Evan Brody x Kassi Brown || Facetiming Squidward At 3AM
I got this idea from a guy named Jesse on YouTube, his YouTube name is Jester. He makes a lot of 3AM videos, so I decided to make a 3AM oneshot! I'm going to try and make this as original as possible, but do go and check out his videos if you haven't already (if you want to)!
OC's are mine (Ethan, Evan and Kassi).
Kassi Brown
Evan Brody
Kassi Brown is a YouTuber named AvatarStar and she calls her viewers her 'stars.' She mainly does 3AM videos, but also makes vlogs and gaming content. Evan Brody is one of her best friends and he joins her in her videos sometimes. He hates it when Kassi does haunted 3AM videos alone and when she's scared. They both have crushes on one another but haven't told each other yet. Kassi is outgoing, friendly, bold, etc. On the other hand, Evan is shy, kind, introverted, etc. He is very funny, though, and breaks out of his shell around his friends.
Kassi Brown's POV; 2:50 AM
I am here at the trampoline place with my best friend and crush, Evan. We know the owner pretty well, so he gave us permission to do my video here. Whenever I do these haunted videos, I usually go here or stay home. I'm normally by myself, unless one of my friends wants to join me. Sometimes they do, sometimes they don't. Either way, I've got to make these videos for my stars! They love it and just keep commenting on who I should do next whenever I ask!
I have already done many, and some of which include Patrick Star, Jeff The Killer, Elmo, Spongebob, Santa, the list goes on and on. I usually come out of these videos with only a couple of scratches and bruises. Sometimes I get out unscathed, if I'm lucky. However, there have been times where I was tossed across the room like I was a ragdoll by Jeff The Killer, or punched and kicked like I was a punching bag by Spiderman.
Everything changes at three AM. All of the good superheros or just beings in general become evil. The evil beings become even more so than they originally are. Take Slenderman, for example. Or Siri on your phone. It's absolutely insane, I don't even know why I do these things to myself, sometimes.
I do it for my viewers, I do it because it's what I love to do despite being scared, I do it for the thrill and the worry and to face being scared. Not many are brave enough to do this, but I am.
So is Jester, or Jesse, OmarGoshTV and his friends and family, who are ghost hunters and stuff. We do it for our viewers. They request it, we do it so they won't have to.
Anyway, enough of my blabbering, it is currently 2:50 in the morning right now, only ten minutes until it's time to start the challenge. Tonight Evan and I will be facetiming Squidward, from Spongebob.
Since I had already done Spongebob and Patrick, Squidward was the next most requested from that show. After this 3AM video, I'm going to be doing Slenderman. I have yet to do him.
Evan sits down in a chair while I stay standing, a bit in front of him to start my video.
I hold my camera in front of my face and turn it on, smiling at the screen.
"Hello my stars! Welcome to another video! Today, well, tonight, I will be facetiming Squidward from the cartoon Spongebob Squarepants, as requested by many of you. However! I am not alone! Right here I have my best friend, Evan Brody!" I point the camera at Evan, and he smiles and waves, saying a shy 'hi' to the camera.
"Go check out his channel if you haven't already! His name is EvanAspect! Also, if you're new to my channel, then hello! Welcome to the family!" I aim the camera back at myself and continue, "If you don't know what three AM is and why we do these videos at this time is because three AM is the devil's hour when all of the ghosts and demons and stuff come out! It's the most haunted hour of the day."
I take my phone out and turn it on, showing the camera the lock screen where they can see the time. 2:55 AM.
"It's only 2:55 AM right now guys! Five minutes to go until we can officially start this challenge! How are ya feeling, Evan?" I turn to look at him, the camera being able to see me with him in the background.
He smiles at me and replies, "I'm nervous. You?"
I smile back and say, "Same, but I am also really excited on what's going to happen!"
Evan snorts, "You say that now, but you'll probably be quite scared later."
"Oh, shut up!" I tease, and he laughs, making me join in.
"Anyways guys," I face the camera again, "we will see you in five minutes!"
I stop recording and sit down next to Evan.
"So, this is your first time being in a haunted video with me! Are you scared?" I ask him gently, and his cheeks turn a light pink, which I find adorable and feel my face heat up.
"A bit. But not scared of being in the video with you, just the actual scary part of what's going to happen to us after we call Squidward. From what I've seen of your haunted facetime videos, they're pretty scary." Evan replies, rubbing the back of his neck out of embarrassment, but then glancing up at me in concern.
"Yeah, it gets creepy at times, especially when you get into it, but you've gotta do it. I've gotta do it. Even if it means getting hurt. I do it so everyone else doesn't have to. I do it for their entertainment, and for mine as well. It can be quite fun sometimes." I explain to him, and he nods in understanding.
"I get that feeling. It's just that I worry about you whenever I see the video of you getting hurt or scared, and then seeing you hurt in person..it just messes with my head. And I know it messes with you, too. I really, really care about you, Kassi." Evan rants without skipping a beat, and my cheeks are burning at his touching words.
"I'm glad you care about me as much as I care about you. I always turn out fine in the end, and I'm going to make sure you turn out fine here as well." I tell him, full of confidence, and his face turns a brighter red, but I shrug it off and look at the time.
2:59 AM.
"Oh shoot! We only have a minute before we start this challenge! Let's get set up, Evan!" I exclaim, standing up.
Evan gets up too and nods, following me to where we agreed to make the video when we're facetiming Squidward. We sit down in front of one of the trampolines, in the open area. To my right is the front door, and to the left in front of me in a hallway is where the back door should be. The front door should be locked, but I'm not too sure. I'm even more unsure about the back door.
I take my camera back out and begin recording again, with Evan to my left.
"Hey guys, it's almost time to begin this challenge! It's-" I check the time again and show it to the camera, "-3:02 AM. We've already put Squidwards number into my phone."
I show them my contact that says 'Squidward' on it with his little bubble picture, then give the phone to Evan, asking, "Do you want to do the honors?"
Evan takes my phone with care and replied, "Of course."
And he just had to use a posh voice as he said that, which made us giggle.
I point the camera at my phone as he hits the facetime button, and he hands my phone back to me, so I give him the camera to record.
He takes it and aims it at me as I begin to speak, the facetime thing ringing in the background.
"Alright guys, so it is ringing now, let's hope Squidward answers for us." I say, and it rings two more times before I speak again.
"C'mon, pick up dude." I mumble, making Evan snort. I smile and stifle my laugh.
Not even a second later, the facetime call is answered.
I stare at my phone for a second in slight shock considering it was answered so fast, but quickly shook it off as I saw an image of Squidward on the screen. Evan is now sitting closer to me, recording the phone over my shoulder. I can feel his heat radiating off of him and onto me, but I ignore it and continue looking at the screen.
"Oh my gosh, Squidward? Is that you? Wow, guys, I cannot believe he answered so fast! Hello?" I let out in one breath, and the image then starts to static as the image slowly changes into something else.
It had changed from normal Squidward to an evil looking Squidward. He still had his normal skin color, but now he had blood red eyes and bloody tears streaming down his face from his eyes.
Evan and I stared in shock, confusion, worry, and a bit scared.
"Squidward? Are you okay, buddy? What happened to you?" I rant, but then it statics to him crying on his floor, then to him looking up with bloody tears running down his cheeks, then back to the red eyed image of him that it was at before.
He didn't answer my questions.
The area behind him now was different than before. Last time it was him in his house, but now it it pitch black with light shining on his face, giving him a crazed look. Even more so, that is.
"Squidward?" I said to him nervously, already knowing where this was going..
The screen then slowly moved around with him as he turned around, showing us the trampoline place we are in from a distance. It's a side angle of the building, as in not the front or the back, but one of the side walls of this area. Squidward's apparently under a street lamppost light, as it has not went away as he turned around.
My eyes widen in surprise and fear, and I can tell that Evan's face is the same. I took immediate action.
"Evan! Give me the camera and lock the front door! Now!" I shout, and he hands me the camera straight away, running off towards the front door as I run towards the back.
Knowing this type of game these beings I call or facetime at 3AM, I get a feeling of dread in the pit of my stomach as I'm almost to the back door, not bothering to check if Squidward had hung up or not.
I make it to the back door, and to my horror, it is left wide open. I know I hadn't left it that way, and neither did Evan. The owner didn't, as he had left hours ago and when Evan and I came, this door was shut. My camera is pointed at the door and I curse under my breath, closing the door, and then I spot something tealish-blue out of the corner of my eye.
I sharply turn my head to the left and spot Squidward standing there a few feet away behind a half wall, his bloody eyes boring into my terrified sea green ones. I let out a small shriek and I turn around swiftly, rushing back to where I had been sitting with Evan as we made the call.
I heard running footsteps coming towards me, and I see that it's Evan hurrying over to me. I stop and let him come to me where we once were, looking around the place with a face full of horror and shock repeatedly, searching for the monster we had called.
That was a mistake. It always is.
I dart my camera around the room to show my viewers everything around us and Evan comes to a halt right next to me, looking extremely worried.
"Kassi! Are you okay?! I heard you yell." Evan inquires nervously, also looking around, noticing my frightened state.
"Yeah, but when I reached the back door, it was wide open. I know for a fact that we never left it that way, the owner didn't either. I spotted Squidward to my left, so I ran back here. I had shut the door, though. Was the front door locked?" I hurriedly ask, and he nods.
"Yes. We need to find a place to hide." Evan points out, and I agree.
"Okay, let's-" I pause my sentence as I see Squidward's glowing eyes off to my left again, aiming my camera at it quickly as I exclaim, "-RUN!"
I grab Evan's wrist my my hand that's holding my phone, somehow, and pull him towards the right, rushing down a hallway as Evan manages to keep pace with me, and I pull him down to hide behind a pool table. I let his wrist go and glance at my phone, showing the camera it as well.
"He ended the call. I never noticed until now.." I whispered loud enough for my viewers and for Evan to hear me.
I turn my phone off and shove it into my pocket as Evan looks behind us to make sure we aren't being snuck up on. He sits back down beside me and catches his breath, and I do too.
"That's okay, Kassi. You were occupied, it's fine." Evan whispers back to me, and I slowly nod.
I decide to look around us again so I get onto my knees and point my camera everywhere I look behind us, then when I see nothing, I go to searching in front of us, past the half wall. I see nothing yet, so I settle myself back down.
"What do we do?" I ask in a hushed whisper, and Evan looks my way.
"I don't know, but I do know that we're not safe yet. We need to get out of here." Evan states.
"We only need to last until four AM. That's when all of this nonsense should end. And you're right, but for now, we need to find a better hiding spot. We're just sitting ducks here, just waiting to be caught by Squidward. C'mon, let's go." I say, and we stand up slowly, trying not to make much noise.
I spot two red dots off to our right and nudge Evan, looking over in that direction. I notice that this isn't Squidward, but Spongebob. He has eyes that are completely black in color except for those two glowing, blood red pupils, that evil smile showing off his bloody teeth, and there is some blood staining his face. He hasn't noticed us yet, and my heart drops.
"I've dealt with him before, why is he back now?!" I whisper-shout to Evan as we hurry away as quiet as possible.
"I have no idea. Maybe Squidward called for back-up?" Evan suggests, and I nod.
"Most likely. Let's go." I grab his hand and lead him away, up some stairs and behind a wall.
We slide down the wall and I'm closest to the stairs since I want to protect Evan as much as possible. My hand isn't holding his anymore, as he is to my left side now, and I continue recording the area so my viewers can see what's around us.
I then point the camera to me with my left hand and start talking quietly, "This is crazy guys! Why is Spongebob back here again? Do you think Evan is right on Squidward calling for some back-up? I'm so scared right now, heh..how are you holding up, Evan?"
I direct my camera towards him, and he glances at me then to the camera and back to me again, replying, "I'm scared too. This is pretty insane.."
I nod and hand him the camera, stating, "I'm going to check around this corner and make sure nobody's coming, record me, okay? And be sure to watch out around us. I have no idea where any of them are. Plus I have a feeling that Patrick is gonna be here too."
Evan nods and I get onto my knees again, slowly crawling to look around the corner of the stairs to see if any of the Spongebob characters are there. None are there, luckily. As I back up, I feel something, or someone, grabbing my left wrist and pulling me in the opposite direction of Evan.
I yelp and Evan calls my name as I'm being dragged off and am dropped onto the first floor from over the half wall up where I was. I fall flat on my back and see Patrick's eyes staring into mine, full of wickedness and evil, from where he had thrown me over the half wall and down to where I am now.
I was right. He is here.
I can hear Evan calling my name, but I am too weak to call out to him. All I can manage is a little groan of pain.
Patrick is his usual pink color, but only a more darker color of it, and he's the only one that looks remotely close to his normal state. His eyebrows are furrowed in an evil-looking way with his corrupt smile. I can't even scream from how much pain I am in from him dropping me.
I feel someone grabbing both of my wrists as I begin to black out, and I look behind me to see that Squidward is dragging me towards the front doors of this trampoline place. He soon just picks me up and runs out with me, Spongebob and Patrick following closely behind us. Where did Spongebob come from?!
Wait...no! No, no, no! Evan!!
I feel my eyelids growing heavy as Squidward carries me to another place that looks to be a gymnastics building. That's all I see before passing out from the excruciating pain I'm feeling..
Evan Brody's POV; A few minutes ago
I record Kassi as she checks around the corner, worried about her. What if she sees one of them?
As she starts to come back to her spot next to me, I see her getting roughly pulled away from the staircase and me, into the darkness where I cannot see anything. She screams and I call out her name.
"KASSI!" I yell, swiftly getting up and looking around with her camera pointing in every direction that I look as I rush around where she was taken blindly.
I slow my pace and keep calling out her name, not knowing where she is or could be.
What if they kill her?!
I hear a thump off in the distance, I must've went far away from where she was taken..
Hold on...
"Was she thrown off of this second floor?! KASSI!" I exclaim, going over to where I heard the thump come from.
Her camera is pointed to wherever I look, trying to find her. I hear a sliding noise that is fading away fast, and then some running footsteps.
I realize what's happening and rush down the stairs where I last saw Kassi and dart towards the front doors.
"No, no, no, no, no, no, no.." I mumble under my breath as I push open the front doors, seeing that they are now unlocked.
I curse under my breath and run back inside, looking at the time on my phone quickly, and showing Kassi's viewers what I'm seeing.
"It's 3:58 AM..almost four AM...they took her away," I state urgently as I aim her camera at my face, pacing around nervously and full of frustration and worry, "and I need to find her. But I can't do this alone. I'm going to contact one of our friends and get them to help me find Kassi. For now, however, hit that like button down below for Kassi's sake! And here are the shoutouts, wish us luck on finding her guys..we're gonna need it."
That's where I end the video and I run out of the trampoline building, rushing towards my car and driving home.
This is all I can do for now. Drive home and call our most trusted friend over to help me plan to help set Kassi free. We're going to have to wait for a day and then start searching for her. She's not going to be able to eat or drink anything, I'm guessing.
I make it home about ten minutes later and race inside, immediately calling our most trusted friend in these types of situations, Ethan Conroy.
The phone rings a few times before he finally answers, "Hello? Is that you, Evan?"
"Hey, yeah, it's me. We have a huge problem.." I get straight to the point, not wanting to deal with small talk when something urgent is going on.
Ethan can hear the worry and rush in my voice and immediately gets the hint, "I'll be there soon. Your house."
He hangs up and I set my phone down on the kitchen counter. My stomach starts hurting from how much I am worrying about Kassi. I don't want to lose her. She's my best friend. My crush. My everything.
I am nothing without her. I was nothing before I met her. She helped me break out of my shell more and more. Sure, I'm still a shy, nervous wreck in front of strangers, but she has helped me be more open with her and our friends when I know I could've never done the same all by myself. Kassi is the light in my dark tunnel, the sun to my moon, the battery to my power.
I lean my arms on the counter, resting my head on my arms, trying to calm my nerves down. And my blush. I let out a shaky sigh, closing my eyes and picturing her smiling face.
Will I ever see that beautiful smile ever again?
Yes, you will, Evan. You will see her again.
"Ugh, why'd I let her get taken away? It all happened so fast.." I groan out, slamming my fist against the kitchen counter I am leaning on.
"What has that poor counter ever done to you?" A voice says from my left.
I swiftly stand up and turn to my left, seeing Ethan standing there in the doorway of my kitchen.
I gave him a key to my home, right...like I had for all of my friends that I trust.
How had I not heard the front door being opened and closed?
"Dude! You scared me!" I exclaimed, leaning back against the opposite counter I was on before, letting another sigh escape past my lips.
He chuckles and says, "Sorry. Now, what's wrong?"
"It's Kassi, they took her." I tell him, standing straight.
Ethan's eyes widen in shock and he asks, "Who did?!"
"Squidward and Spongebob. Her video went wrong and they took her away, only a few minutes before the clock would strike four AM." I explain, and he nods slowly, rubbing his temples and sighing.
"Alright. Here's what we'll do. We know that they couldn't have gotten far, and would've taken her to some place with a big, open area, right?" Ethan inquires, and I nod.
"Yeah, the only place nearby like that is the gymnastics gym, but there is also a warehouse a little bit farther down the way, and it's way bigger than that gym is." I answer, and he hums in thought.
"Our best chance would be to call Kassi herself and ask if she knows. If she doesn't, then we'll head to the gym. Or if she doesn't answer, we'll go to the gym. Does she have her phone on her?" Ethan questions.
"Yes. She always does. I think her phone was last at 62% battery." I respond.
"Okay, we'll give her a call later. Now, we need a way to know where Squidward and Spongebob are at all times when we go there, probably, so that we can keep her on the line and help guide her out." Ethan states.
"Maybe we could facetime one of them? We can't do both at once unless we have three phones, and I'd rather not bring anyone else into this mess than us three." I suggest.
"Yes! That's genius! At least we'll have location of one of them, and that's good enough. Now, let's get some rest for the rest of tonight, no matter how hard that may prove to be. We're going to need our rest to save her. We cannot be passing out while we're there or on our way to wherever she is." Ethan says, and I agree.
We make sure my doors and windows are all locked before we head up to my bedroom. I'm not taking any chances and having another friend being taken. He's going to sleep in my bed with me, and not in a romantic way! Get your mind out of the gutter! I love Kassi in that way, not Ethan!
We are just treating this as a sleepover.
Before we get into my bed, Ethan sets a hand on my shoulder. I look at him, and he stares back at me.
"Hey, I know you're worried about her. I am too. And I can only imagine how hard it must be if you have a crush on her and she's gone missing, but you need rest. I'm sure Kassi will be fine, alright?" Ethan asks nicely, and I nod, sending him a smile.
"Okay, thanks Ethan." I respond and he nods, sending me a smile back.
Then we head to bed and drift off into a worried slumber..
Kassi's POV; Same Time
I slowly wake up to a completely dark room with a throbbing pain in my upper left arm. I wince and I remember what had happened to me earlier.
I was carried out of the trampoline building and to wherever this place is. I believe it is the gymnastics gym, but I can't be too sure just yet...I passed out as we were coming here. The pain from earlier of being dropped a story slowly creeps back into my body, and to make matters worse, I'm starving and dying of thirst! Great..
..Shoot! Evan!! Is he okay?! What happened to him?! Did they take him too?!
My thoughts were cut short as I saw three glowing pairs of eyes in front of me in the darkness, and I can make out the outlines of each of them faintly. Spongebob, Patrick, and Squidward.
"Crud, no.." I whisper, backing up as far as I can, just now noticing I'm in chains. Chained to the wall. My arms are free, but my legs and waist are chained up and the end of the chain is tied to a pole to my right.
They inch closer to me, slowly, obviously trying to freak me out. And it's totally working!!
All three of them stop in front of me, Squidward in the middle and in front of the other two a bit more.
He stares down at me, smirks, and says in a demonic voice, "Hello there, Kassi. Enjoying being chained up?"
I glare up at him and snarl, "What do you think?!"
He snaps his fingers, well, tentacles, and Patrick runs forward, not giving me enough time to react, and kicks and punches me repeatedly.
He backs away a few minutes later, and I cough multiple times, seeing some blood coming out. I can feel it trickling down my bottom lip and down onto my lap as my head is dipped down a bit.
The three of them laugh evilly, sounding very demonic.
I gather my courage and look up at them and deadpan, "I thought a-all of this e-ends at four AM.."
Spongebob laughs again, stepping forward and replying, "That's true. But it never fully ends until six in the morning for us three, but we never stop moving. We don't deactivate, we just go back to our good side of us until three AM the next night, silly. It's only 4:30 AM now, so that means we get to stay with you for one hour and thirty minutes longer! How fun!"
He laughs again and Patrick joins him. Squidward scoffs and steps forward, kneeling down in front of me.
He's clearly trying to intimidate and frighten me...it's working, but I won't let him see that!
"You want to get out of those chains?" Squidward asks, and I give him a look that says 'well-no-duh!-of-course-I-want-out-of-there-things-you-idiot!' and he continues, "Well, there's a key hidden somewhere inside of you. You just need to find it and get it out. Good luck."
And with that, Squidward stands and leaves, Spongebob and Patrick swiftly following behind him, laughing.
I sigh and think about where the key could be hidden inside of me, and the searing pain in my upper left arm from earlier answers my question..
Ugh, how am I going to get that out?!
I look at my left arm, and see a small lump in my arm underneath some stitches where the pain I am feeling is.
That is going to hurt when I get it out...
A light turns on above me, it's as if I am in one of those interrogating rooms and am tied to a chair, but instead of that, I have been kidnapped and am chained to a pole that's on my right side with a key that has been sewn into my body by some haunted freaks that little kids watch on the television.
I see a small glare of light shining into my eye off to my left and I look over there to the ground, spotting a pocket knife.
Well, that's all I can use to cut into myself and get that key out...
This is gonna sting...ughhh, here I go..
I grab the knife and set it into my right hand, both mentally and physically preparing myself for this pain..
I take the pocket knife and bring my arm over a bit so that I can see what I am doing before piercing the knife into my skin, slicing along the stitches. I hold back my screams and cries of pain, knowing it would only give those sick demons pleasure. A few tears stream down my beaten up face, slowly dripping off of my chin and some of the extras slide into my open wounds, making more tears fall in pain.
I gasp for air as I finish slicing open my arm, looking away for a moment to regain my composure. At least enough to where I can grab the key out of my bloody arm.
I suck in a deep breath before turning back to my arm and spotting something shinier than the rest of my blood and reach over to grab it after putting my knife down on the ground beside me. I grab hold of it and gently tug it out of my arm, each pull sending waves of pain throughout my entire arm.
I finally get it out and drop it onto my lap, searching around for a cloth to tie up my arm with. I know I'm not strong enough to tear my clothes for the bandages, even when I'm at full strength. I see some rags off to my right and reach over to grab them. Luckily, my arm is just long enough to reach it.
I tie the ends of the rags together and then wrap them around my wound that is bleeding continuously. I wrap it around tightly, but not tight enough to lose blood circulation. I put the end of the last rag underneath the other ones a couple of times to tie it off.
I had lost a lot of blood, but I think I should be fine.
Please...just let Evan be okay and have him bring some help fast..
TIMESKIP: Evan's POV; 7:45 AM
I just woke up and notice that Ethan isn't here next to me. I begin to panic until I smell some bacon coming from the kitchen and realize he had just gotten up before me to cook some breakfast and wasn't kidnapped too like I thought he was.
I sigh and get dressed, walking out of my room and into the kitchen where I see a fully dressed Ethan instead of wearing my pj's cooking some bacon and eggs. He glances at me and smiles, I smile back.
"Hey, hope ya don't mind me making us some breakfast!" Ethan says, and I shake my head.
"Not at all! Thanks, bro! You didn't have to." I reply, sitting down at the table as he finishes and sets the eggs and bacon down onto the table on a big plate for us to grab off of.
He sits down in front of me, across the table, and answers plainly, "I know. Now let's eat. We have a big day today."
I nod and we eat our food, finishing up about ten minutes later.
We clean up the table and decide to just watch some television and stuff while waiting for three AM to come around close so that we can save Kassi.
We have a day to waste, don't judge us.
And of course we're still worried about Kassi, but we can't do anything until we get there at three AM.
It's 7:55 now.
TIMESKIP: At 2:50 AM Later
It is almost time to save Kassi! Finally! Today was a long day..
Ethan and I are on our way towards the gymnastics building, and I can barely sit still in my seat. I have this feeling where I just need to get out and save her, like, right now!
We get there about five minutes later, making the time be 2:55 in the morning, and I jump out of the car at once, hardly waiting for the car to stop and be put into park.
Ethan stands next to me in front of the gymnastics building as I take out my phone and open my contacts app, pulling Kassi's name up. I hand Ethan Kassi's camera and he starts rolling, giving a quick introduction before pointing the camera over my shoulder at my phone.
I stare at Kassi's picture for a moment longer, missing her again, before pressing the facetime button..
A few rings later she answers...
Kassi's POV; Same Time
I feel my phone vibrating in my pocket and I take it out, seeing that Evan is facetiming me!
And yes, I did unlock the chains that were around me multiple hours earlier with that bloody key. I had just wiped my blood on my clothes before unlocking the chain's lock.
I hurriedly pressed accept on the request, seeing Evan and Ethan's faces through the screen. Ethan is recording what is happening with my camera, not that I mind. I really don't, it will be good for my viewers and for the police if things go that far.
I sigh in relief at the same time they do, but I don't smile. I'm too worried about Spongebob, Patrick, and Squidward coming back and hurting me or them, and the pain is unbearable.
I see their faces turn into shock, to anger, and then into concern all in less than a second at the sight of my beaten up look.
"Kassi! Are you okay?!"
"What happened?!"
They both spoke at the same time, but I understood what they were both saying.
"I'm f-feeling awful, but can m-manage. And a-as for what h-happened, Sp-Spongebob, Squidward, and Pat-Patrick is what happened t-to me.." I answer shakily, looking around the dark room nervously.
Are those three listening to our conversation right now..? Can they hear me? Can they hear them? Do they know they are here to save me? I hope not..
"Wait, wait, wait...Patrick is there too?!" Evan exclaims quietly, and I nod slowly.
"Y-Yeah..he was the o-one who had th-thrown me over the s-side of the w-wall hours ago from the se-second floor.." I stutter out a reply.
I can see the anger and hatred flash through Evan's and Ethans' eyes, but Evan's had the most of those two emotions, before they filled with worry and concern again towards me.
"Where are you?" Ethan asked me, and I glance around quickly before looking back to them.
"I don't know. I-I think it's the g-gymnastics place n-nearby where Evan and I w-were last, the tr-trampoline place." I report, still a bit unsure of my exact location.
"Okay, well good because that's where we are. It's already three AM, so we're going to head inside in a moment. First, though, Ethan is going to facetime Squidward and try to figure out his location. Then we might try to facetime the other two, but for now it's just him. Do you think you'd be able to escape if we had only one of their locations?" Evan asked me, and I nod.
"I think so..I c-could try." I state, full of determination.
"Alright. I may hang up our facetime call to find out where one of the others' locations are and then text it to you or just call you back. Yeah, that's what I'll do. Just stay there for now and I'll call you back, unless you wanna have a quick look around." Evan adds, and I smile slightly.
"Alright. Good luck, you two. Stay safe." I reply, and they smile back.
"You too, Kassi." They say in unison before Evan hangs up the phone.
I get up and quietly tiptoe around this room. It's spacious, wherever I am. I don't use my phone's light because that'll give me away immediately.
Instead, I press record on my phone's camera and point it at myself.
"Hey guys, this is my point of view of the kidnapping thing, and my best friends, Evan and Ethan, are coming inside the gymnastics building nearby where the first episode took place. This is no joke, I had to cut a key out of my arm to get out of those chains, hence the rags on my arm." I explain, pointing the camera towards the chains behind me and then to my arm, and back up to my face again, "I think I'm in the gymnastics place. Right now I am looking out for Spongebob, Patrick, and Squidward until Evan calls me back and gives me two of their locations. I think I lost a lot of blood, so that's probably why I hadn't thought to record any of my side for the past few hours. I will explain everything that has happened to me once my friends and I are out of here and safe. Now, I'm not going to be talking much since I need to be silent. Wish me luck, guys.."
I aim my phones camera everywhere I look, just like I do with my camera, and whisper loud enough for my listeners to here, "Sorry for the bad quality.."
I quietly shuffle around the room, keeping my hand on the wall.
"Maybe if I keep my hand on the wall I can walk around the perimeter of the room and find a door.." I whisper, continuing with my mission.
I keep looking around me to make sure I'm not being followed and that none of those demons are around.
"I am going to have to cut my recordings a couple of times if I need to contact Evan and Ethan so don't be surprised if that happens.." I mumble to the camera.
I spot a pair of glowing, blood red eyes right in front of me so I duck and hide behind what feels like a block. One of those gymnastics blocks where you can land on it and not get hurt from a high distance.
Luckily, I had caught those eyes on camera.
"Cutting clip.." I whisper, which is barely audible.
I cut the clip and get into my messages, and thank goodness my brightness is down by a lot, aka all the way, and open Evan's contact.
*K-Kassi || Ev-Evan*
K- Evan, I spotted either Squidward or Spongebob.
Ev- You did?!
K- Yeah, I'm going to take a peak and see if I can tell who it is.
Ev- Okay, but be careful..
K- I always am. ;)
I take a quick glance over the block and see the outline of the figure and swiftly identify them as Spongebob.
K- It's Spongebob.
Ev- Alright, be careful, and keep me posted.
K- Will do.
I go back to my camera and record again.
"Okay, just texted Evan saying that I found Spongebob. I need to find a way around him without him noticing that I'm here.." I whisper to the camera, being as silent as possible while my viewers can still hear me at the same time.
How am I gonna do this..?
Evan's POV; A few minutes before
I had just ended the call with Kassi a few minutes ago and Ethan and I entered the gymnastics building. Ethan is recording everything that is happening.
He sets the camera down to face us as we sit on the floor.
Ethan pulls up Squidward's phone number while I search up Spongebob's number.
Just then, I got a text from Kassi.
K- Evan, I spotted either Squidward or Spongebob.
Ev- You did?!
K- Yeah, I'm going to take a quick peak and see if I can tell who it is.
Ev- Okay, but be careful..
K- I always am. ;)
I look over at Ethan and tell him, "Ethan, Kassi has found either Squidward or Spongebob just now."
He turns to look at me, "She did?"
I nod.
"Okay, we'll wait to see what she says." Ethan replies.
"Okay." I respond, and then I got another text from Kassi.
Ethan looks over my shoulder to read what's happening while recording it with the camera.
K- It's Spongebob.
Ev- Alright, be careful, and keep me posted.
K- Will do.
Ethan sets the camera back down to look at us and continues to type Squidward's number into his phone and in his contacts list as I start looking for Patrick's instead of Spongebob's.
Please be okay, Kassi...
I finally find Patrick's number and add him into my contacts list as well.
We decide to facetime Squidward first, then Patrick as Squidward's in the call as well.
Ethan's phone rings a couple of times before Squidward answers. It's just his bloody evil face instead of the whole fiasco that had happened hours ago when Kassi and I had called.
"What do you want?" Squidwards scratchy, rough sounding voice answered.
I was quite shocked since he hadn't spoken before, at least I don't think he had...
"Where is Kassi?" Ethan demands straight away, not wasting one single second of time.
I start making the facetime call with Patrick's number.
"That's none of your concern." He replies just as Patrick answers my phone.
"This is Patrick...tHiS iS pAtRiCk...THIS IS PATRICK!! What do you want?" Patrick answers, his voice echoing throughout the room slightly.
"Why'd you call Patrick too?" Squidward asked.
"That's none of your concern." Ethan mocked, and I had to hold back my laughter.
Well, we know where they are now.
Squidward is in a closet of sorts, somewhere nearby where we are. And Patrick is standing a little ways in front of...Spongebob...
My eyes widen slightly in surprise and worry, and I immediately hit the end call button.
Ethan looks at me questionably, but not saying anything. He just looks over my shoulder at what I'm doing and using his free hand to record it, making sure Squidward cannot see what I'm doing.
K- Why? What's wrong?
Ev- Good, be extremely careful, Kassi.
K- I will be. And be sure to facetime me asap.
Ev- Already working on it. See you soon.
K- See ya.
Ethan's eyes widen in shock, them filling up with worry, but swiftly masking his worry with a calm demeanor in front of Squidward, and I do the same.
"What..just happened?" Squidward questions, clearly confused.
"That's none of your concern." I reply, mocking him as well.
Kassi's POV; A minute ago
Okay, maybe if I just-
My thoughts were cut short as my phone vibrates because I had gotten a text from Evan. I end the recording on my phone and open the text message.
K- Why? What's wrong?
Ev- Good, be extremely careful, Kassi.
K- I will be. And be sure to facetime me asap.
Ev- Already working on it. See you soon.
K- See ya.
Darn, Patrick is in here too?! My previous plan won't work, then. I was just going to 'rush' Spongebob, but nope. And by 'rush' him, I mean tackle and pummel him.
I'm just going to have to find something to hit Spongebob in the back of his head with..
I hit the record button on my camera again and search for a weapon. I point the camera to where Patrick should be, and sure enough, I see his glowing eyes.
"Thank goodness Evan had warned me about him.." I whisper.
I remember that I still have that pocket knife with me, so I take it out of my pocket. I silently sneak up behind Spongebob, having the knife be in my strong arm that doesn't have a big wound on it, and hit Spongebob in the back of the head. Fortunately, that blow was strong enough to knock him out cold.
I quickly catch his falling form, lowering him to the ground quietly, not wanting to get Patrick's attention.
To get out of here, I might need to knock Patrick out too..
My phone vibrates again and see that Evan is trying to facetime me. I end my recording and accept the request, seeing Evan's face calms me down in a heartbeat, even if only for a split second.
I motion to Evan to be quiet with me bringing my finger up to my lips in a shushing manner. He nods and spots the pocket knife in my hand, giving me a questioning look. I just mouth to him, 'I will tell you later.' He nods again and I turn the camera view on Patrick, and once I see Evan's reaction, I turn the camera back to me.
I use my hands to motion the I am going to hit him with the handle of the pocket knife after showing him the passed out Spongebob on the floor next to me.
Evan slightly nods, but looks very worried, which I ignore for now and turn my camera view back towards Patrick so that Evan can see what's going on without me hurting my left arm by twisting it.
I sneak up behind Patrick too and swiftly bring up my pocket knife and swing it downwards in one quick motion, and it knocks him out too. Evan quietly cheers in the background, showing Ethan what's happening. Ethan smiles and joins in quietly.
"Ethan, end the call with Squidward." Evan orders, and Ethan complies.
"Okay, guys, I just knocked out both Spongebob and Patrick. Where is Squidward now?" I ask.
"He's in a closet of sorts. It's nearby us." Ethan replies, and I nod.
"Alright. I think I've found the door out of here. I'm going to run out and try to find you guys, but I'm going to need to end the call. I need to record what's about to happen, just to be safe." I tell them, and Ethan holds the camera in front of their screen to show me my camera is rolling.
"We've got that covered, so there's no need to worry. Just get here quickly, and do not hang up." Evan says, and I nod.
"Okay." I turn the camera view for them back to the front so that they can see everything that is happening in front of me and stuff.
I run my hand along the wall and find a doorknob, and then turn it slowly and opening the door gently. I spot the boys and I run over to them.
They see that I am recording them and stood up immediately, ending the facetime call in the process.
I make it to them panting. We start running out of the building and towards their car, saying that I need to get to the hospital.
We get in the car, Evan and I in the back with Ethan driving, and Evan records me since I said I need to explain everything that had happened to both my viewers and to them.
TIMESKIP: At the hospital
I had explained everything that had happened to my viewers and to my best friends and we made it to the hospital. The doctors had taken me in straight away and started cleaning me up. My friends had to wait in the waiting room and I told the doctors my story as well.
They believed me since one of them actually watches my videos in their spare time. So they had my back, as well as my friends.
I am all fixed up and have stitches in my arm from where I had to cut into to for the key to my chains, and my friends were finally allowed in.
The doctors said they would give us a discount because of everything that we had gone through, and we thanked them for that. However, I have to stay at the doctor's office for a little while longer before leaving.
Evan and Ethan enter and give me a quick hug that was soft, as they don't want to hurt me.
They back away and smile at me, and I smile back.
Evan gives me my camera and I hit the record button again, aiming it at me and having the boys come in on both sides of me. We all smile at the camera.
"Hey guys, this is the end of this video. Everything is fine now, we'll be sure to update you all on how everything's going. I think I need to take a break with these facetime videos since my injuries need to heal, I hope you understand. But! Next time will be me facetiming the Slenderman! Get hyped up for that one! For now I will just be doing gaming videos and vlogs. Big shoutout to these two people right here, Evan and Ethan! They had helped save me from that nightmare just around an hour or so ago. I wouldn't be here if it weren't for them, so go and show them some love on their channels and social medias! Evan's YouTube Channel is EvanAspect, which goes for his social medias too! And Ethan's channel name is ProblemSolversINC, and the same is for his social medias as well! Some of you may also know Ethan from my other previous episodes of this facetiming series thing, but Evan is new to this series, and he did great for his first time, didn't he? Show him some love in the comments, my stars! We are all okay, which is a blessing in itself. Thanks so much for watching, I hope you enjoyed, and I will see you guys in the next video! Bye!" I rant, waving bye with Ethan and Evan.
I cut the camera and Ethan sets it off to the side.
TIMESKIP: At Evan's place
Ethan had gone home to get some sleep and tell his girlfriend, Abbie, about everything that had happened in the past two nights. I had went home to Evan's house because he insisted, and also because I have many wounds that he wants to make sure are taken care of. I don't mind, I actually find it quite cute.
I am sitting on Evan's bed in some of his clothes I am borrowing. We are going to watch some television shows full of comedy to calm our nerves down and just relax for a while. Evan is changing in another room to give me some privacy for me to change, which was very gentleman like. I mean, he is a gentleman, so.
I'm wearing his white t-shirt that is way to big for me, as it reaches the middle of my thighs. He also gave me his shorts to wear, which reach past my knees a bit. Yes, Evan is a tall man compared to me. He is 6'1 while I am 5'7. So yeah, I have to look up at him, but I don't care! I still love him all the same!
Just then, Evan walks back in and sees me sitting on his bed in his clothes, and his face flushes. Mine does too when I see what he's wearing.
He is wearing a grey tank-top and green plaid pants. Evan also has some grey socks on. He looks adorable!!
Evan's POV; Same Time
As I walked back into my bedroom, I saw Kassi sitting down on my bed in my clothes which are wayyy too big for her. She's wearing my t-shirt and shorts. She looks soooo beautiful! Well, she does no matter what she is wearing, but still!
If I keep looking at her I might just lose control and kiss her right here, right now..
I look away and at the floor, and she does the same.
Kassi's POV; Same Time
Evan and I both look away from each other at the same time, and I feel as if I might explode.
He's just too cute!
We clear our throats and I move over on the bed to give him room to lay down with me. (There's a body pillow on the headboard behind them so that they won't have to lean against that.)
He smiles at me and sits to my left, and I smile back.
We put on an anime instead of a comedy show. It's called 'Ouran High School Host Club.' It's a really good one, too! Honestly, I'm obsessed.
A while later, Evan and I are both sitting up, sitting cross-legged on the bed, leaning forwards slightly while watching the anime. I don't even know how, but we did!
Our knees are touching, which is causing me to blush, but I ignore it.
Soon enough, Evan's hand is brushing up against mine. My blush burns even more, and I brush mine back against his. He takes my hand in his and intertwines our fingers instantly.
I'm kind of surprised by this move, as Evan is the shy type of guy, not the bold type like I am. But that was a pleasant surprise!
After a few episodes of this anime, we got a bit bored of it and shut it off, still holding hands, and decide to walk around the house a bit since the moonlight should light up the house and make everything look mystical.
We never let our hands go, just kept them intertwined as we walked around the house. It's too cold to go out in our pj's, so that's why we aren't going outside.
Evan and I just ended up standing in front of a window, me staring out of it while I had no idea that I was what Evan was staring at..
Evan's POV; Same Time
She looks like a goddess in the moonlight. I mean, she always looks like a goddess, but now more than ever..
The way the moon reflects off of her beaten up face, giving her the look of a wounded angel that had fallen from the heavens and dropped her right into my life. (You can imagine how beaten up Kassi looks!) Kassi looks tough, strong, fragile, soft, caring, everything all at the same time! It's incredible how she holds herself. She perseveres through the toughest of times that would be near to impossible for me to do on my own. She stands up for those who can't defend themselves, like me. Like how I used to be before she came into my life in high school.
I was bullied, but she stood up for me. That's how we became friends. Then she introduced me to her friends, and now here we are. I hadn't realized how much I really needed her in my life until now. When I had almost lost her just hours ago.
I love her. There's no denying that fact. I love her more than anyone else in this world.
Kassi is the light in my tunnel. Kassi is the sun to my moon. Kassi is the battery to my power.
Kassi is my life.
There is no doubt about that in my mind.
Kassi's POV; Same Time
I just now realized how much I really need Evan in my life.
He had saved me from something I never would've been able to get out of on my own, even if he did have some help from Ethan.
Evan picks me up when I fall down, he's always there whenever I need him, he makes me feel like nobody else can.
I have fallen in love with Evan. And I've fallen hard.
I notice he's staring at me out of the corner of my eye so I turn to face him.
Instead of turning away shyly like I expected, he holds my stare.
Evan fully faces me, and I do too. He inches closer to me, backing me up against the wall behind me gently, not wanting to hurt me. My face is burning brighter than a thousand suns, I'm sure.
I've never seen Evan so bold before...and I like it. I love seeing him out of his shy shell and being the someone who he's meant to be. It's really amazing how shy people can be if you just get to know them better. Just give them a chance, like I had when I had defended Evan when he was being bullied back in high school. Evan has shown me his true self many times, but never like this.
He cups the left side of my face carefully with his right hand, the other hand holding onto my right. My left hand is just kind of hanging there, which I would totally laugh at that thought if it weren't for the situation I am currently in. I want to see where this goes.
Evan leans in, tilting his head to my left (his right), and I tilt mine to the right as we both lean in further. He gives me a chance to back out, to say no and ruin what we could be, but nope. I'm going for it!
I press my lips onto his, and he softly moves his own against mine, as if he will break me if he presses too hard.
Our lips are moving in sync, slowly but full of love, and I press a bit harder to show that he won't hurt me. He understands and smiles into the kiss, and I do too as he presses back. Evan moves his hand from cupping my cheek to putting it on the wall next to my head, caging me in. His hand that is holding my right one lets go and instead rests against the wall on the opposite side of my head, the right side. My hands snake their way around his neck, drawing him in closer to me.
He complies, now leaning his forearms against the wall instead of his hands and he steps a bit closer, careful to feel for my feet so he doesn't step on them.
My hands tangle in his short, brown hair and he gently bites my bottom lip in response. (His glasses are on the bedside cabinet in his room. And yes, he can still see. His vision is just a tad bit blurry, is all.) His right hand (the one on her left) runs through my short, blonde hair that has streaks of purple and magenta in it. He's being careful not to pull hard when going through tangles and just in general. My smile grows a bit wider as a response, which makes him smile more too.
We continue this for a minute longer before pulling away, panting as we catch our breaths.
We smile and burst out into a small fit of giggles and chuckles before he whispers in my ear, "Will you be my girlfriend, Kassi?"
I giggle and whisper back, "Of course, Evan. I'd love to."
We laugh a bit before pulling each other back in for another love-filled kiss...
Hey guys! Hope you enjoyed!
I don't have much to say so..baiii! XD
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