mah dreamz
I only remember part of it, the end
A goose was chasing me down our street (or just following me, I didn't dare stop to find out)
Then I got to my apartment building and went inside, somehow I knew there were two important people in there - a young scientist and a young girl (I can't remember why she was important)
So I ran all the way to the top floor (and the apartment building was even taller than usual so thay was pretty hard) and stopped in front of a door (where the young scientist lived)
I went inside and saw Nico, Leo, Jason and two other blond guys (neither were Octavian)
They were sitting at the table, discussing something, but I knew that they just got here and were also looking for the scientist
But they were going through his laptop, so, naturally, I joined them
I was facing the window with my back and the curtains were closed, so the place was dark, but still cozy
Then Leo found a videogame and put it in the giant TV (apparently the scientist was also a gamer, idk)
Then Nico (who fell asleep on his chair) woke up to the sounds of Leo's dissapointment when he wasn't able to get by the giant sea monster / statue
But Nico recognised the game and said that he has all the statues counted and positioned on the map (he memorised it)
So I started watching the game, and they were sailing a ship in the middle of the sea during a storm
Then suddenly a statue appeared, but it jumped off it's podium and started swimming towards the ship (it was a giant hippocampus)
The game showed a close-up of the ship and I saw Clarisse, looking like this
But imagine wet and angrier
Then a bunch if the soldiers on the ship jumped in the water and killed the statue (idek how)
And then I woke up
Twas weird
Also this
(I think this is why I dreamed of the goose)
Give me
I need it
Her u go, Percy
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