Abusive Boyfriend; Switch! Serena Willows x Nathen Grovens <3 I'm Here
Backstory: Serena Willows is dating a boy named Karson Sayors, who is abusive. *Sorry if your name is Karson!* She has been getting abused by him for the past month. Soon, Nathen finds out! What will he do? What will happen? Read to find out! Baiii for nowww!~
*Basically like the last one shot, but different* *Random song up top*
~Serena's POV~
I am sitting in the corner of my room, thinking about how horrible my life is dating Karson.
Why is he treating me like this..?
We've been dating for two months and everything was perfectly fine during the first month! Why is he hurting me all of a sudden?! What changed?!
I wish I'm with Nathen instead...but that will never happen. He probably only thinks of me as a younger sister or cousin. Something along those lines..
Why did I start dating Karson in the first place? Was I really that desperate..? I guess so..
I better think more before dating someone, or else I might end up in this same situation again.
I can trust Nathen though. I know I can. I have known him ever since we were kids.
No matter. Karson will be home soon..I still can't believe he won't let me leave. He offered me to live with him in the first few weeks of us dating, and we were doing so well that I thought, 'Why not?' Biggest mistake of my life. I can't believe that I was so stupid..I put myself into this problem. It's my fault this happened.
Now Karson won't let me leave in fear of me telling someone or running away to get him in prison or something. I can't even speak to my friends, Kelly Noayah, Hailey Harper, Louis Colt and my real crush...Nathen Grovens.
I guess I was just trying to get Nathen to notice me that I had been so desperate that I would date someone and move in with them so quickly when I barely even knew them as a person. Learn from my mistakes. Make sure you know the person and trust them fully before doing anything like this..
Man..I really miss my friends...especially Nathen.
I hear the front door slam shut so I jump slightly. Karson's home...
Maybe...if I stay in my corner he won't hurt me? No, that's stupid of me to even think.
Karson broke me. Now I'm cowering in a corner, fearing for whatever's gonna happen next..
My door swings open, revealing a drunk Karson with red lipstick all over his face and neck. He's a cheater too..not like it matters anymore, anyways.. Karson is also holding an empty glass beer bottle from the bar across the way. He might smash that over my head, I bet. I can smell the alcohol from here..and I'm not even that close to him yet..
He stumbles over to me and yanks me up by my arm that was wrapped around my legs a moment ago. I was sitting in the corner with my knees up to my chest with my arms wrapped around them. Normal position for me now..
Karson then breaks the glass bottle over my head, as expected..
My head jerks downward from the force of the swing and glass shards fly every which way it can. Surprisingly, none is stuck to my head. My left shoulder wasn't so lucky though..a glass shard had flown and hit the wall, bouncing off of it to pierce my skin. The shard's in the back of my left shoulder..I wince from that.
I'm definitely gonna have a massive bruise on my head though..
Now Karson uses the bottom half of the broken bottle, which has sharp edges of glass that are sharper than needles, to stab my right side. He pulls the bottle out and lets my arm go, making me fall to the floor in pain while putting pressure on my bleeding wound.
He snickers at my writhing form and drops the bloody bottle onto the floor. It smashes on the ground and a piece flies at my face and cuts my forehead above my left eyebrow. I yelp in pain. The pain floods throughout my body like a wildfire.
Karson uses his left hand to lift up my face to make eye contact. I yank my head out of his grip, he laughs evilly. He forces me to look up at him, holding my chin tightly. I can smell the reek of the alcohol he drank earlier..disgusting..
He takes his right hand, which is quivering from being drunk, and punches my face, making my head jerk to the right. I inhale sharply and he chuckles darkly.
Karson kicks me repeatedly, resulting in me coughing up blood onto the floor..
He was about to kick me one more time, but before he could even raise his foot, he was thrown across the room and hit the wall. I kept coughing, but I managed to look up in time to see someone familiar yanking Karson up by the collar of his shirt and slamming him against the wall again.
Nathen!! How-?! What-?! Huh?!
Nathen beats Karson up and then gives him one final blow, making Karson pass out.
I'm surprised that I hadn't passed out! High pain tolerance anyone? Haha! Ow..
I sit up, wincing in the process, and prop myself up against the walls in my little corner. Nathen turns around and rushes over to me, kneeling down on my left and inspecting my wounds carefully. He looked furious. His face burned red from anger, and there was practically steam coming out of his ears!
I noticed this and gently touched his right arm, he calmed down immediately after I did that. I smiled softly at him, and he sent a small one back, still worried for me.
"Serena..are you okay?!" Nathen exclaimed, looking extremely nervous and worried.
I giggled lightly before stopping abruptly from the pain in my right side..his eyes widen and he picks me up bridal style, very carefully, clearly not wanting to hurt me. My face flushes at how caring he is for me..well, that and the fact that he is carrying me like I am his bride on a wedding day. I can practically hear the bells chiming and family and friends cheering..
Nathen runs to the front door, being sure not to hurt me too much, but even if he was hurting me, which he isn't, I wouldn't mind. He rushes me to his car where our friends are waiting for us. In the car waiting is Kelly, Hailey, Louis, and also Ryker, Hailey's boyfriend. I haven't had many encounters with him, but he seems friendly enough. As long as Hailey is happy and Ryker won't hurt her in any way, shape, or form. I don't want her or any of my friends to end up the way I did..
Hailey is sitting in Rykers lap in the backseat on the left, in the middle is Louis with Kelly on the far right side, leaning her head on Louis's shoulder. Leaving the front two seats open. They all look up instantly once Kelly notices us coming with me hurt. They have worried expressions on their faces and start asking Nathen questions as soon as he sits in the drivers seat with me in the passengers seat. So basically, I got dibs on shotgun automatically. Not the point.
Nathen starts driving to I'm guessing the hospital, Kelly is making sure I don't make any sudden movements when the car turns or we hit a bump in the road. In Nathen's panic, he didn't really think this through. I still don't care, though.
"What happened to her?!"
"What has Karson been doing to her for the past month?!"
"Why wasn't he letting her out or letting her see any of us?!"
"Serena! Are you alright?!"
They were asking us questions left and right, and my head started spinning from all of the racket. I understand they are all worried and everything, but their constant talking is making my head hurt..
Nathen notices this and says to them, "Guys! I'll answer your questions later! But for now, you need to be quiet! All of this noise is making Serena's head hurt."
Everyone shut up straight away, muttering apologies to me.
"I-It's fine, guys..r-really.." I mumble, and they nod slowly.
*My head is actually hurting irl right now, lol!*
The rest of the way to the hospital was filled with complete silence, which was good for my headache, but made things very awkward and the aura was filled with tension.
We make it to the hospital in less than five minutes. Nathen must really be worried about me because normally, the hospital would be about fifteen minutes away from where Karson and I live. Well, 'lived.' I'm never going back there, and it's not like my friends are gonna let me.
All of the blood loss and the pain rushes back to me as Nathen is carrying me into the hospital with our friends, so I black out. *They were rushing her into the hospital, not just casually walking like everything was chill, ya know? XD*
~Nathen's POV~
As we were rushing Serena into the hospital, Serena just passed out in my arms. Panic flooded throughout my entire body.
No, no, no! Please don't let me lose her! I lost her once, I'm not losing her again! I just can't! I can't believe I just let her slip away so easily when she had met Karson..but she seemed so happy..with him. How could I have not let her go? But how could I have not done a closer inspection on him like I should have?! It's all my fault..
We run faster and make it to the front desk. The receptionist lady looks up at us with a kind smile which quickly disappears when she sees Serena's condition. She immediately stands up and states urgently, "Here. Let me take her to a doctor. Quick!"
I hand her over to the lady, she grabs her and holds her the same way I did, bridal style, and whisked her away to find a doctor that will help her.
Another receptionist lady comes over and motions for us to sit down in the waiting chairs, we do so. Tears are in all of our eyes, even Ryker, depite him not knowing Serena too well.
"Hello, what are your names?" She asks us, and I decide I will answer for us all.
"This is Hailey and her boyfriend, Ryker, and this is Louis with his girlfriend, Kelly. I'm Nathen. We're close friends with Serena." I answer, and everyone looks at me gratefully.
Kelly is sobbing into Louis' chest, same with Hailey, who's crying into Ryker's chest. I keep my focus on the receptionist lady as she writes down this new information.
"Serena? Is she the patient?" She questions, I nod.
"Okay. I'm Carly, and the woman who had taken Serena from you to get a doctor is Sadie. Don't worry, Serena is in good hands. Anyways, how old are all of you?" Carly, the receptionist lady, replies.
"Us boys are 20 while all of the girls are 19. Louis is the oldest boy with me behind him and then Ryker. Kelly is the oldest girl with Hailey following and then Serena." I explain and Carly nods.
"How long has this been happening?" Carly asks.
"We don't know, but Serena's been away for a month so probably that long.." Louis says, Carly nods and writes it down.
Carly keeps asking us questions, and us boys all answer for the girls. Kelly and Hailey are too upset to answer right now, especially when crying. Us guys are trying to be strong for the girls.
Sadie returns when Carly is done asking questions.
"Is Serena okay?" I question, and Sadie looks confused.
"The patient." Carly responds, and Sadie nods.
"Oh! Yes, she is stable. The doctors are finishing patching her up, and she is half asleep. She woke up a few minutes ago. She's been asking for her friends, especially one in particular." Sadie states, muttering the last part to Carly.
They whisper between each other for a few seconds, and then Sadie glances at me knowingly. Was the one person in particular me? I think so because Carly also glanced at me and they nodded.
"What?" I ask, confused.
"Nothing. We just found out who that 'one person in particular' is." Carly replies, shaking her head. She then motions towards me.
My face flushes. Serena wants to see me the most?
"Anyways, you should be able to see her now. Follow me, please." Sadie says, and everyone nods.
We all follow her to Serena's room. Kelly and Hailey had stopped crying when they heard the good news, but we still have tears in our eyes, knowing she's hurt.
Sadie nudges me, and I look at her.
"Serena really likes you, ya know." She mutters to me, and my face heats up again.
"Wh-What?! H-How do y-you know that?!" I stutter in a whisper, and she laughs slightly.
"When she woke up, she freaked out and once we calmed her down, she said, 'Where's Nathen?!' It was literally so adorable. When I asked who you were, she flushed red and said, 'Um, nevermind that..' She was so flustered when she realized she had said that aloud. Serena totally has the hots for you." Sadie explained, and I blushed even harder at hearing the story.
She really asked where I was first, and not any of her other friends..? I kinda wish I saw it..she's really cute flustered..
Before I could reply to Sadie, we made it to Serena's room. Sadie knocked on the door softly, and the doctor opened it and let us in. There were two doctors in the room.
When I glanced at Sadie, she winked at me and mouthed 'Good Luck' to me before leaving. My face must be as red as a tomato by now.
"Ah, hello! You all must be Serena's friends! I'm Doctor Carlos and this is Doctor Julie. As you know, Serena is stable, but she seems to be lost in her own little world right now. She must just be deep in thought, she will come out of it in a few minutes." Doctor Carlos explained, and we nodded.
Everyone said their names to them, and both doctors smirked at me, and I know the reason why.
My face flushed once more.
"We'll leave you all be with her. Just holler if you need us." Doctor Julie said, and her and Doctor Carlos left.
Serena is sitting up, staring blankly at her hands. She doesn't notice we're here yet.
Kelly steps forward, she is the closest girl to Serena, and says gently, "Serena? Are you alright?"
Serena jumps slightly and her head shot up. She relaxed once she saw it was only us. When she saw me, her face turned a light red. She turned her gaze to Kelly, her face cooling down. Did I make her blush..?
"H-Hey Kelly..y-yes, I'm fine..a-and hello g-guys.." Serena stuttered to us, and everyone is relieved.
We all said hello to her back.
"What's the damage?" Hailey asks, and we all nod.
Serena smiles slightly. My heart races at seeing her beautiful smile..
"Glass was pulled out of my right side where I was stabbed, left shoulder also had glass pulled out of it from the back. There's a bruise on the top of my head from the bottle being broken on it. Multiple other bruises from being kicked repeatedly. I also have a very visible bruise on the left side of my face from being punched and a cut on my forehead from a flying glass shard. Not too bad, honestly." Serena explains, shrugging, but quickly stopping due to her wounds.
Every one of us look at her, wide eyed. If I ever see Karson again, I'm gonna murder him for what he did to her..okay, not literally, but I will beat him up!
"Not too bad?! Serena! That's bloody awful!" Ryker proclaims quietly, and she giggles.
"Yes, it is awful, but it's not the worst I've ever had from Karson." She replies, and their eyes go wide.
My blood boils just thinking about Karson..ugh..
"KARSON DID THIS?!" They all yell, and Doctors Julie and Carlos rush in, worried.
"What's wrong?!"
"Is everything okay in here?!"
"Yeah, sorry about that. My friends just found out who did this to her." I explain, and they nod.
"Ohh, about Karson?" Julie asks, and we nod.
"How did you know?" Louis questions.
"Well, Serena told us when we asked her." Carlos states, and everyone nods.
"Well, call if you need us! And please, no screaming." Julie says, and we all nod again.
"Okay, sorry!" Serena and I's friends say since they were the once that yelled while the two doctors leave.
We all turn to Serena again.
"So, Karson did this to you?" Hailey asks, Serena nods slowly.
"Yes." She responds.
"For how long?" Ryker questions, Serena looks down and plays with her hands.
"For the past month.." She trails off, and our eyes widen.
"For the past month?!" We all proclaim, being careful not to yell.
Serena nods once more.
"Yea, I couldn't contact you because Karson got rid of all of the phones in the house, including mine. I also wasn't allowed to leave. If I tried, he would catch me and beat me every time..there really was no escape. I'm lucky that Nathen came when he did today. Karson would've done way worse to me if he hadn't shown up when he did..so, thank you, Nathen.." Serena says gratefully, and we all smile.
"It was no problem, Serena.." I reply.
"It was his idea to find you." Kelly states, and I blush.
"It-It was..?" Serena stutters.
Gosh, that's so cute..
"Yep! We were all worried about you, but he was the most worried, and he couldn't stand it anymore. He made up this plan so that we could see if you were okay. Apparently you weren't..." Hailey trails off.
"We're sorry we didn't come for you sooner, Serena..we thought you were just spending time with Karson and was too busy to contact us.." Ryker adds.
"Yea.." Louis says, a hint of sadness could be heard in his voice, same with everyone else's.
"Sorry, Serena.." I say, looking down at my feet.
~Serena's POV~
"Sorry, Serena.." Nathen trails off, staring down at his feet.
My goodness, that's soooo cute!~
I smile at everyone.
"It's okay! You guys came, that's what matters. Although, I would always make time to contact you all no matter what! Remember that." I say, and everyone nods.
Nathen looks back up, he seems happier than earlier, as does everyone else.
"Alright!" They all exclaim, and we laugh, me less than them due to my injuries.
Doctor Julie walks back in and smiles at us.
"Hello everyone, how's it going?" She asks.
"Great, thank you." I reply, she nods.
"Anyways, visiting hours are over, but one of you may stay with her if you'd like." Doctor Julie states, and everyone pushes Nathen forward.
He blushes, and I do too slightly.
"Let Nathen stay!" Everyone but Nathen, Julie, and I proclaim.
Julie laughs and nods.
"Alright then. Nathen may stay, but the rest of you must leave. You all may come back tomorrow at 7 am. Goodnight!~" Doctor Julie says cheerfully, and everyone nods.
Kelly, Hailey, Louis, and Ryker and leave waving at Nathen and I while saying goodnight and bye to us. We wave and say that back. Doctor Julie leaves as well to get my dinner.
I had finished the dinner Doctor Julie gave me, and Nathen did too. Julie was kind enough to offer him some food as well. Julie left with our trays, leaving us to ourselves.
"Rest, Serena. You need it." Nathen says sweetly, and I blush.
"You do too.." I trail off as he gets up to turn off the lights.
"I will, don't worry 'bout me." He replies, shutting the light off.
Moonlight shone into the room, giving the room a beautiful glow. Nathen was about to sit back down in his chair when I grabbed his wrist gently. He looked surprised for a moment, but relaxed and smiled at me.
"Yes, Serena?" He asks me nicely, blushing.
"Y-You may not b-be able to get t-to sleep in that ch-chair.." I stutter, pulling him gently over to my bed.
I scoot over so he can lay down and I motion for him to do so. He does.
"Thanks.." He mumbles, and I smile softly.
"You're welcome.." I mumble back.
As I was falling asleep, I feel arms wrap around my waist, pulling me closer to the warm person. It's Nathen. I shift myself to where the front of my body is facing Nathen, and I lay my head on his chest. I can feel his heart beating quickly, the same speed as mine, even though my head is on the opposite side of his chest. *Aka not over his heart on the left side, but her head is on the right side* We are both blushing.
I snuggle into his warmth as he hugs me closer to him.
"Goodnight, Serena.." He whispers to me.
"Goodnight, Nathen.." I whisper back, drifting off into a deep sleep.
~~Nightmare~~Serena's POV~~
I am sitting in the hospital bed alone, nobody is here with me. It's dark, no moonlight to make the room glow due to the curtains that weren't here before.
I am staring up at the ceiling, when there is a creaking noise that makes my gaze shift to the window, which is now open.
The curtain is flowing from the wind coming into the room, making it chilly. I shiver, both from the cold and from being scared.
I shut my eyes to try and sleep, but I hear another noise and open my eyes, only to be met with the familiar face of someone who I never wanted to see again...
I try to scream, but my vocals won't work. All I can do is stare at him with my eyes wide with fear. I can't move, I seem to be frozen in place.
He smirks evilly and picks me up, throwing me over his shoulder. He's walking back to the window with me.
"You can't escape from me, Serena..." He mumbles darkly, jumping out of the window with me still over his shoulder...
~~Reality~~Serena's POV~~
I wake up from my horrible nightmare to see Nathen hovering over me, sitting up with his hands on my shoulders, worried expression which faded into relief, but he was still worried. He seemed to have been shaking me awake.
I feel cold but I'm sweating, that must've been from that nightmare..
There are tears in my eyes as I shoot up and tackle Nathen in a hug, silently sobbing. He's rubbing my back in circles as a calming gesture and whispering calming things to me.
"Hey, hey, it's okay, it's okay.." He mumbles to me.
"Nathen..I'm so scared.." I mutter back.
"Scared about what..?" He asks me softly, trying to calm me down more.
I am shaking with fear, but I feel safe in his arms..
"I'm scared that Karson will come back and hurt me again.." I reply..
He gently pulls back to look into my eyes as he wipes my tears away with his thumb.
"He won't." He states.
"H-How do you kn-know..?" I question, stuttering.
"Because I'm gonna protect you." He responds with a small smile.
I smile back and hug him again.
"Thank you, Nathen.." I mumble to him, I can feel him smiling since his head is in the crook of my neck.
"It's no problem." He replies, "I'm always gonna be here for you.."
"I'm Here."
Heyyy guyys!! I hope you enjoyed this chapter! Sorry it took so long to come out, but this was fun to make, as always!
Anyways, it's late so I'm gonna go!
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