Jeremy Johnson x Trans! Evil? Reader || Phineas & Ferb
-Jeremy is 16 and has rejected Candace Flynn in the past for being in a romantic relationship together (they're still friends though)
-you and Candace are the same age (15), but you're older
-you're a trans guy with a chest binder (not on T or anything yet)
-you are Dr. Doofenshmirtz' son
-you are bisexual, but are mainly into dudes
Second Person POV
You stand by your sister, Vanessa, in the backyard of some kid's house as they build a contraption. You aren't entirely sure of what's being made, but you're damn well curious.
Vanessa brought you here to meet her crush, Ferb (who's only like 12-13 along with the others), and his brother and friends. She said you'd have fun, and so far you're mildly amused.
When it comes to you, you are easily entertained, but are hard to make laugh at times. Mainly when you have up your tough-guy persona. You usually prefer to follow the rules, but end up breaking them anyway because of your father.
Though it's not always because of Heinz. A good majority of the time you break rules on accident, especially at school. If you just lose your cool, or even just for pure mindless fun when you're bored.
Such as that one time when a boy was making fun of your sister. You're known to have a short temper around Danville—and if someone doesn't know that, they will when they meet you—and that was the last straw for that day. That day in particular was an off day for you.
Needless to say, that guy had a broken nose afterwards.
Yeah, you were suspended from school for a little over a week. This upset you, but you did really need that time off. This also meant spending more time with your dad.
Anyway, you seem to have bad luck engraved on your skin in bold-faced letters, and you know this. No matter how hard you try to be good, you always end up doing the opposite.
You have bad blood.
Being a troublemaker is both exciting and upsetting to you. You love being bad, but you also hate it with a passion.
You wouldn't call yourself evil, but a delinquent fits just fine.
As Vanessa offers help to them with the project, you tag along and actually end up having more fun than you'd expect. You even laughed quite a lot.
This was how you met an attractive male named Jeremy Johnson.
He's the kind of guy who'll love you no matter how many fuck-ups you make, which is obviously right up your alley. Though you tend to stray away from him so he won't get into harms way.
That doesn't mean he'll give up on you so easily, however.
He feels something strong towards you, but can not pinpoint what it is. He assumes that it's a crush, and wonders if he's actually gay. He's never even had crushes on any females before, so it would make sense. Everyone he's ever even slightly had a thing for were males.
Though you're different.
Your POV
I sigh as I stare up at the ceiling in boredom, my mind drifting off to various embarrassing memories I've had all the way to that cute blonde kid I met a while back.
Jeremy Johnson was his name, I believe.
That was a fun day, though, helping build this awesome roller coaster. Until this girl named Candace tried to ruin it by calling her mom, though that didn't work out so well when she spotted Jeremy.
I'm assuming that she has a thing for him, and I don't like how that makes me feel. I don't even know how that makes me feel.
Shrugging off my thoughts, I stand and call out to my dad that I'm going out. Vanessa left earlier to do whatever, presumably to go see Ferb.
Dad yells back, "Okay, sweetheart! I love you!"
"Love ya too, dad," I reply with a wave of my hand before leaving, a light smirk on my face.
He's such a dork.
All he's doing at the moment is working on another -inator that might not work. He still tries, and a good majority of the time they do function correctly. Well, semi-correctly.
I get a text as I leave the building, and I pull my phone out to look at the screen. It's from one of my best friends in a group chat, Landon.
Yo YN, you wanna join us at the park to hang? Everyone's going.
Sent at 9:34 AM
No shit, man, he can read all of these messages. Probably was just too busy thinking to notice his phone ringing a million times.
Sent at 9:34 AM
The smartass is right.
Sent at 9:35 AM
Hey! XD
Sent at 9:35 AM
What? It's true. Lol
Sent at 9:35 AM
What is even happening right now? XD
Sent at 9:36 AM
Ya'll are blowing up my phone is what's happening, Landon.
Sent at 9:36 AM
Finally! Jesus Christ, what took you so long? Were you re-evaluating your life decisions like I suspected? XD
Sent at 9:36 AM
You know me too well.
Sent at 9:37 AM
It's actually kinda scary sometimes hoe well you two know each other. Lmao
Sent at 9:37 AM
"Hoe"? XD
Sent at 9:37 AM
You're right, you are a hoe, Joel. Lol
Sent at 9:38 AM
Tell us something we don't know. XD
Sent at 9:38 AM
Ha hA HA guys, real funny.
Sent at 9:38 AM
But seriously, are you coming or what, YN? XD
Sent at 9:38 AM
Yeah, yeah, I'm coming. Don't get your panties in a twist. Lol
Sent at 9:39 AM
I laugh as the guys continue joking in the chat, heading to the park and sometimes responding. When I arrive the guys spot me instantaneously and crowd around me, forming a group as we start walking around.
"Took ya long enough," Landon says teasingly.
I roll my eyes playfully, "I'll take my sweet time if I want to, man. And I did."
We laugh and decide to go to a nearby party. When we get there, toilet paper has already been thrown into some of the trees and eggs are dripping down the house. Snickering to myself, the boys and I enter.
Eyes turn to us and they make room, the music blaring deafeningly in our ears. People part for us as if we have the bubonic plague, a wave rippling in the tide.
A girl that didn't move out of the way in time gets shoved by some dude among the crowd purposefully, and I catch her fall. She's dipped slightly in my arms, most of her weight put on my right arm. I stand her up and make sure she's alright before turning to the guy and punching him in the face.
He groans as he holds his nose, which blood is trailing down from. I keep my glare steady as I growl lowly at him, "Push a lady like that again and you'll have more than just a bloody nose."
He nods slowly and shakily stumbles backwards, away from me.
I face the girl again, who's clearly nervous. My gaze snaps to hers harshly, and she flinches. I let my face soften a little to let her know that I'm not upset with her, then place my hand on her shoulder carefully.
This time, she doesn't flinch as badly. Instead, she looks up at me with heart eyes. I ignore it and ask, "You sure you're alright, miss?"
She nods, as if in a daze, hands clasped at her chest. Her face flushes red as I give her a tiny smirk, playing with her emotions as I slowly remove my hand from her, gliding it down her arm a little before fully releasing her.
"Good," I reply before stepping around her with my boys, her staring off after me.
Everyone watches my movements closely, my smirk dropping back to its usual state. I give them a there-ain't-nothing-to-see-here kind of look, and they immediately turn away.
"I gotta say," I start, leaning against the wall with a glass of water in my hand that Joel gave me, my friends surrounding me in a bubble, "that girl was a pretty little thing."
(AN: I made a reference here. Let me know if you got it!)
"She clearly had the hots for you," Enrique tells me, smirking.
Landon nudges me and jokingly winks, "You should ask her out."
"I'm willing to bet twenty bucks she'll say yes," Joel adds, chuckling.
I snort, shaking my head, "Just because she's cute don't mean that I like her. Besides-"
My eyes catch a certain blonde amongst the group of rowdy teenagers, my heart beginning to race as I realize who he is and that he looking directly at me. I didn't know he was here.
I face my friends again, a bit shaken, but still composed in the outside. I give off a confident smile as I continue, "-I have my eye on somebody else."
They start to tease me and pry for answers on who my crush is, but I refrain from telling them. Mainly just to mess with them, but also because I have no clue if Jeremy could somehow read lips.
"Um, e-excuse me?"
I look to my right to see the girl I protected from before, her only being shoulder height compared to me. Her big brown eyes sparkle in shyness and wonder, and she's obviously a little smitten as she looks up at me.
"Yeah?" I ask, taking a gulp from my cup as I give her the side-eye.
She blushes, shuffling her foot nervously. "I-I just wanted to th-thank you for helping m-me..and I c-couldn't help but to n-notice that your knuckles a-are bleeding from the e-encounter."
I look down at my hand, just now noticing the half-dried blood resting on my knuckles, just as she said. I finally feel the sting from it, but meet her eyes again as she continues.
"M-May I pay you back b-by cleaning your hand u-up for you?"
I glance at my friends, who give me encouraging, yet mischievous, grins. Taking that as a 'go for it,' I give the girl a smirk before nodding.
"Sure," I respond, swallowing the rest of my water before crushing the plastic cup and tossing it at Landon's face. It hits his forehead and I laugh, "Throw that out for me, will ya?"
Landon chuckles while giving me a humorous glare, sneakily slipping me the bird. I do the same back as I walk off with the girl, poking my tongue out at him a little.
The guys then proceed to chug their own water, Enrique spilling his down his chin and Joel has some leaking from his nose. Landon spits some out as he catches a glimpse at them, laughing and choking at the same time.
I roll my eyes at them before sitting down on a kitchen chair, the girl pulling out a med kit from one of the cabinets and wrapping my knuckles.
"Do ya live here or something?" I question her, raising an inquisitive eyebrow.
She giggles, nodding. "Yeah, with my b-brother. His n-name is Leroy."
"And what's your name?" I inquire, almost flirtatiously.
"M-Me? I-I'm Daisy."
"Well Daisy, I appreciate you patching me up," I say gratefully as I stand, admiring my new bandages. "You could be a doctor with the way your wrapping looks."
Daisy blushes again, smiling broadly. "Thank y-you. I'm actually aspiring to b-be one when I'm an a-adult."
"I'm sure you'll do great," I give her a small smile before glancing behind her shoulder. I spot my friends and Jeremy, all looking my way. I meet her eyes again, "I'm guessing you already know my name, huh?"
"N-No," Daisy replies, "I forgot.."
I chuckle, "Name's YN. See ya around, cutie."
She gasps a little at the nickname before giggling, myself walking back to my friends.
"How'd the contest go?" I ask them, crossing my arms.
"It was a three-way tie," Joel informs me.
"All of us were so busy either choking or dealing with some other problem that none of us really finished," Enrique adds on.
"So we ended up throwing the cups away," finishes Landon.
"Interesting," I chuckle. "Ay, let's get outta here. I'm bored again."
"Sure," Joel nods in agreement. "It's kinda lame here."
"I'll show you a fun time," says a voice from behind me, deep and scratchy.
I turn and raise an eyebrow at the kid, who's clearly looking for a fight. He's scrawny, but I know that he's stronger than he looks.
"You can't beat me, Leroy," I state, giving him a one-shouldered shrug. "You know this."
"I'll beat you this time!"
"We'll see about that, pipsqueak."
"Leroy!" Daisy proclaims, "Leave him alone!"
"Stay out of this, sis!"
"Who knew that he'd be the brother of such a sweet girl," Enrique comments, "when he's the actual definition of the devil."
"Shut it, you asshole!" Leroy yells, pointing at him. "If anybody's the devil, it's YN!"
I smack his hand down, glaring coldly. "You wanted a fight with me, not my friends. So fight me already, bitch."
I let him come at me first, but I block his hits with ease. This continues for another minute until I throw a jab at him. He stumbles, then charges at me. I side step and he slowed down, startled.
He manages to get a few good hits in, and we wrestle for a good few moments when I throw him onto the living room table.
The crowd keeps chanting, "Fight! Fight! Fight! Fight!"
But my friends and Jeremy are the ones watching in anticipation, though my best friends aren't nearly as worried. They know I can hold my own.
Leroy attempts to get up when I kick him back down, panting a little. I step away from him, remembering that he's Daisy's brother, and knowing that despite him being a jerk, she still loves him. Also since I've already beaten him shitless, and I'm sure he gets the point.
"You shouldn't mess with the devil, Leroy," I state, wiping some blood away from the corner of my mouth. "Especially if said devil is me."
I turn and motion for my friends to follow me out, and they do. Joel pats me on the back, them all congratulating me on another successful fight.
I smile proudly, nodding at them.
I feel the presence of someone behind us, following. I pause and tell my friends, "I'll catch up. I need to do something quickly."
They look confused, but nod and head off, telling me that they're heading over to the dump. I wait for a minute before turning around, crossing my arms and ordering calmly, "Come out."
They do as I say, revealing the one and only-
"Jeremy Johnson," I state, "why are you following me?"
"I saw you at the party YN, and wanted to check on you after that fight you just had."
"Sweet of you, but I'm fine. And I saw you too," I reply, chin held high. "But seriously, you need to stay away."
"Why? You don't seem all that bad to me."
"I ain't any good for you. I bring trouble everywhere I go, Jeremy. Trust me, you do not want to get involved with me. See ya," I shrug, spinning on my heel before starting to walk off to the dump, ignoring the pang in my heart.
"At least let me decide that for myself!"
Interest peaked, I hesitate and stop in my tracks. I face him again, but sideways, and ask, "What do you mean?"
"At least let me decide if I want to get involved with you or not," he tells me. "It's really my call on that part. And quite frankly, I don't care if you bring trouble every now and again. I want to get to know you, YN."
I ponder this for a moment, flattered and blushing mildly at the thought of him saying that to me. Me of all people.
The silence is deafening, but Jeremy holds his ground as he watches me, awaiting my answer. The wind blows in my face, pushing my hair back but his forward into his eyes. He doesn't make any attempt to move the strands from his vision, unbothered.
I finally meet his gaze again rather than studying his features, and make my decision.
I turn around and start heading in the direction my friends went, to the dump. I stop when I don't hear him walking behind me, then turn around and ask, "You waiting for me to call you to me like lassie or will you just follow on your own?"
Jeremy snaps out of his little daze and hurried to my side, and I laugh a little. He chuckles as well, rubbing the nape of his neck nervously.
When we reach the dump, I learn a lot about Jeremy and same vise versa. My friends also learn more about him, and actually accept him into our little group.
Though Jeremy won't join us in our mischievous acts, which is understandable and I don't really want him to. He has a great reputation, so he shouldn't go throwing that away if he can avoid it.
Other than the fact that being friends with a couple of delinquents will bring your reputation down a bit, of course.
Timeskip- Two Months Later
I close my eyes, feeling the breeze hug my body and blow my hair around. My arms crossed loosely, my muscles relaxing.
I was so tense from the fight, and it feels so good to release said tension.
I feel blood slowly drip down from my nose, and I casually wipe it away before it could touch my lips. I don't want to taste that shit.
I cross my legs beneath me, leaning my back against my house wall. My parents are out, so they have no idea about this recent battle. Or about the fact that I'm sitting on the flat part of my roof at the back of the house, looking over my backyard.
Leroy had paid some douchebags to come rough me up a little, but I still won anyway. Despite there being four of them.
I hear a knock on my bedroom door, which causes me to jump slightly, startled. Next I hear a soft voice calling out, "YN? Are you in there?"
I then recall that Jeremy had asked to come over today, and it had completely slipped my mind. I had agreed, and here is is, in my house at six o'clock at night because I told him to just waltz on into the place.
No knocking necessary, I had said.
Now I'm kind of regretting that choice.
I glance at the slightly cracked open window to my left, shallowing my breaths as to quiet my breathing a bit. I choose to keep silent, ignoring the urge to call out to him.
He will freak if he sees me beaten up again.
It's the fifth time this week, and it's only Wednesday, for Christ's sake.
I let my eyes fall shut again as I hear Jeremy turning the doorknob and stepping into my bedroom. I turn my face away from the window, hoping that if he comes over here and spots me, he'll just assume that I fell asleep and leave me out here.
Though I know that if he finds me, supposedly asleep, he'll try to bring me back inside and lay me down on my bed. He's just that kind of guy.
Thinking my plan is stupid, I reopen my eyes again and just rest my head against the wall gently. I stare out at the darkening sky, deep in thought but also not.
Jeremy wanders around my room, calling out my name sometimes. I hear him sigh a little, then his breath hitches. His steps then come closer to the window, and my heart races quicker.
He's so going to see me.
I keep a cool face on the outside, even when I hear him gasp inside right beside me.
"YN? Oh, not again.. Just— Just come back inside and let me clean you up."
I don't move, and he sighs again.
"Please, YN."
I break and silently move, him opening the window for me and grasps my hand to help me down. My hand feels warm when his skin touches mine, a tingling sensation sparking in my arm.
When he releases, my hand feels cold.
But his hand lands in between my shoulders as he leads me to sit down on my bed.
After cleaning up my wounds and a short run-down on what the hell happened to me, Jeremy sits beside me and holds me in his arms. I stiffen for a split second until I relax, leaning into him.
We stay like this for a while, and long story short:
We're now boyfriends.
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