CEO AU (Suho x Reader)
I am exo trash
"Y/N, could you come in please." His voice said through the little speaker thing.
Y/N smoothed out her skirt as she stood up from her desk that was right outside the CEO of EXO's office.
Her black skirt was more tight than she usually would wear it. But all her other skirts were in the washer. She knew she shouldn't have procrastinated.
Opening the large double doors, she entered.
"What's going on?" She asked.
"We have a sudden meeting with the boys today." Suho said, standing up. His eyes were glued to his phone.
His eyes had slight bags under them, a irritated expression adorned his face. A couple buttons on the top of his undershirt was unbuttoned, reminding her why he was in a bad mood was because he stayed overnight for some extra work that needed to be done.
"Okay, do you need me to bring anything?" She asked. Her finger flicked her iPad, cancelling all the plans. She estimated the meeting would be 1-2 hours.
"No, just your notebook to jot down any sudden new information." He waved off, walking over to the other side of the room and choosing a tie.
When he looked up at her with two ties, he slightly faltered. A slight smile was eased on to his face.
"Thank you." He said, quietly.
Y/N raised a eyebrow. "For...?"
"Nothing." He shook digs head but his little smile didn't disappear. Raising up his ties, he said "Blue or Red?"
"For more of a boss vibe, I say red." She advised.
Suho nodded, grabbing the tie and switching out his loosened purple one for that. Y/N walked over to help.
She felt Suho's gaze on her the entire time.
Things were complicated between them. It first started out all professional and just a normal business relationship between them suddenly escalated when Suho recently tossed out a marriage deal with another company because the he didn't want his private life to be controlled. Y/N had to butt in from business to private and learned things about Suho she never would've guessed before.
They hung out a few times after that to sort out everything and things got more personal and friendlier than they expected.
"So that's my story." He shrugged.
To tell the truth, it was weird seeing Suho holding a ice cream cone with his crispy black suit on. It just didn't match.
Y/N licked her own ice cream before speaking up. "I feel bad for you. This all seems like a pain in the ass."
Suho just laughed. "She's not that bad, it's just she's not for me. I know she has a boyfriend and she doesn't want this too."
"So just tell them no." She shrugged.
"I can't do that, the company will pay." Suho sighed.
"You have enough money and power. Don't let their threats get to you. At the end of the day, you are the one agreeing and they are just proposing the idea." Y/N elbowed him lightly, grinning. "Be the boss, Suho. Don't let people step over you and your private life."
Suho didn't say anything for a while, but just ate his ice cream in silence.
"Thank you, Y/N." he finished his ice cream. Then leaning back against the bench, he looked up at the sky with a content expression. "I feel like talking about it with you makes it better."
"Are you going to tell them no?" She asked.
"I think... I think I will."
Now she knows him on a deeper level and they've had a few encounters when they were alone and intimate like the time Suho got stupid drunk and wandered into his office and she had to take care of him.
He confessed that she was pretty and amazing, a ideal person he would love to date. And added the fact that he also confessed about his heart speeding around her which made things more awkward when he woke up having no clue what happened the next day.
"Y/N, can you stay with me?" He asked, his voice was quiet and serious. "I'm really scared."
If the situation wasn't him draped over the couch in her living room with his shirt halfway unbuttoned, a flush on his cheeks and his pouty lips trying to do the best puppy eyes but ended up looking like a melting blob fish, she would've took him seriously.
A slight chucked escaped her lips.
"Suho, we have work tomorrow." She reminded him, getting up from kneeling to wipe away his sweat.
"Just stay with me." He sat up, but almost fell over. "I really love you—"
"You don't love me, you've only known me for 6 months and I'm your assistant." She interrupted him. "You don't love me." She insisted, looking at him dead in the eye.
"But what if I do?" He asked, like a child that was just told no.
"I can't accept your love." She told him, truthfully.
"You know parts of me I can't even tell my closest friends, you see right through me and my facade, it's like—like you can read my mind or something!" He hiccuped. "I feel like I can relax around you because you make sure I'm relaxed."
"Suho, just go to sleep." She sighed. Y/N honestly didn't want to think of the possibilities of them.
Things just are complicated.
Y/N didn't want to leave because the pay was just good and nothing serious was going on between them, at least that's what she believed.
She just wished for all these emotions to go away.
He was honestly too perfect in her eyes too, good-looking, kind, patient and just adorably yet hot. He needs to stay in his own lane. But the fact that he comes from a prestigious family, filthy rich and her boss was just too much.
"Y/N, I..." the words seem to be stuck in his loin because his eyebrows furrowed together telling her that he was struggling. "I was—"
"There." She said, cutting him off and taking a step back. A strained smile was on her lips. "We should really get going now, Suho."
She turned around before he can say anything.
The meeting was with the usual people. She greeted everyone with a smile. Chanyeol waved back while the other just smiled back.
Lay was the only one who was late. He mumbled apologizes, bowed a little to Y/N because she was older and took his seat.
Otherwise the meeting was boring.
She was close to Sehun because they met before before she worked for Suho. He was the one who actually helped her land this job.
Chanyeol and her made funny faces at each other throughout the meeting. Sehun shook his head in disappointment.
When the meeting was over, everyone chatted while they get ready to leave.
"Damn, Y/N. Getting frisky with in the fashion department are you?" Chanyeol teased.
Y/N glared at him. "Why are you looking pervert?" She snapped back.
"I'm just saying, everyone is eyeing you with that short skirt." He shrugged.
She wanted to snap back at him but opted out for another response. "Well does my butt look good?"
"I can't say, turn around." He replied, jokingly.
"Y/N, we are leaving." Suho muttered, grabbing her arm and dragging her away.
She sent Chanyeol a apologetic look for it saying a proper goodbye before leaving, then frowning at Suho. A annoyed look was plaster all over his face.
"Why the hurry?" She asked.
"I just want to go back already." He mumbled. "Is that so bad?"
His hand was resting on a small part of her back, pushing her to keep up with his pace.
She wondered if it was what Chanyeol said about her skirt. Suho was staring down at everyone who passed.
"Did something come up?" She asked when they arrived at the door to his office.
Suho didn't answer. He just sighed and leaned back against his desk, his arms propping him up while his eyes were squeezed shut and facing towards the ceiling. His eyebrows was twisted like he was in pain and annoyance all at once.
"We are getting you another skirt." He said, quietly. Y/N almost didn't catch it.
She crossed her arms. "Is this what that's about?" She asked. Her face shifted into a light frown and disapproval.
Suho didn't answer her. "Do you want Gucci or some other brand?"
"I want you to know that you don't control my choice of clothing." She replied. Suho didn't meet her eyes, as it constantly looked at anywhere but her.
"I... I know." He muttered. When he looked up, she saw his dark inky eyes stared into hers.
"Suho, whatever you're trying to do... you need to stop. We are coworkers and nothing more." She said. Her voice sounded heavy even to her. Y/N didn't stray away from his gaze though.
"I know, trust me I know." He groaned, then sighing. "Can't... can't we be something more?" Suho asked, quietly. His voice was full of hurt.
"I know, but do you want to be something more?" He sounded sad. "Or am I just your boss to you?"
She didn't answer, not knowing what to say. She could lie and tell him that he wasn't compatible and the ideal person she wanted to go on dates with and just talk to. She could say that he didn't give her butterflies when he smiled or when he confessed and tell him everything that he told her about him is just friendly talk and she didn't want to get close to or want to kiss him whenever he blushed or pouted.
"Because I don't see you as my secretary. I don't see you as my employee or just another worker in the building. I see you as the girl who makes me smile whenever I think of her, cares whether she is happy or not and want to grab her and keep her close to me." He confessed. "I'm just... tired. I'm tired of pretending that we are just coworkers and all these feelings don't exists they because I'm painfully aware that they are."
She didn't know what to say. Her stomach threatened to fly away by all the butterflies she felt.
"I—I understand if you don't feel the same way." His voice cracked. "But I can't just pretending... I'm going to have to let you go."
"Are you threatening my job?" She asked.
"No! I'll make sure you get into a better job. You deserve that." Suho said, quickly.
"I-I... I can't, Suho." She muttered. "You and I just won't work out and I rather not get myself hurt."
Suho didn't say anything. Y/N took it as acceptance and began walking to the door and begin packing her things.
"I know... but I want to at least try." He said, quietly as she left.
Part 2?
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