Fight (Fred Weasley x Reader)
Fred watched Y/N entered the class.
The reason why the twins were always on time for this class was because Fred always talked to Y/N in this class. Not to mention his huge crush.
Fred only talked to Y/N after a Quiditch match or sometimes practices. And of course, this class.
On the other classes, she was always surrounded by her friends and that God awful boy...
What was his name?
Xavier, a transfer of America.. He's a heartbreaker prick. In other words, her boyfriend.
But in this class, her friends weren't around her.
She was alone.
And Fred saved her from her isolation.
"Hey gorgeous." Fred said.
Yes! Be smooth Freddy boy.
"Hi." Y/N said, distracted.
"What are you doing?"
"I- uh... Am preparing my homework." She fibbed. She was fiddling with a piece of paper under the desk.
"Liar." Fred said, plucking the paper out of Y/N's hands.
"Give it back!" She whined.
Being tall had its advantages.
"When pigs fly!" He said back.
Fred looked at the paper.
He's cheating on you! Break up with that Prick and we will plot revenge together!
- (Best friend Name)
Fred looked at Y/N dead in the eye.
"Is this true?" He said, quietly.
"It- Maybe it was a-"
"Is it true?"
Y/N looked down at the floor.
Fred crumpled the note.
"Calm down Fred!" George tried to say.
"Just let me do it." Fred interrupted.
George had a silent staring contest with him and then sighed.
"Just don't drag me into this."
Fred started to storm out of the class when McGonagall came in and looked at Fred sternly.
"Where do you think you are going Mr. Weasley?" She said.
"Gonna punch Xavier in the face for cheating on Y/N."
McGonagall looked at Y/N, whose face was red from all the stares of the classmates.
"Must is be now?" McGonagall sighed.
McGonagall looked at Fred and sighed.
"We never had this conversation."
Fred cracked a smile.
"Yes Ma'am."
A couple minutes of Y/N complaining and trying to calm down Fred, she gave up trying and eventually told Fred his class.
He stormed in the Class.
It was Herbology.
Professor Sprout looked shocked as he barged in.
"Mr. Weasley, what on earth-"
Fred's fist connected with Xavier's jaw.
Xavier raised his wand-
"Expelliarmus!" He yelled and tackled him to the ground.
"Enough!" Professor Sprout boomed.
Fred was lifted off Xavier, Y/N rushed to him.
"Are you alright?" She whispered.
"Yea..." Fred smiled. "It felt good."
Y/N had a hint of a smile on her face.
"Fred!" Everyone looked at the professor, "Detention for a Month!" He glanced at the bruised Xavier and Fred's red fist. "And go to the infirmary. Please."
Whispers filled the air, people were pointing and some where glaring but Fred didn't care.
Y/N helped Fred to the infirmary.
In their way there, Xavier was towed by this one student.
When they waited for Xavier to get treated, Y/N glanced at Fred.
"Thank You.." Y/N said softly.
"No problem." Fred thought for a while. "Does this mean you owe me?"
Y/N frowned. "Yes, I guess."
Fred beamed "Great! Will you be willing to owe me a date?"
Y/N flushed.
He leaned over and kissed her lips.
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