I Spoil: Fuli's Story
It's actually not really much of an "I Spoil" since a lot of people have already read it, but I always wanted to try this! And if you really haven't read Fuli's Story, then here ya go!
Hey everybody! It's Kate as in Kate Cary (only my name isn't actually Kate Cary) and today I'll be spoiling my first story, "Fuli's Story." I know, pretty legit title. What can I say? I wasn't creative with titles then.
(Quick note: this is the plot before the rewrite on February 16, 2021)
We start off by seeing two cubs named Beba and Fuli who were prancing the heck around until their mother, Unina, scolds them before going off to stalk a gazelle. While watching her mother stalk the gazelle, Fuli (who's also the main protagonist in this story) reflects on how bad Unina is at keeping her children alive, as four of them already died (or so she thought...) She also realizes that she's the only king cheetah in the family... Hmmm... I wonder what that could mean...?
She and Beba then watch as Unina dances around with the gazelle before killing it. The cheetahs give thanks to StarCl- I mean, their ancestors or something (who are totally different from StarClan) before eating the gazelle. When they've finished, they decide to head off home, but they were soon stopped by Fuli and Beba's father and Unina's ex husband, evil cheetah Hatari, who is basically cheetah Scar. Despite being fully aware that the Outlands is literally the worst place possible for a cub to thrive in, Hatari demands for Unina to let him take Fuli and Beba to live with him anyway because he had a sense of ownership over them.
"No, what are you crazy!?" Unina screeches. "That's a terrible idea!"
Unina refuses to let Hatari take their cubs and Hatari insults her before peacing out. Unina is hurt by his insult and cries.
"Welp, this sure sucks..." says Beba.
"You can say that again," agrees Fuli.
The three cheetahs then finally make it back home. Fuli tries to cheer up her mother by giving her a flower. Unina pretends to like it. Unina then tells Beba and Fuli about a magical place called the Tree of Life and sings the most horrible lullaby/song that I have ever created and forever regret about it. They then fall asleep.
Later around midnight (i think) Unina hears something and goes to investigate. Surprise, surprise, It's Hatari!
"Ah frick..." mutters Unina.
"Happy birthday, ex-wife!" says Hatari.
"It's not even my birthday," says Unina.
"Oh..." says Hatari, feeling like an complete idiot. "Well, can I have my cubs then?"
"Uh, no."
"I hate you."
Hatari then summons a few members of his hyena clan, which three of them used to work for Scar in the first Lion King film. He then orders them to go find his children while he and Unina get into a hissy fight. Meanwhile, Fuli wakes up and notices that Unina is gone and goes to look for her. She then comes across the hyenas, who roast each other for a whole second. One of them, Banzai, attempts to catch her, but Fuli tells him it's Opposite Day and he ends up catching himself while she flees. Fuli tells Beba that the British are coming and they both haul ass, only to be blocked off by the hyenas. Beba and Fuli then wall run (more like tree run) like The Matrix and escape from the hyenas, but then they come across Hatari and Unina, who are still having their hissy fight. Hatari then yeets Unina off of a cliff and she falls into the river below, assuming to be dead (or so she thought...) Fuli flips off at Hatari before she and Beba haul ass again. Around dawn (i think) the two collapse and both cry like there's no tomorrow.
Few moons (or weeks, i don't remember) pass and the siblings are starving to death. They then go to sleep. Beba dreams about Warrior Cats and soon wakes up when he realizes Fuli is having a nightmare where Hatari is ruining her birthday party. The next day, both cubs are unconscious and were about to become food for the vultures, when everyone's favorite lion king, Simba, comes by and chases them off when he noticed that they're still alive. We then learn that he and Hatari used to be friends until Hatari turned evil and we don't even know why until chapter 19. We also learn that Hatari had killed Simba's oldest son, Kopa, and not Zira. But because Simba's a good and merciful lion king, he decides that Fuli and Beba shouldn't be punished for what their father did and decides to take them into his pride, knowing that everyone is going to be super pissed at him.
He was proven correct. As soon as he returned to his pride, everyone got super pissed at him for bringing in the cheetahs, especially that one lioness named Tama (used to be called Hari). Her sister, Kula (used to be called Kari), on the other hand also thinks that the cubs shouldn't be punished because of their father, despite having suffered from Hatari (he killed her son and mate) Fuli and Beba then regain conscious and are scared of the lions because they kept chanting "Pack. Pack. Kill. Kill." until Simba tells them to shut up and lets them stay. Kula then volunteers to raise Fuli and Beba and everyone basically hates her now. Tama then tells her daughters, Tiffu and Zuri, to not talk to her sister, Fuli, and Beba. Kula then gives the cheetahs something to eat and they head back to Pride Rock for a nap. Beba then attempts to reconnect with two lion cubs called Afua and Chuma. Fuli is now confuzzled because she didn't know that Beba knew them. Afua and Chuma are still mad at Beba because Kopa was their best friend and Hatari killed him. Beba is hurt but is comforted by a lioness cub called Kiara, who is Simba's daughter.
"Hey, mind if I talk to you and act nice to you so I can potentially start up a riot of KiaraxKovu shippers to start attacking Kate for seemingly making this a KiaraxBeba moment?" Kiara asks.
"Uh... Sure...?" Beba replies.
Fuli then tries to take a nap but is soon waken up by Kiara's younger brother, Kion. Kion asks her if she and Beba want to hang out with him and she agrees. The three then prance the heck around the Pride Lands, pissing off Zazu, until Fuli runs into a honey badger kit named Bunga. Bunga is super amazed by Fuli's super speed and asks what's her secret to running fast. As Zazu, Beba, and Kion catch up to her, a hippo calf named Beshte comes by and asks if they want to play UNO with him.
"Sure!" they all say.
"What's UNO?" asks Zazu.
Never mind that, the story skips ahead to a few weeks later and we later see Kion and Bunga hopping around like the babies they are before Zazu flies in and tries to ruin their fun. Fuli and Beba try to stop him by zooming past him like the baby cheetahs they are. Fuli even says the Swahili word for "Ka-chow!" Zazu then scolds them and tells them that they need to slow down.
"Okay," says Fuli before she and Beba do the exact opposite and speed off again.
Fuli and Beba run around for a bit before Fuli crashes into Hatari, who had snuck into the Pride Lands yet again. Hatari calls her pumpkin despite not knowing what a pumpkin is. Meanwhile, Zazu sees them and goes off to warn Simba, bringing Kion and Bunga with him. Hatari tells his cubs that he wants them to help ruin Simba's birthday party, but Fuli tells him to go to hell. Then Simba comes in with his wife, Nala, a few other lioness's, Sabini (used to be called Malka), Tama, and Kula.
"YOU. SHALL. NOT. PASS." shouts Simba.
Hatari hisses at Simba before hauling ass and everyone goes back home. When they get back, Tama leads off the pride chanting "Pack. Pack. Kill. Kill." again and Simba tells them to shut up. Tama hisses at Kula and the cheetahs before going back to her daughters. Zuri hisses at Fuli before going after her mother. Fuli hides in a cave and mopes until Kion comes to see her. Fuli hisses at him and runs away, making Kion cry. Kula decides to go get her back. While alone, Fuli gets hungry and fails to hunt for the rest of the afternoon until Kula finally finds her. She gives her a mouse and makes her cry. Kula cheers her up by singing a woman version of the Tarzan song You'll be in my Heart (which is also my mom's all time favorite song. It is also T-Rex707's favorite song.) Fuli pretends to like the song.
Few days later, Fuli, Kion, Beba, and Bunga are prancing the heck around. Beba shows off by climbing a tree while Bunga tries to count to twenty. Half of the things he says aren't even numbers. Zuri and her homies (Tiffu, Afua, and Chuma) then decide to recreate the Beastars scene where Mizuchi and her friends made fun of Haru. It is also revealed that Beba did know Afua and Chuma but they still hate him because of Hatari. Bunga then roasts Zuri and she and her homies leave. Beba tells Fuli to not get annoyed by Zuri and Fuli gets mad and jealous.
"Easy for you to say!" she snaps. "You don't get bothered by this!"
Then she leaves. While by herself, Fuli feels guilty of being jealous that Beba is good at ignoring people. Then she sees an egret flying in circles and yelling at a hyena pup because he stole her egg. For some reason, the egret doesn't bother going after the hyena pup and take her egg back herself. Because of this, Fuli decides to go back and tell Kion about it. Meanwhile, Kion, Bunga, Beba, and Beshte are messing around until Fuli comes in and ruins their fun. She tells them about the hyena and Kion, being the leader he was already born and destined to be, bosses his friends around and they agree. Beba goes off to find the mom egret while he, Fuli, Beshte, and Bunga go off to fight off the hyena.
"Why don't we just go get your dad?" asks Beshte.
"What!? No! That's a terrible idea!" yells Kion.
Fuli reaches the hyena pup first and he laughs at her while two of his homies come out. Kion, Bunga, and Beshte then arrive and they tell the hyenas to give the egg back. The hyenas then tell them that their names are Janja the Sneakiest, Chungu the Retard, and Cheezi the Second Retard. A fight then breaks out between them and Janja, Chungu, and Cheezi haul ass. The egg then hatches and out comes the most adorable, little, baby egret hatchling I have ever seen. He then says "Oh no." Beba then comes back with the egret's mom and they peace out. The mom then tells the children that her son's name is Ono. They all pretend to like it.
The story then switches to the Outlands where Hatari yells at Janja for going into the Pride Lands. He then tells the hyenas that they're going to kill Kion before giving Janja a torn ear. But that's not important! Few days (or weeks) later, the five friends attempt to teach Ono to fly. Ono finally flies but Zazu comes in to ruin his moment of triumph and glory. We then learn that Tama was pregnant and she's in labor. The children then go follow Zazu back to Pride Rock so they can witness the wonders of childbirth. Tama's mate, Tojo (used to be called Seko), hisses at Fuli and Beba before Simba and Zazu tell him to shut up. Meanwhile, Zuri hisses to herself because she's jealous of her unborn siblings. She then peaces out along with Tiffu. Nala then comes to tell everyone that Tama's cubs are here and everyone goes to see them. Everyone admires the new three cubs (two girls and one boy) until they realize that Zuri and Tiffu are gone. Fuli then goes to find them. Meanwhile, Tiffu is trying to comfort Zuri until Fuli comes out of nowhere and scares them. Nicorozner1 then yells at Kate for making Fuli say crap before she and Lumna10 tell him to shut up. (Kate later tells everyone on how she said fuck when she was in pre-k, making DinoSquad444 laugh)
"Go home, Alexander," says Fuli. "That's an order from your commander."
"But sir," says Zuri.
"GO HOME," says Fuli again in a threatening demon voice.
"Okay! Okay!" Zuri says in a scared voice. "You don't have to yell!"
Fuli rolls her eyes and teleports her, Zuri, and Tiffu back to Pride Rock. Later that evening, an old mandrill Royal Majuzi named Rafiki gets a sign from Mufasa about Fuli. But we never find out what it is because that part is unimportant! The story skips ahead to another few more weeks because Kate loves skipping ahead to few more weeks/moons/days! Anyway, everyone's now Season 1 age but nobody reflects on their growth so it's not important. Fuli, Beba, Kion, Kiara, Zuri, and Tiffu are prancing the heck around the place along with Tama and Tojo's three cubs, Matunda the oldest daughter, Koto the middle son, and Kupigwa the youngest daughter. Zuri and Tiffu then peace out and Fuli reads Matunda, Koto, and Kupigwa an essay she wrote on why everyone in the pride sucks.
"Wow!" says Kupigwa. "I'm sure glad I don't live with them!"
"Heh heh, yeah," agrees Fuli.
Fuli and the cubs then sing the Bear Necessities (they don't actually) while Kula cries because Tama, Tojo, Sabini, and Sabini's mate and Nala's brother, Mheetu, gave her a birthday present. The story then skips ahead yet AGAIN, this time it shows Nala and Mheetu's mom, Sarafina, telling the eleven cubs the story on how she danced with Banzai's mom before biting her head off. Mheetu then comes in and scolds her saying that the cubs are too young to know violence. He then tries to tell them the time when Sarafina taught Nala how to be a real fighter and from that day on Nala would abuse him with her new fighting skills. Nala then slaps Mheetu for being a wimp. Nala and Mheetu then take the cubs (except for Matunda, Koto, and Kupigwa) out for a pouncing lesson with Tama, Kula, Sabini, Nala, and Simba. Everyone pretends to like it. In the original version of this chapter, the cubs nearly kill Zazu, but Kate soon changed it into Afua and Chuma asking for a death sentence by putting beetles all over Zuri while she fell asleep. Suddenly, two lion siblings, Pigana and Malka (who's name means queen and he's ironically a boy) come in and tells Simba that Hatari had attacked the pride.
Everyone goes back and they dive into the battle. Koto decides to go "help" his parents fight because that's a great idea. Nala hides the cubs but Fuli then goes into the battle to kill Hatari. Beba follows her. In Beba's path, he sees Koto getting attacked by Banzai, Shenzi, and Ed. Beba attacks them and they yeet Koto away before hauling ass. Koto reenacts the day Nothing got her broken arm by hitting a tree, only he hit his leg instead.
"Darn it," says Koto before passing out. Beba, Nala, and Tama then come up to him.
"I knew you were trouble when you walked in," sings Tama. "Now my son's lying on the cold hard ground. OH!"
Tama then takes Koto away and Beba goes to find Fuli. Meanwhile, Simba and Hatari are having a hissy fight before Fuli jumps in and takes on Hatari. The father and daughter then have their hissy fight and Fuli recreates the scene where Nothing blinded Quickmane by blinding one of Hatari's eyes. Fuli then sees Kula's dying body and Hatari yeets her away. Fuli cries at Kula's body before attacking Hatari again. She attempts to kill him but she hesitates, Hatari then whips out an UNO reverse card and he attempts to kill her until Beba knocks him away. Hatari then orders for the hyenas to retreat. Rafiki then comes over and gives Fuli a weird look before treating Koto and the other injured pride members. We learn that Koto's broken leg is a permanent injury and Tama and Tojo yell at Fuli and Beba (they also yell at them for Kula's death). The rest of the pride then yell at them too before Simba tells them to shut up. Later at night, everyone leaves to go to Kula's funeral except for Fuli and Beba. They recreate the scene where Tawnypaw(pelt) says they should run away but Bramblepaw(claw/star) doesn't.
"I hate you!" screeches Fuli at Beba before peacing out. Beba cries.
While out on her own, she falls asleep for a bit and dream teleports to heaven where she sees three of her dead littermates (or so she thought) and Kula's dead son. They tell Fuli that Kula is lost as a ghost and can't reach heaven. Fuli then wakes up and sees Kula's ghost. Kula tells Fuli that she needs to go back to the pride and make peace with them in order for her to reach heaven.
"No!" shouts Fuli, about go back to the pride anyway.
But before she could, she sees Shenzi, Banzai, and Ed cub-napping Kion and she goes off to save him. She arrives to see Hatari and Simba recreating the final battle between Simba's Pride and Zira's Pride and Kion is locked up in a bone cage. Fuli beats the crap out of two hyenas guarding Kion and she frees him. Nala arrives to take Kion and Fuli goes to fight Hatari again. There we learn that Hatari's actions were all influenced by revenge. It turned out that both Kopa and Hatari's mother were in trouble but Simba went to help Kopa first. By the time he was done and tried to help Hatari's mom, she had already died. Ever since that day, Hatari became the bad guy. Fuli then comes over and stops Simba and Hatari's hissy fight. She and Hatari hissy fight for a bit and Hatari hisses at Fuli saying that she's a disgrace and Matea should've killed her from the start. Fuli thinks this is deja vu. She then notices a old scar on her side, which is also deja vu. But none of that matters, Fuli then tells her father that she forgives him for everything. Hatari screams before Beba comes in and knocks him away and into a river. The two then recreate the Onestar vs Darktail scene and both die (or so they thought) The hyenas then retreat. Fuli then cries and sees Tama dying. The two make amends before Tama dies. Fuli then passes out.
Back in the Outlands, the hyenas break up and Shenzi commits suicide. Janja witnesses this and realizes that Simba had won and Hatari is dead. He vows revenge and sings Varian's song Let Me Make You Proud reprise.
Few days or weeks (I don't remember) pass and Fuli wakes up. Kion takes her to the burial grounds where all their dead members are buried. He then shows Fuli and cave with paintings and tells her that Beba is a hero. He then shows her that they built a dam near the river where Hatari and Beba died (or so they thought).
Few days later, Fuli peaces out of the pride. Kion wants Fuli to come back. Fuli refuses and Kion reluctantly accepts her choice. Rafiki then comes in and teleports Fuli and Kion back to the past. There Fuli realizes that her whole life is a lie. Beba was never her brother and Unina was never her mother. It turned out that her mother was a dumb slut named Matea who is a king cheetah and had abused her and left her to die. Luckily, Unina saved her from death by adopting her. Rafiki then sings That's Not How The Story Goes (he doesn't actually) before teleporting back to the present day and leaves. Fuli and Kion then decide to sleep together and Fuli goes off to sing Requiem from Dear Evan Hansen. She was about to go back to Kion when Kula's spirit visits her one last time. Fuli asks if Beba, Unina, and some other cheetah we were never focused on were in heaven but Kula tells her to shut up before peacing out.
Few moons later, Fuli reflects on how she acts like a piece of shit to everyone before running off. She runs into Kion and Bunga and laughs at them before running off. She then walks around Nyani Grove and gets pissed at some baboons throwing fruit at her. She yells at them before calling them stupid. The baboons get offended and chase Fuli around. Meanwhile, in the Outlands, Janja yells at Chungu and Cheezi before their vulture ally Mzingo flies in and tells them about Kion and how he is ready to become the new leader of a team called the Lion Guard. Janja then plans that before they're ready, they strike at night and eat every single pridelander out of existence.
Meanwhile, Fuli is still getting chased by the baboons until Kion, Beshte, Ono, and Bunga save her (well mostly Beshte, Ono, and Kion). Kion then tells his friends that he wants them to be part of his Lion Guard and Fuli hisses at him. She reflects on how lions suck. Kion then attempts to show his friends the Ka-me-ha-me-ha Roar but fails. Fuli laughs at him and calls him stupid. Simba then comes in followed by Kiara and Tiffu. Fuli reflects on how Kiara acts like she's too good for her now and Tiffu is still wary of her. Simba tells Kiara and Tiffu to go away and he yells at Kion. Kion leaves and Fuli regrets laughing at him. Later, Fuli, Beshte, Ono, and Bunga were walking around trying to decide which is a bigger sin, Rob Lowe playing Simba or Christopher Jackson playing Shujaa when Tiffu runs into them. She tells them that Janja and his homies are in the Pride Lands and Fuli, Beshte, and Ono go investigate while Bunga goes get Kion. Fuli watches as the hyenas kill the gazelles until Kion shows up and forces everyone to join his Lion Guard.
"Fuck what my dad said, he's speciesist," Kion said. "So what if we're not all lions? I know we're all the fiercest, fastest, bravest, strongest, and keenest of sight! Besides, what does my dad expect me to do? Put Zuri, Tiffu, Kiara, Afua, and Chuma in my Guard? Zuri and Tiffu are entitled, prissy bitches, Kiara is already going to become queen, Afua and Chuma are stupid, not to mention they're only OCs and if they didn't exist, I'm left with three girls who I hate."
"You're dad's so dumb," says Fuli.
"I know," Kion agrees. "So are you in?"
"HELL YEAH!" screams everyone.
Kion then gives them a free cutie mark/tattoo on their left shoulders and they scream like Tarzan as they race into the fields and sing The Battle of Yorktown/The World Turned Upside Down as they kick all the hyenas asses. Fuli and Bunga then save Kiara because she's completely helpless in the Lion Guard. Kion then fus the Roar on the hyenas and once they all peace out, the Lion Guard stand on a rock triumphantly as they gaze out in the sunset. Fuli reflects on how awesome she is now before Beau Black sings Look Out, Here Comes The Lion Guard. Once he finishes, Kate adds in a deleted scene from after the end credits where Bunga starts singing Look Out, Here Comes The Lion Guard as well before falling into a hole. Fuli pulls him out of the hole and everyone cringes at him when he eats termites. And that's how Fuli's Story went.
Phew! I't finally done! Ha! I had so much fun doing this! I hope you all enjoyed this I Spoil as much as I did! I'll be doing more of this, I might just make a whole book about it! Tell me in the comments if you want me to spoil your own story! Until then, bye!
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