Fling (Bruce Wayne x Reader)
Bruce walked into a party that he didn't want to attend.
He still had to construct that bat submarine, you never know when you need one.
He grabbed a champagne from one of the bartenders.
Bruce walked around the room,
pretending to be busy.
He decided to sit down on a booth.
As soon as he sat down, a girl sat on his lap.
"Hey big boy, want to get out of here?" She whispered in his ear.
"No, I have to be here." Bruce said.
"Are you Bruce Wayne?" She asked.
"Oh, you have a lot of money?"
"... Yes." Bruce replied, uncomfortably and said "I have to go." He pushed the girl off his lap and walked to another booth.
But like the many other times, girls swarm him.
Because of one thing.
Money makes the world go round they said. It's true.
He tried to ignore all the females around him.
In the corner of his eye, he spotted a figure darted across the crowd of people.
"Excuse me." Bruce said, getting up, pushing off a girl.
He quickly walked through the crowd, following the figure.
The figure turned past twist and turns down a corridors. Finally the figure stopped at a window.
A girl sat on the balcony of a deserted window.
She wore a one-strap blood red dress with gold ombré coming up.
Her h/c hair slightly curled with a slight smirk on the woman's face.
"I see you've been following me." She said, sipping on her champagne.
"A Uh... Yeah."
She raised a perfect eyebrow, "Why?"
"Uh... Um.." Bruce fumbled.
He normally wasn't like this, he was normally so put together.
What wrong with me? He thought.
"I'm Bruce, Bruce Wayne." He introduced himself.
"Y/N, Y/N L/N."
"Well, Ms. L/N, it's a pleasure to meet you."
Y/N frowned. "I can't say the same."
Bruce still kept a smile on his face. "Well, that's a shame."
Y/N plastered a fake smile on her face. "Well Mr.Wayne, it's been... Well meeting you, but I got to go." And she darted out the room.
Bruce opened the door to the meeting that he was about to attend with a company.
He didn't remember the name.
There stood a woman that wore a white blouse and a navy blue pencil skirt, with her h/c hair tightly in a bun.
Bruce stared at the woman.
She had a trained smile on her face.
"Mr. Wayne." She said.
"It's you." Bruce said.
"Excuse me?" She asked, blankly.
"You were that girl from that one party."
"Oh... Mr. Wayne." She said, slightly annoyed.
"Glad to know you remember me," Bruce said, sarcastically.
After they discussed the important matters, Y/N quickly gathered up her papers and quickly got up.
"Wait!" Bruce called after her.
She turned around, "What?"
"Are you free later?" Bruce asked, smiling.
"No." She said, flatly.
Bruce felt a little sting in his chest.
And Y/N left.
Bruce stared at Y/N.
She sat on the other end of the cafe, sipping on her drink, typing on her laptop.
Bruce tried to gathered up his guts and talk to her but whenever he does, rejection comes crawling back to his thoughts.
You're a playboy Bruce, you faced rejection before, why is this one different?
He got up and walked over to Y/N.
"Hey Y/N."
She looked up, with a resting bitch face.
"Mr. Wayne." She greeted.
"Call me Bruce."
"What are you working on?" He said, slipping into the chair next to her.
"Stuff." Y/N said, closing the laptop shut.
"Why are you so uptight all the time?" Bruce asked, slightly annoyed with her attitude.
He leaned closer to her.
"I just don't want to get hurt." She said, frowning and leaning back.
"Give me a chance at least."
"What if I'm not interested?" She said
"I'll make you interested, date tomorrow?"
"...fine." She said, getting up and gathering her stuff.
As she walked away,
She looked over her shoulder.
"And by the way, I don't kiss on the first date."
Bruce tighten his tie nervously, his thoughts began to wander to all the worst case scenarios.
When he drove to Y/N's apartment, he decided on buying her flowers.
Is that too much? Is she allergic?
Bruce decided against it.
Her apartment was a penthouse on top of a building and was very modern chic.
He knocked in the door, checking his breath at the last second.
Y/N opened the door, her hair was messy and she was wearing sweats.
"Oh, it's time?" She mumbled, rubbing her eyes.
Bruce chuckled at Y/N's behavior.
"Yeah, it's time."
"Where are you taking me?" Y/N grumbled, inviting him in.
"It's a surprise." Bruce said, sitting down on the couch.
"I hate surprises."
"Fine, we are going roller skating."
Y/N's face lit up.
"I haven't skated since I was a kid!"
"I hope you're good."
"Wanna race later?"
"Prepare to go down L/N"
Y/N smirked "We'll see about that."
And she disappeared into her bedroom.
Bruce walked around the apartment, looking through her glass walls that over looked Gotham.
Will this thing last? What is this thing? Is this a fling?
"Are you ready?"
He turned around and saw Y/N.
Y/N wore a black band tee, ripped jeans and black combat boots. Hair in a high pony.
Bruce stared at her, he only seen her in professional clothing.
"Bruce? Ready?" She asked, grabbing her bag.
"Uh-Yeah." Bruce said, quickly opening the door for her.
When they arrived at the skate deck after a argument over music in the car with
"Why do you listen to classic anyway? Why not pop?" Y/N complained.
"That thing that you call music doesn't help me drive." Bruce said, rolling his eyes.
After another fight on who's paying, Bruce ended up winning.
"I can pay for my own ticket." Y/N said, grabbing her skates.
"But it's a date, being the gentleman I am, I have to pay." Bruce argued.
Y/N slipped on the skates and almost skilled at first but Bruce caught her arm.
"I thought you were good." Bruce said.
"I haven't skated since I was a child." Y/N argued back.
Bruce rolled his eyes "Excuses."
The deck was filled with families and people, music was boomed and chattering filled the air.
"Let's go." Bruce said, guiding Y/N.
She skated across the floor, a little stiff but then moving gracefully across the floor.
"I'm getting used to this." She said, skating ahead of him.
Bruce skated passed a kid that he almost pushed over.
When he looked up to find Y/N, she wasn't there.
He felt a poke on his side and immediately squirmed.
"Is Bruce Wayne ticklish?" Y/N teased, rushing last him.
"Two can play at that game." He said, poking her side, causing her to flinch.
"You're so getting it Wayne." Y/N said.
"Catch me first L/N."
"Hey, chocolate or vanilla?"
"(Pick a flavor)"
"You suck," Bruce said, handing her the ice cream. "(Opposite flavor) is way better."
Y/N rolled her eyes.
"We are opposites, Bruce" Y/M commented.
"Yeah, we are." Bruce agreed.
"Then why me?" Y/N said, looking at Bruce.
He stopped walking.
"What?" Bruce asked.
"I'm just kidding, Wayne, this is just a one time fling right?"
A little sting was felt in his chest.
"... Yeah..."
Bruce laid in his large bed, staring at his ceiling.
"This is a one time fling, right?"
Sure. One time fling.
This was a one time thing, right?
Bruce questioned himself, wondering if he was ready to settle down.
Was he ready for a serious relationship?
Bruce walked past people at the party, a girl under his shoulder and a champagne in one hand.
He walked past Y/N.
Her h/c was down and she was wearing a black dress, looking like a goddess as usual.
Bruce still talked to her, sometimes, but only as friends.
She even considered them as friends
His heart broke a little as he passed by her.
Every time.
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