what you were doing." Sora replies, and I know he's only visiting class 3-2 since his class is 3-1.
I nod slowly, getting all of the things I need out for this lesson.
"It's fine, Sosuke-Kun." I respond, and everyone looks relieved, not wanting to make a member of the Martial Arts club mad, especially the second strongest in the club.
I shake my head and laugh quietly, not noticing a certain black-haired boy with dark gray eyes staring at me, blushing scarlet red with his friends teasing him about it.
~~Spar Battle With Sho~~
I make my way over to the fountain and wait for Sho to arrive. It's lunchtime now and he should be here any minute now.
I notice Sho walk in confidently, but he knows full well that I might end up beating him. You see, him and I are somewhat close in strength, with me being a bit higher, meaning we like to fight a lot to see who one ups the other. It is very fun, and I usually win. I'm not gonna get cocky though, he can still beat me.
Sho makes his way over to me, smiling brightly. I smile back and take a step towards him.
"Ready?" I ask.
"Ready. You?" He responds.
"Ready. Let's do this over there, shall we?" I request, pointing over to my left.
Over there is where no students are hanging out, grass all around there, lining the school's walls.
Sho nods and we jog over there. Other students came to watch our fight, even Budo. The students follow and make a barrier around us, basically becoming a crowd, waiting eagerly to see who will win this fight.
The school knows about these kinds of fights, so they tolerate with them.
Budo is 'reffing' our match, so he is standing in the center with us.
"Alright, you both ready?" He asks us, and we nod.
"Okay. Shake hands." Budo demands, Sho and I do so and step back.
"Position." We get into our fighting stances.
"When one person is too 'injured' or wants to back out, it's game over. Last person standing wins. Three.."
I raise my fists to protect my face, Sho does too, just like we were taught.
I didn't see that the boy with black hair and dark gray eyes from earlier came into the front of the crowd to watch me 'fight.'
Now to wait for the...
"START!" Budo shouts.
Everybody knows that this is a playful fight, no actual getting hurt. Basically, Sho and I are training. So, everyone came to watch us train, since you really have to be in the club or have potential to see us spar.
Actually, I have noticed a female named Yandere-Chan, or Ayano Aishi, has been coming to our club lately to spar with Budo, and I have no idea why. Maybe to get better at fighting without joining the club?
Sho takes the first shot with his right forearm, and I block it with my left one.
I try to kick him when I saw an opening, and I hit him. Not very hard.
~After Sparring/Training~
Once we finished, Budo raised my right arm and exclaimed, "KY SILVER IS THE WINNER!"
The crowd cheered, and Budo and Sho clapped as well.
I go and give Sho a high-five. He returns it, smiling.
I'm smiling too.
"Nice round, Sho!" I compliment, and he nods.
"Same to you!" He responds.
"Thanks!" I reply.
Apparently I won by reaching all of the goals for fighting or training:
-Blocking almost everything
-Getting 'kicks' and 'punches' in
-And having fun (for training)
And Sho has only gotten getting the 'hits' in and having fun. He didn't really block a lot of my 'hits.' He still has a bit to learn about blocking, so that's understandable.
Sho and I head for the bathrooms to go get cleaned up. During our fight, we had wrestled. That was purely for fun, and everyone knows it. We were laughing and smiling the entire time.
The crowd makes a path for us, and we thank them.
The bathrooms are in opposite directions, so Sho and I split up and go to our separate bathrooms.
Once I walk into the Girls Bathroom, I grabbed a paper towel and wet it with some water, wiping away the dirt on my skin first. I threw that towel away and got a new one, wet it, and wiped under my armpits because we know I will smell later. Again, I threw that one away and grabbed a new one, wet it, and got the dirt off of my clothes.
I threw that towel away and got out my deodorant and used it under my arms on my armpits. I don't want to smell bad.
I have my hair spray at home.
Now, I walk out and was greeted by a female with long, bright orange hair that reaches her ankles, orange eyes, and is slightly shorter than me. Standing beside her was a familiar boy with black hair and dark, enchanting, gray eyes.
Did I just say enchanting?!
"Oh! Uh, hello! Did you both need something?" I ask, and the boy seemed to blush?
The boy is taller than me by a few inches.
The girl nods.
"Yes! Hello, my name is Osana Najimi! And this is my best friend! Introduce yourself!" This Osana girl orders, and the boy nods, playfully rolling his eyes.
"Hello there! My name is Taro Yamada! It's nice to meet you!" Taro responded, and I smile a bit bigger.
His voice is sooo cute!~ Wait, what?
"It's nice to meet you both! I'm Ky Silver!" I introduce, shaking their hands.
As soon as Taro's hand connected with mine, I felt sparks fly in my hand, causing me to blush. I ignored it. He seemed to blush a more scarlet color too.
Who would've thought we would be friends since this day? Let alone be extremely close to Taro.
~Day 1, Week 8~
It's now eight weeks into the school year, and I have become very close to Taro and Osana. I'm more closer to Taro, and I'm not so sure why.
Every time he's around, I seem to stutter slightly, flush a light red, and be more nervous. I have also noticed that he has been subtly flirting with me. I'm not gonna go into detail about that, since I bet you can imagine that yourself.
More murders have been happening lately, only to girls...who have a crush on Taro...
I may end up being attacked because...
...I have a crush on Taro...
I know Osana does too, so she's in danger. However, she also has a crush on some guy named Zane Opala *made up character*, so she still has a chance at survival. She talks about Zane a lot more to me than she does about Taro.
It's before school on Monday, and I'm waiting with her for Taro to come out of his house so we can all walk to school together with Budo, Sho, and Zane.
Budo, Sho, and Zane are waiting across the street for us.
"Sooooo, you and Taro, huh?~" Osana teases, making my face flush.
"Wh-What?" I ask, and she giggles, shaking her head.
"I have seen him flirting with you, even if it was very small and subtle. He likes you!~" She continues, and I tease her right back.
"Well, what a-about you and Z-Zane then, hm?~"
"What?! I-I don- I mean I-BAKA!!" Osana exclaims, making me laugh.
The guys glance at us, and they start laughing too. Zane seemed to flush at seeing Osana like she is right now.
"See? He's even giving you to googly eyes!" I whisper shout to her, and she flushes more now.
"Sh-Shut up!~" She whines playfully, and I quietly laugh. She does too.
Osana and I turn around once we hear the door behind us open. We are standing by the gate. Apparently we hadn't noticed Taro exciting his house with his little sister, Hanako Yamada, who said she totally approves on him and I dating, even though we aren't. If we do, she said she supports it.
I suppose I'm the only one Hanako trusts with giving my heart to her older brother.
Hanako bids us farewell and runs over to her friends and walking with them to school.
"What took you so long, Taro?" Osana asks, slightly annoyed at her childhood friend.
Taro smiles sheepishly.
"Sorry, I had to get Hanako out of bed since she practically clung for dear life to her bed sheets." Taro explains, us walking over to the others.
The guys heard it and joined us in laughing.
Once our little laughing fit was over, we starting walking to school.
I'm walking with Taro on my left, Budo on my right. Osana in front of us with Zane and Sho.
"Kinda glad I don't have any siblings." I comment, making everyone laugh.
"You should be. They can be a real pain at times." Taro explains, never leaving my gaze.
We all chuckle at that.
"Well I-"
I cut myself off, feeling as if someone is watching me. I stopped walking, we were already at the front gate of the school. My group stopped walking and looked at me while I glance behind me, checking if someone is staring at me.
"You okay, Ky?" Budo questions.
"Uhhhh, yeah..? Yeah, sure..?" I reply, sounding more like a question as I continue scanning the area behind us.
"You don't sound so sure." Zane mentions.
"Yeah." Sho adds.
"What's wrong?" Osana asks, and I sigh.
"Nothing, nothing. It's probably just my imagination." I state, turning back around to face them.
They look concerned.
I feel someone staring at me from somewhere behind us, I ignore it.
"Ky.." They all say sternly with concern at the same time.
"It's nothing. Forget it. End of discussion." I respond just as stern, showing only a tiny bit of nervousness.
They sigh and we all walk into the school, change our shoes, and meet up by the fountain.
Budo sets his hand on my shoulder, and I look up at him.
"Ky, tell us what's wrong. Please." Budo practically begs, and I sigh in defeat.
"Ughhhh, fine, fine. I felt like someone was staring at me when we were walking into the school." I explain, and they look slightly nervous.
I know they're probably thinking that the person who was staring at me was the murderer. Only Osana, Zane, Budo, and Sho know about my crush on Taro, so they also know about the girls who have been murdered had crushes on Taro. Taro was concerned because he thought I could be the next victim, but he doesn't know about me having a crush on him, or the fact that the murders are only happening to girls that have a crush on him.
"Someone was staring at you..?" Taro nervously asks, clearly worried about my safety.
I nod slowly, and their eyes all widen more. I've gotta react fast.
"But hey, don't worry about me! I can protect myself, you know. I bet this murderer isn't as strong as me anyways." I reason, and Osana rolls her eyes playfully.
"Famous last words." She comments, making Sho elbow her in the side.
I laugh at that comment, resulting in them all joining me. Once we had all calmed down, they seemed less on edge, but still worried.
"Alright, we should all probably head to class then, huh?" Zane inquires, and we all agree.
Osana goes to class 2-1 with Zane, Sho goes to class 2-2, while Taro, Budo, and I all go to class 3-2.
I can tell Zane is flirting with Osana, 'cause she's giggling and blushing as they walk away. Sho goes off to meet his friends on his way to class. Budo, Taro, and I all walk to our class.
They are both still unsure about the whole staring at me situation, so they make me walk in between them. Taro on my right with Budo on my left.
"Guys, I'm fine. You don't have to be so protective over me." I tease.
"So? We are just supposed to not care about the fact that the murderer around our school may come after you next?" Taro questions in a protective manner, proving his point. I lightly blush.
"You didn't before." I retort, a small smile on my lips.
"Of course we did before, Ky. It's just that now someone was staring at you, and there's a high possibility that that person could've been the murderer." Budo backs up Taro and his statement.
"I realize that, really, I do, but I can protect myself if needed. Remember, I'm almost as strong as you, Budo." I counter, and they both sigh as we walk into our class and sit down next to each other.
"We know. We're just worried, Ky." Taro says sweetly, while Budo nods.
"Thanks for being concerned for me, guys. Just..relax a bit." I reply softly, and they nod.
"But no letting our guard down, any of us. That means you, Ky." Budo stated teasingly, and they laugh.
I fake offence, setting my right hand over my heart with a shocked expression, again, fake.
"I'm offended!~" I return, making them laugh even harder, me joining them after a couple of seconds.
The teacher walks in as we all calmed down.
~After Class, Lunch Time~
I walk out of our class, chatting with the guys as we walk.
A girl with black hair and dark gray eyes like Taro steps in front of us, or more specifically, me. Her name is Ayano Aishi, also known as Yan-Chan. We all look at her confused, even though I know she wants to see me.
You see, she has been acting very strange around us. Sending me glares when we make eye contact. Not speaking to Taro, Budo, or any of the others. I have had a feeling she would confront me soon for a while now. And I have a feeling that she is The Murderer of Akademi High, but I don't have any proof of it.
"Hello! May I steal Ky-Sama for a moment, please?" Ayano asks sweetly, trying to act innocent.
I narrow my eyes at her, but she just ignores me. Budo and Taro are hesitant, glancing at me, seeing my eyes narrowed at her.
Before any of the guys could speak, I did first.
"Fine. I'll talk to you later, guys." I state sternly, not taking my gaze off of Yandere-Chan.
They were about to protest when I added, "No fighting me with this. It's my choice, really. Bye."
And before they could even say anything to me, I grabbed Ayano's arm and pulled her away to an empty classroom.
She closed the door behind us and we began to talk..
~Taro's POV~
A girl who I think her name is Yan-Chan walks up to us, right in front of Ky. I don't trust her at all. The way she glares at Ky when they make eye contact, doesn't talk to barely anyone. I think she may be the murderer around the school. And Budo is most likely thinking the same thing.
He wants to protect his best friend, Ky, and I want to protect my best friend and crush, Ky.
"Hello! May I steal Ky-Sama for a moment, please?" She asks us in a sweet tone, acting all innocent, which I don't fall for.
She has always acted pretty suspicious, ever since I had met her. Ayano had accidentally bumped into me, and so I helped her up and apologized. She was all flustered and barely spoke, just gave me the googly eyes. That's not the suspicious part, however. The questionable part is her stalking girls around the school, and those same exact girls end up dead in a few days or less. She also seems to be watching my friends and I a lot lately, which I just now noticed.
Budo and I are hesitant to let Ky go with some girl we barely know, so we glance at Ky. She has her eyes narrowed at Yan-Chan.
And before Budo or I could speak, Ky had beaten us to it.
"Fine. I'll talk to you later, guys." Ky stated sternly, clearly not trusting Ayano, which her hard stare hasn't left yet.
Budo and I were about to protest when she cut us off again.
"No fighting me with this. It's my choice, really. Bye."
And sooner than we could protest about her decision, she had grabbed Yan-Chan's arm and pulled her into an empty classroom, with Ayano shutting it behind them.
Budo and I sigh in defeat.
"Why would she agree to talking with Yan-Chan alone?" I wonder aloud, earning a response from Budo, making me jump. I had forgotten he was there.
"I don't know, maybe to see what's up with Yan-Chan's weird behavior? Whatever, all I know is that she can protect herself. One of us should stay by that classroom door, just in case anything happens." Budo explained, and I agreed.
"I'll do it." I say, and he shakes his head.
"No, you won't. No offence, but you are incapable with protecting yourself, so how would you even begin to protect Ky?" Budo reasoned, making me think.
How would I protect her? How could I? Budo's right, I can't even protect myself from harms way. Maybe he can teach me how?
"None taken, and you're right. Can you teach me the basics while we wait here for her?" I ask, and he nods, smiling.
"Of course, Taro. Let's begin." Budo states, and he begins teaching me the basics..
~Ky's POV~
"Now, what did you want to talk about, Yandere-Chan?" I ask without emotion.
"I know you like my Senpai, Ky." She accuses, making me surprised.
"'Senpai'? Who's your senpai?" I question, and she scoffs.
"You know who I'm talking about."
"Uh, nope. I don't. Spill." I state, and she sighs.
"Taro, Taro Yamada." Ayano says dreamily, making me narrow my eyes at her again.
Yeah, right, as if I'd let someone as suspicious as her date my best friend. Who is also my crush, but that's beside the point. If Taro doesn't choose me and he chooses someone else, then that's okay, as long as he's happy, and as long as this girl isn't Ayano. I don't trust her one bit, now even less so.
I raise an eyebrow at her.
"And how do you know that, exactly?" I inquire, snapping her out of her trance.
"I have my sources."
"Yes, sources. And don't even bother asking what sources, because I won't tell you." Yan-Chan said sternly, like I had done to the guys earlier.
I see Budo and Taro through the window of the door and see Budo teaching Taro how to fight properly. Good. I return my gaze to Ayano, and roll my eyes.
"Yeah, yeah, whatever." I reply, and she rolls her eyes this time.
"Just stay away from Taro."
"Stay away from Taro." She repeats.
"No. You don't rule my life, I do." I tell her, crossing my arms. She glares daggers at me, I glare right back.
"Fine then. We'll see about that." Ayano says secretively, pulling something from out behind her back.
I knew right away what it was from the shine of the metal. My eyes widen and I kick the item out of her hand before she could use it. I was right. She was holding a knife. However, I failed to notice that she had in fact cut me.. I then kick the knife out of her reach and punch her, knocking her out, not seeing the blood, my blood, on the knife.
The guys must've heard the thump sound because they rushed into this classroom, and now I feel the pain on my left forearm. I glance at it and my eyes widen, it was bleeding. I hold it close to my chest with my right hand, staring at the knife behind me. Budo and Taro rush over to me, ignoring Yan-Chan.
Budo saw the knife and went to grab it as Taro inspected me.
"Ky!! Are you okay?! What happened?!" Taro asked hurriedly, seeing me holding my arm to my chest.
He gently took my left wrist and made me show him what I was hiding and trying to stop the pain. His eyes widened in shock as he stared at it for a second or two before meeting my eyes.
"How'd this happen?!" Taro exclaimed.
"I think I know what happened.." Budo trailed off behind me, and I turned to face him as Taro stood at my side.
"Ayano had pulled out a knife and cut your arm, but you knocked her out, correct?" Budo inquired, and I nodded slowly.
"Yes. She told me to stay away f-from Taro, and when I refused, she h-had pulled the knife out and cut me without m-me realizing it, and I then kicked the knife o-out of her h-hand. After that, I kicked the knife out o-of her reach and punched her, knocking her out." I explained, and he nodded.
Budo comes up to us and asks full of concern, "Are you okay?!"
"Y-Yeah, I'm fine guys, really. I just n-need to go to the n-nurse.." I trailed off, and they nodded.
Budo first took a picture of me with my cut arm, the knife, and Ayano laying on the ground unconscious, then took the knife to the office while Taro rushed me to the nurses office.
Once Taro and I had reached the nurse, she asked no questions and just stitched up my arm straight away after having me sit down on the hospital bed, resting my left forearm on a table, and Taro on my right, holding my hand to help me deal with the pain of the stitches.
What will my parents think? What will I say to them? That I was nearly murdered by Yandere-Chan and got cut in the process? No way!
I held back tears as the nurse stitched my arm up, not daring to show weakness. Not right now. Besides, I hate crying in front of people. It's embarrassing.
After she was done with the stitches, she cleaned the wound again like she had done before stitching up my arm, then wrapped my forearm in that weird, soft white cloth that they use for cuts and stuff.
She backed away from Taro and I, him not letting my hand go, and I carefully brought my left arm up to wipe away the incoming tears with my hand, not wanting to let Taro's go.
"Now, what happened to you, dear?" She asked me, and I shook my head.
"I'm sure the word will spread very soon." I replied, calming down fully.
She looked confused but nodded and sent us free. Taro and I immediately went to the Principal's office to find Budo there talking to the principal himself, Taro and I still holding hands. We're both blushing.
We enter the office after knocking and stand next to Budo.
"Good. You two are here. Now, what did you need to talk to me about?" The principal asked, and Budo responded.
"We know who the murderer of Akademi High is, she had just tried to kill Ky here." Budo explained, motioning towards me.
"What happened to your arm?!" The principal questioned me in a panic.
"The murderer here is what happened to me, sir." I answer respectively, and he nodded slowly.
"We've got pictures. This first one is of the knife I brought you, the second of Ky with her wound before she got it patched up, and then to the murderer here...Ayano Aishi." Budo explained, showing the principal the pictures.
The Headmaster's eyes widened even more, taking the pictures and looking at them, and glancing back at me for reference for my picture, I'm assuming.
"You can do a DNA test if you need to, Headmaster." I state, and he nods.
"I might just take you up on that offer, just to be sure." He replied, and I nod.
"Follow me, Miss Silver. And Mr. Masuta and Yamada, you may follow as well, if you'd like." Headmaster said, and we all followed him to the science room.
~After DNA Test~
We had just now finished the DNA test, and it turned out to be my blood. This was all the proof the Headmaster needed.
He said he would talk to Ayano tomorrow since it's too late, school is almost over. Just about three minutes left.
Us three got out of the Principal's office and walked to the front gate. I learned that Taro actually learned to fight really quickly, he is a fast learner.
We stop at the front gate and wait for our other friends to arrive.
They finally arrived and saw my arm, making them run over to us straight away.
"What happened to you, Ky?!"
"Are you okay?!"
"Who did this to you?!"
Sho, Zane, and Osana asked questions left and right, to which Taro, Budo, and I all answered.
Osana was fuming, so were the other guys. I could tell Taro and Budo were also a bit riled up due to Ayano. I had managed to calm them down for the most part, enough to stop Osana from shouting out of anger about what had happened between Ayano and I.
We all left school, them dropping me off at my home safely, where I had to explain everything to my parents. Osana decided to hang out with me for a while before heading home.
~End of Week, Friday~
Ayano had been kicked out of the school and sent to prison for her crimes, which all lead back to her, especially with Taro's information for the police about what he had seen. There hadn't been any trouble here since.
"Hey, Ky? Can I talk to you? Alone?" Taro requested at the end of the day, and I nod.
We went around the back of the school and went to the sakura tree. What did he want to talk to me about..? Why at the sakura tree? Is he gonna confess to me? Like that little saying here that if you confess to your crush at this tree that they will accept your feelings?
I grow nervous and excited, but keep it hidden well. I'm not gonna get my hopes up for something that might be false.
Taro and I make it there, and he seems very nervous. Why? It's just me.
"What did you want to talk to me about, Taro?" I questioned softly, trying to make him feel more relaxed.
He seemed to calm down more at my soft tone, which made me glad. He had no reason to be nervous around me. Taro can tell me anything, and he knows it.
"W-Well, you see....I-I really, really, really like you.." He trails off, making me blush a scarlet color, and he does too.
"Wh-What do you mean, T-Taro..?" I ask him, making sure he's saying what I think he's saying, not wanting to make a fool of myself.
He hasn't been making eye contact with me ever since we got here. I lean my back against the tree trunk and he faces me, staring deeply into my amber eyes. My strawberry-blonde hair gently blowing to the right side from the breeze, my Martial Arts bandana in my bag that I had set on the ground when we had arrived here. Time seemed to be at a stand still as we stared at each other.
Taro's shiny, soft, black hair flowing in the wind in the same direction as mine is. His deep, beautiful dark gray eyes that hold so many emotions all at once that I love and adore dearly. Him being a few inches taller than me, at the perfect height..everything.
He takes a step forward, stopping right in front of me as my back is gently pressed up against the tree I'm leaning on. I don't flinch or move, not wanting him to get the wrong idea.
"I mean..I-I love you...I have f-for a while now.." He trails off, never breaking eye contact.
"I-I love you too, Taro.." I also trail off, and his eyes light up.
"You do?" He asks, and I nod, smiling brightly up at him.
He smiles back down at me, taking a hold of my hands in his, intertwining his fingers with mine. He bit his bottom lip, which I found absolutely adorable.
"Can I do something?" Taro asks me, and I nod, slightly confused at what he was wanting to do.
He gently pulled me in, careful with my hurt arm, and kissed me on the lips. It was filled with love and affection, to which I gladly returned. We heard cheers from four other people *which is actually six*, who we knew were Sho, Budo, Osana, and Zane. Taro and I pulled apart after a minute or two, and faced our friends.
They were still cheering for us. Taro wrapped his arm around my shoulder and pulled me closer to him, to which I responded by leaning on him slightly, laying my head on his shoulder.
"Will you be my girlfriend, Ky?" Taro questioned me out loud for our friends to hear, knowing what my answer will be.
I smile bigger, he does too.
"Of course I will, Taro!" I exclaim and kiss him again, he kisses back. More cheers from our friends.
Once we pulled apart, we grabbed our bags and went down to our friends hand-in-hand. We knew Zane and Osana had crushes on each other so we decided to make Zana happen right then and there.
I went over to Osana's side, Taro to Zane's side. Sho and Budo knew exactly what we were gonna do, so they just let it happen. Zane and Osana, however, had no clue. Taro and I turned Osana and Zane to face each other, and before they knew it, we pushed them together, making their lips touch.
They didn't pull away, though. Instead, they melted into each other's touch and kissed while Taro, Budo, Sho, and I cheered for them this time, Taro's arm wrapped around my waist.
Once Osana and Zane pull apart, Zane asked her something loud enough for us to hear.
"And will you be my girlfriend, Osana?" He asked, and Osana squealed, hugging him.
"YES!~" She yelled, earning laughs from all of us.
Sho was dating a girl named Violet Kara *made up character*, and Budo was dating a girl named Lola Morgan *another made up character*. Lola and Violet were here too, and I just hadn't realized it.
Osana kissed Zane, Sho kissed Violet, Budo kissed Lola, and Taro kissed me.
I Win.
Heyyy guyss!~ Sorry this took awhile, but at least I got it done! I hope you enjoyed it! :)
Thanks for reading!
Any suggestions on what I could do? Then let me know! :D
Thanks again!
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