Guess what, tags/Zadr one-shot
(A/n) okay so I've been tagged to write a short story by thewritingdweeb9503 so basically I have to write a short story of any type but it has to be placed in a school setting. So you know what? ZADR and it's gonna be placed when they're in high school, Junior/11th grade and let's just pretend that Dib is seventeen. As for Zim, well you'll find out. Of course they are "bigger" now (lets just pretend that Zim can grow taller like a "normal" human. Or else that would look pretty weird, wouldn't it?) Also! I refuse to do any smut! Only fluff!!! You want smut? go check out my friend PurpleGirlL0ve she does all kinds of smut. (Edit) Also I've been updating a lot today because I felt bad for not updating for a really long time so, here you go! X3. Any who, ON WITH THE STORY!!!
Dibs POV/ 3rd POV
Dib lowered his binoculars from his perch in his favorite tree, looking at Zim currently eating his lunch alone on a bench. Now a days Zim was much kinder to the alien, it had started in middle-skool and carried over to High-skool. Zim had ceased calling Dib all his dumb names, one day Dib had grabbed Zim by the shoulder.
"What's up with you Zim?!"
"What do you mean?"
"You're not acting normal recently" The Irken sighed.
"I'm not an invader anymore, just an alien on your world looking for comfort in a species who more or less cares more for me than my own" he says yanking his shoulder away and leaving.
*flashback over*
Zim waved lightly, beckoning him over to sit. He wore a tee-shirt and jeans now, discarding the invader uniform. Dib rolled his eyes smiling and climbed down the tree to walk over to the alien. "What were you doing in the trees Dib?" He asked smiling
"just remembering how it used to be" Dib shrugged, Zim patted the bench next to him. The human gladly sat down.
"Don't you think high school is a good time to stop climbing trees to spy on old enemies slash new friends?" Zim took a bite of a candy bar, drowning it with soda as well.
"You're welcome to have some you know" Zim offers, waving his hand over the bag sitting in between them. Dib reached into the bag and grabbed a soda can, opening up the fizzy drink and taking a sip.
"Don't you miss it?" Dib starred at the other higher class man/alien as they chatted, "Miss what?"
"All the chasing and spying"
"No, because I have gained what humans refer to as friends and that's good enough for me" he said as he gulped down more candy.
"Is that all you eat?"
"It is the closest thing to Irken food on this entire planet" Zim shrugged.
Dib smiles as the blue contacts meet his amber eyes.
'They're beautiful in a way, aren't they?' Dib thinks then immediately questions why he asked it.
"Irkens eat candy?"
"Well, Not exactly. It's normal food on Irk, not 'candy' as you humans call it" Zim crumples the wrapper in his hand with his three fingers and stuffs it in his backpack. 'Look how slim he is.' Dib takes in the front of Zim
'I wonder what he looks like under that?'
"Dib?" Zim waves a hand in front of his face
"Sorry I was just..." he trailed off.
"Staring at my chest?" Zim laughs " Is this a dumb human friend thing?" He says with a grin.
"No!" Dib blushes "It's not a friend thing" he regrets the words as soon as they come out of his mouth.
"Not a friend thing? Then what kind of thing is it?" Zim tilts his head to the side in confusion (kinda like a cute puppy dog X3) as Dib gulps, unsure of how to answer the aliens question. His eyes widen in embarrassment as his cheeks heat up. "Oh" Zim said slowly
"OH!" He smiles wide.
"I don't know what you're thinking but it's not true" Dib blurts out blushing harder.
"Dib you should know better than to do such things with me. We are friends" Zim smiles
"Well maybe I'm tired of being friends!" Dib covered his mouth, what the hell was he doing!? What was even coming out of his mouth? The Irken looked hurt, like a kicked puppy. (What's with all these puppy analogies?)
"Not like that Zim, I mean... I-I want to be more" Dib gave into his feelings, Zim grimaces.
"BEST Friends?" Zim said with an almost gleam in his eyes and a big smile spreading across his face.
"You really are stupid" he shook his head with a quiet laugh and then looked around to make sure no one is watching them, which no one is.
"Well that's not very nice to say Dib. I new to this whole friend thi-Mph!" Dib lightly brushes his lips against the aliens then forces them together. Zim tastes of candy, and Dib can't help but wonder if he always does or if it's because all he's eaten is sugar today.
"Dib!" Zim exclaims as they pull away for air (not that zim really needs it) "I didn't know you meant 'more' as in dating, Human" Zim looks Dib up and down a few times. (Checking out his bodaaaaaaayyy X3)
"What?" Dib bites his bottom lip nervously, waiting for rejection.
"I suppose your fit enough, you are smarter than most other humans, taller, handsome. Yes, you'll make a fine mate for Zim." The irken smiles showing off his zig-zag fangs.
"You mean that?" Dibs blush darkening
"Yes, Dib, I do" Dib can't help but grin as he wraps his arms around the alien, embracing him.
"Thank you, Zim" He whispers, Zim hugging him back tightly.
"I always knew this would happen, Irken intuition"
"Oh yeah right! like that's even a real thing!"
"How would you know?" Zim smirks.
"Touché" They both pause to look at each other and erupt into a fit of laughter. "It seems foolish doesn't it? all of our fighting, we were just kids playing a game of tag."
"YOU were just a smeet, I was at least 32 human years old"
"How old are you now?"
"At most 45" He grabs another soda and take a sip, having finished his first one.
"Holy crap! I'm only 17"
"You make me sound old, Irkens live up to 150 human years" (just making this up as I go, not really sure if it's true or not)
"And yet your kind hasen't taken over anything"
"Like yours is so much better, you over populate and destroy your only home!"
"Touché" Dib nods. The bell rings and Zim stands up.
"Come on, Dib-Thing" He chuckles at the old nickname. "Time for class"
Zim offers a hand to pull Dib up. The human grabs the Irkens hand and lifts himeself, but as they walk inside neither let go of the others hand.
The end
Awwwwwwww dat was adorable, I wish there was more of this to write 'cause this is really cute, but I think I ended it on a good note. I'm really proud of this one! X3
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