Relax (L x Reader)
L looked intently at the screen, watching Lights every movement. He was analyzing everything, drawing conclusions and predictions.
Y/N opened the door and slipped out of her shoes, holding a cake box.
L sniffed the air and leaped int he direction of the cake aroma.
Y/N jumped away just in time, and said "Woah there Smartass!" You said. "I got 2 Ok? Chill."
L got up and scratched the back of his head and looked into Y/N's eye with sincerity and said "Sorry, I just haven't ate since this morning."
Y/N set the cake down.
"Really?" You said, looking at your phone, "It's 6pm."
L shrugged and dig into the cake.
Y/N snatched the 2nd cake out of the bag before L got to it and took it for yourself.
"This is mine." Y/N stated firmly.
L glanced at the screen for a second and continued eating.
Y/N sighed, wishing that L would just calm down and try not to stalk Light Yagami 25/7. Even if he was Kira. After all, they got it recorded.
Speaking of Light..
"Hey L?"
L looked at you, mouth full of strawberry cake, "Hm?"
"Where's the Chief?"
"He went black home." He said, still stiffing himself.
"Oh, ok."
After L was done with his cake, Y/N stopped him before he could leave.
"L." Y/N said, looking him straight in the eye. "Can I ask you to do something?"
L looked concerned. "Of course. What is it?"
"I want you to relax."
"I want you to calm down and actually try to sleep or something."
"You know I can't-"
"I know... But I just want you to at least try..." Y/N sighed.
"Go to bed, L."
L glanced at the screen, but Y/N grabbed his chin and turned it toward her/him.
L took one last look and turned to Y/N and nodded.
Y/N smiled.
"Thanks you."
The truth was, L didn't want to but he didn't want to make Y/N stay up with him again. Lately Y/N has been getting eye bags under her/his eyes.
L slowly slipped into bed.
It felt cold and empty.
He wanted to sleep but his brain wouldn't shut off.
Something was missing.
His mind drifted off to a TV show where this one scene were the couple were sleeping with each other.
That's it.
He got up and crept into Y/N's bedroom.
She/He was lying on the bed, fast asleep.
Her face was just comforting.
He slipped in her bed, and slowly started to relax. For Once. Her h/c hair smelled like Strawberries.
Her voice startled him. He felt her body stiffen.
"Yes?" He mumbled.
She/He started to relax.
L smiled. This is what he was missing.
His final piece.
Now all he need was proof that Light was Kira and his life would be perfect.
Damn you L
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