They’re all dead. His Squad, his Platoon, his Company they are all dead.
Why? Because he wasn’t fast enough.
He failed to eliminate the Shade turret in time, now he had to Complete the mission alone.
The Mission; Eliminate a Covenant Jammer
Unfortunately most of the Company got Killed by the Covenants AA and AAA
the ODSTs still in for the ride were just barely at Platoon strength
He Shook his head to get his mind back to the task at hand 'Three Gassuckers, One Bird, One Splitjaw. Splitjaw's priority: without it the Gassuckers are essentially out of the fight. A Sticky against the Splitjaw? No, Shoot the Gassucker in his bag and hope it goes Sylvester? Yeah that'll do!'
He aimed his MA5k at the Grunt nearest to the Elite and put a short burst of 7.62 FMJ into the Methane tank
The Elite threw the Grunt away unfortunately for his Subordinates directly into them 'Scratch 3 Gassuckers and One Bird' But what the Rookie ODST forgot for a second too long was the Elite who now pulled out and ignited his Plasma Sword and charged forward at the ODST the ODST pulled up his Carbine and held the Trigger Bang Bang Bang Bang Click Click
'Empty' "Fu-...Uhrg" The Elite slashed away half his helmet exposing the young ODSTs face or what's left of it due to the Immense Heat of the blade the right side of his face was burned
The ODST not hindered by the Immense pain activated one of the Sticky Grenades on his belt dodged the attack of the Elite and put it onto the Elites back he pulled out his M6c Magnum and pulled the trigger four times before it clicked empty as well
The sticky Grenade exploded finally killing the Elites energy shield
The ODST pulled out his Combat Knife and charged the Elite kicked the ODST back and into a ditch the ODST primed one of his Frags put it into his helmet and threw it at the Elite who was making it's way over to the Ditch too finish the job it cut through the helmet with its plasma sword at the same time the grenade exploded blowing the Elites claw of and with it the Plasma sword the Elite gave out a frustrated sound before getting a combat knife into the throat it fell on to the tired ODST and buried him in the ditch
The ODST tried reaching something on his chest armor but with the Elites corpse lying on top of him he couldn't reach it
'Bitte! Noch eine Lunte bevor ich drauf gehe.' (Please Just one more Cig before I die) he didn't get his wish before he lost consciousness
"Charges set!" Angel 1-3 reported the status of his explosive
"Dito!" Angel 1-2 replied
"Good let's move" The Fireteam leader Angel 1-1 told his Subordinates
"Right behind you!" Angel 1-2 and Angel 1-3 replied in synchronicity
Angel 1 was tasked with blowing up a Covenant Jammer and killing three HVTs.
The Zealots lay dead in their own blood unfortunately they took Angel 1-4 with them into the afterlife
They continued on with their mission and planted the Charges on the Jammer
They now made their way to rally point Bravo for evac
A door hissed open out came three ODSTs clad in Black Armor M7s raised they moved out of the elevator and through the corpses of the Covenant Platoon tasked with defending the Jammer one of them accidentally steps on a dead Grunt and heard it make a sound he pulled out his Combat Knife and put it through the Grunts neck one of his comrades gave him a look "I saw it moving!" He whispered to his comrade "Yeah, after you stepped on it." His Comrade whispered back
"Shut it!" The third one said
They continued on in silence for a while
"Prepare for the fireworks!" The leader of the group said he got two Acknowledgement Lights on his HUD he then pressed a button on his wrist and in the distance a pink building went orange for a second before collapsing "Oorah!" One of the ODSTs said in excitement
"UNSC For Glory this is Angel 1 request evac at Point Bravo. Over." The leader said over the comms that were now working again with the Jammer being destroyed
"Angel 1 evac will be there ETA 20 mikes. Out." The transmission ended
"You heard the man. Move it." Angel 1-1 said
They kept moving to the LZ until Angel 1-3 spotted something in a ditch "Boss. You want to see this." (Sorry for the Cliche)
Angel 1-1 walked over to Angel 1-3 "He took them out?" Angel 1-1 asked while pointing at three Grunts a Jackal a Elite
And an ODST without a helmet "I guess so. But ho-" he was interrupted by Angel 1-2 "He's still alive! Help me get that thing off him." With all Three pushing they managed to push the Elites' corpse off the ODST
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