George Floyd/BLM
I painted this after the death of George Floyd, but also because I wanted to use the voice I have, even if I'm not popular and only reach a few people, to say that black lives matter. They matter just as much as every other life matters, because how can we say that all lives matter, if black lives still don't.
I was shocked hearing the story of George Floyd, because I didn't think how bad racism was still affecting the daily lives of so many people, especially in the US.
Why are people judging others for the way they look or who they are? Everybody is special in their own way. Nobody should be treated with less respect or kindness just because they have another skin color, religion or sexuality. We're all different and that is good, because the world would be boring without those differences. But taking these differences and using them as reasons to commit terrible crimes is something I can't and everybody shouldn't accept.
My condolences go to all the families, who lost a family member as a consequence to structural racism.
#justiceforgeorgefloyd #alllivesmatter #blacklivesmatter #blm
So, this was my last post on instagram and since I'm quite proud of it, because I put some thought into the message I wanted to transmit and also this picture took me 2-3 hours to paint, I wanted to post it here too.
I'm pretty sure a lot of you/all of you will agree with me on this topic and I'm still going to say it again: Black Lives Matter. Every person, every living organism matters.
And I also agree with the fact that to go against racism, we don't only have to be not racist, but anti-racist.
How is everyone? Are you healthy and safe? Staying hydrated? Eating and sleeping enough?
I hope you have a good day!
~ Lou
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