Snake Ball
A Tom Riddle x Reader
(Y/n) POV:
I walked through the corridors of Hogwarts, silently grumbling to myself about how the first years kept getting in my way and how I would love to push them all out the way; there was just a constant wave of them and I had just about had enough.
I was ready to go back to my dorm and just chill out, maybe read a book of something, but unfortunately for me I had another two classes to go before I could do what I wished. The only good thing about these two classes was that I got to sit by my crush and best friend Tom Riddle. I was also popular with Professor Slughorn, so his class may not be as bad... but still, I knew the time would drag.
"Well you like you are ready to murder someone." I looked up and smiled when I saw Tom walking beside me, his uniform tussled like he had fought through the crowds to get to me.
"Some of these first years are high on my list." I muttered and Tom chuckled, both of us turning to a quieter corridor to get to potions class.
"At least it's Friday- You can relax all weekend." Tom stated and I instantly perked up.
"Thank God! I totally forgot what day it was."
"As usual."
"Shut up Riddle." The boy gave me a dazzling smile and I couldn't stop my heart from hammering against my chest; I always loved his smile, and how he could just light up a room by walking into it. We had been friends since a first year at Hogwarts, where we had both got sorted into Slytherin and had started talking quietly with each other. From then on, you rarely saw one without the other, and many people mistook us for a couple.
Over the years, Tom had opened up to me and lightened up, his charming persona over taking the dark and sinister one he carried with him in his first few years.
"(Y/n)! Are you even listening?" I jumped at the sharpness in Tom's voice and I smiled guiltily up at him, causing my friend to roll his eyes. "I was saying that the Yule Ball is coming up, and I wondered if you had anyone to go with."
"O-Oh... Well, I've had a few offers, but I've turned them down. I'm hoping that the boy I fancy will ask me." Tom raised his eyebrows at me and I shrugged. "What? I fancy someone, big deal!"
"You never told me, that's all."
"I didn't think you would be interested. Love isn't really your thing, is it?" I asked, and Tom shrugged in response.
"I don't mind it. I mean; I hate young love. And I hate over the top things; I prefer a relationship where the woman isn't clingy, and where we have time for fights, teasing. All that sickly Valentine's day nonsense just annoys me."
"Same here; I hate when you see couples with tongues down each other's throats in the corridors. I mean, surely they have better places to do that?" I stated and Tom chuckled, ruffling up my hair playfully.
"With that attitude, you'll never get a guy."
"I can get more guys than you though."
"That's the one thing we can agree on." We had arrived at the classroom by this point and as we entered and made our way to our cauldron we greeted Professor Slughorn warmly, before getting on with our assignment, both of us still teasing and debating the other as we spoke quietly about the Yule ball, both of us secretly excited about the upcoming event.
(Time skip to later that day)
Later that day I was sitting outside, happy that school was finally over for the weekend. It was just after dinner, so many students were still in the Great Hall conversing with their friends. I on the other hand enjoyed sitting in the quiet on my own, looking out over the land at Hogwarts and appreciating the smaller things in life. I smiled at how peaceful the whole placed looked, before I felt a pair of arms wrap around my waist.
"I thought I'd find you out here... I needed to ask you something." Tom's voice relaxed me even more and I turned to look at him, smiling.
"What do you need, Tom?"
"I-I was... W-Well... I was... I mean, if you wanted to..." I frowned at how Tom was acting; he seemed nervous, worried and innocent, sheepish even. It was a drastic change from the Tom Riddle I had come to know, and my concern for my friend grew.
"Tom, you know I'd do anything for you and help you through anything. Tell me what's wrong, and we can sort it out." I said as I placed my hand on his face and Tom gave me a weak smile, placing a soft kiss on my forehead.
"Nothing is wrong, at least not yet. I was just wondering if you... If you wanted to go to the Yule Ball with me." I felt my eyes widen and I looked up into Tom's green eyes, which seemed to be pleading at me to say yes. I was caught off-guard, and found myself struggling for words. Then all of a sudden it felt like someone was talking for me and the words tumbled out of my mouth.
"YES! I-I mean Yes, I would love to" I corrected myself with a nervous smile. Tom smiled in relief at me before wrapping me in his arms, resting his chin on my head before placing a light kiss on my forehead.
"I know love isn't really my forte, but you are my best friend and I couldn't think of anyone else I'd rather go with; you've been there for me since day one, and I believe I really do love you." I smiled at Tom's words and pulled back so that I could look once more into his eyes.
"I think I love you too" I whispered, and Tom nuzzled his nose against mine, his hands still wrapped around my waist.
I tangled one hand in his hair and the other cupped his face gently, bringing him down as that our lips met in a breath taking kiss. It was tentative at first, and neither of us really knew what we doing as this was our first kiss, but we eventually relaxed and listened to our instincts, our lips fitting together perfectly as Tom pulled my body closer to his, causing me to melt against his warmth.
His lips were soft and warm against my own, and my heart burst into fireworks as I realised that my best friend loved me back; this moment could not be more perfect. When we pulled back we were both lightly panting, looking at the other in awe.
"That was... Wow..." I breathed, hands still tangled into Tom's locks.
"I know..." He answered, smiling and placing a kiss on my forehead. "Professor Slughorn will be most pleased and excited. He always said he liked us as a couple." I chuckled and placed a kiss on Tom's cheek.
"C'mon lover boy; how about we go and tell our favourite teacher the good news?" Tom kissed me again, only a peck, before wrapping and arm around my shoulders, keeping our bodies close together as we walked. I knew I was the happiest I had ever been, and I had no doubt that Tom felt the same way.
(HUGE time skip to the Yule Ball)
I walked into the Slytherin Common Room, my hair styled (it doesn't have to be they same style as in the pic, it can be what ever style you want) and my dress almost flowing around me with every step I take. My eyes met Tom's, and my heart sped up; he looked incredibly handsome in his suit, and to my surprise his green tie matched the green in my dress.
His eyes widened at the sight of me and at first I was worried something was wrong, but then his face split into a smile and I smiled back, making my way over to him. When I reached him he bowed, taking my hand in his before kissing it.
"You look like an angel." Tom murmured, nuzzling his nose against mine before placing his lips on mine, causing my stomach to erupt into butterflies like the first time we kissed.
"You look extremely handsome yourself." I said back, giving my partner a hug.
"Shall we?" Tom asked, taking my hand in his and gesturing to the exit.
"We shall."
(Smallish time skip)
I rested my head on Tom's shoulder, closing my eyes and letting the music wash over me. Tom swayed us around the dance floor slowly, placing sweet kisses to my head and causing my heart to flutter. I opened my eyes and looked up at Tom, realising in that moment just how lucky I was.
I knew a lot of girls had thrown envious looks my way, and I couldn't help but walk a little straighter by Tom's side when entering the hall. Tom Marvolo Riddle was mine, and I was his, and no one could change that. I felt Tom chuckle and I was pulled out of my daydream, smiling up at Tom.
"Daydreaming again, are we?" He asked and I playfully rolled my eyes, leaning up to give him a kiss on the lips.
"I'm just thinking about what a perfect boyfriend I have." I stated and Tom's smile widened, his arms pulling me closer so that our noses were touching.
"You are not as lucky as me (Y/n). I love you so much."
"I love you too Tom." I whispered, leaning up and kissing him again, this time more insistently and passionately. When we pulled away I spotted Professor Slughorn smiling and giving me a thumbs up, and I smiled back. My life had definitely improved since I had been with Tom, and no matter what anyone said or did, I knew that we were mean to be and that we would be together for a very long time.
(Well, till he turned into Voldemort, but that's besides the point)
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