Vampire! Levi Ackerman x Werewolf! Fem! Reader
The full title won't fit in so here it is:
Vampire! Levi Ackerman x Werewolf! Fem! Reader || Our Love Is Stronger Than Rules
DN:Dad's Name
MN:Mom's Name
Levi will be a bit OOC in this.
There are two clans: The Werewolf Clan (Werewolfians) and The Vampire Clan (Vampians).
Clever names, I know. XD
Your POV
I am sitting outside, my white/tan, fluffy tail laying down while being wrapped around my waist. Wolf ears twitching.
Yes. I'm a werewolf. Apart of the Werewolfian Clan.
As you may already know, but if you don't because you are uneducated in this topic, we werewolves are enemies with the vampires of Vampian. And just vampires in general, but mostly Vampians.
I never understood this.
'Why do werewolves and vampires hate each other so badly anyway?' I thought, my tail twitching in annoyance.
All I want to do is have peace with the vampires. I've never liked all of this rivalry and enemy stuff.
My name is YN Timber. I'm a timber werewolf, meaning when I'm in my wolf form, I turn into a timber wolf. When I am in human form, my ears and tail represent the timber wolf, as well as my eyes.
Here's what I look like in wolf form (I don't own the pic):
Whenever somebody makes me upset, my eyes are like a weapon when I give them one of my nasty glares. My eyes turn a slight amber color (like in the pic above), but still showing most of my normal EC eyes. I only ever really get dangerous if my eyes go full amber when I'm in human form, maybe even a bit red.
My ears are the tanish-brown as shown in the wolf picture of me above, and as for my tail? The tip of my tail is the same color, while the rest is my white fur.
We werewolves enjoy being in our human forms mostly, as we were born in this form most of the time, but we enjoy our wolf forms too.
I have HL, HC hair and EC eyes. I'm wearing [outfit of choice].
And you know my father right? No..? Well, his name is DN Timber, my mom is MN Timber. Dad is the Alpha male while my mom is the Alpha female.
I'm supposed to be the next leader of the pack when I turn nineteen. I'm only seventeen. (Levi is eighteen.)
In our pack, there is no omega wolf, and the alphas are not the only ones that are allowed to breed. The alphas are simply the leaders who make the pack decisions and are the main family.
Normally, the rankings in a regular wolf back would be, from lower to upper:
Other pack members.
Alpha male and female.
The omega would be treated pretty cruelly, so we didn't want that in our pack, and never had it. We love all of our pack equally.
In all of the thousands of years us Werewolfians existed, our pack specifically (Werewolfian), we never, never, had an omega.
Basically, our pack goes, from lowest to highest:
Pack members.
Alpha male and female.
Anyway, my mother and father are saying that I need to get married soon so that I can have my other half with me to help lead my pack.
Mom was the beta wolf, Dad was the alpha female and male's eldest son, so they were allowed to get married.
Only betas and alphas, alphas and alphas, betas and pack members, or pack members and pack members were allowed to get married.
Alphas and pack members aren't allowed to do so because their rankings make major differences. I mean, you can if you want to, but it's really looked down upon. Only alphas who really love a pack member in this way can do so.
If the pack member proves to be a good leader, then it's no longer looked down upon. That puts a lot of the pressure on the alphas partner.
But one thing is for sure, and this rule cannot be broken: No Werewolfian is permitted to marry an outsider that is not a werewolf.
If it is broken, you could get kicked out of the pack for it. UNLESS the alpha wishing to marry the outsider can get their parents to agree.
That's the rule.
I sigh lightly as the sun shines down on me, warming my body up as I watch the pups of other families playing while their parents watch them.
I don't want to marry anyone, but I'm being forced to marry another soon-to-be alpha of another pack, just so we can have an unnecessary alliance with them.
"I THOUGHT I WOULD BE ABLE TO AT LEAST CHOOSE WHO I AM GOING TO MARRY!! NOT AN ARRANGED MARRIAGE WITH SOME WOLF I DON'T EVEN KNOW!!" I shout angrily at my parents, in our cave so nobody can hear this conversation.
"YN, sweetheart, it's for an alliance, honey." Mom tries to reason with me calmly.
"Another one?! We already have MANY alliances!! We don't NEED another!" I exclaim, my tail thrashing with pure rage.
"Dear, this is for the best. Listen to your—" I cut him off.
"FOR THE BEST?! AS IF!! I'M choosing who I marry! Not YOU TWO!" I yell.
"HEY! WE make that decision! NOT YOU! YOU WILL MARRY THAT WOLF WHETHER YOU LIKE IT OR NOT!" Dad screams at me.
"STOP CONTROLLING MY LIFE!! YOU RUIN EVERYTHING!" I growl at them before running off to calm myself down, my fathers shouts calling after me as my mom tries to calm him too.
How dare they think that they can just control my life like that! Our pack has always, always, been able to freely choose who we marry! Even the alphas!
So why can't I?!
Do they not even care about me?!
We don't need another STUPID ALLIANCE!!
Tears flow down my cheeks before I could even try to stop them, the tears running like a river.
They chose to marry each why can't I....
Your Mom's POV
"DN, that was a bit harsh, don't you think?" I ask him softly, rubbing his arm go try and calm him down after his big fight with our one and only daughter.
I hope she's okay..she should have the right to marry who she wants. But we have no other choice.
If only she knew..if only she could understand why we need her to marry this wolf.
If she doesn't..our pack will be in grave danger. They are a much bigger pack than us, even with alliances.
He sighs, rubbing his temples. His tanish-brown ears and tail twitching from the stress of this whole situation..and from yelling at our daughter.
" was harsh. But she doesn't understand, MN.." DN replied just as soft, gently grabbing my arms and pulling me into a hug.
I hug back and say, "Which is why we need to tell her the truth. Maybe then she will understand. You know YN. If the problem is great enough, she'll do anything for our pack. Even if it's small. She loves everyone here."
As I lay my head against his chest, he rests his head on top of mine, sighing.
"Okay. Let's give her some time to cool down though." He tells me and I agree.
Your POV
Maybe...just maybe there's a deeper meaning to me having to get married to some wolf I don't know.
What pack is he from?
If I knew, I would know how big the pack really is.
Just his last name..heck, I don't even know his name yet!
I'll have to ask when I come home.
I was harsh..I need to apologize. They have to have a good reason for me to have an arranged marriage. I know they'd let me marry whoever I want otherwise.
Nodding to myself, I get up, waiting until the pups are back with their parents in their coves, then run all the way back home to my family's cove.
I make it home, barely panting as I see my mom and Dad embracing.
They really are one of the cutest couples I've ever seen. I'll never know how I can ever become a strong leader like them.
I lightly knock on the caves wall and they turn their heads to me, immediately running to me and tackling me into a hug.
We fall to the floor, them on top of me, laughing. They take some of the pressure off of my body by sitting at my sides.
My parents yell excitedly and relief is laced in their voices. They're acting like pups again..haha!
"Hey Mom and Dad!" I yell back, deciding to act like a small pup again for one moment.
They help me up and take me inside, sitting me down as they sit in front of me.
"We need to tell you something, sweetie." Mom tells me.
"And I'm sorry about blowing up at you. I was just aggravated." Dad apologizes, and I smile.
"I'm sorry too. It was unfair of me to just yell and stomp out of there without letting you explain why this is happening. That's what I was wanting to ask you both." I say.
"That's exactly what we needed to talk with you about." Mom said, her white wolf tail wagging.
My own tail begins to wag slightly, as well as Fathers.
"Go on." I say, urging them to explain.
"'re being forced to marry this wolf because if you don't, they threatened to attack our pack. They have a much stronger and larger pack than us, so we had to give you up for marriage for the packs safety. The wolf you shall be marrying is named Dashaun Crinkle." Dad explained, him and Mom awaiting for my reaction.
My eyes widen.
They're, like, the STRONGEST pack ever!! And the LARGEST! Just like Dad said!
Oh dear...
I sigh and say, "Alright. I'll do it."
They're eyes brighten up after I say this, looking at me hopefully.
"Yeah. For the packs safety." I state confidently, my parents smile brightly at me.
"For the pack." They say in unison.
We laugh and just enjoy the rest of our night.
Preparations for this wedding are being made for the next few days, after all..
Levi's POV
I groan, rubbing my temples as Hanji keeps bugging me about finding a girlfriend.
In my clan, the Vampian clan, I'm of the lower level. The regular vamps.
I don't mind. I get to train in combat.
Petra, Eren, Mikasa, Jean, Armin, and Erwin are standing in a ground behind Hanji, murmuring to one another.
Petra is blushing as Hanji says I should get a girlfriend, Jean and Eren are fighting over something while Mikasa and Armin are trying to break it up, and Erwin is just watching Hanji and I talking.
Some help he is.
"No, Hanji. There are no girls here who interest me." I growl at her, and I take notice that Petra looks a little sad, probably because she has a huge crush on me, but I shrug it off and continue the conversation with this brat.
"Aww, come on shorty! There's gotta be at least one girl?!" Hanji proclaims.
"Nope. Not one. Now leave me alone." I say monotonously.
"Shorty! You at least need to try and meet some new girls! You need a girlfriend!"
"No I don't. Not right now." I say bluntly.
Hanji just keeps asking question after question after question repeatedly, making me grow even more annoyed.
I stop my cleaning and stomp outside, walking off to get some fresh air away from these brats.
Your POV
I tell my parents I'm gonna go on a walk and they let me go.
I leave and walk into the woods where there is a pond that I love going to.
The sun is setting, but I don't care. I've gone home later than midnight before, and it's only, like, 8:10 pm.
I make it to the pond and lean against a tree nearby, just staring at the water.
Apparently I'm very lost in my thoughts because I don't notice the sun going down pretty quickly, footsteps approaching me.
I hear the footsteps coming my way and suddenly become alert.
I look around me, not daring to make any sudden movements if it's a threat and they don't know I'm here yet. I don't see anything yet.
Hmm..I'll keep my eyes peeled.
Levi's POV
As I'm walking through the woods, my anger subsiding, I notice a pond nearby. Deciding I would go and sit there for a while, I make my way over to it.
As I'm strolling over to it, I notice someone's foot.
What the..?
I continue walking, and they start moving slightly.
Well, they're alive..that's good...
The closer I get to the pond and this person, I realize that this person is a girl. Not only that, but a werewolf. A beautiful one, too.
She has HL, HC hair that sways gently in the breeze. Sparkling EC eyes. The girl has tanish-brown wolf ears that also match the top of her white tail. She's wearing [outfit of choice].
And dang, is this girl absolutely stunning!
She hasn't noticed me yet.
Maybe I could go and introduce myself to her?
What are you thinking, Levi?! She will most likely be able to tell that you're a vampire and maybe start a fight! Werewolves hate vampires, after all..and vise versa.
Why is it that way? Was it because of a war or something? Nobody ever tells us anything.
But this girl seems..different. I don't know why, but she does.
I'm going to do it. I'm going to go introduce myself to her.
Now, this is totally out of character for me, but hey, I could at least try and make a new friend, right?
She looks around, most likely hearing my footsteps.
Once her eyes land on me, her eyebrows raise slightly and her eyes widen in shock.
Your POV
I continue looking around until my eyes land on a boy that seems to be around my age and is clearly a vampire.
I can smell it.
He's very attractive, though..
He has steel gray eyes that could slice you with just one glare, shiny black hair that's parted in almost the middle and cut a bit to give the guy a cut fringe type thing on both sides of his face. He's showing literally no emotion, I wonder why...anyway, he has a black t-shirt on with some dark brown jeans, black boots on as well.
He seems cool. he only here to start a fight with me?
I guess we will see.
He makes it over to me and asks monotonously, "Mind if I join you?"
I shake my head and reply, "Not at all."
He nods and sits down on my left side after I scoot over, giving him some room so that he can lean against the tree too.
"My name is YN Timber. What's yours?" I ask, trying to start conversation with this strange yet intriguing man.
He glanced at me and replies, "I'm Levi Ackerman."
Levi takes my outstretched hand and shakes it firmly.
"Nice to meet you, Levi." I say, looking back to the pond, taking full notice of Levi staring at me for a few moments before responding.
"You too, YN." He said, looking away too.
"So...what brings you here?" I inquire.
He smirks and answers, "My friend was bugging me about something, so I got angry and left to take a walk and try to get rid of that anger. How about you?"
He genuinely sounds interested, and he turns his head to looks at me. I turn to look at him before looking away from him and back to the pond, sighing lightly.
"Pack troubles. I just needed to get some fresh air and think everything over." I reply and he nods, seeming to understand what I mean.
"What rank are you, if you don't mind me asking?" Levi questions.
"I'm the alpha male and female's only child." I tell him, and his eyes widen a fraction.
"Ah, I see." Levi states.
", what was your friend bugging you about, if you don't mind?" I request.
"She was urging me to get a girlfriend." Levi informs me, and my eyes widen as I look back to him.
He looks over at me and sees my expression, he asks, "What's with the face? Are you okay?"
"I'm fine, it's just...that's really close to my problem." I reply, relaxing my face as looking away again.
"Yeah. My parents are forcing me to marry some wolf I don't even know. Apparently he's the alphas' son of one of the largest and strongest packs there are for us werewolves." I say, and he looks a bit surprised.
"Wow..that must be a lot of pressure, huh?" Levi says.
"Haha, definitely! Let's just say one, I'm not excited about this, two, wedding preparations start tomorrow, and three, I'm not saying everything about my situation." I tell him, he nods.
"Understandable. We barely even know each other." Levi states calmly, and it's my turn to nod.
"Precisely." I say back.
We continue chatting for a while and I feel a strong connection with Levi. A connection I've never felt before with anyone. What is this feeling?
*TIMESKIP-Three Weeks Later*
After Levi and I had first met, we agreed to meet there at the pond every night to talk. We grew closer and closer to each other.
I've found myself blushing around him, becoming nervous, stuttering..what's going on with me?
He's been acting kinda the same way. Blushing. Nervous. Slight stuttering.
My wedding is in a few days. Ugh...
And the thing is...I think I've grown..feelings..for Levi, my new best friend.
Levi had even played with me a couple of times! What? I'm a werewolf! We love playing! Him and I wrestled! It was fun!!
"Levi!! Levi!!" I exclaim, running up and smiling at him.
Sometimes I get very excitable..heheh..
He looks up at me and gives me a tiny smile, replying with a, "Yes, cana?"
He gave me the nickname cana because it means 'wolf cub' and I kinda act like one at times. Levi also calls me ryka sometimes, but I don't know what it means.
{AN: Ryka means "fresh flower."}
No matter how many times I ask, he never tells me! He only ever uses ryka when we're having an intimate moment. Like, hugging or something.
"Can we play?! Please?!" I ask happily, sitting next to him with pleading eyes.
He chuckles and nods.
"YAY!!" I yell, standing up and fist pumping the air.
Levi gives me a strange look, but quickly shrugs it off because he just KNOWS that I'm weird when I'm in this state. Sometimes on a daily basis.
"So, what do you want to play, YN?" Levi inquires.
"Do you wanna wrestle? The cubs and I do that sometimes." I suggest and he nods.
"Sounds good, do you want to show me how to do it your way?" Levi questions, and I smile bigger, nodding.
"Okay!" I proclaim.
Levi has been wanting to get more involved in my lifestyle and everything, just like I am for him! I'm interested in how vampires do things and he's interested in how werewolves do things.
I drop to my knees and he copies me.
"It's basically just like normally wrestling, by if we're wrestling in wolf form, you have to be on all fours. Maybe we should just stick to the normal one since you can't exactly turn into a wolf." I explain and he nods.
"Ready?" I ask, he nods.
I nod.
"Three! Two! One! Go!" We chant out and immediately start ya wrestling match.
Levi is careful with my tail and everything, just so he doesn't hurt me, which I appreciate. I'm also being sure not to whack him with my tail or leg or something.
The match continues for a while until he has me pinned to the ground, holding my wrists above my head and cradling my body to keep me down, but not exactly touching me besides where his wrists are.
His face is really close to mine, enough to where I can feel his breath on my face and he can feel mine, but far enough apart to where our noses aren't touching. We stare into one another's eyes, my heart races.
He's so cute....and this may sound weird, but I kinda like this. Is that bad..?
Our faces flush and he gets off of me, taking my hand and pulling me up.
We stare at each other for a few moments longer before smiling greatly and bursting out into laughter.
Now, Levi doesn't smile or laugh often, so it's amazing when I get to see it!
"Good game, Levi!" I exclaim, pulling him into a hug, my head resting on his right shoulder (my left) and he hugs back, lying his head on mine as we both pant and try to catch our breaths.
"You too." He replies.
"And thanks for playing with me!" I add, pulling my head away to look him in the face.
He stares into my eyes and raises his right hand and brings it to my left cheek, wiping some dirt away before responding, "You're welcome, my ryka."
I snap out of my thoughts, blushing furiously.
Seriously, what does ryka even mean?!
Anyway, the preparations are almost done, so my parents let me be free to do whatever I want.
After all, I won't be single in a few days..ugh.
If I'm gonna marry someone...why can't it just be Levi?
My tail wags at tee thought of marrying him, as well as my heart races and my breathing quickens slightly.
I walk around the Werewolfian territory and stop to watch some little wolf cubs play.
One sees me and motions for me to come over with a bright smile on her face. I do so and kneel down in front of her, her friends right behind her.
"Yes, dear?" I ask her softly.
She giggles and tells me, "Hi, Princess YN! I'm Chann!"
Her friends introduce themselves too.
"I'm Raff!"
"And I'm Ylva!"
{AN: Chann means 'young wolf,' Raff means 'red wolf,' and Ylva means 'she-wolf.'}
I smile at them, "Nice to meet you three!"
Chann has short blonde hair that's curly, chocolate brown eyes and has a few freckles. She's wearing a pink top and tan shorts with pink shoes.
Raff has short, red hair and has ice blue eyes, freckles too. He's wearing a blue shirt, jeans, and tennis shoes.
And finally, Ylva has long, straight black hair that reaches her waist and emerald green eyes. No freckles. She has a white tank top, green shorts, and black flats.
"We wanted to know if you wanted to play with us?" Raff asked in unison with Ylva, holding her hand.
They're both blushing from saying something in unison AND from Raff taking hold of her hand in his. Awww!!! How CUTE!
"Maybe for a little while." I agree, having nothing better to do until I have to go meet Levi.
The children cheer and we play wrestling. Yes, this is one of our werewolf clans favorite games to play. It's not the same for everybody, and it's most definitely not the same in other packs.
Levi's POV
It's around the time that I'm supposed to be meeting YN. My friends have gotten curious as to where I go every night, but don't dare follow me or anything because they know I have a bad temper.
I'll bet ten bucks that they have to practically hold Hanji back each night and get her preoccupied with something else to distract her.
{AN: Yeah, that's correct. Here. *hands Levi 10 bucks*
Levi: *takes 10 bucks* Knew it.}
Anyway, I start making my way there and hear a few shouts coming from the general direction where YN and I hang out.
My heart beats faster out of nervousness and worry as I begin to sprint to our meeting area.
Please don't be hurt!!
Your POV
I am making my way over to the area where I normally meet Levi.
Once I get there, someone harshly grabs my wrists and throws me to the ground, pinning me down.
This is not Levi.....
I look up after wincing to see that it's a werewolf from another clan. One that is rouge..I can tell by his clothes and everything. My pack has encountered them before, so I know what they smell like.
I struggle under his grip, he only holds me tighter.
He has white hair and hazel eyes, and is clearly taller than me! He's, like what? Six foot?! I don't even know..
I kick the place where the sun doesn't shine and he yells, I shove him off of me and I get up.
He does too, trying to get over that kick quickly before he charges at me and punches my face before I could even react.
I yelp and stumble backwards, but I swiftly run up to him, using my super speed, and uppercut him in the jaw.
He stumbles back and we continue our fight, punching and kicking one another.
He lands a blow right on my face a few minutes, knocking me down onto my back.
Levi's POV
I make it to our spot and see YN and another guy fighting.
What the heck?!
Before I could do anything, the guy punches YN straight in the face, sending her onto her back. She tries to protect herself by using her legs to keep him as far away from her as possible.
I right behind her.
Oh no he didn't.......
I charge at the man and tackle him mid jump over YN, getting him away from her.
I repeatedly punch the guy, showing no mercy.
I hear YN groan a bit behind me and I stop briefly, glancing behind me to see if she's okay.
She's alive, that's all that matters right now. I turn back to he man and get up, kicking his side one last time before I growl at him, "Leave. If I ever catch you hurting her or her pack ever again then we're going to have some problems. Don't ever show your face again. Got it, brat?"
He shakily nods quickly, struggling to get up and run away, falling every so often and getting back up to run with his tail between his legs.
Glad I've been training in combat more recently..
I sharply turn around and run to my best friend and crush, YN, kneeling down in front of her, looking her over.
She's got a few cuts and bruises, but other than that, she looks okay..
Thank god..
Your POV
I'm laying on the ground, using my legs to keep this man away from me when all of a sudden, somebody jumps over me and tackles the man away from me.
I sit up a few moments later, trying to catch my breath, and see that it's Levi!! He's protecting me!!
He punches the werewolf repeatedly, and I don't even feel bad for the dude.
He put himself in this situation.
A wave of pain comes to my body and I groan.
The pain just has to rush back now, huh?
Levi stops and looks back at me for a second, looking relieved that I'm okay, before he turns back to the man, stands up, kicks him, says something that I didn't quite catch, and the wolf scrambles away, scared to death.
Levi then turns and rushes to me, kneeling in front of me and checking me over, seeing if I'm okay.
"Are you alright, YN?!" Levi proclaims, worried.
I nod slowly and says, "Y-Yeah..thank you, L-Levi..."
He lightly blushes and he responds, "Anything for you.."
He said it so quietly that I almost didn't catch t, even with me wolf ears!
I get the urge to do something as a thank you gift, so I do it.
I grab his right shoulder with my left hand, being him closer as I lean towards his face and kiss his cheek.
{AN: What?~ Did you think I was gonna make you that bold?~ Just wait..}
I lean away from him and drop my hand, my face a bright red that puts a strawberry and tomato to shame.
His face is red too as he stares at me.
We stand up and he keeps staring at me.
Did I do something wrong..?
And, without warning, Levi steps forward, having his hand out to push my shoulder back gently as he steps towards me. Every time he takes a step forward, I take one back.
He ends up backing me up against a tree, caging me in with his arms boldly, his right arm (on my left) is next to my head while his left (on my right) is down by my waist. There's something burning in his steel gray eyes..
And many more emotions that I'm not gonna list because it'll take too long.
I stare up at him, heart pounding in my chest, mind racing with millions of thoughts, breathing quickens from nervousness and excitement on what he may do.
Is he going to kiss me?!
Does he like me back?!
Why is he lookin at me like that? It's making me flustered!
Ohmygosh, ohmygosh, ohmygosh, ohmygosh!!
Levi's POV
After she kissed my cheek, I lost it.
We stood and I pushed her up against the tree gently that was behind her, caging her in with my arms.
The way she's looking up at me with her innocent eyes, curiosity, nervousness, excitement, love. All of those emotions and more all trapped in her eyes.
Her left wolf ear twitches, but not in annoyance. Nervousness. Curiosity. Etc.
Her tail starts wagging slightly, but barely noticeable.
Will she mind if I kiss her?!
My breathing quickens as I continue to stare into her beautiful and playful EC eyes. Mind racing. Heart thumping loudly in my chest. My thoughts only consist of her and her alone.
She looks down, blushing lightly, and then back up at me. She seems to be having the same symptoms I'm having.
Quick breathing, nervousness, happiness, etc.
I can't take it anymore!
Your POV
Levi seems to have made up his mind in the little war he seemed to have going on in his head and all of a sudden I feel lips pressed against mine.
Not just anyone's lips.
I'm internally fangirling right now!!!
Don't just stand there frozen, YN!!! RESPOND! RESPOND!! CODE RED! FROZEN ON SPOT! UNFREEZE!!
I ignore my thoughts and melt into the kiss after a few shock-filled moments of doing nothing.
Our lips move in sync and I feel like fireworks are erupting inside of me right now, electricity pulsing through my veins as if I'd been struck by a bolt of lightning.
Levi comes closer to me, pressing me up against the tree a bit more, but I don't mind. It doesn't hurt.
I wrap my arms around his shoulders, gently playing with his silky black hair as he slides one hand down to my waist (his left one, but on my right), using his right hand to keep himself from crushing me against the tree.
Oh, and did I mention earlier? Levi is 5'0 while I am 4'9. Only a few inches apart in height.
I tighten my grip around his neck slightly, bringing him closer to me. It's almost as if I need him to be this close, or closer if possible.
I think he feels the same because he responds by gently squeezing my waist, tugging my body as close as possible.
The kiss ends shortly after, the need of oxygen becoming to strong for us to handle. We break and pant, leaning our foreheads against one another's and staring into one another's eyes, even if it may be a bit blurry. Haha!
"Woah.." I whisper breathlessly, and we chuckle.
"Woah, indeed.." Levi whispers back, sending chills up and down my spine.
I love his voice..seriously, it's so handsome!
Levi's POV
During YN and I's kiss, I could feel the slight breeze of her tail wagging. That's seriously flipping adorable.
Our cheeks are flushed red, even more so than before the kiss.
When she whispered to me, saying 'woah,' I'm not going to lie, tingles did go up and down my spine a bit.
What? I can't help it if an angel talks to me like that! Especially after one fire of a kiss!
Your POV
I start giggling and move my head away from Levi's, instead resting it on his chest.
I stop leaning against the tree and he stops keeping one arm against it, instead wrapping that arm, along with the other one, to wrap around my waist as I rest my hands on his chest.
We stay like that for a few moments, before I decide to be daring and mumble..
"I love you, Levi...."
Levi's POV
"I love you, Levi...." I hear her mumble to me and I can feel my heart flutter in happiness and love.
SHE LOVES ME TOO!! YES!! Ahem, you saw nothing, brat.
Anyway, I smile and mutter back...
"I love you too, YN."
I can feel her smile against my chest.
Your POV
I smile as I heard what he replied back with..
"I love you too, YN."
I then remember about my engagement with some wolf dude I don't even love and decide to talk to Levi about it.
"But, Levi..? What about my..uh...marriage? What do we do?" I inquire softly.
He puts his hand under my chin and carefully forces me to look up at him, right into his reassuring eyes.
"Don't worry about that, ryka..we'll figure it all out. I love you, and I will do anything to keep you mine. Will you be mine?" Levi questions me.
I nod enthusiastically and exclaim quietly, "YES!!"
He smiles and kisses me, much more gently this time and not as rough as before.
I love his kisses all the same: Rough or soft.
We pull away and smile again.
"Say..what does 'ryka' even mean..?" I ask, he chuckles.
"It means 'fresh flower,' YN." Levi explains, and I flush red.
"'ve been calling me your flower this whole time?" I stutter and he laughs, which is music to my ears.
"Yes, I have been." He responds.
I pout playfully and say with fake offense, "How rude!"
That only makes him laugh harder.
I end up joining in as well.
We calm down and I draw invisible patterns with my finger on his chest over his heart as he stares at me lovingly.
I look up to him and smile softly, stopping he patterns for a moment before teasing him and giving him a kiss.
On the corner of his mouth.
Hehehe, I'm soooo evil!~
He smirks and my tail wags again, which he flushes at.
"You missed." He says to me lowly, making my breath hitch lightly.
I smirk back playfully, tilting my head a bit, replying, "Did I?~"
Levi chuckles and slams his lips back on mine in the matter of seconds. I immediately respond and kiss him back.
I hope everything goes well so that we can always be together..
*TIMESKIP-A Few Days Later, Day Before Wedding*
It's the day before the wedding, and ever since Levi had kissed me and made me his a few days back, we've been hanging out as much as possible.
I'm worried about the wedding tomorrow, since I don't wanna marry that guy. I want to marry Levi.
Levi says not to worry and that he's got a plan. All he needed to know from me was the name of the guy I'm marrying and he's got everything else covered.
I hope he's right..
We agreed to meet right before I leave tonight. Everybody wants me there early, and my parents are going as well. Even my whole pack.
Levi's POV
After I had gotten YN to tell me the guy who she is marrying a few days ago, I told my friends about our situation and that that's why I was always leaving they agreed to help me.
Petra seemed better. She actually has a boyfriend now. Finally, now at least she won't have a crush on me.
They helped me plan everything.
Since we have super speed, we're just gonna do that. And yes, we. My friends are coming.
So basically what I'm gonna do is challenge that guy, Dashaun Crinkle, for YN's love. So that way when I win, it'll be a fair and square deal.
I'm confident that I will win. I've been training very hard for a while now, already planning on confronting this guy.
I'm going to win my love fair and square.
Even though I know she'd choose me no matter what. The kisses I share with her and the love and passion in her eyes are enough proof to me that she loves me. And her tail wagging and her blushing, etc.
God, I love her so, so much..
Anyway, I need to go meet up with her now. My friends are following so that we can all travel there together.
And they want to see my girlfriend. Technical girlfriend since she accepted.
We make it there and I see YN saying something to her parents before she rushes into the woods where we are at.
Your POV
It's time.
"Hey Mom? Dad? Can I go into the woods for s few minutes before we leave? We are going to be in there for a few hours." I ask nicely and they nod.
"Alright, but be back soon!" Mom calls Otto me as I run into the woods and stop where Levi and I agreed to meet.
Levi appears along with a few other vampires, who I'm assuming are his friends.
"A werewolf?" A male that looks to have a horseface asks, and Levi sends him a glare, wrapping him arm around my shoulders protectively.
"Yes, Jean, she's a werewolf." Levi says, slightly gritting his teeth in annoyance.
I notice and wrap my arm around his waist, drawing patterns into his waist, which instantly calms him down. It probably reminds him of the first time we kissed and I was drawing patterns on his chest.
Are these people Petra, Eren, Mikasa, Jean, Armin, Erwin, and Hanji?
I guess so. Levi did say that horseface was Jean.
"Hello, I'm YN Timber. It's nice to meet you all!" I say kindly, everyone smiles at me.
Even the girl who doesn't seem to smile much, like Levi.
"YN, that's Jean, Eren, Hanji, Erwin, Mikasa, Armin, and Petra." Levi introduced, pointing to everyone as he goes.
I smile at them and some of them wave.
"Nice to meet you too, YN!" Hey exclaim quietly.
My mom starts calling me back and I sigh.
"I gotta go. See you guys later, I suppose?" I inquire as I'm starting to walk away after letting Levi go.
They nod.
Before I could leave, someone grabbed my wrist. I know who it is. Levi.
I turn around and yup, I'm right! It's Levi!
My tail wags as he leans down to kiss me quickly on the lips.
"Okay. Now you can go. Love you, ryka." Levi states lovingly as he let me go.
I blush at the nickname.
"Love you too, Levi!" I say back happily before running off to my mom and Dad.
Levi's POV
"She's sweet." Hanji says happily.
"She's much more than sweet..she's my everything." I mutter and they all smile widely at me.
"By the way, what does 'ryka' mean?" Eren questioned as we started to follow her carriage in the trees.
"It means 'fresh flowers,' you doofus." Armin teases.
"Hey!" Eren exclaims, making everyone laugh.
I only smile.
YN's really changed me, hasn't she? For the better.
Your POV
I got into the carriage, my lips still tingling from Levi's kiss. I gently touch my lips and blush at the thought of him.
I be sure to keep my face towards the window so that my parents can't see the redness.
Remember that fight a few days ago? Yeah, well, Levi and I have healed up quite well now. Of course my parents were concerned and I told them about the incident, just being sure to leave Levi out of and and just say that I escaped the situation after hitting the guy a few times.
We heal fast, heheh.
*TIMESKIP-The Next Day*
So I had gotten settled yesterday night in my room that I have to myself, so Levi found it and cane to quietly chat with me. Of course he snuck in a few kisses somehow, as well.
He can be really fast if he wants to be.
Today is the wedding...ughhhhhh...kill meee..
I kinda miss Levi already....
I hope everything goes well today with their plan.
*TIMESKIP-Wedding Time*
The maids had helped me into my wedding dress that I actually found quite adorable.
Ohhhhh nooooo...please ready.
A maid puts a veil on my head and over my face, another handing me a bouquet of white flowers.
They lead me out to the door that are supposed to open for the bridesmaids and maid of honor to come through, I'm pretty sure, before me.
The bells chime, meaning it's time for the bridesmaid and flower girl to leave.
He bell chimes again a minute later.
This guy I have to married looks like a massive pervert.
He has orange hair and ocean blue eyes, staring at me in his tuxedo.
I make it to his side, one of the maids taking the flowers away.
Please hurry, Levi.....
Just as the priest was about to say his lines, the door bursts open and in come Levi and his friends.
"DASHAUN CRINKLE! I CHALLENGE YOU TO A BATTLE IN HAND-TO-HAND COMBAT FOR YN'S LOVE! ACCEPT OR DENY?!" Levi screamed up at him, making me hold back a giggle.
Levi notices and winks at me, making me flush.
"FINE! YOU'RE ON!!" Dashaun cackled.
*TIMESKIP-After Battle*
Levi's on his knees, Dashaun completely knocked out. Everyone cheers for Levi, but it looks as f he has only one thing on his mind..
Levi's POV
YN...YN....YN.....YN.........need to..get to...her.
Your POV
I rush by his side and kneel down checking him over like he had done it once to me. He's okay, and he won the battle.
Levi unexpectedly pressed his lips up against mine. I kiss back and wrap my arms around his shoulders, his arms around my small frame.
Everybody cheers.
I feel like I'm in cloud nine...
*TIMESKIP-Four Year's Later*
You are twenty and Levi is twenty-one
I've been leading the pack with my husband, Levi, for the past two years. Ever since I turned nineteen. My parents are still alive, that's good.
Over the past few years, Levi and I have had a few kids.
They are hybrids of a vampire and a werewolf.
One of our girls is named Cana, one of the nicknames Levi had gifted me a while ago. Cana is my first born child.
My second born is Lui (Lou-ee) and Ryka, fraternal twins. We decided to name the girl Ryka because of the other nickname Levi had given me.
And finally, our third born, the one that's in the way currently, is a boy named William, or Will for short.
{AN: You were seventeen when you had Cana (making Cana three), you were eighteen when you had the twins, and you are now twenty when you're having Will.}
Life is perfect for us.
Our Love Is Stronger Than Rules.
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