Draco Malfoy x CrossD! Reader || MODERN AU || HP
CrossD = Crossdresser
-Modern AU
-you and Draco are 16 years old (Sophomore year in high school)
-you like wearing men clothes just because you like them and such (so you are a tomboy too)
-you get bullied because you like to wear men's clothes
NOTE 2: This doesn't even mention much about you wearing men's clothes in here, I just made a regular one shot.
Btw, there will be swear words in here that are NOT blurred out! Nothing terrible, but ya know. Just a warning.
Your POV
Wearing guys clothes is just more comfortable for me. I don't know why.
What a way to start this, huh? My explanation to why I wear guys clothing.
Everyone knows I'm a female, and most don't care that I wear guys clothes, but there are some that do..
Those people are my bullies.
Their names are Ronald Weasley, Hermione Granger, and Harry Potter.
(I'm gonna make the Trio mean in this, sorry guys! I thought I would have a bit of a change instead of adding in new OC's.)
They're the populars in school.
Everyone knows that they are the ones bullying me. Hell, they make it seem like they are putting on a show for everybody while doing it!
(I don't really consider 'hell' as a swear word, personally, but don't use it if you aren't allowed to! Same with other swear words.)
I sigh and get ready for another day of torture. Aka...school.
Where I shall meet my inevitable doom.
My 'inevitable doom' being the bullying.
I wear this...
(You can change anything you want in this picture. Btw I don't own it!)
I really like this outfit. It's probably one of my top favorites.
My parents are cool with me being the way I am. They actually support it, as long as it makes me feel happy and confident. Which it does.
I head into my bathroom and do everything I need to, and look at myself in the mirror.
Do you know who I see?
I see me.
I see a girl who's misunderstood. Misjudged.
Why can't my bullies just realize that this is me, and they can't change it? Why can't they realize that I'm not weird, I'm normal? I am exactly like them, just a few things different.
I'm a human being, too. They just can't see that.
I look away from my reflection and grab my backpack that's laying on my bed, then head downstairs and eat a quick breakfast before walking to school.
As I'm walking, I hear laughs and chatter coming from the other side of the road on the other sidewalk, so I glance over there. I see my crush and his two best friends.
Who's my crush, you ask? Well, my friend, his name is Draco.
Draco Malfoy.
His two friends are Crabbe and Goyle.
I hastily look away, a blush rising to my cheeks as I walk faster, trying to ignore them and not look back in Draco's direction.
He wouldn't like me. He couldn't.
Could he..?
I mean, it's always a possibility, but...I honestly doubt it.
I can feel someone's stare on my back as I walk and one of the three voices stops abruptly, and I know it's Draco's voice.
Again, I ignore it, and continue walking.
As Draco's voice starts up again, I can hear three more voices coming up directly behind me.
I take a small peek behind me and my heart drops as I see who it is.
Harry, Hermione, and Ron.
I swiftly look ahead of me and break into a run, bolting for school.
I hear my bullies calling out for me and their steps chasing after me, but all I do is speed up and not look back.
Draco's POV
As Crabbe, Goyle, and I are talking, I see a figure out of the corner of my eye walking ahead of us on the other side of the street, and I recognize who it is immediately.
How could I not? She's my crush, after all.
It's YN LN.
I stop talking and just stare at her back as she walks, wanting so desperately to talk to her face-to-face, but I know I can't right now. I will later.
My friends laugh at me and I yell at them, "Oi! Shut up!"
This makes them laugh harder, and I eventually join them.
My eyes dart back to YN as she glances behind her and looks terrified. She turns back around and starts sprinting to school. I look where she was looking and scowl at the sight.
Harry Potter and his crew, Hermione and Ronald.
They're bullies. Pick on anybody different than them. Someone like YN. Someone like Neville.
Distasteful. Disgraceful.
Every single word in the dictionary that describes them as pure evil, I'd use.
How can they sleep at night? Knowing how many people they've hurt..?
They chase after YN while shouting at her, and I can feel my blood boiling.
I clench my fists and my friends notice.
"Draco, we'll deal with them later, okay? It's not worth it right now," Crabbe states, setting a hand on my shoulder. Goyle sets his on my other shoulder.
"Yeah, it's too risky right now. Teachers usually watch as the kids enter school, and if we start a fight now, we'll get into trouble. Then you'd be delayed to help YN," Goyle adds, and I calm down a bit.
I sigh irritably, "I know, but I just....hate the thought of YN getting hurt..."
"We know, and we don't like it either."
"But we need to wait for a better opportunity to confront them about the situation."
Your POV
If I make it to school before I get caught by them, I'll be in the clear. Teachers and staff watch as us kids enter the school. Not all of them, as most are watching the halls by their classrooms, but enough to intimidate.
Ignoring their screams at me, I reach school and rush into the building, rushing to my locker through the crowd of students.
They follow me, but are slower. Guess they never learnt how to dodge a crowd of students with ease before.
Heh, looks like I've got the upper hand here, then.
I swing open my locker, shoving the things I don't need inside and only take the things I need. I slam my locker door shut and make a break for my first class of the day just as my bullies reach my locker.
I can hear their sprinting steps behind me as I run, practically cheering in happiness once I make it to my classroom and hurry inside, relief flooding into my being.
I pant as I greet my teacher, hurrying off to my seat and sitting down, my things on my desk.
Harry, Hermione, and Ron run into the room, but stop in their tracks as they spot the teacher. They say hello and go to their seats, which, luckily, are on the other side of the class from me.
I slouch into my seat, shutting my eyes and leaning my head back for a few seconds before I sit up straight and open my eyes.
I sigh and play with my hands, feeling the trio's stares burning into the side of my head.
The door opens and I glance up with my eyes to see who it is, and notice that it's Draco, Crabbe, and Goyle.
As they head to their seats, I notice Draco giving the bully trio a glare before taking his seat a few away from mine.
I turn my gaze to the world outside, wishing that I could just be a bird and fly in the skies, away from my problems. Or maybe become a cheetah so that I can run faster. Or possibly even a regular housecat so I can always land on my feet when I fall.
I can suddenly feel the bruise on the right side of my jaw a lot more, which I got from a few days ago. Yeah, Hermione had punched me there. The bruise is at its highest point of visibility right now.
I don't even try to hide it with makeup. What's the point?
Sure, my parents are worried about me when they see new bruises, but I always find an excuse for them. As for this one, I said that I fell and hit my jaw on the tip of the counter in the kitchen while they weren't home.
They believed me, for the most part.
If this keeps up, I may have to start covering them with foundation or whatever.
The teacher leaves the classroom for a minute, and my nerves start to pile up. This gives my bullies a chance to come up to me..
Seeming to notice my situation, right before the bullies stand up, Draco moves a few seats over next to mine, starting a conversation with me.
This literally saved me from their wrath.
"Hey, I'm Draco Malfoy, and you are?" Draco introduces, giving me a small smile as he holds his hand out for me to shake.
I take his hand with a small smile of my own and reply, "I'm YN LN. Nice to meet you, Draco."
"You too, YN."
I mutter to him, "And thanks for talking to me now. You just saved me from the trio's wrath."
He lightly chuckles, "It's not a problem."
As we talk amongst ourselves, he seems to stop and stare at the bruise on my jaw.
"How'd you get that bruise?" Draco asks me, looking back up to my eyes.
I look away, "Does it really even matter? What happened, happened. It's over with now."
"One, it does matter. Two, was it Harry, Hermione, and Ron who did that to you?"
Shocked, I glance at Draco and see that he's already staring at me. Eyes slightly desperate for an answer.
I blush and turn away again, staring at my hands.
"Hermione, specifically," I reply, and I can practically feel Draco's aura change by the second, anger flaring up.
"It's okay, though. A teacher was nearby and she got into trouble for it," I add on, noticing his mood change.
I look back to Draco and he seems calmer now, even chuckling a little.
"Serves her right. Just wish it was all of them who got the punishment."
We laugh quietly and more students flood into the class.
"Sit with my friends and I at lunch?" He asks in a whisper, and I smile, nodding.
He smiles back and heads back to his seat.
Let's just say my smile didn't leave my face all the way up until lunch.
I head off to the lunchroom, my lunchbox in hand.
I've been dodging the bully trio all day, and it seems to be working.
Thankfully, luck is on my side today as I make it to the cafeteria without a hitch.
I spot Draco almost immediately and he waves me over, smiling at me. I smile back and head over there, sitting down in the open seat next to him.
"Hey, YN!" Draco greets.
"Hello, Draco!"
"This is Crabbe and Goyle!"
"Nice to meet you guys! I'm YN, obviously."
They chuckle, "You too, YN!"
We all continue talking and just having fun, barely eating anything at all for fear of choking when laughter strikes.
The bell rings, signaling lunch to be over, and we stand, heading out of the cafeteria together.
"I'll meet you in class, okay? I've gotta head to my locker first. Clearly," I laugh, lifting up my lunch bag.
They laugh too.
"Alright, see ya, YN! Draco!" Crabbe and Goyle wave me off, heading to their separate class.
"You sure you don't want me to come with you?" Draco inquires softly, and my face heats up.
I smile, "You need to go to your locker too, Draco. I don't want to make you late."
"It would be worth it," Draco mutters, but I don't hear it.
"Huh? What'd you say, Draco?"
"Oh, n-nothing! I'll see you in class," Draco runs off, face red.
I chuckle and hurry to my locker, grabbing my things for class and slamming it shut.
The hall's empty as students reach their classes, and I'm almost to mine when I get dragged off into a dark hallway by the collar of my shirt.
My smile drops as I know exactly who it is. Or rather, who they are.
Here we go....
TIMESKIP-Five minutes later...
I burst into the classroom, panting and aching all over. It's clear that something happened.
"Miss LN? Why are you late? And are you alright?" The teacher asks worriedly, students staring at me as they wait for my answer.
I swallow in nervousness before I reply, "Sorry ma'am, I..uh..had locker troubles. I tripped on the way here. I'm fine."
"Alright..you may take your seat. Try not to be late next time. And if you are, please try to remember to bring a pass with you."
I nod and scurry to my seat next to Draco, who clearly knows that it had been more than tripping in the halls and that it had nothing to do with locker troubles.
As class started up again, he whispered in my ear, "Are you okay? Was it them again?"
I whisper back, "Yes, and yes."
We pay attention to class before we're caught, and he slips a note to me. I read it...
If this happens again, let me know immediately. I want to help you as best as I can. Okay?
I write a reply back...
(Italics is Draco, underlined is you)
Okay. Thanks, Draco. I really appreciate it. :)
No problem. ;) Hey, do you want to come over to my house after school today? We could work on our homework together and then hang out?
Yeah! I'd like that. Will your parents be okay with it, though?
Yeah, they're usually always cool with friends being over. What about yours?
Mine will be fine with it. I'll just text them after school about where I'm going and we'll be set.
Sweet! Talk to you after school then, YN! :)
See ya, Draco! :D
The bell rings, signaling for next class to start.
Wow. That was fast.
TIMESKIP-After school
I texted my mom and she's cool with it.
I meet up with Draco and he leads me to his house.
Once we enter, who seems to be his mom comes up.
"Hello Draco, welcome home. Who's this?"
"Mother, this is my new friend, YN LN. YN, this is my mother."
"Hello dear. My name is Narcissa Malfoy. It's a pleasure to meet you," Draco's mom introduced kindly.
"You too, Mrs. Malfoy."
Draco leads me up to his room and we do our homework together.
We somehow end up playing video games, which lead to the aching coming back to my body from the beating I took earlier from Harry, Ron, and Hermione.
Draco took notice and paused the game we're playing, wrapping his arms around my waist and pulling my closer to his body. My body is in between his left and right legs as I'm laying with my back against his chest.
Draco's arms are wrapped around my waist as he cuddles me. Surprisingly, we're both comfortable.
I drop out of the game and just snuggle up to Draco's chest as he plays the game, his head resting on top of mine.
I silently thank him for distracting me from the pain by turning and leaning upwards to kiss his jaw gently before going back to leaning against him.
I can tell he's blushing, and I am too.
TIMESKIP-Five months later
So....that happened.
Let me fill you in.
Harry, Hermione, and Ron demanded that I stay away from Draco and his friends. Both in school and out.
If I don't, they threatened to not only hurt me worse, but also hurt them. Mainly Draco, since I'm closest to him.
So I agreed.
I knew, and know, that I'm still gonna be getting beaten up badly, but I still agreed.
I don't want to risk my friends. Especially my crush.
It's the beginning of the day, and I'm already beaten up and scared.
Not just scared, though. I'm also nervous.
I'm scared of the bully trio, and also of the reactions I'll get when I tell my friends I can't hang out with them anymore.
And I'm nervous about the same thing with my friends.
I limp towards my first class, dreading the time lunch comes around. After lunch comes the classes where I sit with my friends most of the time. And I'm assigned to that seat.
I chose that seat.
And I don't regret it.
But I probably will once I have to start ignoring my friends.
What will my excuse be? That I'm not allowed to be their friends anymore? No, they know my parents agree with my friendships with them, they even support my crush on Draco.
If I don't tell them any reason, then they will get suspicious.
I don't want to say that I don't think our friendships will work out anymore. I've been with them for five months now, for crying out loud!
I sit in my seat and stare out the window, glad that the teacher isn't here yet. Same for most other students, giving me time to think.
I guess I could just ignore them, but...I know that one certain blonde boy won't let that slide. You guys know who I'm talking about.
If you don't, it's Draco.
Students start walking into the classroom, including Draco, Crabbe, and Goyle.
No time left!! Just....say you don't wanna talk about it!
I keep my gaze out the window, pretending that I didn't notice my friends walking in the room.
Normally I wave at them and smile, but not today. The bullies are watching..
Thankfully, the teacher walks in before any of my friends have time to come up and talk to me.
Phew...dodged a bullet there, ey?
TIMESKIP-Lunch time
I managed to avoid my friends all day so far, even in the halls. Now it's lunch time, when I normally sit with my friends.
Not today.
I leave my lunch in my locker and walk around the halls, trying to avoid both teachers, my bullies, and my friends.
I don't know which classes have teachers in them and which don't.
Students fly past me on their way to lunch, not even giving me a second glance. Good.
The halls are mostly clear now, so I continue walking around when I hear my friends talking a few feet away from me. My heart races and I rush to find anything to make it seem like I'm busy.
I end up almost bumping right into a teacher. I apologize and he smiles down at me.
"What are you doing in the halls? Don't you have lunch?"
I suddenly get an idea.
"Actually, I do, but I didn't understand the topic that my teacher for math was talking about. I was trying to find him and ask about it. If he's busy though, it can wait until tomorrow," I lie, making it seem convincing. Not missing a beat too badly.
The teacher smiles again and nods, "Oh, alright. Which teacher are you looking for?"
"Mr. Snape," I reply with no hesitation.
(Yep. Snape's a math teacher in this. Deal with it. XD he actually likes you, though, so don't worry)
"Okay. I'll lead you to him."
I nod and relief washes over my being.
We start walking just as my friends turn the corner.
Wait...what do I ask Snape about to show that I'm confused and I'm not lying? We did talk about algebra today, so I'll ask something to do with that.
"So, what are you confused about?" Snape asks me after the teacher who lead me here explained my situation and then left.
"I'm not quite understanding how to solve the algebra problems."
"You seemed to be doing just fine in class."
"That was only when you were showing us how to do it though, sir."
"I see. Alright, come. I'll show you."
"No problem."
I spent all of lunch with Mr. Snape, relearning about how to do algebra problems, and purposely getting some answers wrong to make it seem more believable.
"Thanks for the help, Mr. Snape!" I say gratefully as I leave.
He gives me a tiny smile, "You're welcome, YN. Have a good rest of your day."
"You too!" I call back as I leave the classroom, rushing to my locker and grabbing my things for the next class and leave, hoping I don't bump into anyone I know.
I sit down in my seat. Unfortunately, this class I have to sit directly next to Draco. At a combined table for two to sit side-by-side.
I keep to myself and just draw random doodles on a blank sheet of paper as I wait for class to start.
Draco plops down next to me minutes later, but I ignore him and his greeting, acting as if I'm entranced in my work and just too zoned out to hear him.
A hand is set on my shoulder, and I turn to see that it's Draco.
I raise an eyebrow at him.
He stares at me for a few moments before asking, "Why have you been ignoring us all day?"
I glance off to the side for a moment, then look back into his gray eyes, "...Sorry..."
That's all I say before I look away again and continue my drawings awkwardly.
"That's all you have to say? 'Sorry'? I want to know why, YN."
I stay silent, not knowing how to answer.
"...Can't..." I mutter.
"Why can't you talk about it? What's going on?"
I stop my pencil for a moment, "....Never mind...."
"No, YN, don't go silent on me again!"
I ignore his calls and fold up the paper I was doodling on and put it away as class starts.
I can feel Draco's eyes on my throughout the entire lesson.
I sling my book bag over my shoulder as I weave through students to leave the building.
I'm miserable without my friends. Especially Draco Malfoy.
The beatings are awful, and are only getting worse as time goes by.
Why did I even agree to staying away from them if this was gonna happen anyway? Oh, yeah, right. Because my friends got threatened.
You can mess with me, but not my friends.
Or my family.
I won't stand for it.
Not. A. Chance.
The hallways are pretty much empty at this point.
As I'm getting closer to the entrance where I can leave and walk home, my arm gets grabbed and I'm pulled into an empty classroom.
The person closes the door and locks it, my bag falls to the floor as I'm pinned against the wall.
I look up into the persons eyes and realize that it's....
"Draco..?" I ask quietly, and he nods slightly.
"What are you doing?" I question, but he doesn't reply.
"Draco," I state, and only now does he speak.
"Why have you been avoiding Crabbe, Goyle, and me?"
"...If I tell you, you'll only be in more danger, Draco. Being here with you now is a threat."
"What do you mean?"
"Not only was I threatened, but you were too. So were Crabbe and Goyle."
"By who?"
"...Just..let me leave. I don't want you to get hurt by them."
"By who?" He demands, and I sigh, looking away.
"Harry, Ron, and Hermione," I mumble quietly, so silent that Draco probably didn't hear me that easily.
"They're the ones who made you avoid us?"
I nod, not looking him in the eyes.
"Look at me, YN," Draco says softly, and I comply.
His eyes and tone are much softer than before. He was just worried.
"I don't care if I was threatened. What I do care about, however, is your safety. We're going to tell a teacher what's going on tomorrow."
"Alright..thanks Draco."
"No problem."
We stay like this for a few moments, before he speaks up again, face red.
"C-Can I tell you something?"
"Go for it.."
"I really like you...like, a lot. No, I love you," He confesses, and my face burns.
"I..love you too, Draco."
He smirks and crashes his lips onto mine. I melt into the kiss, and our lips fit together perfectly. I wrap my arms around his neck, bringing him closer.
He pushes off the wall and brings me with him so that we're standing normally and so he doesn't have to use his strength to hold himself up. To not crush me against the wall.
He wraps his arms around my waist, our kiss lasts for a few minutes.
Let's just say that we're now dating, the bullies got what they deserved and are now leaving us alone, and all is good.
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