Ciel Phantomhive x Female! Maid! Reader | Thank You..
Backstory: [Y/N] [L/N] is a maid for the Phantomhive Manor. She is sworn to protect the Earl Phantomhive at all costs. [Y/N] is a human, but she fairs well. She has saved the Young Earl on many occasions. When an event that the Young Lord has to attend, he brings Sebastian Michaelis and [Y/N] [L/N] along with him. His job is to slay a known criminal, The Blaize. So, of course he brings his best Maid and Butler to help him.
~This doesn't happen in the actual anime *I don't think?*, but I'm making it up for this one shot. Hope you enjoy! And random song up top!
[Y/N]=Your First Name
[L/N]=Your Last Name
[H/C]=Hair Color
[H/L]=Hair Length
[E/C]=Eye Color
~~May be more later~~
[Y/N] is making some tea in the kitchen for her Young Master, Ciel Phantomhive, and watching Bard cook the turkey, making sure he doesn't use his flamethrower again. It always ends up in flames. Literally.
Her and the Young Lord are the same age, thirteen. [Y/N] doesn't mind, neither does Ciel. They are actually quite happy to have another person their age to talk to. Her and Ciel talk a lot about all sorts of things. From paperwork to interests, you name it, they most likely have talked about it.
What [Y/N] doesn't know is that Ciel is actually very fond of her, and Ciel doesn't know she is fond of him too.
Sebastian, on the other hand, knows about this. He is a demon, after all. And you know his catch phrase, so I'm not gonna say it. *I try not to use too many curse words in my books, sorry* He sees the way [Y/N] and Ciel blush around each other, how they look at one another. It's very obvious you both have a crush on each other, but apparently not to the two of you.
[Y/N] finishes up with the tea and sets the teacup on a small fancy plate and then sets that onto a tray. She is one of the best at making tea and keeping things neat and organized, right behind Sebastian, actually. She glances over at Bard with the tray in hand.
"Don't use your flamethrower again, Bard. Please, we don't want this kitchen to be in flames." [Y/N] said sternly, yet kindly.
Bard nods in response, smiling at the [H/C] haired girl.
"Will do!" He responds, saluting her.
*I'm still new at making X Reader one shots, so forgive me for any mistakes*
She laughs, picking up the tray and saluting back at Bard. He laughs and goes back to cooking while [Y/N] grabs the tray's other handle and heads off upstairs to her Young Master's study.
Sebastian catches up to her with the mail and walks upstairs with her.
"Hello, Miss [Y/N]." Sebastian says kindly.
"Hello, Sebastian. And please, just call me [Y/N]." She replies, and Sebastian nods.
They chat until they make it to Ciel's study. Sebastian knocks on the door and they hear a quiet, 'Come in,' from the other side of the door. Sebastian opens the door and holds it open for [Y/N] before shutting the door behind them. [Y/N] thanks Sebastian, to which he nods in response.
Her and Sebastian walk up to Ciel's desk. [Y/N] sets up his tea while Sebastian gives him the mail. There is a tint of pink on [Y/N]'s and Ciel's faces.
She finishes setting up her Young Master's tea as he is looking through the mail. Ciel looks up to the [H/C] haired girl.
"Thank you, [Y/N]." He says kindly, making the girl blush.
"No problem, Young Master." She replies.
The Young Master then turns to Sebastian and thanks him too.
"You're welcome, Young Master." Sebastian responds.
Ciel continues looking through the mail until he comes across one that was stamped by the queen herself. Must be another mission for the Queen's Guard Dog. He rips the letter open and reads it.
He looks determined after he read it. He hands [Y/N] the letter and shares it with Sebastian so they can both read it as well.
It says...
Dear Guard Dog,
There is a criminal that goes by the name of The Blaize that has been roaming the streets, murdering beautiful woman. It doesn't matter what they look like, as long as they're beautiful by his standards.
For his woman to be considered beautiful, they have to be wearing a short, flowy dress of any color, mature looking despite age, and any type of shoes, but heels are preferred. However, it doesn't matter what type of heels the woman wears. Basically, any woman can fit this description, even your maids.
I would like you to attend the London Ball tomorrow evening and kill this criminal, for they are too clever to be held captive. The Blaize has escaped multiple times from jail, so the only solution is to kill them.
I suggest using your best maid as bait since she will be able to protect herself if needed. It is your choice which maid you use as bait, pick wisely.
However, the maid of your choice has to be great at hand-to-hand combat. Again, you get to decide which maid is your bait.
I trust that you'll know what you're doing and get the job done.
Bring extra support as well.
Queen Victoria
Sebastian and [Y/N] both have determination in their eyes as well after reading this, knowing fully well what Ciel was thinking.
[Y/N] is gonna be the bait, Sebastian as backup. Mey-Rin is best at using guns, [Y/N] is best at hand-to-hand combat. [Y/N] would be the likely choice.
"You know your positions. We must be ready tomorrow night." Ciel stated, Sebastian and [Y/N] nod in response.
"Go prepare your outfits for tomorrow. [Y/N], stay behind a moment, please." Young Master instructed, and [Y/N] stayed while Sebastian left.
"Yes, Young Master?" [Y/N] asked while Ciel stood up from his seat and walked in front of the blushing girl whom he found irresistible.
"Are you sure you're alright with this?" He questioned her, nervous. [Y/N] nods full of confidence.
"Of course. I'll be alright with anything, Young Master." She replied.
"Just call me Ciel when we're alone. That is an order." Ciel instructed, but it wasn't cold as usual, it was filled with kindness
"Y-Yes, Youn-Ciel." [Y/N] corrected herself, and Ciel smiled slightly.
"Good. Now," Ciel headed towards the door, "come with me."
[Y/N] did as instructed, confused. She didn't ask why he was having her follow him, instead, she stayed silent.
Where was he bringing her? What were they gonna do?
[Y/N] noticed they were heading in the direction of Ciel's bedroom. She began to grow nervous.
What's going to happen? Is he gonna show her something?
Thoughts flooded her mind as they entered his room.
"Stay there." Ciel ordered, and she nodded.
Ciel went to his closet and pulled out a [F/C] *favorite color* dress that was short, most likely ended above the knees. It was [F/C] with black lace around the waist and tied into a bow on the right side when the dress is put on.
Ciel walked back over to the nervous [H/C] haired girl and held the beautiful dress out to her. [Y/N] was shocked.
"Here, I know you don't have any short dresses in your closet so here's one. It was my mothers." Ciel explained as [Y/N] held the dress carefully in her hands.
Her eyes widened as she looked back up at Ciel.
"A-Are you sure..? This w-was your mothers, a-after all.." She trailed off, and Ciel chuckled while nodding.
It was so great to see him actually laughing and smiling, even if it was only small and for a short while. For [Y/N] didn't know that she was the cause of the smiles he has. All Ciel needed to complete his life was..her..He loves her dearly and can't bear to lose [Y/N]. Not her. And she can't lose him, either. He is the love of her life, as her, his.
"Yes, I am quite sure. I don't have any use for these dresses besides remembering her. I think she would be delighted to know that her dresses are being used. Plus, I only really trust you to wear these. So, please, take it. A beautiful dress for a beautiful girl such as yourself.." He trails off, blushing.
[Y/N] is a blushing mess right now. Ciel is too. They don't care, though.
"Thank you, C-Ciel.." [Y/N] says gratefully to Ciel, and he nods.
"It's not a problem. Now, go and get some rest. You'll need it for tomorrow night." Ciel orders, and she nods.
[Y/N] heads for his bedroom door and opens it, stepping into the hallway. She turned around and looked Ciel in the eye.
"Goodnight, Ciel." She said kindly.
"Goodnight, [Y/N]. Sweet dreams." Ciel replied.
"You too." [Y/N] states before gently closing the door and heading back into the maids quarters.
[Y/N] didn't mind sleeping in the maids quarters, and she even said so herself when Ciel had asked about it. She liked having Mey-Rin's company. And even if they were in separate rooms, she would still be fine. [Y/N] doesn't like to sleep alone most of the time, so it's nice to have someone else in the room with her.
As she is walking to the maids quarters, she daydreams about Ciel. How kind he was to trust her with his mothers dress, how sweet he was when he had flirted with her, how cute he was when he blushed or when he was flustered. [Y/N] thought that Ciel was adorable no matter what. She thinks that Ciel shouldn't have to wear that eyepatch of his. She likes seeing both of his eyes, whether they're the same color or not.
[Y/N] actually adores Ciel's purple star eye where he had the contract placed when he made it with Sebastian. She wished that he wouldn't have to have his soul be sold away. He has so much to live for. Can Sebastian cancel it? Maybe. We'll see.
The thought of Ciel dying saddened her, so she refused to think about it.
[Y/N] makes it to the maids quarters without even realizing it until she was right at the door. She was too lost in her own thoughts to even notice. She shrugs and opens the door into the maids quarters, setting her dress neatly at the end of her bed and telling Mey-Rin about tomorrow.
Mey-Rin tells [Y/N] to be careful, and she says she will.
[Y/N] gets everything ready for tomorrow night and changes into her night gown that is [F/C] and climbs into bed under the covers, drifting off into a deep slumber with Mey-Rin in the bed next to hers.
[Y/N] woke up and got dressed for the day, knowing that the London Ball isn't for a while. The ball starts at 7 pm, and it is currently 6 am, she has 13 hours until the ball.
She does her daily chores with Sebastian and they bring up the mail and tea to the Young Lord, per usual. Only this time, [Y/N] does the mail while Sebastian makes the tea.
This is gonna be a long day..
It was almost time to go and [Y/N] was just adding the final touches to her outfit with Mey-Rin before she goes upstairs.
She is wearing a [F/C] short, flowy dress that stops at the knees that Ciel gave her, matching [F/C] heels with the big (wide) heel *not like stilettos* with her [H/L] [H/C] hair down. [Y/N] had the left side of her hair pinned back with a [F/C] gem clip, making her look elegant. Mature, check! Short, flowy dress, check! Heels, check!
And as for makeup, [Y/N] is wearing a subtle, glossy, red lipstick with [F/C] eye shadow that makes her eyes pop, and a tad bit of pink blush.
[Y/N] looks absolutely beautiful. And everyone can agree. She will be the belle of the ball, that's for sure.
[Y/N] thanks Mey-Rin for her help and heads upstairs to the front door where a waiting Sebastian and Ciel stand. They look over at her and the Young Master's jaw drops. Sebastian closes it for him. [Y/N] giggles and blushes, Ciel's face flushes too. Sebastian only smirks at the exchange.
'They would make the perfect couple,' Sebastian thought to himself, 'maybe I should cancel the contract after it is complete so that they can be together..'
Ciel is now out of his trance and holds his arm out to [Y/N], and she takes his arm gratefully and happily. Ciel loves seeing her happy. He feels like he is on Cloud 9 when he is with her, and she feels the same way. Sparks seem to fly when they touch.
Ciel is a bit taller than [Y/N]. Ciel is 5 feet tall while [Y/N] is 4'9 inches tall. *4 feet and 9 inches* *Sorry, you have to be short in this due to Ciel's actual height, which is 5 feet* However, with heels, [Y/N] is 5 feet tall. *2 or 3 inch heel*
Ciel leads you to the carriage awaiting you all. Ciel has you sit in the carriage with him while Sebastian steers.
Sebastian opens the carriage door and helps [Y/N] in first, because she is a lady, and then Ciel before shutting the door and steering the carriage. Her and Ciel are sitting opposite of one another.
Here they go...
[Y/N] and Ciel got out of the carriage, with Sebastian's help of course, and they headed into the ballroom where the London ball was being held.
Ciel had received what The Blaize looked like earlier that day.
The Blaize had orange eyes, bright blonde hair, and usually wears a red tux to parties. Very outgoing, and since nobody really knows what he looks like, everyone just thinks he's a very outgoing person. But ohhhh are they wrong..
[Y/N] spots him immediately and points him out to Sebastian and Ciel.
They nod and leave her to do her work. But not before Ciel tells her to be careful.
What [Y/N] was supposed to do is flirt with The Blaize and get him alone so that her and the other two, Ciel and Sebastian, could kill him. Easier said than done, though. She is very nervous, but hides it well.
She walks up to The Blaize, who goes by the name 'Karl Stevens,' *sorry if your name is Karl or Stevens* and smiles cutely, a smile that no man could resist. A smile that Ciel had fallen for.
[Y/N] makes it to Karl and taps his shoulder gently. He turns around and smiles at the beauty in front of him. Ciel and Sebastian are watching from afar. And to be honest, Ciel would be lying if he had said he wouldn't want to be Karl at that moment. He would love to have [Y/N] come up to him and flirt with him, not Karl. She has flirted with Ciel before, but it was very subtle. Here, she was going to have to be blunt. They have limited time and need to make this quick.
"Yes, sweetheart?" Karl asks [Y/N] in a flirty tone that makes her feel disgusted, but she pretends that she thinks it's cute and attractive.
She only likes it when Ciel has that tone with her, no one else. She's just gonna have to suck it up, though. She can't back down now.
"Heh, e-excuse me, sir? I-I was just wanting to s-say that this i-is a lovely b-ball you have thrown.." She faked stuttering, smiling cutely at the man in front of her. Inside, she was throwing up.
Instead, she bites her lip to fake innocence. Ciel nearly lost his balance at seeing her act like this, it was quite cute. [Y/N] did act like this sometimes, she is quite shy, but he knows she's faking it for the mission.
Karl smiles wider at her and puts his hand under her chin to make her look up at him, for her gaze was on the floor. She hid her left hand behind her back as she balled it up into a fist. Ciel was glad that she hadn't fallen for Karl. He still had a chance with her.
"Why, thank you, dear. My name is Karl Stevens, and you are?" He questions, and [Y/N] fake giggles.
"My name i-is [Y/N] [LN]. I-It's a pleasure to m-meet you, Mr. Stevens.." She trailed off, setting her right foot behind her left as she stood, unballing her fist so she won't seem suspicious for having her hand behind her back. Karl let go of her chin.
Ciel relaxed, not realizing he was so tense while Karl was touching [Y/N].
"Please, just call me Karl. Also, there are no need for formalities here, Miss [Y/N]." Karl replied, and she nods while fake giggling again.
"Well, I'll stop with the formalities when you do." She stated confidently, and Karl seemed to like the change in her attitude.
"Feisty, I see. I like that." Karl said in a flirty tone again, wrapping his left arm around the [H/C] haired girl.
It took everything in her to not shove him away from her right then and there, but she held it in well and pretended to be flustered. Little did [Y/N] know that it also took everything Ciel had to not stomp right over there and tear them apart. Ciel hated seeing [Y/N] with another man, especially a criminal.
"Well, I'm glad you do." [Y/N] stated, "Anyways, would you be interested in getting out of here for a while? It is getting quite stuffy in here for my liking."
'Perfect, [Y/N], keep's almost time..' Ciel and Sebastian thought while watching the interaction between the criminal and the Phantomhive maid.
"Of course, my flower. Let's go outside for a bit, how's that sound?" Karl asked, and [Y/N] nodded.
Karl had a gleam of mischief in his eyes, but he also didn't want to kill her. Perhaps she could be his partner in crime? He could try, but he would not succeed. He knows someone as innocent as her would not agree to such a thing. He must kill her. Or try, at least.
"Sounds delightful, thank you. I really do enjoy your company." She says sweetly as they walk to the back of the building together, with Ciel and Sebastian following closely behind.
"It's not a problem, my sweet." He replied, making [Y/N] feel gross, but she didn't let it shine through.
Karl and [Y/N] head outside, and she makes sure to silently stick a rock with her foot in the doorway so that Ciel and Sebastian could come outside without making a sound.
Karl takes [Y/N]'s hands into his and stares deeply into her eyes, and she has to force herself to stare back. Ciel knows she doesn't like this, but he can't help but think she might actually be secretly enjoying this..
"[Y/N], will you become my partner in crime?" Karl questioned, and [Y/N] pretended to be shocked and happy.
"What do you mean by that, hm?~" She cooed, making Karl blush lightly.
He's falling for her! It's working!
"You see, I'm a criminal that goes by the name of 'The Blaize.' I don't want to have to kill you, for your beauty and innocence is too pure, but if you deny, I will have to kill you. Will you join me? And be my partner?" Karl explained.
"D-Do you your..g-girlfriend?" [Y/N] asked, faking shock and, once again, happiness.
"Yes. As my girlfriend." Karl replies, "So, will you do it?"
"I..." She trails off, knowing Ciel and Sebastian will come out at any moment, and they appear behind her so she lets go of his hands and kicks him to the ground, "I won't."
"Owww...b-but how?! Y-You seemed s-so innocent, a-and looked to b-be falling for m-me?!" Karl exclaimed, holding where he got kicked, which is where the sun don't shine.
"Oh, yes, I seemed to be. Looks can be deceiving, you know. I was trying not to throw up or shove you away the entire time tonight when you were touching me. I may seem innocent, but I've seen more than you know." [Y/N] explained with Ciel and Sebastian smirking behind her.
"It's called acting. Get used to it." She sassed, and Ciel blushed at that.
He loved her sassy side. He loved all of her. Every. Single. Part.
Karl stands up painfully, and Sebastian attacks him.
However, before Sebastian could get his hands on Karl, he threw a throwing knife at Ciel's stomach, but [Y/N] was quick to block it with her own body.
The knife stabbed her on her left side, she falls to her knees with Ciel kneeling next to her.
"NOOO! I HURT SOMETHING SO BEAUTIFUL!!" Karl yelled, and Sebastian then punched him repeatedly, enjoying killing him slowly. *Dark, I know*
"[Y/N]!! [Y/N]!! Why did you do that?!" Ciel exclaimed, and she smiled.
Ciel was holding her in his arms, making sure she doesn't pull the knife out, it could make her bleed out faster. Ciel is on her left side too.
"I-I did it t-to protect y-you.." She stuttered, smiling weakly at Ciel.
Ciel couldn't hold back anymore. This might be his last chance. He gently grabbed her chin and kissed her passionately. She kissed back after a few seconds, shocked. She had melted into the kiss, though. Ciel and [Y/N] kissed for a good minute before breaking apart, forgetting about the situation they're in. Ciel rested his forehead against hers.
"Never do that again, I can't lose you.." He trailed of, pecking her lips.
She smiled and kissed his cheek, right on the edge of his mouth to tease him.
"Can't p-promise you that." She replied, Ciel smirked.
"Oh, yes I can." Ciel said confidently.
"Oh?~ And how can you do that?~" [Y/N] cooed.
Ciel kissed her again, this time more gentle. She kissed back, obviously.
Once they pulled apart, Ciel stated, "I'm your master, you have to follow my orders."
"Yes, but I c-can't let you die, n-now can I?" [Y/N] reasoned, and Ciel knew he couldn't win this fight.
He sighed lightly, and neither of them noticed they were back at the manor in Sebastian's arms.
"Fine, we'll discuss this matter later." Ciel said, and [Y/N] nodded in defeat.
They just now noticed they were in Ciel's bedroom, with Sebastian coming back to them with the first aid kit.
"H-How did we end up here?!" Ciel proclaimed.
"Y-Yeah?!" [Y/N] added.
"Wait.." Ciel and [Y/N] said at the same time, looking at Sebastian.
He laughs.
"Yes, I brought you both back. Now, I need to tend to your wounds, [Y/N]." Sebastian stated, and Ciel and [Y/N] nod.
Ciel moves to her other side and holds her right hand with both of his as Sebastian removed the throwing knife and stitched it up, cleaning it and wrapping it in bandages.
Once he's finished, he stands up straight and smiles.
"Now, you're gonna have to rest for a few days to let that heal." Sebastian says, and she nods.
"Young Master, you're gonna have to keep a close eye on her, think you can handle that?" Sebastian challenged, and Ciel smirked.
"Of course." He responded, nodding once.
"Good," Sebastian walked towards the door and opened it, but turned around, still smirking, and stated, "I knew you two would get together at some point."
Ciel and [Y/N] both threw a pillow each at Sebastian, who laughed as he closed the door, but not before tossing their pillows back. Ciel and her were a blushing mess..again.
Ciel gently put his hand under [Y/N]'s chin and made her face him, and then he kissed her lovingly, to which she gladly returned.
Once they parted, Ciel whispers, "Thank You.."
Also, long story short, after Ciel had accomplished what he needed to for the contract, Sebastian cancelled it and let Ciel live. Ciel had proposed to [Y/N], she said yes. They had a beautiful wedding. You can imagine it being your dream wedding. If you want kids, you can imagine that you do. You all live happily ever after!~ Also, Mey-Rin and Sebastian get together here!~ I ship it!~
Heyyyy guyyyysss!~ I know I said it was late, and it still is, even more so now, but I wanted to make this chapter because why not? I hope you enjoyed it! I absolutely loved making this! Would you want to see a Sebastian x Reader one? Another Ciel x Reader one? Any other characters from Black Butler or another anime?
If you have another suggestion for a one shot, let me know! It can be from any anime, but be sure to tell me what anime the character[s] are from and give me a description of their personality! Thanks!~
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