You Have A Chance
~This is a My Hero Academia story. I made it for a friend, but figured I could put it in here. It's between my friend's OC and Tsuyu from the anime. For those who might need it, her name is pronounced as 'sue-you.' Enjoy!~
It didn’t take long for Risu to deduce it by the obvious clues. Everytime Tsuyu looked at her, Naomi blushed and looked away. Everytime they talked to each other, Naomi would stutter and ramble out some nonsense. Everytime Tsuyu came up in conversation, Naomi would quickly change the subject and dodge any questions regarding the frog girl.
Risu eventually decided enough was enough and engaged Naomi in a bet. During one of Aizawa’s training days, Risu challenged Naomi to a no-quirk battle. It was strictly combat, seeing as Naomi’s quirk would be useless on Risu anyway. They headed off to their own section of the battlegrounds and took their positions. However, before they began, Risu made a proposal.
“Hey Omi! Want to make a bet?!” She had a mischievous glint in her blue eyes, and Naomi knew she should refuse, but she wanted the thrill of their battle having consequences. It would make the victory worth fighting for.
“Alright. What are you thinking?”
“How about whoever loses has to ask their crush out on a date?” Risu’s smirk was laced with pure evil, like she knew something Naomi didn’t. It made the blue haired girl uneasy. She silently cursed at herself for agreeing before she knew the conditions, knowing it was too late for her to back out. She felt like Ariel signing Ursula’s contract without reading the fine print.
Of course, Risu was nervous too. If Naomi won, it would mean she would have to ask Mina out on a date, and Risu definitely did not want that to happen. She only proposed the idea knowing it would be one of her best bets to get Naomi to confess to Tsuyu. She had to win this fight. Risu was at a huge advantage with speed and agility, but Naomi towered over her in the strength department. She had to play her cards wisely.
Naomi watched as Risu’s smirk fell and her eyes became cold and serious. It startled her. Usually, her friend was really playful during fights, like a puppy. She would tease and not go full power, but today it looked like she had other plans. Risu looked determined, her jaw tense and her fists clenched. Naomi mimicked her. If that’s how she wanted to play, then that’s how they would play.
Surprisingly, Risu made the first move instead of waiting like normal. She charged at Naomi, her right fist pulled back ready to punch. Naomi threw a left kick at her to counter, but Risu ducked and swiftly kicked her right leg out from under her. She fell to the ground with a thud before standing up again and lunging at Risu. Naomi managed to grab her arm and she flung her across the room, watching as Risu’s back made contact with a large rock. Risu slid down it onto the dirt. She made no attempt to get up. Thinking the battle was over, Naomi walked towards her companion to help her up. She had to admit she didn’t mean to throw Risu as hard as she did. The force of the shifter’s body had made a giant dent in the rock.
When Naomi was a few feet away from her, Risu sprang up at lightning speed and tackled her to the ground while letting out an in-human snarl. She immediately grabbed Naomi’s neck and pinned her hands to the ground, rendering her immobile. Risu’s smirk made a comeback as she leaned in close to Naomi’s face and whispered, “I win.”
She got up and walked away towards the locker rooms. Naomi stayed laying on the ground, too shocked to move. She couldn’t believe she let Risu trick her like that, and now she would have to ask Tsuyu on a date. She groaned and covered her face with her hands. This was gonna be embarrassing.
Later that day, in the dorm’s living room, Naomi approached Tsuyu. Well, it was more like Risu shoved her towards Tsuyu and they accidentally ran into each other.
“Oh quiznak! Tsu, are you okay?” Naomi asked, helping her off the floor.
“Yeah, I think so.” Tsuyu dusted herself off, smiling at the blue haired girl. A light blush dusted Naomi’s cheeks.
“So, um, Tsu?” The frog-like hero looked at her quizzically.
“I was wondering if... youwouldliketogoouttoeatwithme?” The words fell out of her mouth in a jumbled mess, as if they were all one word. Naomi looked down. She was embarrassed and about to cry. Tsuyu took a moment to decode her question, laughing when she figured it out. Naomi’s head shot up when she heard Tsuyu giggling.
“You’re so funny, Naomi. I would like to go out to eat with you sometime.” Naomi’s jaw dropped. She was almost positive she would get rejected. She looked at the wall behind Tsuyu, where Risu was standing and watching. Her friend smiled and gave her a thumbs up. Naomi nodded, then looked back at Tsuyu.
“How about tomorrow then? I know a nice cafe we can visit.”
“That sounds nice.”
“Good, it’s settled.” With that, Naomi walked towards Risu. She got right up in her face.
“I hate you so much.” Her voice was full of contempt, but had a hint of happiness in it. Risu grinned cheekily.
“I’m sure you do.” They proceeded to walk back to their dorms and retired for the night.
The next day was played out as usual except for the fact that Naomi was filled with anxiety. All day she couldn’t focus. She kept zoning out in Mr. Aizawa’s class and during training, which caused her to get a serious beatdown by Todoroki. Training ended around 4pm, so every student headed back to their dorms to get cleaned up and relax.
When Naomi and Risu returned to their room, relaxing was the last thing on Naomi’s mind. As soon as the door closed, she started panicking.
“Risu!! Help me!! I’m going on a date with Tsuyu and I don’t know what to wear!!” She tugged at her blue locks. Her breathing became rapid and Risu saw that her knees were trembling.
“Naomi, you need to calm down. You’re just taking her to eat. You don’t have to dress fancily or anything. Just dress casually, but make it decent.”
“How am I supposed to do that?!” Risu sighed at her distressed companion.
“God, you’re hopeless.” Risu began to root around through Naomi’s closet and drawers, trying to find a decent outfit. About an hour later, she managed to put one together.
“There. You look nice.”
“Risu, I don’t know if I can go through with this.” She paced around the room while nervously biting her nails.
“It’s just a date, man. It’s not like you’re asking her to marry you.” Naomi stopped in her tracks in front of their mirror and examined her outfit.
She was wearing light blue, ripped skinny jeans. She wore a navy blue tank top that matched her hair, and overtop of it was her famous multicolored plaid flannel. Her feet were adorned with her black vans with roses on them.
“Are you sure this is fine? Is it too fancy? Is it fancy enough? What if Tsuyu dresses fancier than I do?!” Naomi panicked once more, her anxiety never ending.
She had had a fascination with the froggy female literally since the first time Naomi saw her at the entrance exam. After that, she began to develop a small crush on Tsuyu over time. Risu had told her many times that she needed to confess, but she always denied it. And now, she had been tricked into doing something very close to that.
“Naomi, look at me.” Risu grabbed her cheeks and forced her head down, forcing Naomi to make eye contact.
“Everything will be fine. Tsuyu agreed to go on the date which means she might have an interest in you too. If you try to deny it at this point, I will actually smack you. Now, you’re going to get your shit together and take Tsuyu on the best damn date ever.” Naomi swallowed nervously before nodding.
“Yeah. Yeah! You’re right! I got this!” She wriggled out of Risu’s grasp and checked the time on her phone. She gasped.
“Oh shit, I gotta go! It’s already 5:30!” They were supposed to be at the cafe at six. She quickly grabbed her purple bag and made her way to the door, giving Risu a hug before she left.
She all but sprinted down the hallway towards Tsuyu’s room. When she arrived, she was out of breath. She knocked on the door before running her fingers through her hair to make sure it wasn’t tangled. Suddenly, the door opened and she jerked her hands down by her side. She awkwardly smiled at Tsuyu before gazing at her outfit.
Tsuyu was wearing a light green long sleeve shirt that hung off her right shoulder. She had on light blue skinny jeans as well, but her’s were rolled up to her mid-shin. Her vans were black with green lettering spelling out VANS.
“You look really...” Naomi blushed. “Cute,” she finished.
“Thank you, Naomi.”
“Shall we?” Naomi gestured down the hallway and they made their way out of the school grounds. They walked a few blocks down the sidewalk before Naomi stopped in front of a small coffee house. It wasn’t terribly crowded and seemed to have a peaceful atmosphere. Naomi politely held the door open and let Tsuyu enter first. They found a nice little two person table in the far left corner of the store. They sat down and got themselves situated while looking over the menu. Almost immediately, a waitress attended their table.
"Are you guys ready to order?" They both nodded. "What would you like?" She asked Naomi.
"I would like a twenty ounce double mocha fudge caramel frappe with whip cream and chocolate sauce and caramel drizzle, please. Sorry that it's complicated."
She smiled. "Don't worry about it. And you?" She turned to Tsuyu.
"I'll have a white chocolate raspberry latte, please." The waitress wrote it down and walked off to make the order. Once she was gone, Naomi looked at Tsuyu.
"Tsu, I'm really glad you agreed to come with me. It means a lot."
Tsuyu smiled kindly, and Naomi noticed how her hand flinched like she was going to place it on top of Naomi's, but she decided against it.
"I'm glad you invited me. I've been wanting to spend time with you for a while Naomi, but I could never find a good time to ask."
"You could ask me anytime. I'll always say yes." Naomi slapped her hands over her mouth and blushed at the cheesy line she just delivered. Tsuyu chuckled, a red hue on her cheeks as well. Perfectly timed, the waitress reappeared with their orders. She gently set down the drinks, nodded at them, and briskly walked away.
They both took a sip of their coffee, hoping to ease the awkward tension in the air. Tsuyu cleared her throat and Naomi shyly glanced at her.
"So, how is your training going?" Naomi sighed.
"It's okay. Haruko keeps getting on my nerves, talking about how I need to do better. I don't know what else he wants me to do. I'm at my limit." She gestures to the bags under her purple eyes while sighing again. Tsuyu grabs Naomi's hand, this time without hesitation.
"Just take your time, Naomi. You're doing great." Naomi looks down at her hand in Tsuyu's and then she looks up into her crush's jade irises. They shared a grin.
As they finished their coffee, they chatted nonchalantly, somehow getting on the subject of things that were the color blue. This conversation carried on out of the shop and down the sidewalk back towards the dorms.
"Whales! Blue Whales!" Naomi shouted. "They're blue!" Both girls laughed at the outburst. Before they knew it, they arrived at the dorms. Their rooms were on opposite sides, but Naomi offered to walk Tsuyu to her dorm.
The walk was quiet, but not awkward. They both wanted to say something, but they were too shy. Neither of them could look the other in the eyes. The two stopped at Tsuyu's door.
"Well, this is it." The green haired girl said. Naomi nodded, still trying to work up some courage. Before she could, however, she felt something soft on her right cheek. Her eyes widened and her jaw dropped. She looked at Tsuyu, who pulled back and smiled softly.
"Thank you for the date, Naomi."
"N-no p-p-problem, Tsu." She stuttered out. Her mind was in such a frenzy, she could hardly put together a sentence.
"Goodnight," Tsuyu waved and entered her room.
Naomi released a small squeal before sprinting towards her room. The door almost flew off its hinges as she kicked it open. Risu, who was laying on her bed, shrieked in surprise. She relaxed when she saw it was only Naomi.
"Woah man, you can't just burst in the room like that. I almost sucker punched you in the face." Risu breathed out. Naomi completely ignored her comment and ran up to her, grabbing her shoulders and shaking them violently.
Risu removed Naomi's hands and sat down, dizzy.
"What happened, man? Did everything go well?"
Risu jumped up at the news. She was ecstatic for her friend.
The duo heard an explosion from another part of the dorms. They lowered their voices.
"I think we were being too loud for Bakugo," Risu chuckled. Naomi did as well.
"Well, sit down," the purple haired female sat down on her bed again and patted the space next to her. "Tell me all about it."
Naomi plopped down, her lips broke out in a grin, and told Risu about everything that happened.
"I can't believe you actually said that! "I'll always say yes." You're so cheesy!" Risu punched Naomi's shoulder, laughing hysterically.
"Shut up! I didn't mean to say it!"
Naomi continued her story when Risu calmed down, going all the way to when Tsuyu kissed her cheek.
"Wow, man. You scored big time."
"It still feels like a dream," Naomi subconsciously touched her cheek. Risu smirked at how happy her friend was. Once again, she playfully punched the bluenettes shoulder.
"See? I told you the feelings were mutual. You have a chance after all."
Naomi leaned back on the bed, smiling at the memory of the evening.
"Yeah. Maybe I do."
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