genderbent lord hater x c. peeps
No pov)
Peepers had looked everywhere for lord hater, but alas, could not find her on the ship. That was until she found her boarding the ship with a bottle of something that smelled strongly of alcohol. "Miss! Where have you been I have looked everywhere for you! Oh god what is that deathly smell?!" peepers whisper/yelled. "Uhh- emprisssss *hiccup* awesomenesness toke me two sea boyz.. They give me dinks! And they tatsed g-*hiccup*-goo-ret!" lord hater said as she went to walk but fell on her face. "God fucking Damn it... Miss let me get you ready for bed I'm sure captain Tami will be delighted you're home." And the aracnid was- or mad, its hard to tell sometimes. Peepers walked hater to her bathroom and filled a tub up with bubblely water. She then got hater undressed and into the tub. "Hey no! Itz hooot!! Waet you *hiccup* is hot too... Oh nose! You *hiccup* touched the water to fry meh!!" lord hater started to cry but then her full attention was on the bubbles. "Explain to me again why you thought it would be a good idea to get drunk with empress awesome?" lord hater only giggled and popped a bubble. "Burbles!" she said smiling at it. Good thing peepers could srub and talk. "You're so lucky I love you miss..." lord hater turned around and tilted her head. "... I thinks *hiccup* you is ling! I m anoyng...*hiccup*a-an thatz why uz don't li-*hiccup* -lik meh!" lord hater said as she started crying. Peepers laughed softly, "dear god, then why do I have a ring around my finger under my glove?" lord hater looked dumbfounded, ovbisly not remembering what happened only a few months ago. "Oh noes u is marred! Now I cantz has the hotee!!" she said crying more before peepers pulled off her glove and tried to show her again but held her hand with the ring on it. "No baby we're married, you have the 'hottie'." Lord hater stared for a second before she kissed peepers hand. Peepers blushed and let her. "I sweepy" peepers nodded and went to drain the tub along with grab the fluffy towels. She put a large one around her and stood on the toilet to dry her hair with the smaller towel. (Yes I made fem lord hater have hair you can fight me and don't read if you don't like!!) as soon as she was dry peepers helped her get dressed and they climbed into bed. The next morning peepers woke up and smiled at lord hater. 'All mine' she thought before starting her dutys only to be interrupted by lord hater later in the day. Yep not unusual at all. Just the way peepers liked it.
(Ok I know its short but it really was an idea, I actually love what I wrote and think i did a great job! I hope you like it as well and yes I drew a seen before I wrote the part. It will be added below!)
(Ok my uncle just died... 3 of my closest family members have died this year not including the previous years! I am sick of loosing every one...)
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