Pokemon Things
Kanto - Jhoto - Hoenn - Kanto 2.0 - Sinnoh - Jhoto 2.0 - Unova - Unova 2.0 - Kalos - Hoenn 2.0 - Alola
Gen names:
• Blue/Red/Green - colors?
• Silver/Gold/Crystal - minerals?
• Ruby/Sapphire/Emerald - gems?
• FireRed/LeafGreen(idk if there is a Blue remake) - vut were those called?
• Diamond/Pearl/Platinum - gems again?
• HeartGold/SoulSilver - unique games, also
• Black/White - back to colors °~°
• Black 2/White 2 - back to back color games?! ;~;
• Alpha Sapphire/Omega Ruby - omfg gems ¡~¡
• Sun/Moon - SPACE?!
Gen 7:
Region: a play on the word "Aloha"
Gen name: a small star in the universe, "Alola" is a small group of islands in the world
Most annoying move set to use(if possible):
(Somemove to) Confuse, (some move to) paralasis, attract/infatuation. Then it's gg, just use moves to slowly sap away at them. GG EZ GAME(annoying). Infatuation: 50% of the time will not attack, paralasis: will not attack 25% of the time, confuse: will hit itself 50% of the time(33% gen VII). Imagine how annoying that would be X3
There was meant to be lots more on this, but ya know, I kinda had to put this up XP
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