Lance x Reader || Prove It || Voltron
-you, Hunk, and Lance are seventeen (17), Keith is eighteen (18), Pidge is fifteen (15), and Shiro is twenty-five (25)
-you are a Galra prisoner who was taken captive by Zarkon
-Hunk is your cousin (you are very close to him and the others) and he only knows that you had disappeared years ago with leaving no trace of evidence to where you could have gone, making him worried about you (as well as his family)
-you were taken by the Galra when you were only thirteen, meaning you were held captive for four years
~Continue from there~
Your POV (1st Person)
I'm chilling with Hunk, my cousin, at a park nearby our home. We had nothing to do today so we thought, 'Why not go to the park?'
We are just cracking jokes and making small talk for the time being.
It's starting to get late so we decide to head back.
I am staying with him and his family for a while. My parents thought it would do me some good to get out more and have fun with my favorite cousin (which I couldn't agree more).
We make it back to his home and walk inside, shutting and locking the door behind us.
"Goodnight, YN!" Hunk exclaims while heading off to his room.
I wave and call to him, "Night, Hunk!"
I then head over to my room (the guest room) and with me being too tired to really do anything, I flop face-first onto the comfy bed.
I roll onto my back and shut my eyes, nearly drifting off to sleep when I hear something off to my left.
I ignore it, thinking it was just the wind making the leaves from the trees brush up against the side of the house.
However, that thought was quickly proven wrong as the window slowly started to be lifted up.
'Did I not lock the window earlier..' I thought to myself, dread piling up as if building a tower inside of my stomach.
The sound stops as the top of the window reaches its full limit and some shuffling follows.
'They're trying to slip inside of the room!'
I dare to peek through almost closed eye lids and see a shadowy figure making its way into the bedroom.
I hold back a scream and pretend to be asleep.
'Maybe they're just going to steal something and leave..if that happens, I can sneak up behind them and knock 'em out...?' I thought helplessly, knowing that they are certainly not here to steal.
I shut my eyes slightly again and try to control my breathing, peeking once more from behind my eye lids, just to see a dark face in front of mine.
I gasp, my eyes snapping fully open, and the figure covers my mouth with a rag before I could scream.
That rag has some sort of substance on it since I start falling into a deep slumber, my vision turning black as the figure chuckles darkly.
That's when I stop struggling and go blank..
I shoot up from my bed with a cold sweat and covering my mouth, holding back a yelp from the replay of my kidnapping from four years ago. I end up making a muffled, choked noise from behind my hands.
Tears sting my eyes as I remember Hunk, his family, and my family.
I fight to even out my breathing, hoping the guards won't hear me as they are patrolling the cells.
I was thirteen then. I'm seventeen now.
I wonder how everyone is doing..?
I hope they're all well.
Better than me, at least.
I was captured by a guy named Zarkon, the leader of this thing called the Galra.
Apparently I was taken as a hostage since they needed another slave. Actually, they just needed a slave for Zarkon to toy with.
Nothing sexual! (At least not too badly.)
Zarkon mostly just makes me do chores and beats me for stepping out of line, even in the slightest. He also beats me if he is bored.
Being here for the past four years was basically torture. No, it is torture (since I'm still here).
The chores include cleaning, cooking, etc. He also makes me do combat training, which I am actually thankful for.
Thanks to the training, I've become one of the strongest here. I've actually been ordered to fight multiple of the guards at once.
Let's just say that they had to be in the medical area for a while.
On the other hand, I got out with a few scratches and bruises. Not nearly as bad as they got it.
I finally get my breathing to flatten out and wipe my tears away, going back to being emotionless and dull.
Oh, uh, did I forget to mention that ever since I was kidnapped all those years ago I became indifferent? Well, now you know.
Hey, you can't really blame me. I was ripped away from my family and friends in an instant.
If you really would expect me to be showing emotions after that, then you're clearly not educated on these situations. Or about me.
I'm not like everyone else.
And no matter how much hate you burn into me, it will not bring me down. I'm stronger than you think.
I look out of my cells bars as the lights flash on, making me shut my eyes and rub them.
I reopen my eyes and sit up, giving my muscles a little stretch.
Standing up, a guard comes up to my cell door and unlocks it. He opens it and steps inside, grabbing my arm and drags me away.
I let him pull me along, keeping a stoic look on my face. Prisoners and other guards stare as we pass.
Everyone knows I'm the strongest here, but they also know that I don't fight against Zarkon too much (or the guards) unless told to. I bet that really confuses them, but they don't understand.
They have leverage over me.
Hunk is out there. His family is out there. My family is out there.
Zarkon only threatens one of those three things, and that's Hunk and his friends.
You see, there is this thing, or group, called Voltron, which Hunk is apart of.
I only found out a few months ago, but even all those years ago, they threatened to hurt him, knowing my close relations to him.
We're cousins, after all. He's also my best friend.
They didn't threaten my family since they don't know who they are, same with Hunk's family. They only saw me hanging out with Hunk outside of the house.
And now that they have had many battles with Voltron, they saw him, making this worse. Zarkon had taunted Hunk by saying he has me. I should know, I was there...
I'm standing behind Zarkon, three guards holding me there. I'm really strong, so I could escape if I wanted to. I could take them down easily, but I don't. I won't.
That would make things a bit worse.
They'd hunt me down.
There was a battle between Zarkon and Voltron.
Voltron won, but are injured pretty badly. I hope Hunk is okay..and his friends, of course! It's just that I'm closer to Hunk, and I haven't met his friends...
Team Voltron are standing in front of Zarkon's main ship, as Zarkon had said that he has something, or someone, that is important to one of the members of Voltron.
I know it's Hunk he was talking about.
Zarkon didn't send me out to fight since that would risk them taking me with them, knowing Hunk would recognize me straight away..probably.
I changed quite a lot.
Scars, bruises, a few cuts littering my body. My messy HL, HC hair. Dull EC eyes. Defined muscles. Yada yada..
"Zarkon! Hurry up and show us what you said already!" A man with a mullet yelled impatiently.
Yes, I can kind of see them. Zarkon isn't blocking my entire view of them, but their entire view of me.
"Ah, don't worry, young paladin. You shall see..soon....enough!" Zarkon shouted back, stepping out of the way so that they can have a clear view of me.
The guards shove me forwards, making it easier for them to see.
Four of them look confused, but the final paladin, Hunk, gasps at the sight of me.
He recognized me, apparently. Heh..
"YN!!!" Hunk exclaims, eye wide with shock and anger.
Most likely shocked that I'm here and angry at Zarkon and the Galra for taking me prisoner.
I look up and make eye contact with him, for my eyes were glued to the ground.
The other paladins glance at Hunk, confused for a second, but then realization reaches their faces.
Hunk must've told them about my disappearance. Heck, I would've too if I was him.
One of the paladins stares at me in a weird way. Good weird, as if in awe. I turn my gaze to them and see that it's a boy with brown hair and dark blue eyes that resemble the ocean. Light blue and white armor.
He looks away, blushing, and I take a look at the other paladins with a pink tint to my cheeks from the encounter.
The guy who shouted has black hair in the style of a mullet and blue-grey eyes. Red and white armor. Has a serious look on his face.
A male standing next to him and Hunk has black hair with a white forelock and dark grey eyes. Black and white armor. Calm yet serious look on his face.
Another person who could very well be a girl stands on Hunk's other side. They have light brown hair, brown eyes and round glasses. Green and white armor. Slightly angry look on their face that's directed towards Zarkon (everyone else's faces looks the same towards him).
Already described the boy who was staring at me.
And finally, my favorite cousin, Hunk. He's a bit on the chubby side, but that's not a bad thing! He has his signature dark brown hair and brown eyes, protective look over me spread all across his face. Yellow and white armor. He also has an orange bandana around his forehead.
Zarkon sets a hand on my left shoulder, making my muscles tense noticeably. He smirks at me before turning to Voltron. Or more accurately, Hunk.
"Now, if you want her back, you are just going to have to work for it. Well, either way, you aren't going to get her back no matter how hard you try! Hahahahaha! Tata Voltron!!" Zarkon yells evilly.
Hunk gives Zarkon a death glare as the guards pull me back, making him snap his gaze to me.
He tries to run to me, but the other Voltron members hold him back, knowing they are too injured for a fight against everyone here right now.
Hunk shouts my name, making my heart hurt a bit at hearing how sad he is. His voice may not show it, but I know he is upset. I am too.
I know Hunk, though. He will do anything for his family.
I'm lucky to be apart of that family.
He will also do anything for his friends.
I drag my feet as the guards pull me into the ship's control room.
This is where I get beaten up as well.
'I'm sorry I couldn't do anything, Hunk..' I thought as I was shoved to the floor, waiting for Zarkon to come in and beat me as one of the guards drives the ship away....
Anyway, the guard is taking me to the control room, like we do every day.
The control room is where I spend most of my time, watching guards steer the ship, Zarkon pacing the room or arguing/talking with other guards, etc. I also just watch Zarkon beat me every day.
I have to.
There's no choice.
Even if I want to escape, which I do, I can't. There's no transportation for me to use, and even if there is, I don't know how to fly it.
I also don't know where to go. Well, to Hunk and his team, of course, but I have no idea where they are located.
It's not like I am familiar with every planet, but I better be soon.
I'm not going back to Earth.
Because I want to help Voltron with saving the universe.
I'm perfectly capable of helping, and they will know it when I meet them again. Besides, my muscles also prove it.
I work best with a WOC {weapon of choice}. It's just so easy to use!
Or my fists. That works too.
I'm able to work a gun, bow and arrow, sword, dagger, etc.
Once the guard and I make it to the control room, he pushes me onto the floor the same way those guards did on the day I saw my cousin again after so long.
I shoot my hands in front of me to break my fall to try and protect my face from hitting the floor.
I land on my stomach, hands holding my upper body up slightly. Luckily, my face never hit the ground.
"Roll onto your back." The guard orders, and I do as told.
No point in fighting.
I'm surprised that Zarkon never put me into the battles in the arena. With strength like mine, I thought he would've.
Guess he can't risk his strongest prisoner, and slave, getting killed. I'm like his secret weapon. Used for battles only when necessary.
That only happened once.
That's how I got a scar on my left side. I dodged getting stabbed by someone's sword and my side got skinned pretty badly.
Yeah, it needed stitches, but that's not the only scar I've got.
Not all of them are from that one battle, but some of the most noticeable are from battles. Either against others or the Galra.
Some of the other scars I got back on Earth. You know, just living life.
The guard motions for me to lift my arms up, so I do.
He ties my wrists together with a rope, then does the same with my ankles.
He stands up and waits along the wall.
They don't bother putting a gag in my mouth since I don't talk much anyways. I do groan and wince at the pain, mumble sometimes, but that doesn't seem to matter to them.
I just stare at the ceiling, getting this strange feeling in my stomach. A feeling that something is going to happen today.
Something different.
Something exhilarating.
Something good.
But what is it?
Nothing good has happened in a while, so why am I getting the feeling now?
Well, either way, if something good happens today, it was certainly worth the four year and few month wait.
Zarkon then enters the control room, breaking me away from my thoughts, but I don't give him a glance. I can see him walking in with a few other guards out of my peripheral vision.
The other guards join the guy who took me here while Zarkon struts over to my side.
You're no fashion model, Zarkon, stop trying to act like one..heheh..
My humor isn't always the best, you can tell. At least not right now.
Zarkon then begins the torture....
He kicks my sides and face, punches me, stomps on my stomach, etc. I think you get the picture.
Zarkon unties my wrists, taking my NDH {non-dominant hand} hand and stomping on my wrist, probably breaking it.
Okay, maybe not breaking it, but either spraining it or there's going to be a nasty bruise and swelling.
I inhale sharply, eyes narrowing and my opposite hand clenching into a fist from the pain, my legs bending up too.
He lets it go and I hold my hand close to my chest with my other hand, trying to protect it and get it to stop hurting.
I've never gotten a broken bone before, so I don't know how that feels. However, it is worse than the pain I'm experiencing right now.
I've sprained something before, it's kind of like this, but a bit worse.
I think my wrist is just gonna swell up a bit and bruise.
And proving my thoughts to be right, the pain dies down a lot and just feels like pins and needles, as if falling asleep.
Before Zarkon can do any more damage to me than he's already done, the lights on the ship flash red over and over.
A warning.
"VOLTRON IS ATTACKING!!" A guard down the hall shouts, running into the control room with us.
The guard nods and runs away, screaming through the halls for what the other guards are to do.
Of course guards are still going to patrol the cells no matter what.
Zarkon then heads over to the controls with his head guard, steering the ship and making a plan to fight back or whatever.
The other five guards come up to me and pick me up, setting me onto a chair that they set in the center of the room where the camera to show outsiders what's happening inside is.
The guards snatch my wrists, tying them to the arm chairs with more rope. Same with my ankles, but they get tied to the legs of the chair.
Zarkon looks over at us and says to the guards, "If we put her on the screen for them to see by the entrance, then beat her when I say so."
The guards nod and stand in a row behind me.
{AN: I got this idea from another persons one-shot book for a Keith x Reader. Pretty sure it's called 'Voltron x Reader One Shots' with Keith on the front cover. Just wanted to point that out!}
One of the guards behind me runs off and comes back with a wooden baseball bat they had gotten from Earth when they had gotten me. Zarkon had deemed it 'useful.'
Now I know why...
The guard stands behind me once again.
The red lights start flashing again as the ship gets hit. Everyone stumbles, but doesn't fall. One of the guards behind me kept my chair stable.
My eyes are open wider, knowing that my feeling was right. Also from slight fear and excitement.
What if they hurt one of the paladins?! Fear.
What if the paladins save many of the other prisoners and me?! Excitement.
What if Voltron fails?! Fear.
What if I see my cousin again?! Excitement.
Those are only a few reasons.
On the screen of our ship, out pops what's happening at the front door. There stands Hunk and another paladin. The one with the green and white armor, glasses, etc.
"What do you want?" Zarkon asks, the mic turned on and camera pointed at him, keeping me out of the shot.
Hunk and the other paladin snap their heads to the camera, looking right at Zarkon.
"Give us YN back!" Hunk demands.
"Nah-ah-ahhh!! This doesn't work that way." Zarkon teases, aiming the camera at me now.
Their eyes widen at the sight of me.
Another shot hits the ship, making everyone stumble again, even the paladins.
"HEY! I THOUGHT WE SAID TO NOT SHOOT AT THE SHIP WHILE WE ARE HERE!!" The other paladin shouts into their helmet, not looking at the camera but out at the other paladins now.
"Sorry! One of the other ships dodged my bullet!" A cute voice yells back to the paladin, us being able to faintly hear it.
"Whatever! Just try not to hit us again!" Hunk cuts in.
"Okay!" The voice says back.
Hunk and the other paladin turn back to us.
One of the guards behind me steady my chair again once the ship stops shaking.
"Ahem, anyway, I wouldn't say anything too rash now. I still have her in my possession. I'm able to do anything to her, as you can see here." Zarkon turns to the guard with the baseball bat and orders, "Do it."
The guard complies and the other guards back up and out of the way and he comes to my left side, readying the bat.
"NO!" Hunk and the other paladin shout out, but it's too late.
The guard swings the bat at my stomach, making me lean forward from the impact and pain, squeezing my eyes shut for a moment before opening them again, panting loudly and sitting up straight slowly.
My face goes back to normal, surprising Hunk and the other paladin. Not the guards or Zarkon since they've seen this before.
I cough a bit and taste blood in my mouth. I gather it up and spit off to the right. The blood lands on the floor and I lick my lips, getting rid of the blood left on them.
The two paladins start to get even more angry, but Hunk is angrier.
Hunk's POV
"NO!" Pidge and I shout, but it's no use.
The guard swings the baseball bat at my cousin, hitting her in the stomach. YN leans forward from the pain and impact, then sits up straight very slowly.
Her face goes from being in pain to emotionless in a second, shocking Pidge and me.
Wow..she's changed quite a lot. Though I found that out months ago.
Anger boils up inside of me even more, but only seems to grow as YN spits blood out of her mouth and onto the floor to her right.
Pidge gets really upset too.
"What?! What's happening?!" Lance, Keith, Shiro, Allura, and Coran all shout at Pidge and me, concerned.
Your POV
"What?! What's happening?!" Five voices come from their helmets.
Two of which I have heard before. That mullet guy and the other I can't put to a face, but it's the cute voice I heard earlier.
"Zarkon ordered one of his guards to hurt Hunk's cousin. So the guard hit her with a baseball bat in the stomach." The other paladin explained shortly.
A round of gasps were heard from them.
That's the last I could hear of them.
Hunk then glares at Zarkon through the camera and growls, "You will regret that, Zarkon."
He then punches the camera, breaking it instantly. The screen that showed them went static-y {still can't spell!!} before completely going black.
The alarms go off as a sound echoed through the halls far off.
Another thing popped up on the black screen, showing from a camera by the entrance that Hunk and the other paladin had broken down the door and came running in, fighting Galra soldiers as they go.
Zarkon groans to himself before shutting the cameras off, turning to us.
"Guard this area! Don't let the paladins take her from us!" Zarkon barks the order to the guards behind me before sprinting away with his head guard.
He's probably going into hiding, the coward.
One of the five guards says into a mic that makes it easy to communicate with the other Galra soldiers, "We need backup here to protect the girl. Five of us cannot do this alone."
I stop listening to the conversation and try to break my wrists free. My NDH {non-dominant hand} practically screaming at me to stop. It's still sore from earlier.
I don't quit, though. I tough it out.
Before I can break any of the ropes on my wrists or ankles, one of the guards spots what I'm doing and rushes over to me.
He stands in front of me and gives me a hard punch to the jaw, stopping me for a split second. I go right back to trying to break free. He just keeps hitting me every time I try.
My bottom lip is bleeding, I'm surely gonna have a black eye, and all of that stuff. That doesn't stop me.
A little pain isn't going to prevent me from succeeding.
The other guards take notice to what's happening and steps in, hitting me too.
Okay, getting ganged up like this wouldn't normally stop me, but since I can't do anything to protect myself, I stop, and they do too.
If I could have at least one hand free I wouldn't stop. I would hit them right back and continue.
They turn away from me as more soldiers run into here.
I try again and almost manage to break one wrist free, but that's not what the universe has in store for me apparently as one of the soldiers noticed me and comes up, punching me and turning everyone else's gazes over to us.
They saw me struggling and were about to come and stop me, but I halt before they can even take two steps towards me.
There is no way I'm letting this many Galra guards/soldiers beat me up at once while I'm defenseless.
Suddenly, Galra soldiers start falling as the sound of gun shots echo into the room.
The other soldiers and guards turn around and fight back.
I take this chance and continue trying to break free. I'm able to get my DH {dominant hand} free and I use that hand to break the other one free. I move to my ankles and get them out.
I stand up and wobble a bit, but recover rather swiftly as I start attacking the soldiers and guards from behind.
A sneak attack, if you will.
I look around first, trying to find something to fight with when I spot the baseball bat that that guard used on me just minutes before.
I take it in my hands and start swinging, aiming for the guards' heads.
I'm trying to knock them out since I don't want to waste time bashing their heads in. (Brutal, I know. Sorry for the image!)
A few soldiers turn around at the noise behind them and see me picking them off one by one, too.
They rush at me, getting out of the line of fire.
There are four of them.
Well, it would be if they didn't all have guns.
I can still do this, though.
But not without getting hurt.
Here goes nothing...
I swing at the first to approach, kicking them down.
Then the next.
The next.
None of them have passed out yet, but are dazed.
The final soldier approaches and takes aim.
I hold the bat in my right hand, jumping to the left and using my left hand to push off of the ground to help me land on my feet.
( If your left hand is your non-dominant/wounded hand, go here! ) It hurt my wrist a bit, but I managed to do it and ignore the pain.
( If you left hand is your dominant hand, go here! ) Luckily, my left hand isn't the wounded one, but it did kinda hurt to hold the bat in my right hand.
I dodge the bullet in time and land perfectly, grabbing the bat with my other hand too and swinging at the soldiers' head with so much force that it knocked him out straight away.
I then slam my bat down at the soldier lying on the ground, awake, that's closest to me and knock them out as well, doing the same to the other two.
Soldiers keep dropping every second from the paladins having great aim.
I'm able to see past some of the soldiers still standing and see that the paladins are Hunk and the other one from before!
There are only a few soldiers left, and I notice one taking aim at the one in the green and take action immediately, knowing that the paladin didn't know that they were going to get shot at.
They only notice when it's too late. I jump in front of the green paladin and take the bullet for them, tossing my bat to the side.
The green paladin then shoots the soldier right after, running to my side.
Hunk takes down the last few and notices my kneeling form with the other paladin by my side, rushing over to us.
I'm on my knees, holding my stomach where the wound is, trying to keep pressure there. The green paladin has one of their hands on top of mine to make sure I keep pressure there and has their other hand on my back to keep me steady.
Hunk kneels to my right and starts yelling into his helmet, at the others I'm guessing, along with the other paladin, explaining our situation.
"GUYS! YN'S WOUNDED!" Hunk yells.
Hunk picks me up bridal style and I keep pressure on my wound, wincing.
The green paladin stands as they both run towards the entrance, the green paladin leading the way in case of other soldiers.
"Is she okay?!"
"We're all done here! Is the girl alright?!"
"Oh no!"
"What happened?!"
The others' voices from earlier all exclaimed in reply.
"She's breathing!! Alive!! But she got shot in the stomach! We are running back to our lions now!" Hunk hurriedly proclaims in response.
I grow confused and mutter out painfully, "Lions..?"
My voice is rough from both the pain and also from not speaking for a while.
My voice startles Hunk and the paladin in front of us, but they don't stop running.
We make it out of the ship and I see what he was talking about.
"Oh.." I mumbled again.
"We will explain later, YN. For now, we need to get you into a healing pod ASAP!" The green paladin tells me nicely.
"Mhm.." I hum a reply.
"She sounds cute!" The cute voice comments, making my face flush a bit.
"Lance!" The mullet guy yells.
"What?" The cute voice, er, Lance, asks.
"Now is NOT the time for flirting!" The mullet guy yells again.
"Especially not with MY COUSIN, Lance!" Hunk proclaims, going into protective-cousin-mode, making me chuckle lightly.
I..haven't chuckled in
We make it to the lions quickly. Hunk carries me into the yellow one while the other paladin runs into the green one.
Hunk sits in the only chair in the room, keeping me on his lap as he controls the lion.
"Might wanna hold onto me or something, YN." Hunk warns.
I heed his warning and use my left hand to wrap around his neck. (If your left hand is the one that's hurt, then it has a bit of pain.)
I use my right hand to keep pressure on my wound.
All of a sudden, the lion boosts up into space, making Hunk and I shuffle a bit in the seat. I hold onto his neck a bit tighter so I won't fall.
Everything goes back to normal and I set my left hand back onto my wound and just lean against Hunk's chest, tired and my body throbbing.
I still refuse to show many emotions until later.
I look to the screen and see five faces pop up. The other paladins from months ago and two new faces.
A woman with long, white hair and blue eyes with purple pupils. She has a golden headband around her forehead with a greenish gem in the center of it. She's wearing an attire that reminds me of a princess.
The other person is a man. He has orange hair and a mustache with purple eyes. He's also wearing prince-like attire.
These people are definitely not from Earth.
"Guys, introduce yourselves to YN here." Hunk tells them, they nod.
"Well, I'm the one you saved, obviously. My name is Pidge." The green paladin says gratefully.
"Not to b-be rude but..a-are you a g-girl..?" I ask them.
Pidge nods and smiles, "Yea, I am!"
I give a slight smile in return to be nice.
"How did you get that so fast?" Hunk questions me, shock lacing his voice.
Everyone else seems pretty surprised too.
"Just a-a guess, I suppose.." I tell them.
They nod and Pidge adds, "Great guess, then."
"Th-Thanks.." I mutter.
"No problem!" She replies.
"Anyway, I'm Keith." The red paladin with the mullet says.
"I'm Shiro." The paladin with the white forelock and black and white armor cuts in.
"Lance!" The blue paladin with the cute voice said cheerfully.
"I'm Princess Allura, just call me Allura though!" The woman with the white hair said softly.
"And I'm Coran!" The guy with the mustache adds.
"It's nice to meet you, YN!" They all say together in unison.
"You g-guys too.." I reply, struggling to speak now.
"Also, she saved you, Pidge?" Hunk questioned.
"You didn't know?" She asked.
"All I saw was her kneeling on the ground with you beside her. I just thought she made her way to the front and got shot or something." Hunk explained, making her facepalm.
"Okay. Well, yeah, YN did! I think she noticed a soldier aiming at me and jumped in between us so I wouldn't get shot, making her take the hit instead. Is that correct, YN?" Pidge inquired, looking at me.
" c-couldn't be more sp-spot on..." I stutter.
"Again, thank you so much for that. I should've been paying attention to everything, but I wasn't. I'm sorry you got hurt." Pidge tells me with her voice full of gratitude.
I send her a tiny, weak smile again and respond, "It w-was nothing..I ch-chose to do i-it. It wasn't y-your fault a-at all."
She just gives me a smile in response, nodding once.
I end up passing out right then and there, dropping my smile as I let my head fall back onto Hunk's chest.
TIMESKIP-At The Castle, Hunk's POV
After YN had passed out on me a few minutes ago, I freaked out, thinking we were losing her.
I checked her pulse and saw that she was still alive, but barely. It was like she was hanging by a thread.
We had all made it back just in time, practically shoving her into the healing pod. She will be in there for the rest of the day and will be able to come out tomorrow.
Now all of us are in the healing pod area, just talking and keeping an eye on her for a little longer before we leave her be.
"So, she is the YN you have been talking about and stressing over ever since a few months back?" Allura asked me lightly, smiling gently.
I nod, sighing heavily as I glance back at her wounded figure before looking back to everyone else, responding with, "Yes. She's my favorite cousin. Ever since I saw her being held captive by Zarkon I just..lost it. YN's my family, for crying out loud! I'll admit, I'm protective over her, but if she was your relative, you guys would be the same."
They all nod.
Shiro says, "She seems like a nice and strong girl."
I smile, "She really is."
I look back to her and add, "YN changed a lot over the past four years. She got stronger. Way stronger. More mature, I bet."
I turn my gaze to Shiro again and say, "She has always had a kind heart. Never wanted to be mean to anyone unless she had to. Like when she has to stand up for herself or others. Seeing her like this: In pain, not showing any of her hurts me to see. But I know it definitely hurts her worse."
He nods.
"I'm sure she will open up again at some point. Being through something like that is scarring, especially if it had started when she was still young. Thirteen is pretty young. I'm sure she's just glad that she wasn't put into any of the fights where she could've died, and I'm sure you are too." Shiro reassures me.
"I am." I state, "Ever since she disappeared, my family and hers have been worried sick. Her parents had it the worst, though. I mean, they lost their child. That's gotta be way harder."
"I agree." Keith adds, "Losing your child is like losing part of yourself. Your child is a being you want to protect at all costs, and when you can't do anything to save them from something like this...if you aren't there to stop it..that would just break a parent."
"To where as losing a cousin is hard, since they are family too, same with a sibling, but it's a different kind of pain. You lose the same person, but the pain isn't the same for everyone." Lance mentions, continuing on Keith's explanation.
"Exactly." Pidge states. "There's nothing worse than losing someone close to you, in my opinion. Whether it be a friend, sibling, whatever. You're still losing somebody."
"And not knowing if they are alive or not really takes a toll on a person." Allura and Coran say in unison.
After we had our little discussion, we exit the healing pod room and do our own thing.
Lance goes to put on a face mask, Keith goes to the training deck, Allura and Coran head off to the control room, Pidge goes to work on her experiments, Shiro goes to train with Keith, and I go to the kitchen.
I'm going to make dinner for everybody.
And once YN wakes up, I'm going to have her favorite food ready for her! I think she deserves a good meal after going through something so horrible.
Lance's POV
I have my face mask on, ready to feel refreshed afterwards!
However, I can't stop thinking about someone..a girl.
Well, Hunk's cousin, YN. I can't get her out of my head.
She's different than any other girl I've a good way!
YN's brave, selfless, kind, doesn't show emotions (but that's okay!), strong (not that the others weren't strong!)..
YN took the bullet for Pidge when she didn't see it coming.
YN went through so much and had gotten stronger from it, both physically and mentally (I'm assuming).
YN means so much to Hunk, meaning she's a good person (which everyone would've figured out even if she wasn't his cousin).
She's just..amazing.
I lay on my bed in my fluffy robe, just thinking about her.
I imagine her face in my mind.
Her face without those bruises and cuts that the Galra had given her.
Without her HL, HC hair being messy and knotted.
With a smile plastered on her face.
With her beautiful EC eyes having emotion in them, even a little sparkle.
How could someone so kind and selfless and brave like her be so broken and distant?
How could someone hurt another like her?
How did she manage to deal with all of the pain she went through? And for so long, too? I wouldn't have been able to go for that long.
I want to help her.
I want to help show her that it's okay to show your emotions. That it's not showing a weakness.
I want to help show her that it's okay to talk to someone about personal things and your problems. She seems to be the type of person to be distant and will only let Hunk in.
I want to help show her that we won't hurt her like the Galra did, but that we will have her back if anything happens.
There are so many things running through my mind. So many things I want to do. So many things I want to say. But it's all too much to process at once.
Every time I think about her, I get this weird feeling in my stomach. Like butterflies are tickling my insides, trying to find a way out.
Whenever I see her, my face heats up a bit and I grow more and more nervous.
I know I've only ever encountered her twice, today and that day months ago, but these are the things I've felt every time I saw or thought about her.
God knows that I've been thinking about her ever since the day I saw her..
What do I do?
TIMESKIP-The Next Day, Hunk's POV
The others and I are crowding around YN's healing pod, waiting for the door to open and for her to wake up.
She looks a lot better.
Her gunshot wound isn't bleeding anymore, there's only a scar.
Her other mini cuts are now tiny scars if they went deep enough. Her lip isn't bleeding anymore.
Her bruises are still there, as they were still very recent when she got them. She has a black eye, a bruise on her jaw, her shoulder overlapping onto her neck, and other places we can't see.
YN's clothes are ripped and dirty from being tortured, and we have all decided on something.
We are giving YN the opportunity to join Voltron!
If she agrees, she will get armor, just like us paladins, and will fight by our side! She won't be able to get a lion, but she could get a mini battle ship or she can just stay on foot and travel with one of us paladins when we go into battles!
I have a feeling that she's going to agree to this offer.
I know she wants to see her parents again and tell them that she's okay, but she probably wants to stay with us to make sure to be there if anything happens to us. I think she may want to help us fight to save the universe.
Only one way to find out!
I notice Lance is staring at YN with a blush resting on his cheeks.
If he wants to date her, he better take it seriously. I don't want him breaking her heart, like all of those other girls he actually managed to get. I'm not going to let YN be one of those girls.
Lance will have to prove to me that he will fight for her. That he won't just leave her in the dust with a broken heart. She doesn't need that.
I decide to speak up to everyone about something.
They all turn to me, including Lance, and give me a questioning look, silently urging me to continue.
"Just know that she won't open up quickly. She may be distant at first, and she has every right to be. Don't push her into being talkative or giving out personal information. And this last piece I'm saying for one person in particular," I explain, glancing at Lance and staring for a moment so he knows (and everyone else may know now too) and continue, "—if you want to date her, you need to prove it to me that you won't break her heart and just use her. I trust you guys, but I'll feel better about you dating her if you show me you'll put in the effort for her. Alright?"
The guys (Lance, Keith, and Shiro) all blush and nod.
Pidge nods, but doesn't blush. Same with Allura and Coran, even though I was mostly talking to the other paladins.
Lance blushes the hardest, knowing I was aiming that towards him from my stare. Everyone glances at Lance, knowing it too.
Just then, YN's healing pod door opens and she wakes up, fluttering her eyes open slowly.
Your POV
I hear something open, probably a door of some sort. I slowly open my eyes and see that it was a glass door of some pod that had opened.
I realize that I'm not feeling any pain, so I look down at my bullet wound. Well, where it would be, but instead there's just a scar.
I look at the rest of my body, seeing that my cuts have healed, but my bruises are all still here.
Licking my lips, feeling them being chapped, I figure out that my lip isn't bleeding anymore.
There's a slight pain on my L/R {left or right} eye. I carefully lift my NDH {non-dominant hand} up and lightly touch the eye that hurts.
I think there's a bruise there, too.
I drop my hand and stare at it for a second.
It's not hurting much anymore..and this was the hand that Zarkon stepped on..huh?
How did I get all healed so fast?
I look up and see everyone surrounding the pod, but giving some space in a half circle for me to step out and have room to move.
I hold onto the sides of the pod and step down, Hunk coming forward and taking one of my hands to help me keep my balance.
I mutter a small thanks and come out fully.
Hunk nods and let's my hand go, stepping back to where he was in one movement, giving me some space, but is still ready to catch me if I fall.
"Are you feeling alright, dear?" Allura asks me gently.
I flicker my gaze up to her and nod a bit, replying quietly, "Yeah..but how did I get healed so fast?"
"What you were just in is called a healing pod. It heals all of your cuts and major wounds for you. You had to stay in there for a day to get fully healed." Keith explained.
"Of course, you still have bruises, like your black eye, but those will go away naturally." Allura adds.
Healing pod...
"That's actually..kinda cool." I state softly.
"Right?" Pidge exclaims excitedly, but not too loud.
My lips twitch upwards a bit, but not forming a smile. However, everyone saw it and smiled wider.
After we all had a little chat on how I was feeling, they brought up an interesting topic.
"We have an offer for you, YN." Shiro says out of the blue.
I look at him and state calmly, "I'm listening."
"How would you like to be apart of us?" Lance questions.
"Apart of you?" I ask.
"He means apart of our team. A member of Voltron!" Hunk explains.
"Ohh. Well, yeah, of course I'd love to!" I answer, giving a small yet excited smile.
They all cheer and give me a group hug. They aren't squeezing too hard though, since I'm still hurt and sore.
They pull away and smile at me.
"So, what's going to happen is that we need to get a scan of you so that we can make your armor with a color of your choosing and white. Then you'll need a weapon of your choice. After all that, the scan and choosing a weapon, you need to eat and rest." Allura informs me.
I nod and say, "Ready when you are, Princess."
She giggles and replies, "Alrighty then! And please, Allura is fine!"
I smile a bit and state, "Okay."
She leads me off to do the scan with Coran and Hunk following.
The other paladins are just doing their own thing for a while.
We do the scan and Coran asks me what color would I want to go with white.
"Um, FC." I tell them, they nod.
They say Hunk and I can leave so we do. He takes me to the kitchen to eat something.
We make it there and he gives me my favorite food! It's FF!
I smile bigger than I usually would and give Hunk a hug, mumbling a thank you into his chest.
He laughs and hugs back.
We pull away and I gobble it all up.
I haven't had a good meal like that in years!
Now Hunk leads me to my new room and he hangs out with me for a while.
My room is by Lance's, so I can call for him if I need something.
Hunk and I talk about what was happening with us in the past four years, just catching up on things.
Of course, everything he said was more happy but also a bit sad since he said there was a long period of everyone missing me. He also said that he would miss me everyday, but it got less and less painful, but still hurt him.
He told me he swore to find me one day and bring me back where I belong, if I'm still out there.
I'm glad the pain got less and less for him. I don't want him to be hurting.
I'm also glad he didn't forget about me and swore to himself that he would save me one day. He's a really great person.
I told him about my life being Zarkon's personal slave and how I wasn't entered into the battles like I thought I would be. I explained how I took down multiple guards at once.
I also told Hunk this one time when a guard said something rude about another's' family so I kicked him in the balls. Hard. As hard as I could, actually. That made Hunk laugh, and even I joined him.
"I never thought I would smile or even laugh again. Or at least not for a while. Thanks for the laugh, Hunk. And for saving me, like you swore you would." I say gratefully, a big smile stuck on my face.
He has a huge smile too as he replies, "No problem! I'm happy to make you laugh and save you from that nightmare. Just..can you do a favor for me?"
"Yeah! What is it?"
"Try to open up a bit to the others. You don't have to immediately, but just bit by bit. You can keep your guard up if you like, we all do, but let them into your life too. They are good people. I trust them with my life, and you will have to as well during battles and everything. It's going to be hard at first, I know, but please just try."
I sigh and nod.
"Okay. I should let others in more. But only you, the other paladins, and Allura and Coran for now. I can't say anything about strangers." I give in.
Hunk smiles and gives me a hug, which I return.
"Thanks." Hunk mumbles.
"No. Thank you." I mumble back.
TIMESKIP-Five Months Later, Your POV
It's getting harder and harder every day.
I don't know how much longer I can keep it in!
Oh, you're confused? Sorry, I'm talking about my crush on Lance!
But I can't tell him! What if he rejects me?! What if he won't talk to me after I tell him?! It will be so awkward!
Hunk says I should tell him, as well as Pidge and Allura and everyone else besides Lance, but how can I?
I'm too nervous!
I...I also can't wait too long either. Or else I might lose him to another girl and not have a chance, if I even have one to begin with.
Over the last five months, I've grown to love the flirty Cuban boy/paladin.
Although, I do have to break up fights between him and Keith a lot, along with Shiro.
That's not the point.
I don't know....
I'm walking through the halls of the castle in some clean clothes Allura had given me after I had completed the scan months ago.
"YN!" A voice calls from behind me, followed by running footsteps coming my way.
I stop and turn around, saying, "Wha—"
I got cut off by the person bumping into me, knocking us both over and sending us onto the floor.
I'm laying on my back with my hands on their shoulders. They have both of their hands on either side of my head, legs straddling my body so they don't hurt me.
I notice that this person is Lance.
I then realize the position I'm in with Lance and blush like crazy.
He does too.
"Hey." We both say in unison, ending the awkward moment and laughing.
Yeah, I've grown to show my emotions and trust everyone in five months. Pretty impressive, right?
Lance gets off of me and holds his hand out. I take his hand and he helps me up and onto my feet.
When I stand, we are so close that my hands are on his chest and his are on my waist.
We back away quickly, blushes out of control.
He rubs the back of his neck nervously and I shuffle my feet.
"Sooo, what did you need me for, Lance?" I ask, ending the silence and looking up into his piercing blue eyes as he stares back into my EC ones.
"I, uh, need to ask you something." Lance stutters.
"Go on." I urge gently.
He inhaled deeply before asking, "W-Will you be m-my girlfriend..? I-If you don't w-want to then th-that's fine, I-I underst—"
I cut him off by hugging him.
He slowly hugs back.
"Yes Lance! I'll be your girlfriend!" I exclaim, trying not to squeal from excitement and happiness.
He rests his head on mine as I rest my head on his chest, feeling him breathing and finding his heartbeat soothing to me. It's like a lullaby, despite it beating as fast as mine is.
I can feel him smile as he responds, "Thank God, I thought you were gonna reject me."
I giggle and reply, "I thought the same thing would happen if I told you that I like you, too."
He chuckles and says, "Well, I'm happy that the feelings are mutual."
"Me too." I state.
"There's one thing I need to do though." Lance tells me, pulling away but keeping me in his arms.
"What's that?" I inquire.
"I need to prove myself to Hunk." Lance explains.
"Prove yourself?" I ask again.
"Prove to him that I won't break your heart, that I'll protect you, that I'll give you everything you deserve." Lance informs me, setting his hand on my left cheek and stroking it with his thumb lovingly.
I lean into his touch and smile, replying, "Hunk is making you prove yourself, huh?"
He chuckles and answers, "Yes."
That makes me giggle.
I pull away fully and take his hand in mine.
"Well, I'm going with you. C'mon." I state and he smiles wider, walking at my pace as we go off to find Hunk.
"Thanks, babe." Lance softly bumps into me.
I bump him back and reply, "You're welcome."
We find Hunk at the training deck.
"Hunk!" Lance calls out to him.
He turns around and smiles at us, calling back, "Hey lovebirds!"
This makes me blush, as well as him, but we never lose our smiles and we laugh as we make our way over to him.
"I'm here to prove myself to you." Lance states.
Hunk replies, "Alright! Well, I have a few tests for you. If you don't pass any of them, then I don't think you're worthy of dating my cousin, but I still won't pull you guys apart. If you do pass these tests, then I deem you worthy."
Lance nods, determined to pass the tests Hunk is going to throw at him.
Hunk then turns to me, "I'm going to need you for some of these tests."
I nod.
"Okay. First test: Strength. You need to prove to me that you're strong enough to protect her." Hunk explains.
"I am."
"Prove it." Hunk states.
Lance smirks and says, "I will."
"YN. I need you to stand over there please." Hunk points to the back wall.
I nod and let Lance's hand go, running over there. I turn and stand there, facing the guys while leaning against the wall.
"So, what's going to happen is that YN will be surrounded by attackers, but she is too hurt to fight anymore. She needs you to protect her. Here are the rules: She cannot help you, you can't call for help, and you must make sure she doesn't get hit. Think of this as a battle against the Galra and they want to take her hostage again, if that helps you. YN, you are able to move a bit, but you can't just get up and run. You can only dodge attacks on the ground. Good luck." Hunk explains.
After Lance gets armored up and has a weapon, Hunk shouts out one of the hardest training levels for the robots since the Galra would be about the same. There are five of them that spawn in.
They see me immediately and start rushing at me.
I begin to feel nervous and scared.
What if I actually get hurt?
What if Lance gets hurt?!
Just go with it. Hunk and Lance wouldn't let you get hurt too badly. They'd try and stop it.
I slide down the wall, pretending to be hurt.
And since I don't have any armor on, this makes it more risky for me. I could get seriously hurt here, but I can fight them off if I have to.
The robots come closer and Lance takes action immediately, not willing to let me be hurt for real.
I have to stay on the ground the entire time..that's gonna be a pain.
Lance jumps behind one of the robots and kills it in one stab.
A robot makes it to me and my eyes widen. I roll to dodge the hit. The fist slams down beside me, making me yelp a bit.
This gets Lance's attention as he snaps his eyes to me, seeing the robot so close.
Lance's POV
I hear YN yelp after something slams into the ground.
Hearing her scared yelp makes my eyes dart to her. I see the giant fist of a robot right beside her on her left. She must've rolled out of the way just in time.
Determination to protect her fills me up, as well as anger at the robot for nearly killing my girlfriend.
I waste no time in jumping at that robot and stabbing it.
Your POV
I see a flash of determination and anger in Lance's eyes right before he lunges at the robot that nearly hit me.
He stabs it and it dies.
Lance hops onto the ground and turns, blocking another robot from hitting me with his training sword.
He looks so heroic..he's really cute when he's like this! Well, he's cute all of the time, but still! I have to hold back my dreamy sigh at how flipping adorable he is.
Lance pushes the robot and spins with a leg in the air to kick another one coming at me, knocking it down to the ground as he goes back to the one he was working on before.
He stabs it and punches another one.
Two left.
Lance runs at the wall and jumps on it, pushing off and tackling the robot he punched.
He stabs it and moves onto the last one.
That robot reaches me and I try to back up, but run into the wall instead. It grabs me and chucks me off to the side harshly.
I gasp and hit the ground, rolling from the impact. I hold onto my right shoulder, the one I landed on.
(I'm wearing a short sleeved shirt and shorts that reach my knees and tennis shoes. {If you have long hair then it's in a ponytail, but if it's short then leave it down. Clothes are the colors of your choice!})
I sit up and look at my shoulder, seeing my upper arm and shoulder is scraped from the fall, but isn't bleeding badly. There is blood though.
This seems to set Lance off.
He tackles the robot, just like he did for the last one, and starts punching it repeatedly before stabbing it.
Lance then gets up and runs over to me, Hunk does too as he calls for the training robots to stop coming now.
Lance stops at my right side, checking my wound with Hunk.
"YN I'm so sorry I couldn't get to the last robot before this happened!" Lance exclaims.
"It's okay, Lance! It's only a scratch. Seriously, I've been through worse." I reassure him, smiling.
"Well, Lance, you passed that test. Now we need to tend to YN's wounds before moving onto the next one." Hunk says.
We agree and get up.
Lance and I stop in front of a table towards the entrance of the training deck while Hunk leaves to get the med kit. Lance sets his hands on my waist and picks me up, setting me down on top of the table to make the wound easier to clean.
"Again, I'm really sorry about this." Lance apologizes, gazing into my eyes.
"It's okay Lance. Really, it is. These things happen. It's apart of life. Don't fret over it too much, okay? Besides, you still have to finish proving yourself to Hunk." I say and he nods, giving me a smile.
"Thanks." He replies.
I smile and kiss the tip of his nose in return, leaving him lovestruck.
I giggle at his cuteness.
Hunk walks back into the training deck and gives Lance the kit, letting him tend to my wound.
I shift a bit so that it's easier for him to get to my arm and lift up my sleeve.
Lance takes out the rubbing alcohol, cotton ball, and bandage from inside of the med kit.
He takes the rubbing alcohol and cotton ball, setting the cotton ball up to the top of the rubbing alcohol bottle and tilting it upside down and then right side up, removing the cotton ball.
He dabs the cotton ball (the side with the rubbing alcohol) onto my wound, making it sting but I don't show it hurts too much.
Lance then grabs the bandage (it's one of those long and wide ones) and covers the scrape wound with it, pressing it down firmly yet gently so it won't hurt me too badly.
Hunk smiles as Lance finishes and packs everything up.
Lance notices and smiles back, asking, "What?"
"Nothing. Just seeing this makes me feel even more confident that you will be able to protect and help my cousin when she needs it." Hunk states, shrugging.
"Well, YN's my girl, I'd do anything for her. Even if she wasn't my girl." Lance explained, giving me a wink before looking back to Hunk.
My face flushes and I look down at my lap, smiling and holding back a giggle.
"Anyway, let's move onto the second test! By the way, are you alright, YN? That was a nasty fall you took back there." Hunk inquired, concerned.
"Oh yeah! I'm fine, don't worry about me!" I smile up at him.
We head back to the training area of the training deck.
"What's the second test?" Lance asks.
"The second test is that you have to try and cheer YN up when she's down, but first you have to get her to talk about it. Her job is to try and say that she's fine, deny feeling sad, and try to hold back on telling you what's wrong for as long as she can. Your job is to try and get her to explain what's going on and comfort her. YN, come with me and I'll give you the scenario." Hunk explains, bringing me to the opposite side of the training deck so Lance can't hear us.
"Alright, so you find out that your parents have been murdered. I know, it's brutal, but I couldn't think of anything that would work except that at the moment. Is that okay?" Hunk asks and I nod.
"Yeah, that's fine." I reply, knowing it's not true (the scenario).
"Okay. How do you plan on doing this?" Hunk questions.
"I plan on going back to the way I was before. I don't normally do this anymore unless it's something serious, and everybody here knows that. I'm thinking of just blocking him out for a while. Sound good?" I ask.
"Perfect. Alright! Ready to start, Lance?!" Hunk calls over to him.
Lance gives a thumbs up and calls back, "I am!"
"Okay! Role play test thingy starts now!" Hunk yells, walking to the sidelines.
I clear my throat and lose all emotions on my face and try to make my eyes dull.
Lock your emotions away.
Hold them in.
Don't let anyone see you in pain.
Even if this is just a role play.
I cross my arms over my chest and lean against the wall behind me, staring at the floor with one leg propped up against the wall.
Lance walks up to me and notices my change, asking, "Hey, YN, are you okay? What's wrong?"
I look up and gaze into his ocean eyes for a moment before looking away, knowing I'd crumble if I look into his eyes.
Gosh, I'm really getting into this, huh?
That's a good thing.
"Nothing." I reply.
He steps closer.
"YN, something's clearly upsetting you. What's bugging you?" Lance urges softly.
I scoff and push myself off of the wall, dropping my arms to my side and not looking up at his face.
"Doesn't matter. Leave me alone, Lance." I say shortly, brushing it off and keeping no emotions present as I stare forward when I walk away.
But he has other plans.
Lance grabs my wrist as I'm walking past him, "YN, I want to help you, but I can't if you don't tell me what's wrong."
"..I don't need your help." I state and rip my hand from his grip.
Lance's POV
Even though this is a role play, I hate seeing her like this.
She's using the tactic of going back to her old self. YN only does this when it's something serious.
That's a start.
She's a really good actor!
Your POV
I walk away, clenching my fists and start to run, knowing that's probably what I'd do if I were really in this situation.
Just wanting to get away.
I hear footsteps behind me.
"YN!" Lance calls out to me.
I take a quick glance at Hunk and see that he's impressed with our acting skills and that Lance would keep going.
One of the rules for this one is to act how you normally would in this situation.
I forgot to say that?
We're doing just that.
Normally I'd run straight to my room and lock it behind me, keeping everyone out, but I can't here.
So instead, I run until I reach the other wall, slamming my right hand against it and creating a small dent since I didn't hit hard enough to make an extremely noticeably mark.
In this situation I'd feel sad, angry, and confused. Anything could set me off.
I lean my head against the wall as Lance reaches me.
"YN.." He says gently, setting his hand on my good shoulder, the left, and spinning me around.
I refuse to show my emotions though, no matter how much I want to.
"Tell me what's wrong..please." Lance practically begged.
"...." I stay silent.
"YN?" Lance asks.
"..No." I state coldly, stepping around him and walking away again.
"NEXT DAY!" Hunk calls out.
Lance and I nod and continue.
This is kind of fun..but also not at the same time.
You know what I mean?
I'm just going to assume you do.
I'm leaning against the longer wall, facing Hunk's direction.
Don't tell him, YN.
He won't care.
He will probably just laugh..
Now, I know Lance would care and wouldn't laugh, but this is probably how I'd think.
Lance walks up to me.
Before he could open his mouth, I cut him off.
"Don't Lance." I growl, staying put this time.
Lance looks into my eyes while I stare at the ground ahead of me.
"YN, I can't stop. I won't stop. I hate seeing you like this." Lance tries to reason.
Hearing him say this makes my heart flutter from how sweet he is.
"Like what? Like myself?" I taunt.
"What? No! I hate seeing you upset! Seeing you going back to your old self and bottling up how you feel!" Lance exclaims.
"..Whatever Lance." I say monotonously, pushing off the wall and starting to walk away.
He grabs my right wrist, though, holding me back.
"I know you're in there. Don't act like nothing's wrong. Don't act like nobody is here for you. Don't hold back your feelings. We care about you. I care about you." Lance states, a little angry.
I know it's just for the role play, he's not actually mad at me.
"I'm not acting or holding my feelings back. This is me, and I know you guys care for me." I said.
"YN." Lance says in a warning tone.
"Just drop it, Lance." I tear my wrist out of his hand and start walking away again.
Lance yells out to me, "I CAN'T JUST DROP IT, YN!"
I stop and sharply turn around, giving him a small glare before yelling back, "WELL YOU'RE GONNA HAVE TO!"
My face goes back to emotionless, but my eyes are still slightly narrowed at him.
Lance marches right up to me and stands only about two feet away.
"I can't and I won't. You're my girlfriend YN. I have to worry and care about you! What am I supposed to do?" Lance demands.
"..Don't." I say coldly.
"Don't what?" Lance exclaims, exasperated.
"Don't worry. Don't care....I'm not worth the time." I mumble the last part just loud enough for him to hear.
Hunk had come closer to hear us as well, knowing I'd probably mumble something.
"Not worth the time?! YN, you are worth every year, every month, every week, every hour, every minute, and every second of my time! Of everyone else's time! Don't ever say something like that about yourself!" Lance practically shouts.
Lance's POV
Not worth the time? Would she really think that..?
I don't ever want her to think like that.
I'm not going to let it happen or just slip past me.
Not. A. Chance.
Your POV
"I just did." I retort, obviously aggravating him.
Hunk's POV
This seems pretty accurate of how they both would act.
Lance definitely passes this test. He's not giving up, but I want to see where this goes!
It's like a television show!
Your POV
Lance steps forward again.
"Doesn't matter that you did. It matters that you won't ever think that way or say it again." Lance says in a softer tone.
He's giving me a choice.
Go soft and tell him.
Or continue the fight and/or just walk away and continue being emotionless and hard to get past my barrier.
I know that this would be when I would start breaking.
"Why would you even care, Lance..?" I trail off, my voice going softer as well.
He takes one small step forward again, standing right in front of me.
I look up into his eyes.
He stares right back into mine.
"Because I love you." Lance tells me truthfully.
We're completely lost in our own world, very deep into the role play and acting how we would in this situation.
"..Prove it." I challenge.
"Fine." Lance states, closing the distance between us.
He gently takes my chin in his hand and lifts it up to look up at him fully, smashing his lips onto mine.
My eyes widen slightly, but I give in, kissing him back and closing my eyes.
His hands find my waist and mine find his chest.
We got so lost, so deep into the role play and only focusing on each other and the kiss, we totally forgot about Hunk being here..
Hunk's POV
Or is it fanboy?
Whatever! They are SO CUTE TOGETHER!!~~
They must've gotten so deep into the role play that they forgot that I'm here.
Oh well, I'll just wait for their kiss to end.
What? I'm not gonna break this up! And it's most likely their first kiss too!
Lance's POV
When YN said 'Prove it,' I immediately thought to myself, 'Kiss her! That will prove it!'
And I completely forgot that this is a role play and that Hunk was right there watching us.
That doesn't matter now.
I'm kissing my girlfriend! And she's an amazing kisser, let me tell ya!
Has she ever kissed a guy before? Whatever! That doesn't matter!
Besides, I've kissed other girls before so I shouldn't be like that.
My face heats up from the touch of her lips on mine, and I can feel her face radiating the warmth of her blushing too.
Best. Day. Ever!
Your POV
Lance brings me closer by the waist, resulting in me clenching one of my fists with his shirt in that hand.
He smirks into the kiss while I give a tiny smile.
We pull away seconds later, panting and just hugging now, my head resting on his chest with his head on top of mine.
That's when I see Hunk trying to hold in his fanboying.
I giggle at that and Lance looks over, chuckling with me.
We pull away.
"And this is where I would most likely tell him the problem." I explain, snapping Hunk out of his little daze.
"Okay! Well, Lance, you passed the second test!" Hunk exclaimed.
"Yes!" Lance quietly celebrated, making me smile.
"Now for the final test!" Hunk says, gaining our attention.
"For the final test, you must answer a few of my questions that you have to answer honestly. Ready?" Hunk said, Lance nods.
"Alright then. First question: If YN was ever held captive by the Galra or anyone again, how would you react and what would you do?" Hunk asked.
"I would probably freak out until somebody slapped me or something to snap me out of it, and then I would start planning how to get her back with everyone." Lance answers.
"Second question: What would you do for YN?"
"Anything and everything. She's my world. I know we have only known each other for a few months, but I feel like I've known her forever."
"Third question: Do you love YN? If so, what would you do to show it?"
"Of course I love YN. If I didn't then I never would've asked her to be mine. And to show it I would, and will, protect her, be sweet and kind to her, cheer her up when she's down, get her little gifts to show her how much I care, things like that."
"Final question: Would you give up your life for hers?"
"Yes. Her life is far more important to me than my own." Lance answers.
Hunk smiles and proclaims, "CONGRATULATIONS LANCE! I deem you worthy of dating my cousin! You passed all of my tests!"
Lance and I smile greatly, ecstatic to have his blessing.
"YES! THANK YOU HUNK!" Lance shouts.
He gives Hunk a hug before picking me up and spinning me around in celebration, making Hunk and I laugh.
When Lance sets me down, he kisses me. I kiss back.
This kiss only lasts a few seconds, unlike the last one.
We pull apart and all of us laugh.
"Thanks Hunk!" I say gratefully.
He smiles at me.
"No problem! Have fun you two!" Hunk exclaims, walking out of the training room.
I lean against the wall for what, the fifth time today? Anyway, I lean against the wall and Lance comes over, standing in front of me.
He has a smirk on his face.
Ohhhhh noooooo, what has he got planned? Hahaha!
In a flash, Lance's hands are on either side of my head, caging me in.
My smile widens a bit as he does this, asking, "What are you doing, ya goof?"
He fakes being offended, gasping and exclaiming, "How dare you! That was rude!"
"Sorry, ma'am." I say sarcastically, snickering at the look on his face, emphasizing ma'am.
"As I said! Rude!" Lance exclaimed dramatically.
"Whatever ya drama queen." I tease.
"Hahaha!" We both laugh.
"You know I love you, right?" Lance whispered to me, sending chills up my spine.
"Prove It." I whisper back.
"Gladly." Lance stated.
He placed his lips onto mine, clearly being the dominant one. The kiss is filled with love and passion like no other.
We break apart for air.
"I love you too."
Extended Ending!~
Keith walks into the training deck, seeing you and Lance together with him pinning you against the wall.
He turns and walks back out, muttering something under his breath...
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