Help me
I can't choose, do I continue baseball or not? My coaches don't want me on the team if I am depressed. I feel I will be depressed for a while, what do I do? Just quit? Or, try get out of my depression? I like baseball, I like just about everything about it, but I'm not me, so I'm not liking baseball. I can't really judge strikes or balls like I normaly would after an inning or two. So I always end up striking out. I don't know if I can continue, I may be smiling irl, but that's more pain added to me, the more I smile, the more I'm hurt, because, well. I feel ok, for those few seconds or minutes, after that, I feel worse. It also doesn't help that I get so stressed out at school. Let's list all the bad things in my life.
Social Studies(History)
Family(not grandfathers and cousins)
My mindset
(Life)Science(although I like it so much)
Personal health
Now my stamina
Doesn't live close to school so I can't walk
Reads slow
Anger issues
Annoying people
Terrible person
No longer tough
Teased offten
Baseball(everything so I will sin each one)(pitching, hitting, throwing the ball, double cut, warm up, stretching, beaning, triple cut, home run, grand slam, single, double, triple, RBI, strike out, ball four, strikes, balls, walks, bucks, umpireds, batters box, pitcher's mound, pitcher's mound rubber, catcher, first base [player], second base[player], third base[player], short stop, left field, center field, right field, right center, left center, catcher, back stop, 90 ft bases, 60 ft bases, 45 ft bases, first base, second base, third base, stealing, diving, sliding, tag out, drop third strike, catcher's gear, line drive, pop up, ground ball[grounder], collage baseball, high school baseball, school teams, shutland, pinto, mustang, pony, MLB, bleachers, bullpen, coaches, teammates, and etc.)
Now let's list the goods
True family(you guys, gals, ladies, and gent's)
Likes reading
Yep, count them, zero out them, more negitives in my life then positives. About 60 more negitives then possitives. So tell me if I should continue with baseball, I don't know if I should, after listing so many things I don't like about baseball, oh wait, it was everything, I just didn't want to list every single term used. Cuz right now, I'm taking multiple weeks off tryin to become myself again.
Aight, so I'm trying to sqeeze everything into this ond small part because I want to save part 100 for my face reveal, so... try to not do anything crazy and mess my plan up, cuz I will only change of plan if something absolutely devastating happens, or somethin like that. Anyhoos,
Soo, I had to make easy choices
1. Give up an activity. It's not important to me.
2. Give up a dream. Same as number one.
3. Give up another dream. It was less important then my last dream.
4. Give up an important item. Ukulele, well, it's ok.
5. Give up another item. Pichu sadly, really, it's less important then my phone.
6. Leave a person. Sorry Exy, you're one of the more important people to me, but you're the least important out of all of them.
7. Leave another person. Chris, same to you, but very slightly more important, it was hard to hoose who to give up first.
8. Give up another activity
9. Leave another person. Daisy, thanks for trying, but Jay is more important because he is how I met you :3
10. Leave a person. Jay, you're the person that brought most of my friends together, thanks, but I would see you off.
11. Give up an item. Phone is the last thing I would give up, because I wouldn't see any of you.
12. Scarlet, you are the only person I wouldn't rid of, why, you're an awesome person, and you are the person I would count on if I were to go into the hospital(so say my health teacher)injured, sick, or anything.
13. Not that important, just, we didn't get there, it wasn't a part of the activity.
14. Same as 13.
There were suppoused to be16, but I couldn't find the last two, sooo yeahhhh.
This was meant to be short, sweet, to the point, but I realized that this is my last entry for a while >.< So I'm putting everything I want to for a while in this. The reaon I'm not going to update until 100, is so it's like, "Oh, 100 follows and part 100 is face reveal? Cool!" So yeah, please wait until I get 100, and please don't make accounts and do nothing but follow me, I won't feel like you deserve it >.< Anywhos, here are my last words until 100 follows: BE PREPARED and have a great time until then!
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