Mine, suckas
" All right, class. Two minutes to eat. The bus will leave without you if you don't finish by then."
The four girls looked at each other with huge eyes. Two minutes? That was barely enough time to eat a few slices each, let alone an entire packet!
The packet of chips laid in Valerie's lap, and it appeared to be shining. The angel sound effect was also being played, while the camera swooped in to get a close-up angle of the chips packet.
A ripping sound could be heard and the rustle of the chips packet seemed like the loudest thing in the world as their entire focus turned to the packet. The girls looked at each other with determination clearly evident in their features.
A hand entered the packet, brushing against the pieces of salt and chips. It locked its sight on a specific one and closed in around it, grasping tightly. The hand then started to fish its prize out of the packet, bringing it out into the light.
A beautifully salted, crispy chip sat in her hand, and it seemed to be shining, yet again. The other girls could only watch in a trance as the owner of the hand raised the chip slowly to her mouth.
The beautiful crisp sound broke the air, as well as the girls' trance. Immediately, hands started diving into the packet at a furious rate, hauling up two or three of the crispy goodness at a time and biting into it.
The girls chewed furiously. Their jaws clenched and unclenched as if their lives depended on it. With one eye on the clock and one eye on the pile of circular shaped saltiness, the girls chomped their way through the packet. The rustle of the chip packet and the crunching noises being emitted from the girls' mouths were agonising to the other starving people who were gazing at the chips and wishing they were them.
" ONE MINUTE!" This announcement did not deter the girls. Instead, they continued chewing their chips with a renewed vigour, not wanting to give up. The packet, which was once full of promise and salt filled deliciousness had been reduced to a mere few treats.
An exhausting 1 minute and 30 seconds had passed, and the girls, although tired, continued pushing through the packet of chips with their determination still going strong.
Crisp. Chomp. Crack. The girls continued stuffing the salted goodness into their mouths, attempting to cram in as many as possible at a time.
Tick. Tock. Tick. Tock. The seconds passed by at an alarming rate, but the girls would not give up.
Finally, the last chip remained in the packet. The girls were panting and out of breath, but they still managed to look up and smile at one another.
Four hands reached out for the last chip sitting in the packet all at once. They stared at one another, frowning.
" Valerie?" Joanne asked cautiously.
" Joanne?" Valerie asked as well. The two girls stared at each other, gazes hardening when they realised neither one was going to back down. They got onto their feet, continuing their heated staredown.
" Oh no you don't," the other two girls had caught on to what the other pair were doing. They too got to their feet and joined the intense staredown.
" Ten seconds remaining!" The girls broke their stares at the announcement, realising their predicament. Almost immediately, they jumped into action, each girl leaping for the last chip.
Not a second was lost as the time started to drain away and the countdown started. Immediately, all four girls jumped in the direction of the prize, stretching out their hands.
The chip seemed to fall from the crisp packet in slow motion. The last remaining chip was shining, and the girls' eyes widened. The chip continued to fall slowly, salt falling off the chip in slow motion as it continued its descent to the Earth. Rain glanced in between the chip and her competitors, knowing that they would not make it by just simple running. In a desperate attempt, she used her momentum to propel her as she slid across the ground. However, it seemed that the rest of the girls had also gotten the memo and did the same thing.
Although all four girls had done the same thing, Rain reached the chip the fastest, having moved the fastest. The chip dropped into her right hand with a soft crunch, some grains of salt getting knocked off the treat. She smirked triumphantly and jumped to her feet, waving the chip in front of the three girls who had arrived just a millisecond too late. Her hand moved towards her mouth, ready to put the salted treat into her mouth.
Joanne seethed. She had almost grabbed it! It was there, just a millimeter away from from her fingers... and yet, it was now just a millimeter away from Rain's mouth...
In one smooth motion, Joanne pounced. Both of her hands were outstretched in the general direction of the girl holding her prize, but both were aiming for entirely different things altogether.
A high pitched scream and a ripping sound could be heard as the chip was snatched from the girl's hand, along with a handful of hair.
" MINE Y'ALL. MINE." Crowed the victorious girl. Her mouth watered as she stared at the delicious treat. Not wanting to waste any more time, she threw the chip upwards, aiming for it to enter her mouth.
Jamila seethed. That chip had one owner, and one only. The chip was hers. There was no way in hell she was going to surrender.
In one flying leap, she jumped towards Joanne. Her hand reached out for the falling chip, attempting to claim her prize.
Her hand grasped the chip and she laughed triumphantly. Too bad for her though, she had forgotten that her body was still flying towards Joanne's, and they crashed into one another.
Joanne groaned, winded by the crash. Jamila came to her senses earlier, and leaped away from the groaning girl, putting space in between them.
The other two girls had been watching all the action carefully, waiting for their turn to strike. Seeing Jamila with the chip in her hand, they knew that it was either now or never.
" OH NO YOU DON'T." The pair shouted in unison and started dashing towards Jamila.
" IT'S MINE. ALL MINE!" shouted Jamila, dizzy with success. She raised the chip up to her mouth. However, her fit of happiness caused a moment of error, and her hand slipped. The last chip plummeted towards the ground.
" NOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!" shouted all of the girls, ducking and reaching for the chip all at the same time.
One of their hands clasped around the chip and immediately brought it to their mouth.
The crisp sound of chewing was made audible as Valerie stood proudly amongst the rest of the defeated girls.
"Mine, suckas."
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