Earl Hickey x Bad! M! Reader || Helping You
My Name Is Earl
-you're a criminal on Earl's list, though you used to be good
-you're in prison now, and are a friend of Glen Shipley's (Season 3)
-you're a male (bc I realized that in the prison the only females there are some of the guards, I think. Otherwise you'd be a girl in this)
Your POV
"Hey, I heard there's a new guy."
"Well, let's keep an eye out for 'im," I reply with my usual you're-in-trouble smirk. I shrug past Glen, hitting his shoulder on purpose.
He chuckles at me while shaking his head before following my lead.
We walk around the prison yard together, just talking, when suddenly someone bumps into my shoulder. Hard.
I stop and turn, giving them my infamous death glare as I crack my knuckles. He cracks his neck in response.
"You really lookin' for a fight, huh?"
"Damn right I am."
"I suppose you haven't learned from the first time 'round with me," I state menacingly. "Just keep coming back for more, yeah?"
Glen puts a hand on my shoulder, "You'll get thrown in the hotbox, YN."
"'N I don't give a shit," I retort. "Besides, you do this all this time without thinkin' much of it anyhow, ya hypocrite."
He grins and backs off, hands raised in feign surrender as he laughs to himself.
I then smirk, saying, "I've been itchin' for a fight, so you're lucky."
Of course, this ends with a lockdown and us both being thrown into the hotbox, just like Glen warned me. I've been in here too many times to really care.
I was thrown into the slammer three years ago, and I've already built my reputation up to be feared by most everyone. Despite my crime not being the worst thing I could've done, such as murder somebody.
I had just got caught stealing, and that had then turned into me running and eventually assaulting an officer who was chasing after me. I got away, until I didn't.
I got identified on the street by some other officer who was alerted of a runaway scumbag.
This ain't my first time being in jail, though.
I've been in and out of it for years.
One of those times was because I had gotten into a heated argument with my neighbor and attacked him. I was charged with assault and some other shit.
All of this started because of one event with a kid named Earl Hickey.
Long story short, he had made me snap. I've always had a bad temper, but this took the cake and practically stole away my sanity from right under me.
Earl had pushed me to my limits, insulting me and my family name. Calling my mother a cheater, my father a bitch, and me a disgrace. Saying that my entire family has a bad bloodline.
Then he bet me that I wouldn't have the guts to steal something from some random person, having to break into their house.
Needless to say, I did. Right after I gave Earl the what's-for. Anyway, I got caught and he ran away.
Everything just went downhill from there.
If I ever see him, he's dead. He ruined my life, manipulating my anger and frustration to make me do something bad.
And it worked.
I was sent to the juvenile detention center, or what's also known as "juvy."
Basically a prison for kids.
I don't necessarily want to be bad, but I'm like Glen. I only see myself as a lowlife criminal, just how everyone else sees me, so that's how I act. To fit the part I've been given; to play the card I've been dealt.
I'm let out of the hotbox the next day, but the guy I fought stayed in there. He'll be there for a few more days since he provoked me.
I'm just proud that I won the damn fight against that little chicken strip.
He's weak.
Him picking fights with the toughest people here will only get him killed. It seems like he has a death wish or something.
Maybe because life outside jail ain't worth living. We're never treated the same again, and it's all our fault. We let our lives come to this based on one, or many, idiotic decisions.
A lot of regrets lost in mindless thoughts on how to stay alive or some other bullshit.
My family doesn't visit me anymore, either. I don't really blame them.
It used to hurt, but now I'm numb to the pain. My emotions are long gone when thinking about them, or most anything else.
Though that's not always true.
You don't want to get to the point I'm at.
The point of no return.
"There ain't no goin' back now," I mutter to myself, chuckling dryly. "I'm screwed over."
"Why are you screwed over?" Glen asks me, sitting down to my left on my bed. "Because you were in the hotbox again?"
I snort, "Nah. Just talkin' to myself again. Ain't nothin' to dwell on."
"If you say so," he shrugs. "Did you learn your lesson in there, though?" Glen jokes.
I smile a little.
"I'll never learn my lesson."
Later that day when we're let out into the courtyard for some sunlight, Glen and I are just talking again. What we usually do.
My eye catches sight on someone I haven't seen in years, as well as on somebody who tries to stay invisible and who owes Glen a favor.
The second guy I'm talking about is Sonny. He's a son of a bitch. Will rat you out in an instant if it saves his ass.
The first guy mentioned is the entire reason why I've been in and out of prison all my life.
Earl Hickey.
Both of them are sitting under the bleachers in the shade, trying to stay out of sight while they talk. I reckon Sonny's telling Earl the way things work around here. So he can stay in the shadows, to stay alive.
My irritation rises at recalling the horrible memories of getting into trouble repeatedly, but what keeps coming back to mind is the very first time. When Earl had gotten me caught by taking up some bet, manipulating me.
My fists ball up at my sides, but I hold myself back from attacking him. I'll wait to see if that Sonny guy rats his friend out.
I force myself to go back to normal, but Glen notices my change in attitude immediately.
"Who pissed you off now?"
"You'll see soon enough."
The thing is, Glen was also put into the same boat as me because of Earl. We both hate his guts, and would kill him if we could.
Which we could, but I personally don't want to be tried for murder. Though I definitely will take part in beating his ass.
As I glance back at Earl, I realize something. He's actually quite handsome.
I hate myself for saying it, but I've always thought this way. When we were kids and now.
Glen and I continue talking away, when Sonny hurried up, just as expected. He taps our shoulders and we look at him. He informs us about Earl and we instantly look Earl's way, following Sonny's finger.
Glen's enraged, and I'm mildly ticked off.
"We see you, Earl!" he shouts, trying to run at him, but I catch his arm.
Alarms go off and Earl scrambles to get out from under the bleachers, watching in what looks like both terror and amazement as I hold my best friend back.
Glen attempts to rip himself from me, but I put him in an armlock and throw him to the ground onto his stomach.
"Not now, Glen! Stop!" I growl at him, but he still struggles.
I'm suddenly tackled away from him, pinned by a guard. I look out of the corner of my eye to see two more guards holding Glen back from murdering Earl.
"I'm gonna rip off your ears and shove 'em up your butt so you can hear me kicking your ass!" Glen yells at Earl, not calming down.
The guy holding me down lifts me up to my feet, keeping hold of me.
"Glen, calm the hell down!" I proclaim, glaring slightly at him.
His crazed eyes lock with mine.
"He's the one who did this to us, YN! It's all his fault! He did this!"
"I know! I know! Just shut up and calm your ass down before you get yourself killed!"
Everyone gets a thorough search, checking for weapons. Glen and I get the same treatment before getting tossed into the hotbox.
We're on opposing sides, divided by a chain fence.
"I'm gonna kill you, Earl!" Glen yells outside the small window, before turning to me.
He throws himself against the fence and I casually back up, having dealt with this before.
"Why did you hold me back?!"
"For your own good, Glen."
"For my own good?! What does that mean?!"
"If you kill 'im, you'll get more time. 'N even if you still want to carry through with it, you could get yourself killed in the process by the guards. Or if ya piss off the other prisoners, or whatever. And when that happens, I ain't gon' protect your ass again!"
This shuts Glen up, probably 'cause he's remembering how many times I've had to save him in the past. Both in and outside of jail.
I take a deep breath, then slowly release it as I lean against the wall behind me. "Listen, Glen. I want to kick his ass just as much as you do, but that ain't the way. Maybe we could just hear 'im out first. If not that, then make a plan. Corner 'im or somethin'."
He nods, his breathing evening out a little as he steps away from the wall between us. He leans against his own wall, looking anywhere but me.
It's not very often we have these fights, but when we do, they can be brutal. We're just lucky there was a wall between us this time.
I still have a scar on my arm from our last brawl, when he had sliced it open with a knife. And on his stomach lays a scar where I had stabbed him with a fork.
These were utensils from the lunchroom here in this jail, only about a month ago.
Later, my side of the hotbox is opened and I look over, only to see that Earl is being thrown in. I realize it's because I'm the more docile one.
My hands begin to shake as I see Earl being put into the box with me, my anger rising a bit as I glare daggers.
Earl apparently hadn't noticed Glen or me, most likely not paying much attention to his surroundings. As the door closes and locks, I smirk as Glen bursts his hand through to try and strangle Earl as he yells something incomprehensible.
I can't hear Glen because Earl had shouted and backed up towards me in response, "Holy Moses!"
I push myself off the wall behind me and set a hand on his shoulder, squeezing hard. He jumps and backs away from me with a yelp, pressing himself against the corner by the door.
"Heh," I mumble with an amused look, then lean back against the wall behind me.
Earl eases up a little, seeming to realize that I'm not gonna hurt him. Not yet, at least.
Glen starts to dig underneath the gate separating him from us, a new-found energy bursting through him. I roll my eyes and watch as Earl continuously attempts to push dirt back into the hole.
"Glen," my voice pierces the air with a sharp and assertive dominance, causing both men in front of me to flinch.
Glen's eyes meet mine briefly, before he continues to ramble about how he's going to kill Earl and digging. Earl also looks my way, almost pleadingly, before returning to replacing the dirt in the hole once more.
I sigh in irritation, then sit beside Earl and help shove dirt into the hole. He looks startled and surprised that I'm actually helping him.
"I'm still gon' kick your ass later," I threaten lowly to him, and he gulps in nervousness. "So don't ya get used to my assistance, asshole."
Glen eventually tired himself out, and I stop pushing dirt into the hole, panting. Though Earl continues, still mortified and breathless.
"Glen, you son of a bitch," I breathe out, leaning my head back against the wall behind me, as well as my back. "I'm gon' kill you for this..."
"I'd like to see you try," he jokes tirelessly, almost effortlessly.
"You do not wanna see me try."
"You're right, I really don't."
We chuckle a bit, and Earl looks at us in astonishment.
"You two are friends?"
"Yeah," I reply. "Have been since we met."
"All thanks to you," Glen adds sarcastically, glaring at Earl.
"I was thrown into juvy before he was, though," I state. "Obviously. Why am I explainin' this to ya anyway?"
"Because you like to talk," Glen says.
"I both agree 'n disagree with that statement."
"Why's that?"
"It's contradictory."
"I like to talk 'n I don't. That's contradictory, right?"
"I think so," he nods with a chuckle.
Earl just continues to watch, afraid to say anything to either of us again.
I stay silent and Earl apologizes to us, causing me to look his way. Sadness veers in Glen's and my eyes, pained of the thought of what we've become and what we've lost along the way.
He lost being a Camden Scout.
I lost my dog.
And we both lost family.
I clench my fists, fighting back the tears. My dog, she was a German Shepherd named Callie. She's probably still alive since I had only gotten her as a puppy three years ago, right before I was tossed back into the slammer.
She was the only family I had that cared anymore about me.
Now that's gone.
She's gone.
I would give anything just to see her again.
I had to go and fuck up my life again right when things were going well for me. Right when I was turning myself around.
Callie was my everything, and she still is.
Now all I have is Glen, who I'm grateful to have, but it's still not the same without my girl.
It's so crazy how an animal can change the game entirely for somebody. Just like how Callie did for me.
Eventually, Earl is let out.
That leaves myself and Glen alone again, on opposite sides of the hotbox.
A shiv to Earl's arm and a broken nose later, we're back to the present.
Earl had made Glen a shiv per his request, and I didn't ask for anything. Though after Earl gave Glen the shiv, we shared a look and I punched Earl before Glen stabbed him.
Glen and I are now back in the hotbox, and Earl is getting checked out by the horrible doctor. Seriously, he treats stab wounds with a fucking bandage. What kind of doctor does that?
We high-five through the hole in the fencing wall, laughing a bit at our success.
Though I can't help but to feel kinda bad.
At least we didn't kill him.
Just gotta keep telling myself that.
I spot Earl walking behind a fat guy coming by the hotbox, and he comes to my window first to speak with me.
He has a bandage on his nose from my hit, which I'm not gonna lie, was pretty awesome. Not the bandage, but my punch.
"Hey," he says, and I snap my arm out and grab his collar, pulling him closer to the window and slamming him into the wall.
He yelps, both in pain and surprise.
"Told ya I'd kick your ass," I tell him with a devious smirk. "Just be glad we didn't kill ya. 'Nd I can't believe you fell for one of the most obvious tricks in the book. Makin' a criminal, who hates you no less, a shiv? To make it up to 'im? Damn, that's foolish. Even I could see that one comin'."
"Yeah, yeah, I'm stupid. We've accomplished this," he rolls his eyes.
I slam him against the box again. "Don't you roll your eyes at me. Now, what the hell do ya want?"
"I-I want to know why you and Glen are throwing away being released from jail. I figured it'd be safer to talk to you first."
"Despite me bein' the one with the anger issues?" I deadpan. "I'm worse than Glen is if provoked enough."
"Well, from what I've seen of you so far, you're safer and easier to talk to."
"Whatever," I release him. "What makes ya think we're throwin' away bein' released?"
"Because every time your parole comes up, you do something stupid to stay inside here. Both it and Glen do this."
I pause for a moment, look away, then my cold stare comes back as I meet his eyes.
"Ya wouldn't understand. You don't know what it's like for us."
With that, I turn away and lean against the wall, refusing to speak any more on the subject. Earl sighs before going to speak to Glen, who in return also grabs his collar and slams him against the box.
I smirk a little, stifling a laugh.
Let's see how this plays out, yeah?
This could be fun, and not to mention quite interesting.
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