Warrior Cats Quizzes
Last few times I took this, they said that I was Bluestar, Dovewing, Crowfeather, Lionblaze? and some other cats I forgot (or was that it? I don't remember)
Let's see who I am this time...
(All quizzes are on the Warrior Cats Website if you want to check them out)
*takes quiz a few more times*
Okay, so I'm apparently Hawkfrost, not that there's anything wrong with that. I'm okay with Hawkfrost.
Now I'm Violetshine. Also, hold up, that's Violetshine!? Why is she tabby!? I thought that was Tigerheartstar this whole time!
Now I'm Graystripe?
Nope, I'm Hawkfrost. Also I just realized that he's the only one who doesn't have his picture shown... Oh. Oh. OH! OH! OH, WARRIORCATS.COM YOU SICK BASTARD WEBSITE! IT'S BECAUSE HE'S A VILLAIN, ISN'T IT!? THAT'S WHY HE'S THE ONLY ONE WHO DOESN'T HAVE HIS PICTURE SHOWN, HUH!? Fucking bastards...
Alright, moving on to quizzes that require a thing called a brain
I haven't actually read this yet, but I've seen bits of some scenes and saw some descriptions of the book, so let's see how much I know.
Hm! Not bad! I actually know most of it.
Oh, darn. I don't remember much of The Sisters, it's been a while since I've read Squilf's Hope... Oh well, let's see if I remember a lot or not.
Okay, I know some things.
Honestly, I'm a little mixed on The Sisters. I like them because I think they're cool and kinda badass, and I think it's interesting to have a group made up of solely one gender cats. I really LOVE how they give Squilf much more respect, unlike some cats! (cOf CoF Brambledickstar COF! Actually, everyone in ThunderClan disrespects her, poor Squilf!) But I don't really like them because of the way they treat toms, how stubborn and uncompromising they are, heck, they decided to hold Leafstar and Squilf hostage because apparently that's a good decision! Their pride almost got them, their leader, and her kits KILLED too. They rather risk the safety of a pregnant woman and her unborn children than leave for safety, which is just fucking stupid. And dumb Moonlight views Tree like he's a joke (well technically she views the Clans and toms as a joke but still) She takes his WARNING that the Clans are going to destroy them if they don't leave as a joke. Like your family is going to DIE, yet you're still like "Ha ha, you're so hilarious. Alright, buddy, get out of here. I don't give a fuck if your my son and your friends with the Clans, you're a tom, so fuck off please. Thank you!" What the hell... So yeah, I hate and like The Sisters. What about you guys? Do you like them, hate them, or meh?
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