Lance McClain x M! Reader || Hanahaki Disease || Voltron
"The Hanahaki Disease is an illness born from one-sided love, where the patient throws up and coughs up flower petals when they suffer from one-sided love. The infection can be removed through surgery, but the feelings disappear along with the petals."
⚠️ Warning! SAD! ⚠️
-you're the same age as Lance
-high school au
-you are a male
Second Person POV (I realize I've been calling this Third Person POV forever and I'm just like 'really me?' Lol)
You walk to school with Keith Kogane, one of your best friends. You have a whole group of friends, but the two who are closest to you are Keith and.. Lance.
You have a crush on Lance.
The flirt.
A little cliché, but true.
You're almost to school, and you find yourself staring at him. You can't help it, he's very attractive.
Keith sighs and nudges you, "Just tell him, YN."
"I-I can't! I'm not nearly confident enough to do that.." you trail off, rubbing your arm as Keith makes you both slow to a stop.
"All you need to do is just say it to him. I know it's hard, but you always be wondering how he feels about you if you don't tell him," he says to you, and you sigh.
"You're right, I know you are. I'll try," you say with a grateful smile.
He gives a small one back as you continue to your friends, "Good."
You both greet them and you say to Lance, "Hey, I need to talk to you after school."
He looks a bit confused, but nods with a smile. "Okay!"
The day goes by agonizingly slow, and you're thankful for today being Thursday. The weekend is coming, and you can't wait for it.
You're so nervous by the end of the day your thoughts are all jumbled up and you can barely form a sentence without making a fool of yourself.
You meet up with Lance and take him somewhere private.
"So, what's up?" he asks you kindly.
You swallow anxiously before telling him, "I need to tell you something. Just know that it's fine if you don't feel the same and that I just wanted you to know."
He raises an eyebrow but stays silent, letting you continue.
You take a shaky breath and confess, "I-I love you, Lance!"
He stares at you for a moment before blushing slightly, then looks away and shuffled his feet. You already know his answer, but you let him speak to be sure. Even though the confirmation will only hurt you more.
"I'm- I'm so sorry, YN. I don't see you in that way...can we still be friends?" Lance asked sheepishly, though he knows he's partially lying to himself.
You give him a broken smile and try to keep a steady voice as you reply, "O-Of course, Lance. Thank you for your honesty. See you tomorrow, then."
You hurriedly get out of there and feel the tears forming in your eyes. Lance wants to call out to you, but can't seem to get anything to come out of his mouth. He sighs and walks home.
You begin to sob halfway home, then you feel a pain in your chest. Your throat begins to feel itchy as well, so you start coughing and covering your mouth with your arm.
When you remove your arm and finish coughing, you see blood on your sleeve and a few petals on your arm and on the ground. They're blue.
Lance's favorite color.
You understand what's going on immediately.
You have the disease.
Hanahaki Disease.
You shake off the petals and start to sprint home. When you arrive you rush into your bathroom, slamming the door and locking it. Your book bag falls to the floor as you look inside your mouth, finding a blue flower bud at the back of your throat.
You lean against your wall and slide down it, sobbing into your knees. It's like a reminder that Lance doesn't feel the same about you like you feel towards him.
You didn't go to school the next day, your coughing getting worse and more blood and petals coming out. You just told your parents about you being sick and coughing a lot, which they believed because they heard you in the middle of the night hacking away.
Your friends began to worry, especially Lance and Keith, who knew you confessed yesterday after school.
Keith lost his temper and grabbed Lance's collar, shoving him against the wall and growling, "What did you do to him yesterday?"
"I didn't do anything! I swear!"
"What did you tell him when he confessed to you?"
"I...I said I didn't feel the same—"
"Lance, you idiot!" Keith shouts, releasing him and grabbing his bag before running out of the school to your house.
He knows you can't just be sick. It's definitely not a coincidence. He feels that something is wrong, and wants to make sure that you're okay.
When he arrives, he doesn't bother with the door. He just climbs through your window as if he owns the place, spotting you on your bed.
Keith watches as you cough loudly, not noticing him yet. He spots the blood and blue flower petals in your hands, and his heart drops down to the floor.
You have Hanahaki Disease.
From one-sided love.
He stays by your side for the rest of the day, not caring about school. Your friends try to call you both, but you ignore them. Especially if they're from Lance.
Just reading his name brings you even more heartbreak, causing the flower bud to grow a bit larger.
It's a week later, and you're coughing in the mens restroom over the sink. Keith is there with you.
Lance and the others are outside waiting. You've been very distant with Lance lately, and he's worried. Keith hasn't said anything about your disease, and you haven't either. All your friends know is that whenever you cough, you cough up blood.
They know nothing about the blue petals or the flower bud at the back of your throat.
When you stop coughing, your vision begins to fade as you fall backwards. Keith catches you with a gasp and gently lowers you to the floor. He knows what's happening.
"YN!" he shouts, panicking.
All of your friends come in, even the girls, and begin to cry at the sight of you. Finally they understood what's wrong with you.
Your breathing slows and Keith glares at Lance, "This is all your fault..he loved you, and because of you being scared, he's gone."
"Keith.." Shiro trails off, shaking his head as tears fill his eyes.
Lance stares at you as his own tears fall and then glances at the blue petals, then back to you. He feels a pain in his chest and begins to cough, similar to how you did when it started for you.
When he removes his hand, his blood and FC flower petals rest in his palm.
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