Please (Steve Rodgers x Reader)
Steve left. Again.
Y/N walked to the kitchen and made her coffee/tea/whatever you want, thinking about her relationship with her boyfriend.
Steve was kind and genuine, but then the Civil War happened, Steve was constantly on the run with his new team and came to visit a couple times.
And when he does, he doesn't say anything, just sleep here. Once he brought his new team because they had no where to stay.
You were starting to think that he didn't want to be with you. You where just a burden, or you were his second choice next to his team.
Maybe he just forgot you were there. He is too nice after all and just didn't want to break your heart.
Maybe I'll end it for him?
You sighed, and drank your drink.
I'm thinking way to much into this,
Y/N loved him, of course, but it just didn't seem like a relationship anymore. Why bother trying?
Hopefully I can still be his friend. I just want to see him happy, that's all I ask.
Y/N set the empty mug down on the sink.
You walked into the cafe you normally get your drink at.
Y/N ordered her normal and sat down on a booth and sipped on her drink.
A group of teenagers walked by you.
"Can you believe that Captain America bombed London?"
"I heard that it was the government and they set it up."
"No, bombing London seems like something that they would do, remember Sokovia?"
Bombing city?
Y/N slapped a tip on the table and quickly walked back home.
When she arrived back home, she heard shuffling.
Fucking hell.
Y/N grabbed her gun that she always keeps around her house.
She raised the gun in position and walked towards the sound.
The pointed her gun at the figure.
"Hands Up!" Y/N demanded.
Clint stood there, eating a donut, hands in the air, terrified.
The donut dropped to the ground.
Y/N let out a sigh in relief and lowered the gun.
"Jesus, Y/N, scared the crap out of me." Clint said, picking up the donut and threw it in the trash."
Steve, Natasha and Scott ran in the kitchen to see what's going on.
"Y/N!" Natasha said and gave you a hug.
"Hey Y/N, now if you don't mind, I'm going to relax ok? We just finished saving the world." Scott said, walking back to the kitchen.
Steve smiled at you and began to hug you but you pushed him away.
A hurt expression flickered across his face.
Y/N ignored it and began preparing dinner for herself and the team.
"Y/N?" Steve asked.
"Go hang out with the team." Y/N said, blankly as she grabbed pasta out of the cupboard.
Steve, reluctantly, left.
I want to break up but... When? I can't do it now because the team needs somewhere to stay.
Y/N let out a sigh.
You mentally groaned.
"Go away Steve."
"It's Scott."
You turned around, Scott leaned against the door frame, in a grey tee and shorts.
"Oh. Hey, what's up?"
"Nothing, Sam and Clint just messing around in the living room."
"Shouldn't you be joining them?" Y/N joked. You poured the sauce on the pasta.
"Ha ha." Scott said, dryly. "I was wondering what's up with you and cap."
"Relationship therapist Scott?" Y/N teased. "What makes you ask that?"
"Well." Scott said, grabbing a apple off the counter. "Being divorced and having a on and off relationship helps."
Y/N sighed and began to chop the tomatoes. "Well... What can I say about our relationship.." You stopped cutting.
The kitchen turned silent.
"I like Steve you know, but.." Y/N shook her head. "It will be resolved soon, I have a plan." You smiled at Scott. "Don't worry about it."
Scott raised a eyebrows and sank his teeth into the blood red apple. "You sure?"
"Yes, now don't you have some childish things to do?"
"Hilarious." Scott sarcastically said.
When he left, Y/N pulled out the lasagna and sprinkled some basil on top.
She placed the dish on the, already set, table.
"Dinners ready!" You yelled.
The team rushed to the table and immediately cut the lasagna.
"Jesus, it's like a bunch of kids." You said, sitting down on the chair.
Steve looked up from his pasta and smiled at you, his mouth messy.
You flashed a fake smile back, feeling guilty that you are going to break it off later.
"So... How long are you guys staying?" You asked, calmly.
"We're leaving tomorrow." Steve said, looking at you apologetically.
"Ok." You said.
After you finished your pasta, you quickly excused yourself and began packing.
You quickly grabbed everything that was yours and stuffed them in a suitcase and duffle bag.
I have to act quick,
Y/N already bought plane tickets and was planning to move.
You left the house keys on the bed stand and grabbed your passport and ID.
You whipped your head around.
Steve stood there, staring at your suitcase and duffle.
"What are you doing?"
You took a deep breathe and said "I'm moving."
"Where? Why didn't you tell me?" Steve asked. "I have to start pa-"
"I'm leaving, you're not." You stated, grabbing your bags.
Steve grabbed your arm. "I don't get it, why?"
"We're breaking up." You said, not looking at him.
A silence fell over the room.
"Why?" Steve said, staring at Y/N still holding her arm. "What did I do wrong?"
"It just doesn't feel like a relationship anymore, Steve. You work too much."
"Just because you want attention doesn't mean we have to break up!" Steve protested.
"Ok, Ok, you're right." You said, trying to leave as peacefully as possible, "That's why I'm going to leave."
Steve gripped your arm tighter. "Don't leave. Please." He looked at you.
His eyes were so sincere that it almost made you not want to leave.
"Things aren't going to change Steve, you have to focus on your job and I'm just a distraction, With m-"
"W-we can make this work, Please! J-just stay.."
Y/N kissed Steve's cheek, and smiled sadly. "It's ok Steve, when you're done with you're job.. You'll find me."
Steve's eyes stared to tear up.
You slipped behind the door and left the note that explains why you left on the table.
The team looked at you, confused on why you have so many bags on you.
You walked out of the place you called home and walked into a lonely new life.
Steve's face still on your mind.
Part 2?
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