It appears I've been tagged
1. Real name?
Emma. That's all you're getting, so don't ask for more
2. Age?
Too young to tell ya ;)
@Iexist_congrats @Loo_Moon and David, I'm sorry but I can never remember how to spell your username
4. One D or BTS?
I don't really listen to either
5. Shawn Mendes or Harry Styles?
I've never listened to Harry Styles, so I guess Shawn Mendes
6. Have you watched 50 Shades of Grey? If so, at what age?
My mom won't let me lol
7. Committed or single?
Been single pringle all my life, and I don't plan on changing that
8. Boy or girl?
Girl, like most of Wattpad
9. Most exciting thing you ever did?
This is a hard one, I've got a lot to choose from. There was that time I rode a bike down a hill and ran into my neighbor's house, broke my leg at three years old and didn't even cry, played with a baby snake thinking it was a worm, joined Wattpad without telling anyone, climbed up a tree and hung out on top of my house, saved a mouse from my cat only to get bitten by it, found a kitten trapped under the house, bit a kid at school cause I wanted to be a dog, among more. Also that time I got lost in the woods and found a cave (I think there was something in there)
10. Dream?
SMP. I don't actually know, but I'm not about to tell grown ups that because they'll take it as an inve ntation to list off EVERY. SINGLE. THING. I can be.
11. Two words for anyone?
Dear Bernie,
Screw off.
12. Words of wisdom for everybody?
It's okay to cry. You're not giving up, you're not weak, you're not giving in to the little voice in your head that wants you to drop dead. Crying is just acknowledging the fact that you're not happy, and I get its a scary thing to do, but acknowledging it is the first step to making it better. I know, it's draining to cry, but I promise it's good for you. Ignoring your feelings isn't going to make them go away, it'll only make them grow. You need to face them, and that means feeling them. It's a slow and painful process, but it's worth it and you'll be thanking yourself in the future
13. Hate me or love me?
I don't hate anyone
14. Favorite album?
EIther Minutes to Midnight by Linkin Park or The Search by NF
15. Favorite singer?
Alec Benjamin, Faith Marie, Candlebard, and Wilbur Soot are really the only singers I listen to regularly. The rest are bands and people that aren't singers but have sung songs before that I illegally downloaded.
16. Last crush?
I honestly don't remember, it's been so long
17. Ever had a crush on a teacher?
Last time I was in school was in third grade when I didn't even know what crushes were, and since then I've been homeschooled, so definitely not.
18. Most daring thing ever did?
When Tommy stood up to Dream, that was cool
It doesn't say I have to tag people, so I wont
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