Pidge x Fem! Reader || Y-You.... || Voltron
Song has nothing to do with this chapter! :)
-you and Pidge/Katie are 15
-takes place in show, but doesn't follow the storyline
Your POV
That's all I feel.
Why should I even be here? What am I needed for?
You see, I'm part Galra, just like Keith.
That's probably why I'm really close to him, since I understand what he's going through.
The thing is, however, is that I have a deformity that makes me look like I'm Altean until I'm in my Galra form.
I have those pointy ears.
Just like Allura and Coran's.
I'm proud of it.
One distinct thing though about my pointy ears is that the tips of them are tinted purple.
Parts of my skin is also purple, markings from the Galra; just what Keith has.
Him and I are going through the same thing at the same time. That's why we tend to stick together more now.
I've known Keith since a young age, by the way.
His mother was Galra, if I remember correctly, and she also gave him up at a young age. That means Keith never knew his mother personally.
Same goes for me.
My mother and father gave me up.
That's actually how I met Keith.
My mom was human while my dad was Galra.
That's how I'm part Galra.
Why do I feel empty, you ask?
Because I feel so...misunderstood.
Alone, but I'm not.
Weak, but I'm not.
'The weak link of Voltron.' (Author-Sama got that from someone else's book!!)
I fly in my own lion, the Silver Lion.
I've been here since the beginning.
I was always with Keith, and he was always with me. We stuck together like glue, and we still do.
Sometimes him and I even team up on Lance. It's quite amusing.
You know, I've grown some...feelings...for Pidge.
I won't touch on that topic too much. I don't even think she swings that way anyway, so it's not even worth a shot.
I'm not depressed. I'm just having one of those off days where I question anything and everything, feeling gloomy, ya know?
I don't have them often, but when I do, they are quite the doozy.
I'm the Silver Paladin of Voltron.
The torso.
'The most vital part of Voltron,' as Allura says.
I am able to see the back of Voltron and the front. I'm also able to fire both ways.
Pretty cool, huh?
I sigh and exit my bedroom, looking for anything to do while my thoughts take me away from reality.
I end up in the training deck, and I decide to do that.
I grab a wooden sword and walk inside, speaking loud and clear, "Begin training sequence fourteen."
(If I got that wrong, then sorry.)
Yep. I'm actually the strongest of Voltron, at least physically. Keith is right behind me, then Shiro, Lance, Hunk, and Pidge.
Pidge is the intellectual one, you know?
Hunk is the cook.
And Lance is the flirt and is also the guy who loves face masks.
And by the way, Shiro and Keith are almost at the same level of hand-to-hand combat skills and strength. Cool, right?
I dodge a robots attack and strike it down, doing a back-side flip to my right to dodge another attack, swinging my sword to my right as I twist to hit the robot behind me.
It falls too and I continue with the other robots.
I fail to notice my friends all watching me in amazement; six stares watching my movements with awe, and another watching me with a lovestruck gaze.
I pant as a bead of sweat rolls down my face, and dodge another attack by rolling to the left.
I stand quickly and block the attack with the wooden sword, shoving the robot back and stabbing it in the stomach before swiftly tugging it out. It crumples to the ground.
"Wouldn't wanna fight her.." Lance mumbles, Hunk shivers.
"Same.." Hunk mutters too.
I pause and accidentally let my guard down for a moment, giving the bot a chance to attack me and strike me down.
It swung its arm to my face, trying to uppercut me. With no time to react, I get hit and slam behind me to the ground.
I wince and work my jaw a bit, rolling out of the way before that same robot slams it's metal hand down onto me. I stand and kick it down, stabbing it in the back.
I breathe a sigh of relief as I realize it's over.
Before the next training sequence starts, a voice calls out, "End training sequence!"
I turn and see that it was Shiro.
Shiro stands there with an awestruck look in his eyes, as well as Allura, Coran, Lance, Hunk, Keith, and Pidge.
They clap for me and I smile slightly, turning away as I spit blood to the floor.
Pidge gasps, seemingly the only one that noticed that blood, and runs up to me, checking my jaw as she hurriedly speaks in slight gibberish.
"YN!! Are you okay?! You just spat out blood! Oh my quiznack!! Is your jaw okay?! Is—?!"
I cut her off by saying, "I'm fine, Pidge, relax. Yes, I did spit out blood, but it's nothing new. My jaw is fine."
She relaxes a bit and nods, sighing. The others join us and Shiro pats my back, saying, "Great job out there, YN."
"Thanks, Shiro."
"She learned from the best." Keith states proudly, setting his hand on my left shoulder.
I smile up at him, "Yeah, I did."
Everyone smiles and we go to the kitchen area to get an ice pack for my jaw. Well, food goo that's frozen, but whatever.
We all sit down and eat dinner, but I notice something.
Pidge isn't talking much.
I set my frozen food goo down and turn to her, "Hey, you alright?"
She faces me and smiles, "Yeah, I'm fine. Thanks."
"Mhm." I hum, turning away again.
I don't think she's alright...but it's probably best not to push it right now.
All day today, I've been keeping my distance from everyone, not talking much, etc. They know it's one of my off days, but this has only happened once before. It's not common for me, as you know.
After we finish eating, everyone goes to their rooms to sleep. But me? Oh, no.
I go to the training deck again.
I feel like I'm not good enough to be apart of Voltron.
I do know that I am good enough, but it just feels like I'm not.
Stupid off days..
I call out in the empty training room, wooden sword in hand, "Begin training sequence fifteen."
I take down all of the robots, and continue this throughout the night. All the way up until it's around three am, Earth time.
"End training sequence."
I pant and wipe sweat off of my forehead, deciding to head to bed.
I got to training level twenty-five.
I put the sword away and stumble to my room, hopping into the shower quickly and changing into my bed clothes.
I head to bed, hair dripping a bit from the water, and fall asleep in the matter of seconds..
I wake up the next morning, feeling extremely tired, but I also feel more normal.
Standing up, I stretch a little and change into my regular clothes.
I exit my room and just as I walk out, I see Pidge there with her fist up, as if about to knock on the door that I opened.
She backed up and I do too, slight surprise reaching our features.
I take a step closer towards her and the doorframe, giving a small smile and asking, "Hey, what do ya need?"
Pidge sends a small smile back, looking a bit concerned, and replies, "I wanted to talk to you about something."
"Alright. Come in."
She follows me inside and I shut the door behind her. We sit on my bed side-by-side, facing each other.
"So..what did you want to talk about?"
"Was yesterday an off day for you?"
I blink in surprise and nod, "Yeah, why?"
"I noticed that you weren't talking much or anything, and training a lot more, so I got worried. I didn't bring it up last night because I didn't want to bother you."
"Pidge, you never bother me. You can talk to me about anything, anytime. And you don't need to be worried! We all have our off days every now and again."
"I know. And I also know that you trained late into the night last night."
"What? How?"
"I watched you train a bit before heading back to my room. I got there when you did since I realized you weren't walking towards your room. Again, it was my worry. I also woke up around three ish when I heard the shower in a room turn on, so I was assuming it was you." Pidge explains.
"Ah, well, sorry to worry you and about waking you up so late." I apologize, she smiles.
"Don't worry about it. I don't mind."
We continue to talk for a few minutes before heading to breakfast.
As soon as we reached the dining area, everyone else was already there. We sit down and start chatting with everyone else, eating the food goo.
My jaw feels a bit sore, but I ignore it.
Why do I feel so....weird?
My Galra ears twitch, and I notice Allura and Coran's do too. Keith's [regular] ears twitch as well, and all four of us glance at one another.
This only happens when we have a weird feeling, something us four all know that the others won't know (excluding Hunk, Pidge, and Lance).
Something is going to happen...and soon.
I drop my head down, staring at the table and suddenly becoming quiet. Same goes for Allura, Keith, and Coran.
Lance raises an eyebrow and inquires, "Guys? What's wrong?"
"Are you getting that strange feeling again?" Pidge adds, we nod and look up again.
"Something is going to happen." Allura starts, and Keith, Coran, and I finish.
"And soon."
TIMESKIP-A few days later...(3 days)
We were right.
The paladins and I get our armor on and dash to our lions, attacking the Galra ships in the 'air.'
"TO YOUR RIGHT, YN!" Keith shouts, and I dodge the attack and fire off my to right.
"Thanks Keith!" I exclaim, he sighs.
"No problem." He replies, focused.
"AHH!" A scream echos loudly, and I immediately know who it was, my heart dropping.
"PIDGE!!" The paladins and I yell as Pidge and her lion crash onto the ground.
"I'm okay!!" Pidge calls.
We sigh in relief.
"Are you able to get back in the air?" Shiro asks her.
", I don't think so. I need to do some repairs before I can." Pidge answers.
"Someone has to protect Pidge." Lance states.
"I'll do it." I state, flying down and blocking hits that are directed towards Pidge and her lion, firing back.
"Thanks YN." Pidge says gratefully, working on her lion.
"Don't mention it." I reply, grunting when I get shot at and my lion shakes from the impact.
I grumble under my breath and fire back.
"Someone's in a snippy mood." Lance teases.
"Lance." The others and I groan.
"Now's not the time for teasing." Hunk says.
"Yeah, sorry. Couldn't resist."
I roll my eyes at Lance's statement.
"Whatever, lover boy." I comment, and Lance snorts.
Before Lance can say a terrible pick-up line to me, I growl playfully, "Don't even think about it, Lance."
Lance chuckles, "Alright! Alright! I won't...yet."
I can hear Pidge lowly growl at Lance's reply, and I say, "You good, Pidge?"
"Just peachy..." Pidge trails off.
I block another attack and fire, making one of the Galra ships fall and explode seconds later.
Suddenly, my lion gets blasted at and lights start flashing in here, and my lion collapses. I grunt as I fall out of my chair.
"YN?!" My friends call.
"I'm lion isn't doing so well either, unfortunately." I answer, standing up shakily.
I exit my lion and battle hand-to-hand style with my bayard. My bayard is a dagger that is longer than normal ones, but isn't quite a sword. I also have a gun in my holster that appears once my bayard is out.
"YN, what are you doing?!" Keith demands.
"Fighting on foot." I state calmly, striking down a Galra soldier with ease.
"Don't get yourself killed, YN." Hunk says.
I chuckle, "I'll try not to."
And, just by luck, I get surrounded by soldiers and get taken down. I yelp a bit as a soldier crushes my arm under their boot, making my dagger fall.
A soldier takes my helmet off and smashes it on the ground.
A soldier picks me up and throws my gun to the ground away from me, and I struggle against them. Though it does nothing, I still try.
A soldier disables me momentarily by kicking my side, making me hunch over, and they drag me onto Lotor's ship and fly away. They call their fleet to come and back off.
"Sir, we've got a paladin of Voltron." A Galra soldier states.
"Which one?"
"The Silver Paladin."
"Bring her to me."
They do and slam me onto the ground, my knees digging into the solid floor uncomfortably. (You're on your knees.)
My head is lowered and Lotor steps forward, using his hand to lift my chin up to meet his gaze.
His eyes widen and he smirks, "Ah, the strongest paladin of Voltron, I see."
I jerk my body and manage to get away from the two soldiers holding onto me, and as Lotor takes a step backwards, I stand and charge at him, tackling him to the floor.
I pin him under me and punch him repeatedly until the two soldiers grab me back.
I ram my body into the soldier on my left, making them fall and let go of my arm, and I snatch (the weave, jk) my arm back from the one on my right and punch him down too.
I fight with multiple soldiers until I'm finally overpowered.
Lotor stands up and rubs his face, smiling evilly as he says, "We'll use her as bait.."
Pidge's POV, after the fight
I pace around the living room of Allura's castle, the other paladins sitting around and watching me.
"Pidge, we'll get her back."
"It was MY fault, Shiro!! MY FAULT!! If I hadn't of been so careless I—!" Shiro cuts me off.
"Pidge. It wasn't your fault by any means. Or any of ours. We didn't know what would happen out there." Shiro tries to reason.
I slam my fists down onto the table and growl as I glare down at my hands, "It was my fault.."
A hand is set on my left shoulder as I'm kneeling on the floor.
I glance up and see that it's Hunk.
"Don't beat yourself up over this, Pidge. We will get YN back." Hunk states confidently.
"Yeah! We know that she's with Lotor, so that's a start!" Lance exclaims, and I calm down a bit.
"They're using her as bait." Keith pipes up, and we all look at him.
"Lotor knows YN is the strongest of us all. That the Silver Paladin is the most important one of us; the most vital person. He just so happened to capture her, and that means he will use that as leverage." Keith explains, keeping his arms crossed as he leans against a wall.
"Keith's right." Allura starts, "We need to come up with a plan to save her."
And with that, a plan is formed.
TIMESKIP-Two days later...Your POV
It's been two days now, and my body is aching all over.
I've been getting brutal beatings to ensure that I won't be able to escape so easily with my strength; that I will have to rely on my friends to come and save me.
I hope they're smart about this and don't come head on.
They should know that Lotor is using me as bait. They know his tricks by now.
My mind wanders to Pidge. I see an image of her smile, hear her laugh in my brain, and see another image that moves as she works on her little creations with those spare parts she has.
She's adorable...
And God I miss her.
Not just her, but I also miss Keith.
And Shiro, Hunk, Allura, Coran, and as much as I hate to say it...Lance too.
I start hearing thud! sounds in the halls, and my eyebrows furrow in confusion.
What's going on?
A figure hurries over to my cell, and I realize that it's...
"Keith?" I ask quietly, shuffling over to the bars of my miniature prison.
He nods and shushes me, helping me out of the cell.
Keith scans my bruised body and growls, his eyes glowing a slight yellow hue.
I set a hand on his shoulder to calm him down, "Keith. Don't turn into your Galra form. Not now."
His eyes go back to their normal blue-grey color and he calms down almost fully, nodding to me, "Thanks."
"No problem, and thanks for getting me out."
"Yep. Now let's go. Pidge is waiting."
I lightly blush and nod, following him down the hall.
We meet up with Pidge and our eyes lock. She breathes a sigh of relief and hugs me quickly.
I hug back and we break apart seconds later.
"Glad you're okay." She mutters.
"Glad you guys are here to save me." I mutter back.
I step in front of Keith and Pidge, leading the way and saying to them behind me, "I'm leading the way as we go. If there are any guards, they'll see me first and give you guys a chance to hide. No fighting me on this."
They reluctantly nod and whisper to me where we need to go, watching our backs as I watch our front.
I carefully look both ways as we come to a cross way (you can go forwards, left, or right). My breath hitches and I stumble back, ushering Pidge and Keith to hide.
"Hide!!" I whisper-yell to them and they do.
I press my body against the wall as they round the corner, and I hit them over the head with my bayard.
Oh yeah, Keith had given it to me, by the way.
My gun is back at the castle.
I motion for Pidge and Keith to follow, and they do.
We make it outside but we get bombarded by Galra soldiers.
I growl and start attacking.
Pidge and Keith do the same.
As we're fighting, I can hear Keith yelling things to the other paladins, and I see Pidge get knocked down by a soldier, her bayard flying.
Pidge gets hit again and my blood boils.
My eyes glow a bright yellow, just like Keith's had been earlier (but brighter), and the rest of my skin turns purple. I grow a bit taller and my ears stretch a bit bigger.
I tackle the soldier attacking Pidge down and wrestle with them as Pidge catches her breath and grabs her bayard.
The fight is over as fast as it started, and Pidge grabs my wrist and pulls me into her lion as Keith runs into his.
We get in there and Pidge sets a hand on my arm, calmly saying, "It's okay, YN, calm down.."
I gradually calm down and go back to normal. I'm in my human form now, but my ears are pointy and the tips are purple, just like usual.
"Thank you for helping me out back there, YN." Pidge says gratefully.
"Well, thank you and the others for coming to save me."
We make it back to the castle and I get my wounds treated after everyone gave me hugs, including Keith.
"YN, can I, uh...tell you something?" Pidge nervously questions as the others leave us alone.
"Yeah, sure. What is it?"
"I...I love you.."
" love me?"
"I love you too, Pidge.."
"Yes. Really." I lean in and kiss her lips quickly, and our faces flush.
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