Keith x Reader || Dealing With Abuse ~
This is a Modern AU again. The song up top is called Can You Hold Me by NF ft. Britt Nicole. Basically, the backstory is that your boyfriend always abuses you. Physically and mentally. His name is Drake (you can change it). You've always had feelings for Keith, but you were with Drake. You had loved Drake only a little bit, so you decided to give him a chance when he asked you out. Then he started beating you a month later, making you too scared to break up with him, since Drake would threaten you. Will Keith save you? (btw, Keith will most likely be OOC in this || Out Of Character)
Your POV
He's not home..but he will be.
Why did I trust him? Why didn't I dig a little deeper on how he acts before saying yes?
Why am I so stupid sometimes..?
Keith..he's all I ever think about anymore.
Drake....the one I said yes to for a date. The one I'm most afraid of.
I dug my own grave, and now I need to get myself out of it..somehow.
Luckily, I still have my phone, and I live at my home alone. The thing is..if I don't let him into my house when he knocks (if I'm home, that is), then I will get a bigger beating later on.
Do you see why I'm so terrified of Drake now?
I knew I should've taken those self defense classes..or at least had asked Keith to help train me to protect myself. That would've been useful.
I rarely ever see my friends anymore.
I locked myself in my home for fear of bumping into Drake or somehow making him mad by talking to my guy friends. He always thinks I'm cheating if I do.
I had to change the guys' names on my phone to girls names so he wouldn't suspect anything.
Lance is Lauren.
Shiro is Shelby.
Hunk is Helen.
Coran is Cece.
And Keith is Kelly.
Everyone else's is the same.
Drake fell for it. He can be a little gullible at times, if I'm lucky.
If he had seen the guys' names on my contact list, he either would've blocked them, deleted them, or break my phone.
...What a good sport, huh?
Also, I gave up on Drake's love as soon as the beatings began, my slight crush on him dissipating instantly.
I still beat myself up over dating him in the first place mentally, sometimes yelling at myself while I look in the mirror. So often that my neighbors have checked on me a few times due to my screaming.
I lie to them and say I'm fine and I'm yelling because I'm playing a scary horror game or watching a horror movie. They always smile and say the same thing to me...
"Typical YN, hahaha! Have a good day, and sorry for bothering you!"
They're very sweet people, I'll tell ya. I'm being serious.
The thing is, sometimes I am shouting from a scary film or game. I guess I just really love being scared.
Well, not when it comes to Drake, of course.
And you know what? I haven't spoken to my closest friends in about two months. They've tried contacting me, but I usually leave them on read. Just so they know that I saw their texts and that I'm not dead.
Trust me, Lance will jump to conclusions sometimes and send me a text like...
I'd always respond with a solid..
No, you doofus.
Those were pretty funny.
And I've responded to some of my other friends too if they're getting extremely worried, but I haven't had a full-blown conversation with any of them in two months.
Sorry that I'm rambling and jumping back and forth between multiple topics, reader. And I'll stop breaking the fourth wall now too. XD
Anyway, do you know who I miss the most out of all of my friends?
Yep, you guessed it!
Keith Kogane.
Enough talk about my background and my massive crush on Keith (that I've had for years but never said anything).
Let's get to what's happening now. Present time.
I'm at home. Nothing much to say there, really.
Again, I rarely ever leave the house.
If I do, it's because Drake demands me to go with him somewhere, going to the store, or just hanging out in my backyard or front porch.
And do you know what Drake has been texting me about for the past few weeks? No? Well then, let me tell you.
He wants to fix me, so to speak. Fix to make me the perfect girlfriend for him. And his way of fixing me would be by abusing me. Like he already does, basically.
Drake did confess to me that he was cheating after I had spotted lipstick marks on his neck and lips. He apologized, even though I know he didn't mean it.
I suppose he wants to fix me so that he won't have to cheat to get the perfect girl. Or just to have more beating time for me.
What is there to fix about me? I think I'm fine just the way I am.
What's worse is that I'm too much of a coward to break up with him!
I mean, seriously. He knows where I live. He's wayyy stronger than me, clearly. And he may end up killing me in my sleep if I do break up with him.
I could move, but that's a big hassle. If I do end up moving, I'll do that before I end our relationship without telling him that I moved. It's risky, though. Drake stops by my house to see me a few times a week, all at random so he never has a pattern I can memorize.
I could ask my friends for help, but what would I even say to them when I haven't spoken to them in ages?
Oh, hey! I need your help with moving my stuff to a new house because my good for nothing boyfriend abuses me and is cheating on me! Thanks a lot if you can!
No! They'd ask for details on the abusing and stuff. I don't think I'm ready to explain everything yet.
Inside me, deep, deep down, it does hurt that Drake would do these things to me, but I also kind of expected it when we first started dating. I don't know why I didn't follow my gut feeling and leave him before things got to this point. I guess since I knew Keith would never feel the same as me and I have zero chance with him, I decided I would just settle with anyone who asked.
Maybe because I wanted the pain from Drake? To tell me that I'm not good enough or that I'm worthless, even though I know fully well that those things aren't true?
Heck, I don't even know.
I'm sitting on my bed, thinking about Keith again.
Nonstop. Every day I don't see him. Every day I don't talk to him.
He probably doesn't even care about me, despite all of the texts he sends me about how I'm doing and stuff. I know I shouldn't talk like that since I know that Keith does in fact care about me, but I can't help it.
Yeah, I've gone down into a deep, dark depression.
Did I want this?
Is this why I didn't back out of dating Drake, even when I knew the relationship wouldn't end well?
To punish myself for not being good enough for Keith?
My mind wanders to other things rather than Keith, just questions that I may never get any answers to.
I notice a bruise showing through my left sleeve of my gray, long sleeved shirt. I stare at it, trapped in my thoughts. Drowning in the thoughts I'm having. Suffocating.
I'm wearing, as I said, a long sleeved, gray shirt with a black bra under it. Dark blue jeggings (Jeans/Leggings wrapped into one). White socks.
I've grown to wear a lot of dark clothes ever since things went downhill with Drake and I.
I used to wear brighter colors too, but now it's not very common anymore. Now I wear darker clothes most of the time, not including white or light gray.
Anyhow, do you know how I deal with the abuse?
I bury myself deep into my thoughts and won't come out for hours and hours on end.
I scream at myself until my lungs burn, telling me to stop.
I pace around the room I'm in and try to control my breathing.
I cry until I'm drained of all the tears.
Anything that will make me feel a little better.
It works...most of the time.
I stand up and pace around my bedroom.
See? I'm doing it now!
This happens whenever I'm stressed or something, as well. Pacing.
Drake hasn't been over yet this week. It's Tuesday.
I'm assuming that he will be coming over to see me soon.
Better clean the house up for his appearance, I guess..
Keith's POV
What's going on with her?
Why hasn't she responded to any of our texts?
We haven't seen her in a while, let alone talked to her.
I'm betting that it has something to do with that Drake guy. I knew from the very start that he shouldn't be trusted.
And I know that YN knew as well.
If she knew and something bad is happening to her, then why did she give him a chance and not break up with him from the very start?
I've been stressing and worrying about her a lot lately. Well, ever since she started becoming more distant towards everyone is when it all began.
She's my crush, for gods sake!
It really hurts that she's with another guy and not with me.
To cope with that fact, I've drowned myself into training. Hitting my punching bag. Running on my treadmill or going out for a quick run. Sparring with Shiro or Lance. Anything that has to do with making myself better at fighting/running.
YN is all I ever think about nowadays.
When I'm training, I pretend that I'm fighting for her. To protect her and for her love.
When I'm hanging out with my friends, she pops up into my head, reminding me that she's not there with our group of friends, leaving the gang incomplete.
Even while I'm doing nothing, she comes to mind and all I can think about is her and everything that I believe is perfect about her. So everything, basically. All I can see during this time is her. YN's smile. Her eyes. Her hair. And all I can hear while I'm in this state is either silence, her laugh, her voice, or someone else trying to get my attention.
If I ever get angry about something, I punch my punching bag and act like it's Drake's face I'm beating up. I hate Drake, you can tell.
Not only did he take my chance of getting my dream girl, but he took her away from all of us. Her friends. Me..
On the rare occasion that YN does hang out with us, she seems to be paranoid and always glances around her, scanning everywhere to spot something..or someone. Then she cuts our hang out short and leaves, but not before giving us a hug first.
She barely smiles anymore, too.
I can see the fear in her eyes when she's with us.
What has that man been doing to you, YN?
You know what? I'm going to pay her a visit. Today.
I should check if she's busy today, first. Just to be sure.
Your POV
You know, nobody ever really expects these things to happen to them. Getting into an abusive relationship. Parents divorcing one another. Family member dying. Getting beaten at home by your very own family, whether you're blood related or not.
Then it just happens to the most unsuspecting victims. Those who don't think it will happen to them.
Like me.
Now, some people are lucky enough to not have any of these things happen to them, at least not for a long while. But for those who do go through this every day, such as myself, we are the unlucky ones. The ones who fall prey to the predator, becoming a target.
Why I'm rambling about this, I don't know. I just felt like it.
As I'm sweeping the floors, I hear my phone ding.
I set the broom down, leaning it against the wall as I reach for my phone afterwards, unlocking my phone and reading the message I had received.
My heart skips a beat when I see who it's from.
Kelly! Well, Keith. My crush!~
It says...
Hey YN, are you free today? If so, what would be the best time that works for you?
Sent at 9:47 am.
I'll respond, I mean, why not? We haven't spoken in a while.
I reply..
Hello! Uhh, I'm not so sure if I'm free or not. I'll let you know in a bit if I am. Is that okay?
Sent at 9:48 am
That should do it!
Of course! And it's nice to actually talk with you again. Well, through text.
Sent at 9:48 am
Yeah, sorry about that. I've been quite busy lately..
Sent at 9:48 am
That's completely fine! Don't worry about it.
Sent at 9:49 am
Thanks. Anyways, I've gotta go for now. I'll talk to you later.
Sent at 9:49 am
Alright, see ya.
Sent at 9:49 am
I turn my phone off and sigh dreamily, a small smile plastered on my face at the thought of Keith wanting to hang out with me.
I place my phone down and catch myself smiling, so I drop it and keep my features as emotionless as I can.
Usually, if Drake comes over, it's around eleven or twelve during the day. I could give Drake a text to see if he's coming over today..
"Huh?" I mutter, picking my phone back up and reading the text message.
"Speak of the's Drake." I say to nobody in particular.
He said...
Hey. I'm coming over in ten. Be ready..<3
Sent at 9:50 am
I know he's only using the heart as a facade. Trying to make me not suspect what's going to happen. That doesn't work anymore.
I have to play along, though. So my beating won't be worse.
Hello. I'll be waiting for your arrival, hon.
Sent at 9:50 am
The only nickname I will ever call Drake is hon or honey. He likes that one and demands that I use it every once in a while. I had called him honey once in the beginning of our relationship and it had stuck.
Good. I'll be there soon, YN.
Sent at 9:50 am
I'm guessing that's why he likes me using the nickname hon or honey so much. Because it reminds him of our earlier stages from our relationship.
Wait..he'll be here soon!! Oh shoot! Keep cleaning!! KEEP CLEANING!!!
I send him a message quickly..
Heyo, I'm back and found out that I am doing something today. It'll be around four or five hours, tops. So, maybe, if you're still free, we could hang out at around three o'clock ish?
Sent at 9:51 am
Hello again! That was fast! And sure! If your schedule changes again and we need to reschedule, just let me know! Should I come over or pick you up? Like..what I'm trying to say is what are you wanting to do and where are you wanting to go?
Sent at 9:52 am
I giggle a little at his response.
Doesn't matter to me. \('~')/ Do you just want to hang out at one of our houses and watch a movie or something?
Sent at 9:52 am
Sure! Wherever you're most comfortable, YN, is fine by me. ;)
Sent at 9:52 am
I lightly blush at the emoji he used. A winking emoji. I'm dying inside.
What if Drake wants to see these texts and notices the winking emoji? Should I just tell him that this Kelly girl likes to flirt with other girls, but also guys? Or that this is how Kelly jokes around, by using emojis?
Whatever. I need to reply.
Um, how abooouutt...your place?
Sent at 9:53 am
Sounds like a plan! Should I pick you up or no?
Sent at 9:53 am
Nah, I'll just walk. Your place isn't too far from mine. Only a couple of blocks.
Sent at 9:53 am
Okay, but don't hesitate to contact me if you need me to pick you up if you need or want to. I'll see ya at three! :)
Sent at 9:54 am
Bye! :D
Sent at 9:54 am
I smile and continue sweeping the floor until Drake arrives. I wipe the smile off of my face when I hear a knock on the door.
He doesn't like it when I smile.
I set the broom aside and unlock the door, opening it and letting Drake in, shutting it behind him and locking it again.
I turn around, only to find that Drake is right in front of me, his sharp brown eyes staring directly into my EC eyes intensely and full of..what is that? Need? Want?
He slams both of his hands on either side of my head, making me flinch a bit. Drake smirks at my fear.
His dirty blonde hair swaying with each movement he makes as he stares down at me.
What's up with him? He doesn't usually do this sort of thing..and I don't like when he does it. I used to, but not anymore.
"..Are you feeling okay?" I ask him, voice so soft that it's barely audible.
Somehow he hears me. What? Does he have superhuman hearing or something? Hah.
"..Just fine.." He trails off, never breaking eye contact with me.
I grow a bit uncomfortable under his gaze and look away, tilting my head towards the ground as I stare at our feet.
I see his hand come under my chin and lift my head up, only to make eye contact with him again.
Since he wants me to look at him, I do so, not wanting a worse punishment later.
What is even going on?!
Why is he acting like this?!
Now, if it was Keith doing this, I'd also be surprised, but it'd be more wanted.
Suddenly, Drake backs off and sets me free.
I can finally breathe again.
He walks off with that dumb smirk of his.
I just wanna wipe that smirk right off of his face! Maybe by giving him a nice, hard punch to the face?
I wouldn't dare do that, even though I really want to.
I take a deep breath and stop leaning against the door, following behind Drake.
He stops moving and looks back to me, stares for a moment, then walks over to me and grabs my wrist harshly, turning it white.
I inhale sharply, but make it silent so that he can't really hear it.
Drake pulls me into him, wrapping his arms around my waist and leaning his forehead against mine.
Now I'm even more confused.
"Did you have a bad day?" I whisper to him, not wanting to get him all upset.
God forbid if that does happen..
"No..I just wanted to see you.." He whispers back.
He actually wanted to see me?! Shocker.
I'm actually being totally serious. That did shock me.
Before I could respond to his statement, his lips are on mine in the matter of seconds.
His eyes are closed as mine are wide open in surprise.
Drake hasn't kissed me for months! So why is he doing it now?!
His grip tightens on me as I kiss back, shutting my eyes too.
I have to kiss him back, for fear of the beating being worse later on.
Just pretend he's Keith....just pretend he's Keith....
At first the kiss was slow, but then it sped up a bit and became more rough in about five seconds.
I'm cringing internally, just going along with it.
I will admit, Drake is a good kisser. I must be too since he seems to be craving more.
As we part for air, he pecks my jawline up and down the left side. I let him do as he wishes.
Again, for fear of worse punishment.
Where is all of this even coming from anyway?! Doesn't he have other girls to go and lip-lock with?! Why ME?!
Before I know it, he's moved back to my lips and we're kissing each other all over again.
Deal with it with it!! You don't want to get hurt even more later!!
I have this feeling deep down inside of me. It feels like I'm..betraying someone else. Betraying Keith by kissing Drake, but I have no choice.
I set my hands on Drakes chest, gripping his shirt, pretending that I want to keep his lips attached to my own, when really it's the exact opposite.
Drake pushes me up against the door frame from where you enter my kitchen, his hands settling on my hips.
The kiss gradually gets slower and slower until we finally pull apart, resting our foreheads together.
"I've been having the urge to do that for some reason...and I'm glad I did it." Drake purred into my ear.
"As long as you're happy, hon.." I whisper back.
"I am." He replies, not letting me go just yet.
As he rests his head on my shoulder, I glance at the clock on the wall and notice that it's 11:15 in the morning.
Woah..we've been kissing for fifteen minutes?! How didn't I notice?
I mean, it did feel like an eternity, but I didn't think it actually was. (Over-exaggeration here guyss)
I lay my head on Drake's shoulder as well, so it won't seem very suspicious.
He moves his head into the crook of my neck, pecking my neck softly a few times with his lips.
I feel myself shaking a bit from nervousness.
I hate being this close to him, let alone kissing him or him kissing my neck!! It's very uncomfortable!
We sway back and forth a bit, just staying in each other's embrace.
Drake has told me before that he feels safe in my arms, as I once did before in his. Not anymore.
"I really love you, YN.." Drake mumbles to me.
My breathing stops for a moment..
Okay, now I know he's lying.
"Love you too, hon.." I lie.
He lets me go and keeps staring at me, as if studying my features.
( If you have glasses, go here! ) Drake reaches his hand up and pushing my glasses up farther on my nose for me gently. I blink a few times at this action, but ignore it anyways.
Drake sends me a smile that is clearly fake, but if he doesn't love me like he says he does, then why did he kiss me?
It's probably all just a plot to keep me here. With him. So I stay as his girlfriend.
Now that I think about it...the last time he did something like this was after he had beaten me a few times and he kept apologizing between each kiss we shared. He must think that this will make me fall for him all over again like it did last time and make me stay with him.
Fool me once, shame on you.
Fool me twice, shame on me.
Fool me three times, yeah, no, that's not gonna happen again.
I'm not giving up on Keith. He's my one and only true love. Even if he doesn't feel the same about me. I will always have deep feelings for Keith. Feelings that I had once shown to the wrong guy, Drake. Feelings that should be taken seriously and should not be seen as a joke.
I just..don't know how to get away from Drake without getting hurt.
I'll do it eventually.
I have to.
For my safety.
For my happiness.
For Keith if he will accept my love for him..
For all of my friends so that I can see them again whenever I want to..
For my freedom.
Drake kisses my lips again, breaking me from my thoughts. I lean in more and kiss back, showing that I'm alert and whatnot. Our eyes are closed again.
The kiss only lasts a few seconds and is slow, but he seems to be satisfied.
We part again and he fully walks into the kitchen, muttering, "Why didn't I do this before? She's an amazing kisser.."
That made my face heat up a tiny bit from the compliment that I wasn't supposed to hear.
However, that one comment doesn't make me fall for him again. I know better than that.
Drake grabs a cup from my cabinet and I know what he's doing. He's making tea. His favorite tea, earl gray.
I boil some water for him, knowing he may be expecting me to help even though he never said to help him.
Once the water is boiled, he hands me his cup and I pour the hot water into his cup, him dropping the tea bag into the cup. I hand him his cup back and he nods to me as thanks, but apparently that's not enough for him.
He pecks my lips before going to sit on my couch, mumbling again, "I remember why I used to always kiss her now..she not only tastes good, but she's amazing and experienced at the art of kissing...and her lips are really soft, too."
Again with those compliments I wasn't meant to hear.
I'm flattered that he thinks that way, but that's pretty much the only reason he wants me anymore, I'm guessing. Because I'm a good kisser.
Fake love.
I don't want fake love. I want real love.
Drake only wants me for my kissing skills and body, while I want someone who wants me for me.
I sit down next to him, and he wraps his arm around my waist after moving his tea to his other hand, pulling me closer to his side. I sigh internally and lean against him hesitantly and begrudgingly, trying to hold back a deep frown from forming on my face from our close contact.
I lay my head on his shoulder as he drinks his smoldering hot tea like Ciel Phantomhive from Black Butler, aka Kuroshitsuji. Yes, I watch anime, deal with it. (If you don't really watch anime, just change it and say that Lance had told you about it or something.)
Drake had turned on a movie. It's a rom-com.
Here we go...
TIMESKIP-Two hours later..
The movie is finally over, and it's currently one o'clock pm.
Only a few more hours to can do this!
Let me explain what happened during the movie briefly.
When there were jokes made in the movie, Drake laughed and I chuckled, not knowing if it would be okay to laugh along, even though the jokes were very funny.
He had whispered to me when he noticed my hesitance, "You can laugh..for the movie."
So I did.
And whenever there were cheesy romantic parts that I internally fangirled at, Drake would kiss me if people in the movie did. Hold me tighter during the flirting parts and the romantic tension parts too.
That was annoying.
If it was Keith doing that, like I said earlier, I would be more willing to do it and I actually would be enjoying it.
Now we're locked in my bedroom, him getting ready to beat me.
Although, he added a twist to it that I never would've expected..
He kept kissing me between punches and kicks, apparently liking the feeling of my kisses that are filled with pain.
Drake pinned me to the wall and kisses me roughly for a few seconds before parting, punching my face afterwards.
Whyyyyyy meeeeee?!?!
Not only do I have to deal with being hit every few seconds, but now I have to kiss this jerk too?! Ugh!
Drake then kisses along my jaw again and to my neck before kneeing me in the stomach, making me fall to the floor where he dropped down immediately, harshly capturing my lips again with his own to keep me from screaming and just for fun, apparently.
We part and he punches my face a few times more, making my head be tilted downwards off towards my right with my eyes shut semi-tightly, lips slightly parted with rugged breaths coming out.
He rubs my left arm lightly, and my eyes open after I regain some strength back from after his powerful hits.
"Look at me." He growls with mixed emotions in his voice.
I do as he says and he brings his hand up to caress my left cheek, the one that's in a lot of pain at the moment.
He stares at me for a few moments more before kissing my lips again, this time softer than before, and as we part, he bites my lower lip gently and tugs on it before letting go.
That's normally supposed to be a romantic gesture, I believe, showing that he wants more?, but I don't like that coming from him.
I've said that many times in the past few hours already, but I'm gonna keep saying it.
Drake stands and kicks my side, making me wince.
This treatment continues for about an hour.
It's now around two ish pm, and finally, Drake has to leave.
In total, Drake has kissed me about twenty times tonight.
I'm limping now from his beating, and my lips are slightly sore from all of the kisses I was forced into.
I lead Drake over to my front door to see him off, knowing he would just force me to anyways.
Before we open the door, Drake turns to me and gives me one final kiss for tonight. This kiss was slow and falsely meaningful. He just kisses me for the feeling.
We break apart and he kisses my cheek before leaving. I lock the door behind him and lean against it, sliding down the door slowly before my bottom reaches the floor.
Make that twenty one kisses on the lips.
I realize that I get to hang out with Keith now and jump up, a smile immediately appearing on my lips despite the awful last few hours I had.
I practically sprint into my bathroom to look at myself in the mirror, trying to decide if I should wear makeup or not since I was just brutally beaten (and because I wanna look presentable!). I see bruises already forming so I decide on a yes to the makeup. At least foundation or whatever it's called.
I rush into my room and glance at my alarm clock, seeing that the time is 2:14 pm. Forty-six minutes until I meet up with Keith!
Since I'm not gonna cover up most of my bruises on my arms and legs with makeup, I decide to wear long sleeved everything. Shirt, pants, even socks (maybe).
I wear a light gray sweater type thing that has sleeves that are too long for me and goes farther down past my waist a bit and ends at the end of my booty. It has cute patterns around the waist of the sweater/top (basically shapes and stuff put in a creative manner). I also put on some black leggings that reach my ankles and are skin-tight, but allow me to move freely and comfortably. I place some white ankle socks on before sliding on my tennis shoes, that just so happen to be..guess what?..white.
The sleeves of my sweater top thing are bunched up at my wrist so my hands can be seen.
I grab my black beanie (like a sock beanie) and head over to my bathroom.
( If you have long hair, go here! ) I brush my hair and put it into a side braid on my DS (dominant side), pulling my beanie over my head and leaving a few strands of hair out since they wouldn't fit into the braid. I nod to myself in the mirror, deciding to go with this.
( If you have short hair, go here! ) I brush my hair quickly and set the beanie on my head, nodding to myself in agreement with how I look in the mirror.
(Just make the styles look like you, and you can change them if you want!)
I grab my foundation and cover my bruises that can be seen with it. Just to be safe, I put the foundation all over my face and neck, just in case any bruises form and I can't see it.
I look at the time on my phone and see that it's already 2:49 pm!
I better hurry up!
I decide to put on some light pink, shiny lip gloss, just to go for a more natural sort of look.
It looks like this...
I head back into my bedroom and just chill there for a few minutes until I have to go.
I notice that when I sit down, I'm sitting up straight even though I don't have to. I force myself to slouch and lean against my bed frame. It feels...good. To relax a bit more when sitting down.
I look at the time and see that it's already 2:55 pm!
I need to go!
I hold onto my phone tightly as I jump up and run to my front door, texting Keith a quick message before leaving..
Hey! I'm on my way now, so sorry if I'm a few minutes late!
Sent at 2:56 pm
Keith replies almost immediately as I exit my home, locking my door behind me.
It says..
That's okay! See you in a few! :)
Sent at 2:56 pm
See ya!
Sent at 2:57 pm
I start speed-walking to Keith's house, not wanting to sweat off my foundation and showing my bruises that Drake left.
Keith's POV
I can't believe she's actually coming over! I thought she was gonna have some last minute plans again.
I'm glad she can come, though! I'm really excited!
I haven't been this excited since..she started dating Drake.
Let's not talk about him. Well, think about him, but still.
I hear a knock on my door, so I go over and answer it straight away, a smile growing on my face when I see her again. In person.
Your POV
I make it to Keith's house at 3:01 pm. Just a minute late!
I knock on the door and Keith answers it in a few seconds, a smile coming onto his face once he saw me. I can't help but smile back at him.
What? His smiles are contagious!
He let's me in and shuts the door behind me, and I give him a hug once he turns to face me. He hugs me back tightly, but not hard enough to hurt me. I squeeze him back with the same force.
We stay like that for a few minutes in comfortable silence until Keith breaks it by mumbling into my hair, "I'm glad you could make it, YN..I've missed you.."
I blushed and replied into his chest, "I've missed you too, Keith..and I'm glad I'm here, too."
We break our hug a few minutes later reluctantly and head over to his couch, sitting down side-by-side.
He looks at me and says, "So, how have you been?"
I look back at him and reply, "..Fine. How about you?"
Keith looks a bit concerned with my answer, especially since I hesitated, but doesn't comment on it and states, "Okay."
We're silent for a moment before I ask, "Anything new with you lately?"
Keith stares into my eyes as he responds, "Not much, really. Just started training more."
I let a small smile and laugh slip out, teasing him by saying, "Classic Keith!"
He smiles and chuckles too, "Yeah, yeah, whatever. What about you?"
I sit there, thinking for a moment before responding, "Nah. Just mainly stayed home and cleaned my house."
He chuckles again before asking, "Why didn't you go outside?"
"I didn't have much to do outside, only when I had to go get groceries or Drake is dragging me off somewhere." I make an excuse, but the last part slips out. Luckily I had said it in a joking tone so it will be more believable.
Keith seems to cringe when I said Drake's name. He must not like him that much.
Same bro, same.
"I see.." He trails off.
My smile drops and I go back to being serious.
Keith noticed and gave me a confused look, but I just brushed it off as nothing.
He doesn't push me any further than that, respecting that I don't want to talk about it.
I give him a thankful glance for that, he returns it with a small nod that is barely noticeable.
We decide to pick a movie out. We ended up picking a rom-com, but it's different from the one I watched earlier with Drake.
I remember all of the events that took place between Drake and I tonight and involuntarily shiver at the thoughts I was having.
Him beating me.
Kissing me..
The way he spoke to me...
Ew...seriously, that was gross.
Keith took notice of my shivering and questioned, "Are you cold?"
I shook my head, "No, I'm fine, thank you."
"Is something wrong?" He asks me slowly.
I pause before answering his question, which he took note of, "No..I'm okay."
I can tell he doesn't believe me, but again, doesn't push me any farther.
He just nods slowly and presses play on the rom-com.
We're sitting quite close, as we are sharing a blanket (and possibly because we might like each other?) and stuff.
Some jokes are being made, which sound pretty stupid, and that alone makes me giggle. Even Keith chuckled at it.
Later on in the movie there is some romantic tension, and, surprise surprise, Keith and I tensed up.
I know why I tensed, but why did he tense?
I tensed because I like Keith as more than friends, but what's his excuse?
Whatever. That's his business, not mine.
A few minutes later when the two main characters hold hands for the first time, I felt Keith shift. I raised my eyebrow, but said nothing to him.
About an hour later I began to lean on Keith a bit, and he tensed for a moment before relaxing, wrapping his arm around my shoulders to pull me closer to him. I blush at this action and take a quick peek at Keith's face and see that he's blushing too.
Thankfully, all of Keith's windows have blinds and they're all down, so I don't have to worry about Drake watching us. And yes, he's spied on me before. It was weird and creepy all at once.
Laying my head on Keith's shoulder, snuggling closer to him, he rests his head on top of mine and gently rubs my shoulder with his hand in a comforting manner.
This made me forget about my bad day straight away.
I forgot about Drake.
I forgot about Drake beating me.
I forgot about Drake kissing me.
All of it.
All I can think about is Keith.
His personality.
His features.
His hobbies.
Need I continue? I don't think I have to.
After the movie ended I hardly remembered any of it, my mind being so preoccupied with thinking about Keith. I don't regret it.
Keith and I stayed in our cuddling position for what seems like hours, but in reality is really only minutes. I wouldn't trade this for the world.
We eventually get out of our cuddling position, deciding to play a few games.
First we play Would You Rather. Then we play 21 Questions. Finally, we played Hide & Seek, but with our phones.
For the last game, we hid each others phone while the other had their eyes closed, and then when we were ready and the phones were hidden, we searched for them. Let's just say I won that one.
We sit back down on the couch and are about to talk again, but all of a sudden, Keith starts tickling me. I burst out into laughter and flinch away from him and his dangerous fingers, smiling and laughing so hard that it hurts.
Keith is also smiling and laughing along with me.
I fall back onto the couch in a laying position from trying to get away from Keith's tickling, but he just follows and continues ticking me while I beg for him to stop in between laughter and breaths.
He finally stops and we both notice the position we are currently in and blush massively.
I'm lying down on my back, head on the couch's arm rest, my legs slightly bent but straight. Keith is on top of me, straddling my body with his legs and his arms to hold himself up. Our faces are only a few inches apart. My hands are on his shoulders as well.
We stare into one anothers' eyes for a while as time seems to slow down around us. Nobody else matters right now. Just each other.
Keith knows I have a boyfriend already, but he doesn't know that I hate Drake and actually love him instead. He doesn't know about all of the pain I go through every day I'm with Drake. He has no idea about what happened today at my house with Drake and how badly I wanted to escape that and run into Keith's arms and never leave his protective embrace.
This moment makes me realize something..
Keith could actually love me back!
He hasn't moved from straddling me, even though he knows fully well of the situation we're in. Staring into my eyes in a way I've never imagined someone to look at me before. My heart beating so fast that I'm almost positive that he can hear it, and I can tell by his short breaths that his heart is beating as fast as mine.
I never thought that someone would fall for me, let alone look at me in this way and treat me like Keith does. I love it.
And I never want to let it go.
I just now notice Keith and I leaning in unconsciously, and right before we're about to kiss, we pull apart, chickening out.
Well, at least, I chickened out.
I don't know about Keith.
It's probably because I have a boyfriend.
Keith gets off of me and helps me up. We then begin talking like nothing ever happened, but our blushes still obviously present on our faces.
Keith's POV
So close..!
I was right there! About to kiss her! And I bailed!
She was leaning in, too! And her lips..they look so kissable.
I just..couldn't do it. She has a boyfriend already, as much as I hate to say it.
I wish I was her boyfriend, not Drake.
I know he's doing something to YN. She hasn't been the same since she started dating Drake.
If I was her boyfriend, I wouldn't of hesitated on kissing her right then and there while I had the chance! I would've kissed her until we were breathless. To show her how much I love her by just one gesture.
Does Drake even love YN? I bet not.
I think he just used her.
I glance at YN's wrist as she's talking because I noticed something purple there. I thought it would just be a bracelet, but no.
It's a bruise.
Anger starts to rise in my chest as I stare intensely at her wrist, thinking Drake did this.
I try to calm myself down. It could've been from her tripping and hitting her wrist or something, Keith. Don't jump to conclusions just yet.
YN seems to notice me staring at her wrist, as she looks down at it too and covers the bruise up with her sweater shirt..thing.
I make eye contact with her, and I can tell just by looking into her eyes that she's nervous and a little scared.
But I know I'm not the one who made her scared.
I will find out what's happening to you, YN..and I will save you from it....that I swear to you.
Your POV
I notice Keith staring at my wrist with so much intensity that if my wrist was a person, they would die right on the spot. He's staring at it with hatred, seeming to be in thought about something.
I use my right hand to pull my left sleeve down over the bruise again. Keith looks up to my eyes and it's almost as if he's inspecting me. Trying to see if I'm showing any signs of something he doesn't know about.
I begin to grow nervous. It only grows and grows when I start thinking if he's figured it out.
I'm definitely scared as well. Not of Keith, but of Drake. Just looking at that bruise reminded me of how I got it from Drake and temporarily paralyzed me as I relived that scene in my head.
I stare back into Keith's eyes when he suddenly grabbed my left wrist gently.
I let him do what he wants, knowing he's not going to give up if I don't.
I watch him as he pulls my left sleeve up, revealing my bruise. He stares at it again before looking back at me.
Think of a backstory!! Quick!!
Oh! I got it!!
"How did you get this bruise, YN?" Keith inquires worriedly, making my heart flutter a bit at his concern for me.
"I had accidentally bumped into the corner of my island counter in my kitchen two days ago." I lie, not missing a beat.
He doesn't seem to believe it, but lets it slide again.
Keith sighs and pulls my sleeve back down again, but not letting go of my wrist. He slides his hand down and holds my hand, us lacing our fingers together, finding comfort in one anothers' touch.
We stay like that for a few moments before beginning to chat again, keeping our hands interlocked the entire time.
TIMESKIP-Two weeks later..
I'm heading over to Keith's again today, just like usual.
You see, ever since we first met up again after months, we decided to make it a daily thing at the same time, unless something else came up in our schedules.
I've been growing closer and closer to Keith. More so than I ever thought would happen, but that's okay.
However, my beatings have grown severely worse.
I refuse to kiss Drake back when he kisses me, earning extra hits later each time I refuse.
I don't call Drake hon or honey anymore. Also gaining me some extra hits later.
I don't respond to his texts often or let him into my house sometimes. More hits.
Basically I'm just rebelling against Drake. And I wouldn't change it at all, no matter how bad the pain is.
I feel like I'm betraying Keith every time I kiss Drake or when I call him hon or honey. It just seems..unfair.
Especially since Keith and I have almost kissed a few times over the past two weeks. The thing is..I don't know how much longer I can hold back.
I just want to grab him by the collar and pull him in for a passionate kiss, but I can't. I want to be sure that he actually likes me or if he's just messing with me.
I know he wouldn't mess with me like that, but just to be sure. You never know.
Tonight in particular my beatings were so severe that I almost had to cancel Keith and I's hangout. Almost. I'm in a ton of pain, but I put an ice pack where it hurt the most and it's basically numb now.
It's 2:35 pm right now.
I put on some foundation and shiny lip gloss. Just like I have been for the past two weeks.
I physically cringed when I saw how many bruises are littering my body. Literally everywhere on my body. Even on my hands and feet.
I wear fingerless gloves to hide the marks on my hands, and regular white socks to hide the ones on my feet. I decide to put on some light gray sweatpants that are a little baggy on, as well as a long sleeved, dark FC shirt. I'm actually wearing more color now! Yay!
And it's all thanks to Keith.
I put the same beanie I wore the first time Keith and I did this on and look at myself in the mirror. The gloves are a little weird, but go okay with my outfit. Oh yeah, and the gloves are black. Not very fluffy, but kind of like biker gloves for the style, but is actually just stretchy fabric. I love these gloves, honestly.
I have a cut on my face that I can't hide, but I've already got a backstory for it.
I had tripped and cut my cheek on a stick that was pretty sharp when going for a short walk.
Not the best backstory, but it's good enough.
In reality though, Drake had thrown me to the floor and I had crashed into a vase. The shards flew everywhere and, lucky me, I landed straight into one on my face from the floor. Amazing, right?
I'm being sarcastic, obviously.
I make my way over to Keith's house, as it is 2:56 pm, and make it there right on time, per usual. Forgetting my phone inside my bedroom. (Remember that!)
I knock on the door and Keith answers it a few moments later. I enter and he closes the door behind me, locking it. We hug for a few minutes before going to sit on his couch.
That's when he notices the cut on my left cheek and he totally flips out.
"YN! Why is there a cut on your face?! How did you get it?! Did someone cut you?!" Keith started rambling in worry and concern, making me giggle and blush a light pink.
He stops and flushes too, rubbing the back of his neck, "Sorry. I'm just worried."
I chuckle again, "I can see that."
We laugh and I tell him my backstory for the cut. The fake one, clearly.
As usual, he doesn't believe it, but makes a joke out of it anyways, "Always so clumsy, huh, YN?"
We burst into laughter again, and calmed down after a minute or two.
"Shut up!" I exclaim, he chuckles.
Later on, Keith starts tickling me, so I yelp and laugh as I get up and run away from him, Keith following closely behind me, laughing his butt off with me.
After some time of this running-chasing thing, Keith had caught me and wrapped his arms around my waist, hoisting me up into the air and spinning around with me in his arms. I squealed and laughed as he chuckled with me. We're in his lobby type area where you first enter the house, but is in between the living room and the front door.
He sets me down and turns me around with his hands on my shoulders. We stare into each others' eyes with huge smiles being displayed on our faces, as if we're apart of an art gallery. Our smiles slowly fade and our heart beats start to race faster and faster with each passing second.
We have tiny smiles on our faces left over. Keith carefully and gently backs me up against the wall behind me, caging me in with his hands on either side of my head.
Surprisingly, this doesn't remind me of what Drake did to me at all. Which is a good thing.
He stares down at me and into my eyes, never breaking eye contact while I keep my gaze pointed upward to see him properly. He's taller than me.
Keith's blue-gray eyes keep on my own EC ones, seemingly in a trance. Just like me.
Our breathing quickens as a result of our hearts racing and our nerves start to pile up, but we ignore them.
We slowly start to lean in, our heads tilting to make this easier and so we don't bump heads.
Is this really gonna happen..?
Keith's POV
I just couldn't help myself.
YN looked so darn cute while she was staring up at me with her beautiful smile gracing her lips after I had set her down on the ground from spinning.
That's why I backed her up against the wall behind her carefully and trying to be as gentle with her as possible, completely forgetting that she already has a boyfriend.
YN seems to have forgotten that, too.
Drake doesn't matter right now. Only YN does to me.
I can't hold myself back anymore.
I've tried and I've tried, but it's useless now. I am going to make sure she knows how I feel about her. Even if she doesn't feel the same way.
If I don't tell her, it'll kill me. And is has been killing me, slowly eating me away until I reached this point with her.
No more holding back.
I'm done with that.
No more being a coward to tell her how I truly feel about her.
I slowly dip my head to lean in for a kiss, and she's doing to same, except she's tilting upwards and not down. Our heads tilt to our own right side and we stop before our lips fully touch, giving her time to back out if she wants to. YN doesn't back out, so I close the gap between us.
And ohhhh man, it feels like I'm on Cloud 9. If this is heaven, then I don't ever want to leave!
Your POV
Keith hesitates before kissing me, giving me the chance to back out of I wanted to, but I don't. This gives him the okay to actually kiss me. For real. And that's just what he does.
He closes the gap and our eyes close, our lips moving in sync slowly.
I feel like I'm flying.
I feel like nothing can stop me from doing anything I set my mind to, especially about being with Keith.
Not even Drake.
Everything I was previously worried about vanished the second my lips touched Keith's.
All that matters to me is Keith. In this moment, and I don't want it to end.
One of Keith's hands finds my waist as mine find his neck, his other hand supporting him against the wall so he won't crush me. Thankfully he's a really strong guy, so I don't think he will lose strength in his arm for a little while.
Keith pushes me against the wall a bit more, but not enough to hurt me, which I am glad for.
The kiss gets progressively faster and more passionate as the seconds pass us by.
There are many things I can feel in this one kiss.
Love, passion, need, want..
And I love it.
I'm craving his touch. His taste. His love..
I guess you could say..I'm high off of his love.
I can tell he's feeling the same way as I am.
This...feels right. Being in Keith's arms. Kissing him. When we hold hands, they fit together perfectly, as if our hands separately are an unsolved puzzle, just waiting for it's other piece to fill in the gap.
Sadly, we had to break the kiss, but it didn't end there at all.
As we're panting, Keith kisses my cheek gently, trying not to hurt my cut. In return, I kiss the tip of his nose. We laugh a bit at us, but continue anyway.
I decided to take the lead for a moment and kiss his jaw, which makes him dive right down and kiss my lips. I smile at this in the kiss, he does too.
Now I know what to do if I want to tease him! Kiss his jaw and it'll make him go insane. Noted.
Luckily, we had caught our breaths so we're not dying right now..yet.
We continue the kiss where we left off before, kissing each other roughly, but softly at the same time, if that makes sense.
His hand gently squeezes my right hip, trying not to hurt me. I respond by dropping one hand down to the collar of his shirt to hold him where he is, while my other hand, the right, plays with the ends of his adorable mullet.
That results in Keith tugging me closer to him, if that's even possible. Apparently it was since it worked.
As we break the kiss, I decide to tease him by softly biting his bottom lip and giving it a small, gentle tug before letting his lip go. I can tell that he's struggling with holding himself back from kissing me, as you can see it in his eyes.
Best. Night. Ever.
Keith's POV
As we pulled away from our second and possibly final kiss for tonight, YN decides to try and tease me by ending the kiss with biting my bottom lip gently and tugging on it carefully so it won't hurt me. It worked.
It takes everything in me to not swoop back in and kiss her until we can't anymore.
Dang, she's good.
YN's an amazing kisser, too. And, like I expected, her lips are very kissable.
I'm missing her touch now, as well. And we just broke the kiss!
I told ya, she's good.
Your POV
I hold back a giggle at how I managed to successfully tease Keith by tugging his lip when our kiss ended.
We lean our foreheads together and shut our eyes, evening out our breathing.
Once we finally do, he whispers, "I've been wanting to do that for ages.."
I giggle at this and whisper back, "Same here.."
We open our eyes and stop leaning our foreheads against one anothers', staring into each others' eyes with smiles on our faces.
"I know you have a boyfriend and all, but..I love you. I really, really do.." Keith trails off.
"I love you too, Keith.." I say, making his eyes light up.
"Really?" He asks, and I nod, giggling at his reaction.
"What about Drake..?" Keith inquires.
"I don't love him. I used to have a small crush on him, but that went away a month later. The thing is, though, that I've always had feelings for you..I just thought you would never feel the same, so I never told you." I explain, leaving bits and pieces out.
He nods and replies, "I see. And I felt the same way as you for years, YN. I just thought you didn't like me back."
"Well, surprise! I do!" I quietly exclaim, and we laugh.
"Glad to hear it." Keith smiles.
"I need to tell you's about what has really been happening for the past few months that I've been dating Drake..."
"Just..can you promise me something?"
"Sure, anything."
"Don't freak out. Don't go doing something stupid either."
"..That's gonna be hard if this news is bad."
"It is bad news.."
"I'll try my hardest then to hold myself back."
"Thank you."
"Of course. C'mon, let's go sit down and you can tell me about it there."
We take a seat on his couch and I begin explaining everything from the beginning..
"So, when I first started dating Drake, I had a feeling that if I stayed with him, our relationship would go downhill quickly. And I was right, as it did a month later. That's when I started distancing myself from all of you guys since he threatened me if I wouldn't. I had to change all of the guys names into girl names so that if he ever went through my phone, he wouldn't know that you boys weren't actually girls. I put your name in as Kelly. That plan worked, so everything was fine for that matter. Going back a bit, from a month after I was with Drake, he started..abusing me. Physically and mentally." I pause, noticing that Keith began to get angry at Drake, his fists are clenched and are turning a bit pale.
I rest my left hand on top of his right hand, and he relaxes a bit, opening his hand and letting me intertwine our fingers as a calming gesture. He gives me a tiny strained smile and nods once, telling me to continue.
"Whenever he told me that we were going out into public together for random parties or shopping at stores or whatever, he would force me out of my house after I put foundation on to cover the scars and bruises that he gave me." I stop again, getting up and gently pulling him along to his bathroom so he can see what I really look like with the foundation off.
Keith gives me a spare rag I can use, so I thank him and remove the makeup as best I can, which I got lucky enough to remove all of it with warm water.
Keith now looks beyond angry, but I grab his hand again and ask him if I could borrow a shirt and shorts to show him the rest of my bruises and scars, he agrees and he leads me to his room, letting me pick what clothes I want to wear to show him.
I picked a bright red tank top and some shorts before going into his bathroom and change, carrying my clothes on the way out and setting them on his bed for now.
Keith stares at my bruised body, wide eyed and obviously way past the point of just anger.
I let myself limp again after forcing myself to walk normally. I take my gloves off and set them with my stuff, as well as my socks.
Keith now looks up and into my eyes with sorrow and concern.
I limp over to him, making his eyes widen again, and grab his hand, leading him back to his living room. We sit back down on the couch and he puts me under the covers so that I can stay warm. He also wraps his right arm around my waist carefully and pulls me into his side, his left hand and my right meeting in the middle and intertwining our fingers again. I continue my story.
"Anyway, in public, he forces me to act like we're a happy couple, when really, we clearly weren't. My ways of dealing with all of the abuse includes pacing, yelling at myself, thinking for hours on end, the list continues. Drake comes by my house a few times per week to give me a little..visit." I emphasize the word visit since I can't do air quotes.
"During his visit, he would beat me for hours and then leave at around two o'clock ish in the night, always coming around ten or eleven am. He has no specific pattern for when he comes, so I can't memorize it. Just two weeks ago, on the day we were going to hang out for the first time in months, he came over..the way he acted honestly scared me. He hasn't acted that way since he started know. To put it in simple terms, her forced me to kiss him at least twenty ish times that night, including his new way of beating me physically. I helped him make tea as well, since I would probably get a worse beating if I didn't, whether he asked me to help or not. I just had to go with everything he wanted just to prevent me from getting an even worse beating later, so I did just that. Now, for during the punishment, or beating, he would first kiss me in some way and hit me afterwards, repeating that process hour or so, maybe? That's when he left and I got ready to see you. I had put foundation on, like I had done tonight and every other night for the past two weeks, and came over. Sometimes I would even force myself to walk normally when I would really be trying not to limp in front of you. Just like I did tonight." I stop and breathe in for a moment before continuing with my story, Keith getting progressively angrier and angrier with each moment passing at Drake for what he did, and is, doing to me.
Keith is glaring at the wall ahead of us, but I know he's listening to every word I say. He's just trying to hold himself back like he said he would try to do.
"Over these past two weeks, I started to rebel a, a lot, against him. I refused to do most things he wanted. Such as kissing him back, doing things he asked of me, stopped replying to most of his texts and not letting him into my house when he knocked, and again, the list continues. I felt like if I kept doing these things while knowing I have strong feelings for you, and the fact that we almost kissed a couple of felt like I was betraying you somehow. That's why I stopped everything I did and just took the worse beatings because of it. So, yeah, the beatings got an awful lot worse than before now that I'm rebelling, but I couldn't care less. Drake had also mentioned something to me about fixing me, meaning extra beatings if I misbehaved. And this cut? You most likely already know this, but I lied about what really happened for me to get this." I ramble, and he nods, telling me he already knew I was lying.
"What really happened..?" Keith questioned through gritted teeth.
"Well, last night, Drake had shoved me to the floor. I ended up knocking a vase over in the process, and when I hit the floor, a glass shard was there waiting for me to get cut by it. I just feel I'm lucky that I didn't lose an eye from that or something." I explain, and he nods again, still glaring at the wall.
Keith starts mumbling under his breath about Drake and cussing at him, even though he's not here. I find this rather amusing and let out a small giggle.
Keith glances at me and his expression softens, smiling gently down at me as I giggle.
Keith's POV
As I'm cussing out Drake despite him not being here, I hear my love, YN, giggling. I look down at her and my features soften as I smile gently down at her while she laughs.
She's too cute..
Even when she's beaten and bruised with scars, she's still as beautiful as ever to me.
No matter what YN looks like, she will always be the same in my eyes. Beautiful. Amazing. Kind. Caring.
My one and only true love.
I swear when I see this guy, Drake, I'm gonna beat the living heck out of him.
Your POV
I notice that Keith is staring at me again, so I smile wider and look up at him. He smiles down at me, leaning down to kiss me while I lean upwards to him.
Our lips connect and they move in sync, our eyes closed as we try and enjoy the kiss as much as we possibly can.
He guides me as he tugs me onto his lap, me having to straddle him so this won't be uncomfortable since I'd have to turn my head at an odd angle.
I keep myself hovering above him since I don't want to put too much pressure on him and accidentally hurt him, but he has other plans. Keith uses his right hand to set it on my left shoulder and gently push me down so that I'm sitting on his lap and not hovering. This makes me blush, and I can tell he is too due to the heat radiation coming from his face.
He smirks and wraps his arms around my waist, bringing me closer. My hands find his chest and stay there, gripping his shirt.
I know we won't take this too far. (And Author-Sama doesn't do smut/lemons!)
I decide to tease him again when we break our kiss, just like I did earlier. You remember?
Once we do part, after we catch our breaths some more, I peck his jaw again. This, of course, sets him off and he attacks my lips again with his own. Now it's my turn to smirk into the kiss.
Apparently kissing his jaw does work. It's a good thing I checked, though. Hahaha!
I'm gonna pull exactly what I did earlier again, and it was the second thing I did to tease Keith. Remember?
As we break apart, I bite his bottom lip again, this time shorter than last time I did it.
This time, he surprisingly doesn't hold back like he did before.
We breathe a few times before he lunges at me once more. This final kiss starts rough, but gradually gets slower and slower, kind of like working our way out of the kiss by bringing the speed and intensity down a couple notches.
We tear apart from one another one last time, and I bury my head in the crook of his neck, snuggling up closer to him. He smiles and rests his head on my shoulder.
We stay like that for a while until it's time for me to leave.
Keith and I get up and walk into his bedroom to let me change. I grab my clothes and head into his bathroom, changing out of his clothes and back into mine, coming out and giving his clothes back. He sets them on his bed.
He takes my hand in his and walks me to the door, letting me put my shoes on.
"Do you want me to walk you home?" Keith asks me softly, taking my hand again and staring into my eyes.
"Nah, it's alright. I'm only a few minutes away. I should be fine. Thanks for the offer, though." I reply just as soft, caressing his cheek and rubbing it with my thumb gently with my free hand, the right, and he leans into my touch, squeezing my hand a bit tighter.
"If you have any problems, let me know and I'll be over there faster than the speed of light, okay?" He tells me, and I giggle at his protectiveness.
"Okay, Keith. I will if something happens when I get home." I start, standing up on my tip-toes so that I can lean my forehead against his.
He leans down to make it easier on me as I continue, "Remember that I love you, okay?"
Keith smiles and replies, "Right back at you."
I smile back and peck his lips before removing myself from him reluctantly, opening his front door and leaving, calling over my shoulder with a smile and wave, "See ya!"
He smiles and waves back at me, "Bye!"
His door doesn't close until I'm out of his sight. I giggle at that.
He really cares about my safety..heh, that's adorable.
I make it home and go to unlock my door when I find it already unlocked..what the heck..?!
Nobody else has the key to my home except for me! How did someone get in..?!
My gaze trails down to the porch floor by my door and I notice a bobby-pin.
Of course..someone picked my lock.
My phone's inside, so I can't contact Keith or the police.
I know I shouldn't go in there, so I won't. I'm going to a neighbors house instead for the night and to call the cops and Keith to tell them about my situation.
I turn around and start heading off of my porch, when suddenly a pain strikes at the back of my head and all I see now is darkness...
I passed out.
TIMESKIP-Two days later..
I woke up two days ago. And guess what? I was kidnapped by my own boyfriend.
All I'm thinking about is Keith again.
Drake had figured out who the guys are on my phone. Well, he doesn't know what they look like, but he knows that they are males now. Apparently he had reset my phone or something and the names in my contacts went back to what they were before.
And Keith.
So basically, Drake was outraged and decided to punish me by kidnapping and torturing me, just far more worse than normal.
"Soooo, who are we gonna call out of these boys and see which one you've been hanging out with, hmm?~" Drake purrs in an unsettling and evil way.
I don't show any reaction on the outside, but on the inside I'm screaming.
"How aboooouuutt..Keith! Sounds like an interesting name, don't ya think?" Drake proclaims devilishly.
Darn it.
"Oooooo, and is seems that he's been calling and texting you for the past two days!~ Sounding...worried..~"
"I'll call him on facetime now!" Drake states, prsssing the button.
Please don't answer...please don't answer...!
I've been brutally tortured by Drake here, enough to where I intake short breaths and cough up blood a lot. I may need to go to the hospital if I survive this..
Aaaaaannddd he answered! No!!
"YN?! YN?! Are you there?!" My love's worried voice calls through the phone screens.
Drake has my phone's camera pointed towards the ceiling.
"Are you Keith?~" Drake says in such a manner that it sounds like he's flirting with Keith.
"Who are you!?! And what did you do to YN!?!?" Keith yells.
" Well, you see.." Drake turns to camera to himself and grins evilly, finishing his statement, "..I'm YN's boyfriend, Drake. I'm sure you've heard a lot about me."
"Not in the way you might think.." Keith growls.
"Oh?~ Are you talking back to me now?~ I wouldn't do that if I were you..~" Drake purrs, glancing at me before going back to Keith.
Oh, did I forget to mention? I'm strapped to a wooden chair. Just wanted to say that quickly.
"Give me one good reason not to." Keith demands.
"Fine then." Drake chuckles darkly before adding, "Watch and see what happens when you talk back to me.."
Drake blocks the camera's view of me so Keith can't see me yet as he sets up the phone facing me, grabbing the knife he's been using to cut me and backs up, keeping me out of the shot.
"You see this?~ It's a knife. And do you know what I'm going to use it for?~"
Keith seems confused as he doesn't respond.
"Well~ let me show you.." Drake growls, stepping out of the way so Keith can see me clearly.
My head is dipped down so I stare at my lap with no expression, but I can hear Keith gasp and yell my name, "YN!!"
That makes me snap my head up and stare directly at Keith and into his eyes the best I can.
"K-Keith.." I stutter painfully before throwing my head downwards as I cough, some blood coming out as I do so.
"WHAT ARE YOU DOING TO HER?! LET HER GO!!" Keith screams at Drake full of rage.
"Oh, I'm just giving her a punishment for lying and cheating on me!~"
"S-Says the guy who did that t-to me before I-I did.." I bravely retort.
Drake snaps his head towards me and glares, stomping up to me, holding the knife up to my throat, making me tilt my head back, "Shut up, you brat."
I glare back and respond, "W-Why don't you m-make me.."
So he does.
Keith yells in protest as Drake cuts my upper arm, shutting me up immediately.
I tightly shut my eyes and dip my head down again, trying to hold back a scream of pain. Instead of a scream, a groan/whimper sounding thing came past my closed lips.
Drake turns back to Keith and chuckles darkly, "You have all of tonight to save her. Eight am is your limit. Six hours to save her life. You have to do this alone. If you fail to save her, know what happens."
Drake brings his knife up to his neck and pretends to slice it, making a dead face before going back to his normal state.
"I'll give you a hint at where we are. You know this place like the back of your hand. Time Good luck, Keith." Drake says, saying now when the clock strikes two am.
I look up and at Keith one more time before the screen cuts out, realizing that Keith was watching me the entire time, but heard everything Drake said.
"Time to wait!~" He chimed.
"Y-You're sick.." I spat at him.
"And you're a brat." He retorted before heading upstairs of my own home.
C'mon've got this...I'm really counting on you for this one.
TIMESKIP-When Keith arrives at your home
I hear the front door of my home being broken down and yelling coming from upstairs.
It sounds like Drake and Keith!
It's only been about an hour since Drake had ended the facetime call with Keith.
That's impressive!
Oh, and I broke up with Drake already. He was mad, but was too busy to deal with me.
I heard police sirens as well, so now I know Keith called the cops and told them everything.
I heard a thud coming from upstairs and running footsteps coming towards the basement.
Please be Keith...please be Keith!!
The owner of the footsteps is...KEITH!! YES!!
Thank the lord!!
He rushes over to me and unties my binds, carrying me bridal style upstairs where I saw the cops arresting the knocked out Drake.
I end up passing out as Keith hands me over to the paramedics and comes with us to the hospital..
TIMESKIP-When you wake up (5 hours later)
I woke up again to see that I'm in an unfamiliar white room.
I blink a few times to get my vision to be clear when I hear a feminine voice yell, "She's awake!!"
The nurse helps me sit up and I realize..I'm at a hospital.
And Keith just saved my life who knows how long ago.
Speaking of Keith, he sprints into the room as well as my other friends, Allura, Pidge, Hunk, Lance, Shiro, and Coran.
The nurse makes sure I'm okay, and then everyone gives me hugs individually so they won't hurt me.
I end with hugging Keith, who rocks me back and forth, kissing the top of my head. I know he's glad I'm alright and safe now, and I am too.
Extended Ending!!~~
"I KNEW IT!!" Lance yelled, making everyone laugh, including you and Keith.
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