Tarzan x C.R.! Reader
Sorry for the wait, wolves!
C.R. = Cheetah Raised
-you and Tarzan are gonna be seventeen in this
-you were raised by Sabor, that evil cheetah, but you aren't bad like he is
Enjoy! :)
EDIT: I've been told that they are in fact leopards, not cheetahs. Sorry for any confusion, and thank you for letting me know @FlameFurry15 !
Author-Sama's POV
Two lives, two worlds, two hearts..
One is the 'Ape Man.'
The other is the 'Cheetah Girl.' (Or is it leopard..?)
One is raised by Kerchak (actually Kala).
The other is raised by Sabor.
One was raised to protect.
The other was raised to hunt and kill.
Two different lives with opposite scenarios. But both have the same fate.
The same destiny.
The same heart.
What will happen when these opposite beings cross paths?
Will they be enemies?
Or will their love for each other blossom into something greater than anything ever imagined?
Your POV
Today Sabor had sent me out to kill some food for us and the others. The group, pack, whatever it's called. I never quite got wind of it.
I was born to kill. Born to hunt.
But....I don't like that.
I don't like killing.
Hunting for food is fine to me, because we need to eat, but killing for no good reason is what I hate.
I'm basically the apprentice of Sabor, and yet, I'm also his daughter.
I look nothing like him.
I don't know why...but apparently I was saved when I was a baby by him and he fell in love with me or something.
That's all he ever told me. That's all anyone ever told me. No matter how many times I ask for details.
It's frustrating.
Frustrating that nobody will tell me anything about who I am, where I came from, nothing. Nada. Zilch. Zero.
I sigh and move my freshly cut hair out of my face, eyeing the area below me as I'm perched in a tree.
(If you want to keep your hair long, if it is long, then you can keep it that way and say you just got it trimmed by your makeshift dagger. If your hair is short, then you're hair is like it is too.)
I keep a keen eye out for any small rodents I could capture and kill, like...I don't know. A rabbit or something?
I hear voices and thumping steps, laughter, and it kinda sounds like somebody is wrestling with someone else.
I stay silent and I watch as two beings, one gorilla and another that looks like me in a way, tumble out of the bushes and wrestle. An elephant comes running after them.
"It's all fun and games until someone gets a banana to the eye!" The elephant exclaims, and the man steps on a banana by accident.
The banana flies out of the peel and at the gorilla's eye.
"OW! MY EYE!!" The female gorilla shouts, clutching her eye.
"See?!" The elephant shouts again, and I can hear distant groans at the sound of them.
(I'm changing the scenes and such a bit for this. Not following the movie exactly.)
I stifle my laughter and throw my right arm over my mouth, that same hand still holding my hand-made dagger.
I look away for a second, closing my eyes and calming myself down before I remove my arm and open my eyes, continuing to watch what's happening below me.
"Sorry, Terk." The man apologizes, clearly holding back a laugh.
'Terk' rolls her eyes after she wipes the banana away, "Yeah, yeah, whatever Tarzan. You're lucky I don't shove this banana up your nose."
I breathe in and try not to burst into laughter, which has proven to be difficult, but I still managed to do it and even out my breathing.
'Tarzan' and the elephant chuckle.
"Well, are we going to the lake or nah?" Terk asks them.
"Of course we are! You guys just started wrestling and—"
"Shut up, Tantor!"
Terk and the elephant, 'Tantor,' start walking away, but Tarzan stays back a moment. And almost as if he knew I was here, he looks my way.
I'm already hiding behind the trunk of the tree on the opposite side so he can't see me, predicting his move.
I hold my breath as I hear Terk call out to Tarzan, "Yo, Tarzan! You coming or what?"
"Yeah! I'm coming." Tarzan calls back, snapping out of his trance and staring up at where I was before for a few more seconds and then follows his friends.
I let my breath out slow and steady, trying not to make much noise.
Who are they..?
I've never seen them before.....
They seem..fun.
It's a shame that I'm not allowed to be near them.
I'm gonna guess that Tarzan is apart of the gorillas, and the elephant, Tantor, is with them too, besides his elephant family.
And Terk is a gorilla, so no chance.
I would love to get to know them better, but I can't.
It's against everything my father stands for. Against everything my group stands for.
And yet, a lot of the things I'm forced to do with my family, it's against everything I stand for. But I still stay.
They're the only family I've ever known. The only home I've ever known.
And probably ever will know.
I close my eyes and lean my head against the tree trunk, sitting down on the branch I'm on, clutching my dagger close to me. Not close enough to cut me though.
Sighing, I think of what I just saw and my own family.
Staying with my family, the cheetahs (or leopards)...I go against what I have come to know. Everything I ever stand for.
I'm put to the test constantly.
Always struggling to prove my worth to them, feeling as if I'm never enough for them. For my father.
I'm supposed to be strong. Confident. Courageous...Murderous.
I am strong. I am confident. I am courageous.
What I'm not, however, is murderous.
I'm put into these fights where I have to battle either to the death, or to where the opponent is too weak to fight anymore. Whichever ends up coming first.
It was my fathers idea. Sabor's idea.
To make me strong.
To make me prove myself.
To make me powerful. Both mentally and physically.
I've fought against so many creatures in the past seventeen years of my life. I've won, I've lost, I've nearly died.
All of those times I could've died, Sabor saved me. Father saved me. He made sure I wouldn't die. That I would grow into who I am today.
He made me who I am now.
He was the only one who was ever there for me when I needed someone the most.
It was my father. All along.
How could I go and betray him by coming in contact with the gorillas and everyone they associate with?
How could I go and defy him?
I couldn't.
I won't.
Not until I have a good reason to. Not unless I have a good reason to.
But...with the gorillas, I might not be pressured to prove myself as much.
I wouldn't have to do these brutal fights.
I wouldn't feel so...useless. Powerless. Worthless.
I'm never good enough for father. Never. He may say that I'm good enough, but I know he's lying. He expects me to be more than who I am now.
I'm supposed to be exactly the way he wants me to be. Right down to the bone.
I'm never going to meet his high expectations.
I can't...I've tried.
Oh, I've tried and I've tried and I've tried. So. Hard.
And I just...can't.
I open my eyes and blink the tears away, getting up and going to do my original task: Hunt.
Tarzan's POV
As I left with Tantor and Terk, I remember that tree we were standing by earlier.
There was something off about that tree. Like there was something in it, watching us.
I better watch our backs. It could be Sabor.
We make it to the lake and I shake off that thought, just swimming and having fun with my friends, forgetting about it almost entirely.
A few hours later, we start heading back to the gorillas. Just talking and laughing.
I stop and stare as I see a fight going on in a clearing, Terk and Tantor stop and stare too.
Your POV
I make it back to my group, giving them the food I caught, and eat a small lunch.
Afterwards, it's time for my daily battle.
This time, against Griffin. He's another cheetah.
We get to the meadow and my group gathers around Griffin and I.
I can sense someone else other than my group watching us, but I ignore it and focus on the fight.
"Three! Two! One! Fight!" Sabor yells, and Griffin immediately dives in for a tackle.
I dodge with ease and tackle him instead. We wrestle on the ground, and he scratches me multiple times while I got good punches in.
I let him pin me to the ground so I can kick him off of me. I jump back onto my feet just in time for another one of his attacks.
I'm allowed to use my dagger in these fights, but I don't want to hurt them.
I only use my dagger if it gets to the point where I need to save my life.
Sometimes I can take them down without any weapons. Other times I need to use the dagger.
The fight continues and I end up winning in the end, without my dagger.
Griffin is lying on the ground on his side, blacked out and bloody.
I have scratches everywhere and I can feel the scar going diagonally from the top left to the bottom right of my eye, going onto my cheek a bit and to my eyebrow. I got it a while back, but I'm suddenly more aware of it now.
I got it from fighting against Hawk. One of the strongest in our group.
I look up to the perch where my father sits. He gives me an approving nod, but I can see in his eyes that I didn't do good enough. Per usual.
I look down to my feet as my cheetah companions cheer for me, growling loudly at my victory.
Griffins mother comes over and nudges me gently as a good job before carefully dragging Griffin away to clean his wounds. She's grateful that I didn't use my dagger on her son.
I'm glad too.
I nod her way before she leaves, give my family a smile, and then go back to staring at my feet.
The cheering dies down and my friends come and congratulate me as the others leave; including my father.
"Great job, YN!" Hunter says cheerfully, dancing around me as Ian nudges my hand.
"Yeah! You did awesome!" Ian chimes in.
Stacey bounces over and playfully tackles me, making us all laugh, and she cheers, "Congrats YN! Another win!"
She gets off of me and I stand again, smiling at my three friends.
"Thanks guys." I say gratefully, but I know that they can tell I'm feeling down.
"Are you sad again..?" Stacey asks softly.
I drop my smile and nod slowly.
They sigh, and I can still feel the stares from whoever else was watching the fight earlier, but I ignore them again.
"Sit." Ian states, and I comply, sitting on my knees.
They lay around me. Stacey curling around me from the back, Ian laying in front of me to my right, and Hunter on the left.
"You are enough, YN. Sabor just doesn't see that." Hunter says.
I sigh and look down, "I know. I just...feel like I'm never meeting his expectations. And I know I'm not. Did you see the look in his eyes? That's all the confirmation I need to know that I didn't meet those expectations."
"His expectations are impossibly high for you, YN. Don't tear yourself down over this." Ian replies.
"Please." Stacey and Hunter add.
"I'll try." I state after staying silent for a few moments.
"Do you want to be alone?" Stacey asks, and I nod.
They nod and get up, each nudging me and give me hugs before leaving, saying their goodbyes.
Leaving me alone.
Leaving me to my thoughts.
Leaving me to ignore those stares of those I don't know of in the background.
I squeeze my eyes shut and slam my fists onto the ground, bending over and touching my forehead to the grassy floor beneath me, groaning as if I'm in pain, which I am. Both on my body and in my head.
I rise up onto my knees again, opening my eyes and staring up at the sky.
A tear slides down my cheek as I speak aloud, not caring if anyone heard, "Why am I never good enough?"
Tarzan's POV
"Why am I never good enough?"
Hearing that sentence alone breaks my heart, and I can tell it hurts Terk and Tantor too.
Her father is Sabor, I'm guessing..the way her and her friends talked about her father.
YN..that's her name.
YN stands and gets into a fighting stance, punching and kicking the air, doing amazing tricks as well. She must be training. Not caring about the blood dripping from her minor wounds.
My eyes find their way to her left eye; the one with the three scratch marks over it. Clearly visible.
She's...like me.
She looks like me. She tries to prove herself to her father, just like how I'm trying to do the same for my father; Kerchak.
We're enemies. By the code of our family groups. But I don't care.
I want to get to know her better.
Now isn't a good time for her, so later.
By the looks of it, she probably lives around here.
I motion for Terk and Tantor to follow me, and they do.
We go back to our group, and we talk about the plan for introducing ourselves to YN.
Who gave her that scar on her eye..? And why do I feel so..mad..towards whoever did it?
Your POV
I begin training, and soon enough, the staring stops. I visibly relax a little, but continue with my training.
Author-Sama's POV
As YN begins her training, Sabor and one of his most trusted friends, Alliyar, watch from a distance, on another perch hidden behind the brush of the trees.
"You're being too hard on her, Sabor." Alliyar purrs softly, tryin not to anger her leader.
Sabor glances at her and sighs quietly, looking back to his human daughter as she trains, "I know.."
TIMESKIP-The next day...Your POV
I sit on the edge of the lake, letting the water flow over my feet and feel the mud under my toes.
My scratch marks were treated last night by Alliyar's little sister, Amy.
The sunlight pours onto the lake, giving the water a beautiful glow. I can see everything perfectly under the water at this hour. Any hour, actually.
It's early morning, but not so early that everyone is still asleep.
I stare at my reflection in the ripples of the lake, and my eyes find their way to my scar. The one on my left eye.
It sure does give me character, I'll say.
I don't resent or blame Hawk for the scar at all. It all happened because of me being put into forced fights all the time.
It's my fault, too.
I was being careless, an amateur move. I wasn't paying too much attention to the fight, and the result was my scar.
Now it's a reminder to me that I always need to pay close attention to my surroundings.
Tarzan's POV
Terk, Tantor, and I arrive at the lake and spot the girl from yesterday, YN, on the opposite side nearby.
I end up staring at her, but I'm snapped out of it once I hear my friends giggling behind me.
I face them and glare, they burst into laughter.
I think YN noticed, because her head shot up and she looked in our direction.
She just stares for a few moments before going back to staring into the water.
My face burns and I smack Terk's shoulder and Tantor's leg.
They gradually stop laughing, and I deadpan, "It wasn't that funny, guys."
"Yeah it was! Ohohoho!! That was good!" Terk exclaims, leaning against Tantor's leg.
Tantor steps forward, making Terk fall to the ground with a scream, and he says, "Somebody's got a crush!~"
We glance at Terk as she sits up and spits dirt out of her mouth and pulls a leaf from her hair.
I chuckle, and Tantor apologizes, "Oh! Sorry, Terk."
"Yeah, yeah, whatever big guy.." Terk mutters, standing up and brushing herself off.
"What's this about a crush, now?" Terk asks, looking between Tantor and I.
As soon as she sees my probably tomato face, she smirks and says, "Ooooohhhh! I see!~"
"Whatever, guys."
"What are you waiting for?! Go talk to her!" Tantor exclaims, and cuts me off as he uses his trunk to pick me up and hurl me across the way towards YN.
Your POV
My ears perk up again once I hear them talking louder...
"Whatever, guys." That man, Tarzan, states.
"What are you waiting for?! Go talk to her!" Tantor, the elephant, proclaims.
The next thing I know, I'm splashed with a tidal wave of water.
Okay, that's an exaggeration, but you know what I mean.
I open my eyes and spit water out of my mouth, pulling my hair back as out of my face with one hand as I look up, seeing that Tarzan is right in front of me, also soaked in water.
We just stare at one another for a few moments before I ask, "Did the elephant just throw you over here..?"
He chuckles nervously, "Yeah..sorry."
We stare for a few more moments before I begin to howl with laughter. Seconds later Tarzan joins me.
Forgetting about my promise to not get involved with these guys, I calm down and say carelessly, "It's fine, dude. What's your name?"
"Tarzan. What about you?"
"YN. Nice to meet you, Tarzan."
"You too, YN."
"Who are your friends over there?"
"The elephant is Tantor, and the gorilla is Terk."
"Ah, I see."
We continue talking, and a few minutes later, Tantor and Terk come over and join in.
I realize what I'm doing and shoot up, both startling and confusing them, but I just turn away and start walking off as I call over my shoulder at them, "I have to go. Bye."
I don't have to explain myself to them.
Face burning, I clench my fist as I walk, hearing their confused questions being thrown at each other.
How could I let myself slip into their grasp so easily?!
It can't happen again.
TIMESKIP-Three weeks later..
For these past few weeks, Tarzan and his friends wouldn't leave me alone. So I finally gave in and became their friend.
I've grown some, uh....feelings..? For Tarzan....?
I know I'm defying my father, and my family, but I don't really care too much any more.
It feels so wrong, and yet so right.
Tarzan is currently leading me to..somewhere. He wouldn't tell me.
He orders me to shut my eyes, so I do.
Once he tells me to open them again, I gasp.
It's a small clearing filled with many different kinds of flowers. Grass at perfect height, the sunlight beaming down at just the right angle.
I give Tarzan a hug, and he hugs back.
"Thank you for bringing me here, Tarzan.."
"You're welcome...I need to tell you something."
"Go for it."
We pull back and he stares into my EC eyes, taking a deep, nervous breath before he begins to speak again.
"I love you.."
"I love you too, Tarzan."
And without a warning, getting a boost of confidence, I smash my lips onto his. This..is a feeling I've never felt before. I've never experienced..lip touching. What is it called..?
Kissing, right?
Electricity currents wave through my veins as Tarzan grips my hips and tugs me closer to his body, my left hand resting on his bare chest as my right is holding the side of his face.
The kiss ends faster than I would've liked, but we pant and rest our foreheads against each other's.
"My father won't approve, you know...he might kill you." I whisper, shutting my eyes, fearing the worst.
I feel Tarzan's hand on the side of my face, making me open my eyes again and look directly into his own.
"I'd like to see him try. Anything..as long as I have you by my side."
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