A four year old girl sat on the hardwood floor of her house, playing with her dolls. She had the two dolls sitting on the floor, talking to each other. "I think that's a wonderful idea," the girl said pretending to be her doll, Susie.
"I do too," she said pretending to be her other doll, Linda.
"That's wonderful. Let's have some tea, shall we?" She asked pretending to be Susie.
"Judy," he mother called from the other room, "dinner time!"
"Coming Mommy!" The girl, Judy placer her dolls carefully on the floor and ran to go eat dinner.
An older, twelve year old Judy was sitting at a school desk and writing on a piece of paper. Finishing what she was working on, she walked over to her teacher's desk and placed it next to her.
An older, sixteen year old Judy was standing next to a boy her age, talking. She had on a cheerleading outfit, he was wearing a football uniform.
The boy kissed her on the cheek and walked over to the rest of his teammates. Judy walked over to a group of girls in similar outfits to her's and began leading them in stretches.
An older Judy was wearing a different hire dress and walking down an asile with her father. Judy smiled to herself.
Judy smiled down at a child in her arms, her daughter. The baby grabbed hold of Judy's thumb and stuck it in her mouth.
Judy smiled down at another child, this time her son. The baby started crying and Judy adjusted the way she was holding him. The boy relaxed almost immediately.
Judy watched as her daughter got married. She had a long, wonderful life ahead of her. And Judy was going to try to be there every step of the way.
Judy held in her arms another baby, her grandson.
"This is my son," her daughter said.
"He's wonderful," Judy smiled at her daughter.
Judy watched her son getting married. She clapped and watched as her former husband made a toast to the bride and groom, her son.
Judy watched as her daughter got married for the second time. She clapped, hoping this marriage would turn out good for her. She just wanted to see her daughter be happy.
Judy held out her arms as her son handed her his daughter, Judy's granddaughter. She smiled, hoping that this child would have a wonderful life.
Judy held her son's second child, her grandson. She smiled and turned to her two year old granddaughter.
"Have you had a chance to hold him yet?" Judy asked.
The girl nodded. "Daddy let me hold him yesterday. He's really cute," she stated.
"Do you want to hold him again?" Judy asked, knowing she would.
The girl nodded and had her sit down in a chair. She held her arms out as Judy placed the her little brother in her arms.
She girl smiled down at him. "Hi!" She exclaimed.
Judy sat at a family reunion, talking with her relatives. Her granddaughter and youngest grandson were in the other room.
"So how have you been?" Asked her sister.
"I've been fine," she replied, "what about you?"
"I've been wonderful."
Judy sat eating at a restaurant with her friend Sandy. Sandy was taking about everything that was new with her and Judy listened, nodding in understanding.
Judy lay in bed to see her daughter and granddaughter sitting next to her. "We're going to be fine," her daughter said, "you've done so great. You deserve to rest now."
Judy opened her eyes and saw her eldest grandson and his girlfriend sitting next to her. "Thank you for all you've done for us," he said, "I love you so much."
Judy saw her son, her daughter, and her granddaughter sitting next to her. Her son had grasp her hand and was whispering to her.
Judy saw her sister, her daughter, and her son sitting next to her, holding her hand. She could hear her favorite music playing and relaxed. Everyone would be fine. Everyone would be okay.
Judy closed her eyes and let darkness overcome her. She was in a deep, endless sleep.
Judy is walking through a green field filled with grass and trees. She spots a horse and runs up to it. She's always lived horseback riding and anything to do with animals.
Judy climbs onto the perfectly behaved horse's back and the horse gallops over the field. Over mountains, across seas.
Forever free, she is finally at peace.
Well, that was depressing. I actually cried writing this.
This is dedicated to my grandma who passed away recently.
I hope everyone had a nice day and continues to have good days. You can alway PM me if you need to talk.
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