I'm not homophobic I just dont support it
I'm probally gonna rant a lot on this......
Both great for religion and putting the LGBTQ+ community down.
Now I'll be honest and say that I'm Christian and go to church semi-regularly.
And again time to be honest again this did happen during Sunday classes.
But please dont jump the gun and call every Christian or church goer homophobic or racist or any other -ist.
I came to church a couple days ago. I've been itching to get this off my chest since then because it's been eating at me for a while now.
I had came in a little late, not by much probaly only about 10 minutes late, and joined everyone else in my class. The room has a couch and a couple chairs but because I was late I got a chair and of course chairs dont hide a person body much.
I'm a fidgety person. I'm always doing something whether it be tapping a song, bouncing my legs, or cracking my joints. If I'm not something is probably wrong. Chairs dont hide my lack of movement when I needed them to.
The class was talking about something, I wasnt really paying attention, when another person brought up some plane crash. I was interested because I didn't know about that so I started paying attention a bit. Soon the conversation went from the plane crash to a jewish mass thing then to a black gay preacher. Now some guest teacher was there that day and boy, wasn't she that I'm-not-a-homophobe type of homophobe!
The lady, I think she was a Susan or a Sue of some sort (mean old Susy), made a face at the gay part. I just kinda gave her a look back-I really didn't care about her at first because who cares about you and your faces Susanna. Another kid that was about a month younger then me -lets call her S- brought up the legal issues and church mayhem that came up when gay rights were legalized. Now I fully paid attention to this. My tapping of Believer almost completely stopped too.
The regular teacher said how he thought it was great that we brought these things up because everyone deserves input on these things and so on. Saldana decided she was gonna join the convo after everyone got into the conversation with things like knowing someone at school was bi or someone was gay in their family.
She goes, "I have a cousin that is lesbian and I still love her." My bad vibes were ringing real right then at that moment. You 'still love her'? What do you mean 'still'? She ain't no criminal as far as I see it.
The conversation gets less reminiscent and more prickly and cautious after that. I really didn't talk except every now and then when I made some stupid reference. My attention was divided up real quickly to say the least.
"-have the power to choose the sin." Bam attention is back in play the second Saltina starts to talk again. "People who decide to have that lifestyle blame it on the fact that they were born that way. We all are born with the choice to sin. We could lie or steal anytime time. Its human. Gay people just choose that as theirs."
Ok I was extremely mad at this. Sin? To be yourself? Please leave Safara.
Everyone was either extremely awkward or had disturbed faces. Me? I wasnt moving a centimeter, face blank, not even an eye twitch.
"My cousin and her girlfriend Perry(idr) are fine. I love my cousin and I'm good with her girlfriend. I just dont like the way they've chosen their lifestyle."
The hole was just getting deeper and deeper and deeper-
"I'm not homophobic! They're fine doing what they're doing. They chose their poison. I just dont approve with the fact that they are-" and that's when the buzzer went off to let us know the class was over.
I dont think I could have gotten outta there sooner.
I think why this upset me so much was because I didn't say anything. I didn't speak up. I never said anything to stand up for what was right. Never really stood up for myself and the people who are like me. Not at all.
And she thinks she isn't homophobic.
Maybe no one told her.
Maybe I could have told her to drop it.
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